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  • doomsday

    Health: β€œMaternal and paternal educational level, household income, and race/ethnicity were also included as fixed covariates. These sociodemographic factors have been associated with both ASD status23 and vaccine receipt.24”

    Health, this does NOT mean there were ANY 100% UNVAXXED children in the 95,000 child Study!!!

    OY! Learn to read a Research Study!


    Jay23 I am curious as to whether you believe that vaccines stopped the deadly diseases decades ago never the less you believe that there are serious side effects

    I believe that Vaccines are MORE DANGEROUS then the diseases they are supposed to prevent!
    1:6 children are Learning Disabled
    1:6 children are Allergic (can be Fatal!)
    1:13 children have Asthma
    1:15 children have ADHD
    1:5 teens had episode of Mental illness
    1:8 children have IBS
    1:50 children have Autism
    1:100 children have Epilepsy (seizures)
    1:250 children have Tourettes Syndrome
    1:400 children have Diabetes
    1:775 babies DIE of SIDS
    1:1,000 children have Celiac Disease
    1:5,560 children have CANCER
    168 Deaths following vaccines reported to VAERS every year.
    ZERO deaths from Measles (in USA).

    Also, today 1:6 couples are INFERTILE. Vaccine Inserts state that Vaccines are NOT tested if they
    cause infertility. Or Cancer. Or permanently alter DNA – which can be passed down to offspring.

    Jay, Did I answer all your questions?


    Jay23 I am curious as to whether you believe that vaccines stopped the deadly diseases decades ago never the less you believe that there are serious side effects

    I believe that Vaccines played a role in reducing diseases. But not all diseases for vaccines are “DEADLY”
    Before Vaccines, MEDICAL JOURNALS described “measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox..” as
    BENIGN childhood diseases.

    Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Chicken Pox only became “DEADLY DISEASES” after the Pharmaceutical
    Company invented a Vaccine for them – Making BILLIONS by having the Government FORCE Vaccines
    onto everybody.

    If Vaccines are so Wonderful, Why does the Vaccine Industry need the GOVERNMENT to FORCE Vaccines
    on Everybody?


    Meno: So if I were to start a blog, and on that blog write 1001 articles full of unscientific bogus studies claiming that autism was created by aliens from Jupiter, and then post here that there are over 1000 articles online linking autism to aliens, Doomsday wouldn’t have any problem with that?

    If those studies were by real PHd Research SCIENTISTS and MEDICAL DOCTORS, I would be OK with that.

    The 100+ Research Studies showing a Link between Vaccines and Autism are by PH.D. SCIENTISTS and

    And the CDC Studies “Proving” that Vaccines don’t cause Autism have been DEBUNKED by Real Scientists and I have Posted exactly HOW the CDC Studies committed the FRAUD!
    And No Pro-Vaxxer on this thread was able to Refute that the CDC Studies showing that Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism ARE FRAUDULENT!!!


    Jay23: why doesn’t the insurance companies who are worth hundreds of billions of dollars (Aetna was bought for 70 billion) fund a study to show the truth? Aren’t the vaccines and they’re side effects costing them a fortune to treat ?

    Excellent question! But the High Cost of Medical Care is the REASON people buy Insurance.

    If majority of people were healthy and Medical Care was Affordable, nobody would buy Insurance.

    Therefore More SICK People and More people on Prescription Medication = More People Buying Insurance.

    In 2009, the increase of prescription drug use among children was nearly four times higher than in the overall population, making children the leading growth demographic for the drug industry. And CHILDREN
    are SICKER then Adults – First Time in History! Thank You, Vaccine Industry and Government that FORCES
    Vaccination on Children against the Will of the Parents!

    “One in Four Kids Take Drugs for Chronic Health Conditions
    This was the finding by Medco Health Solutions’ latest drug trend study. Among adolescents aged 10 to 19, the figure jumps to 30 percent. …Children and adolescents should be, for the most part, at their health peak. Instead, this age group made up the leading growth category for the pharmaceutical industry last year, with increases nearly FOUR TIMES HIGHER than those seen in the rest of the population.”


    Jay23: and the drug companies paid off the whole world
    1. 70% of Media Advertising Income comes from Pharmaceutical Industry.
    This means that Pharaceutical Industry controls what the NEWS MEDIA publishes or suppresses.

    2. Pharmaceutical Industry are the Biggest “DONORS” of Congress – giving MILLIONS to Congress every year.
    This means Congress works for benefit of Pharmaceutical Industry – NOT for “We the People”. Same for State Governments who are paid MILLIONS to take away Personal/Religious Vaccine Exemptions from Parents!

    3. No Federal Agency is allowed to accept “GIFTS” from Company they are Regulating because that would
    be a Bribe. BUT a special EXCEPTION for CDC allows CDC to accept Millions $$$ of “GIFTS” (Bribes) from
    Pharmaceutical Industry. If the Law is that Gifts ARE Bribes, WHY was an Exception allowed for CDC????

    4. CDC IS a Pharmaceutical Company. CDC owns 50 Vaccine Patents!

    5. CDC Officials are Hired by Pharmaceutical Company and Pharmaceutical Officials are Hired by CDC
    “Dr. Julie Gerberding, former Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was named President of Merck & Co Inc’s Vaccine Division Reuters

    6. Medical JOURNAL Editors accepted Half a Million Dollars from Pharmaceutical Industry. The Medical Journal Editors then REFUSE to Publish Studies showing Vaccines are Harmful. AND they RETRACT Studies they already PEER-REVIEWED and PUBLISHED that show Vaccines Cause Harm!

    Article: This Is The Sickening Amount Pharmaceutical Companies Pay Top Journal Editors
    “Most shocking: medical journal editors are paid huge sums by pharmaceutical companies each year.
    Worst on that list is the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), where19 of its editors received, on average, US$475,072 personally and another US$119,407 for β€˜research’.

    7. Half of the INCOME of Medical Journals comes from Pharmaceutical Industry!
    When a Study showing Vaccines are Safe is Published in a Medical Journal, the Vaccine Industry BUYS THOUSANDS of Article Reprints from the Medical Journals! HALF the Income of Medical Journals comes from selling PRO VACCINE Articles to Pharmaceutical Industry!

    8. Two Former Editors of Prestigous Medical Journals say Most Research Studies are FRAUDULENT!

    Editor of The New England Journal of Medicine β€œIt is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as editor of The New England Journal of Medicine”

    Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, wrote that β€œThe case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness”

    8. Research Scientists who make FAKE STUDIES showing “Vaccines are Safe” Are paid over a MILLION DOLLARS by Vaccine Industry for “speaking fees” or “consultation fees”

    β€œIn June 2009, an American senate investigation revealed that drug companies, including those that make drugs Dr. Biederman advocates for childhood bipolar disorder, had paid Biederman $1.6 Million in β€œconsulting” and β€œspeaking” fees between 2000 and 2007”.


    Yserbius: All @doomsday has to do is look on Google for an article called


    To see that her allegation that there exist papers that support the idea that autism comes from vaccination is FALSE and an invention by a blogger.

    Yserbius, YOUR Article “About those RESEARCH PAPERS supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link”
    AGREES with Doomsday that there ARE Research Papers supporting a Link between Vaccines and Autism!

    Therefore, if you say there are NO Research Papers supporting a Link between Vaccines and Autism,
    YOU are LYING – according to the ARTICLE that YOU are showing!


    Doomsday:β€œAgain, not talking about the VALIDITY of the studies. Just that they exist.
    I’m saying apples and you’re saying oranges.”

    Ubiquiton: I dont know what that means….I flipped a coin and said β€œheads- vaccines cause autism, tails- they don’t ” It landed on tails. There, now we have a study proving vaccines cause autism.

    Are you a PHd Scientist? Is your study published?
    I am saying there are 100+ Research studies by real SCIENTISTS and MEDICAL DOCTORS – some of which have been PUBLISHED in peer reviewed journals – showing a Link between Vaccines and Autism.

    Which doesn’t prove that the studies are valid.

    The Studies paid by CDC which were done by Real Scientists and Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals
    were DEBUNKED by other Scientists – and I have printed HOW the Fraud was committed on this Thread several times – and NO Provaxxer were able to REFUTE the Evidence of Vaccine Safety Studies FRAUD!!!

    You can claim there are NO VALID Studies showing a Link between Vaccines and Autism.
    But it is a LIE to say there are NO STUDIES showing a Link between Vaccines and Autism – except Wakefield’s.

    This is LIE of the CDC and you Pro-Vaxxers repeat the LIE – even after I show you again and again and again
    that there are 100+ Research Studies showing a Link between Vaccines and Autism.

    And the reason that the CDC acknowledges Wakefield’s Study is that the New Media around the World reported Wakefield’s Study so Most People Know about it.

    But Vaccine Industry, which buys 70% of News Industry Ads, makes sure that the Fake News Industry never reported ANY OTHER of the 100+ Research Studies showing link between Vaccines and Autism, in order to
    enable CDC to LIE ” There are NO Studies showing Link between Vaccines and Autism – Except for Wakefield”

    Which is 100% SHEKER!!! And any Pro-Vaxxer who repeats that statement is spreading SHEKER and is
    undermining any credibility of ProVaxxers!


    Doomsday: Again, not discussing whether they are valid or not – just that they exist, lots of them!

    DaasYochid: Why should anyone care if there are β€œstudies” which don’t legitimately show anything?

    I didn’t say they were NOT valid. I’m just saying: it’s a LIE to say
    “There are NO studies showing a link between Vaccines and Autism – Except for Wakefield’s”

    That is definitely NOT true – regardless of whether or not you think the studies are valid.


    Ubiquiton: Finally they often include Case reports which arguably isn’t a study, and certainly can’t be used to PROVE anything.

    Walkefield’s was a “Case Report” and yet CDC and Pro-Vaxxers acknowledge that
    as an “vaccine-autism linked study” but they INSIST there are NO other research papers linking
    vaccines to autism when there ARE!

    CDC and ProVaxxers only acknowledge one study on autism-vaccine because most people heard about that study. But Fake News (70% funded by Pharmaceutical Company) has Suppressed News of all the other
    studies, so CDC and ProVaxxers can lie that there aren’t any!

    Again, not discussing whether they are valid or not – just that they exist, lots of them!


    Doomsday:β€œBut You CANNOT Say that there aren’t any Studies showing a Link between Vaccines and Autism.”

    Ubiquiton:Yes I can…..Post ONE study and I will explain to you what is wrong with using said study as a reference

    Again, not talking about the VALIDITY of the studies. Just that they exist.
    I’m saying apples and you’re saying oranges.


    2Cents: β€œThis article has been withdrawn at the request of the Editor-in-Chief due to serious concerns regarding the scientific soundness of the article.

    Folks, a study showing that Vaccines are Dangerous was published in a Scientific Journal.
    That means it was PEER REVIEWED before publication and the science was found to be sound!
    Then the Pharmaceutical Company Mafia applied pressure to the Journal – and now suddenly – the
    science that was declared sound before is NOW declared to be unsound and the paper is retracted.

    Medical Journal Editors get HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS $$$ a year from Pharmaceutical company!
    Article: This Is The Sickening Amount Pharmaceutical Companies Pay Top Journal Editors
    Worst on that list is the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), where19 of its editors received, on average, US$475,072 personally and another US$119,407 for β€˜research’.


    2Cents: The aluminum contained in vaccines is similar to that found in a liter (about 1 quart or 32 fluid ounces) of infant formula. While infants receive about 4.4 milligrams* of aluminum in the first six months of life from vaccines, they receive more than that in their diet. Breast-fed infants ingest about 7 milligrams,

    There is a HUGE difference between ingested (eaten) aluminum and INJECTED aluminum!
    Per the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) states that only 0.1-0.4% of aluminum INGESTED is actually absorbed. So from 7 mg in breastmilk x .4% = .028 mg
    Convert this to Mcg to see the BIG Difference:
    Breast Milk = 28 mcg
    Vaccines = 4,400 mcg (100% straight to the bloodstream)


    Yserbius: Problem is, that isn’t true. Sure someone claims that those studies show a link, but as we’ve demonstrated in numerous comments that not a single one of those studies shows a valid conclusion linking the two.

    If you want to say there is NO VALID study linking Vaccines to Autism, you can make that claim.
    But to say that there AREN’T ANY STUDIES Linking Vaccines to Autism – Except for Walkefield’s – That is a LIE.
    Why do you acknowledge that there is ONE STUDY (Wakefield) showing a Link between Vaccines and Autism?
    Because the whole world heard of Wakefield’s Study so the CDC cannot LIE that there are NO STUDIES
    linking Vaccines and Autism. But because the News Media (which gets 70% of its income from Pharmaceutical Industry) HIDES the 100+ OTHER studies showing a Link between Vaccines and Autism,
    the CDC and ProVaxxers simply LIE that there are NO STUDIES showing a Link between Vaccines and Autism – Except for Wakefield’s which everyone knows about.

    There are 100+ such studies showing a link between Vaccines and Autism.
    You can say ALL those Studies are Wrong.
    But You CANNOT Say that there aren’t any Studies showing a Link between Vaccines and Autism.
    That is 100% SHEKER and when you are caught lying you lose all Credibility.


    Doomsday: And the Autism Rate went from 1:10,000 to 1:50

    DaasYochid: Wait, why was the ratio so low if they were all vaxxed back then? According to you, there’s vaxxed and unvaxxed and nothing in between.

    More vaccines do equal more autism. But the MMR -Autism Study was comparing children who received
    34 Vaccines (including MMR) with children receiving 32 Vaccines (NO MMR). And there was Healthy User Bias. And some of the No MMR Group may have gotten MMR at school or health clinic and not reported to Insurance company. So that study has no validity.

    In the 1960s there was no “healthy user bias” because nobody connected autism to vaccines – because
    autism was SO RARE.
    Today Autism is 1:50 and Everybody heard of the vaccine-autism connection so if a child is showing signs of autism or delays, those children are more likely to STOP getting vaccinated.

    A Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study means children receiving 100% of the CDC Vaccine Schedule vs
    100% Unvaccinated Children. (Retrospective, NO ethical issues)
    And there are PLENTY of Children in both groups.

    So WHY Won’t CDC do the study? Nobody gave a valid answer.
    A ProVaxxer claimed that Anti-Vaxxers won’t accept that study because they did not accept other studies.
    That’s a weak excuse!
    Only a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study has SCIENTIFIC Validity.


    ProVaxxers, Just answer this: YES or NO? Is this statement True?

    “There are NO studies linking Vaccines to Autism – except for Wakefield’s” True or False?

    I’m not asking if you consider these studies VALID – just asking you to acknowledge they exist!


    DaasYochid: Even antivaxxers don’t deny that unvaccinated children can get autism, they just made up that vaccines cause it to be more common.

    Psychology Today (PRO VAX Magazine): “In 1970 1 in 10,000 was diagnosed with Autism”
    In the 1960s children got only FOUR Vaccines: Measles, Smallpox, DPT and Polio.
    Around 1990 CDC began TRIPLING and then QUADRUPLING the number of Vaccines given.
    And the Autism Rate went from 1:10,000 to 1:50

    But the Diagnosis of Autism has expanded! Say the CDC and ProVaxxers.
    Yes. the 1:10,000 in 1970 had NON-VERBAL Autism
    Today 1/3 of children diagnosed with Autism have NON-VERBAL Autism so they TRIPLED the number of
    Children diagnosed with Autism.
    By Today’s Definition of Autism about 1:3,333 children would have been diagnosed with Autism in 1970.
    So under 1960s Vaccine Schedule 1:3,333 children get Autism.
    And with today’s INSANE Vaccine Schedule – FOUR TIMES as many as 1960s: we have 1:50 children w/Autism!

    Vaccines Cause Autism. And many more chronic illnesses. Vaccines caused the Sickest Generation of Children!

    A Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study showed that 100% Unvaxxed Children have MUCH, MUCH, MUCH LESS Autism, ADHD, Learning Disability, Allergies, Asthma.

    CDC KNOWS that a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study will PROVE Vaccines Cause Autism and much more Chronic
    Illnesses and Disabilities. That is why the CDC/Vaccine Industry REFUSES to do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study!


    CDC/ProVaxxer LIE: There are NO Studies linking Vaccines to Autism – Except for Wakefield!

    Folks, this is one of the BIGGEST LIES of CDC and ProVaxxers. You can google “Vaccine Autism Link” and you
    will find websites posting Studies Linking Vaccines to Autism. Some Websites post “157 Research Studies linking Vaccines to Autism” Some Websites Post “130 Research Studies linking Vaccines to Autism” and some websites say “24 Research Studies Linking Vaccines to Autism” and there are even more websites on posting these studies.

    The ProVaxxers say I am lying – that not ALL these studies are about Vaccines. So What? So 90% of the Studies are Linking Vaccines To Autism.
    It is still a HUGE LIE to say “There are NO Research Studies linking Vaccines to Autism – Except for Wakefield”
    There are Definitely over 100+ Such Studies.
    See how the CDC and the ProVaxxers LIE to you? How can you trust ANYTHING they say?


    Doomsday: If there a 100% UNVACCINATED Child who got AUTISM, that would have made

    DaasYochid: Another lie. Even antivaxxers don’t deny that unvaccinated children can get autism, they just made up that vaccines cause it to be more common.

    I was referring to a 100% UNvaccinated Child in the MMR Sibling Study.
    Unvaccinated Children can get Autism – about 1:3,333 per today’s definition of Autism vs 1:50 for Vaxxed!


    Sorry, I meant to type If there a 100% UNVACCINATED Child who got AUTISM, that would have made

    Moderators, how can I edit my post? Thank you!


    Thank you Bais Hillel for posting these studies showing Vaccines are Harmful
    Folks, there are PLENTY of studies showing Vaccines are Harmful.
    Don’t believe the LIES of CDC, Media and ProVaxxers that Wakefield was the ONLY study showing
    Vaccines are harmful! There are over 150+ such studies by real SCIENTISTS!

    Don’t Forget that the Most IMPORTANT STUDY: Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed – CDC refuses to do without
    any explanation! (Retrospective – no ethical issues).
    Remember: It was the SMOKER vs NON SMOKER Study that PROVED Smoking causes Cancer after the
    Tobacco Industry hired CORRUPT SCIENTISTS TO LIE that Smoking does not cause Cancer!
    Don’t let a Corrupt Industry FOOL YOU TWICE!
    Learn from RECENT History how CORRUPT SCIENTISTS LIE for Corporations!

    Look at my Posts where I PROVED these Vaccine Safety Studies are FRAUDULENT – and no ProVaxxer could refute the Fraud. (these studies were debunked by SCIENTISTS and I used the information in my posts).


    Yserbius: @doomsday every few days mentions that there was never a retroactive study on un-vaccinated vs vaccinated people. @2cents would point out several examples.

    Actually I said there was at least one Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study that showed that UNvaxxed chidlren had
    MUCH, MUCH, MUCH LESS Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Allergies and Asthma then Vaccinated Children.
    What I did ask is WHY WON’T CDC DO A VAXXED VS UNVAXXED STUDY? This was demanded by CongressMEN who even proposed a LAW to FORCE CDC to conduct the study, but the Bill was not passed by Congress (who accepts More MILLIONS from Pharmaceutical Company then any other Industry!)

    The studies 2Cents claimed were Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed were NOT. Those studies were Vaxxed vs Vaxxed.
    A vaxxed vs unvaxxed study means 100% vaxxed per CDC schedule vs 100% Unvaxxed. Retrospective – NO ethical issues. And there are PLENTY of 100% unvaxxed children.

    Remember! It was a SMOKER VS NON-SMOKER Study that PROVED SMOKING CAUSES CANCER – after
    30 Years of Tobacco Industry HIRING CORRUPT SCIENTISTS to LIE that Smoking does NOT cause Cancer!
    The Pharmaceutical Company is doing the exact same thing as the Tobacco Industry!
    How can People be so DUMB as to fall for the EXACT SAME TRICK TWICE?

    DEMAND a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study – and REFUSE Vaccinations until they are PROVEN Safe!
    There is an EPIDEMIC of Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Diabetes, Epilepsy (seizures), Diabetes, Cancer, Allergies (can be FATAL) and Asthma which SKYROCKETED when the CDC TRIPLED the Vaccine Schedule!


    Yserbius: A reminder: @doomsday claimed over and over again that there were 150 studies showing that vaccines cause autism. Several times it was pointed out to her that it’s not true, and I even showed a webpage that goes through them individually showing how the studies do not show a link.

    Folks, THERE ARE 157 Research Studies Linking Vaccines to Autism. I am not allowed to post links but if you google “157 studies linking vaccines autism” and “130 studies linking vaccines autism” and see for yourself.
    Yserbius is a LIAR – see the research papers for yourself, they are ON the internet for all to see!


    2Cents: But it is very likely that those that did not receive the MMR shot also have received any shots, yet the rate of autism was the same among all groups besides for those with a genetic predisposition.

    Are you saying those who did not get the MMR, are probably 100% Unvaccinated?
    That is NOT the case as the Researchers KNOW which vaccines the Non-MMR group got based on
    insurance claims. If there was a 100% UNVACCINATED Child who got MMR – THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE
    The Researchers acknowledged that if a child is showing SIGNS OF AUTISM, parents are likely to STOP Vaccinating – which may mean the MMR which is given at 12-15 months. But there are MANY Vaccines containing NEUROTOXINS like Aluminum are given to FETUSES (Pre-Natal Vaccines, including FLU shot which may contain 25 mdg of Thimerosal), on the DAY of Birth, at 2 Months, 4 Months and 6 Months, FLU Shot at 6 months may contain 25 mcg of Thimerosal – those vaccines given when a NewBorn is MOST VULNERABLE TO BRAIN DAMAGE – is the most likely cause of Autism BEFORE the MMR shot!


    Doomsday: β€œThe 110k deaths reported globally are from STARVING Children in Third World Countries.
    Measles Deaths are Very Rare in USA and First World Countries!”

    Health: Another Dooms-KUP LIE!
    At the most – only half are due to Malnutrition. From the WHO:
    β€œNutrition-related factors contribute to about 45% of deaths in children under-5 years of age.

    Health, the point is children in USA and other First World Countries don’t die from measles –
    only 1:10,000. On a yearly basis there are ZERO measles deaths in USA
    51 people die from Lightning every year. Do we have mass hysteria over lightning?


    doomsday -β€œNONE of them say the study included 100% Unvaxxed Children as you claim. Here are ALL the References:”

    Health: Another DoomsKUP LIE! Here it is:
    β€œ24. Smith PJ, Chu SY, Barker LE. Children who have received no vaccines: who are they and where do they live? Pediatrics. 2004;114(1):187-β€œ

    Health, You said How many times do I have to tell you – that JAMA study with 95,000 kids included vaxxed – totally unvaxxed?!?

    WRONG HEALTH! The JAMA Study did NOT include children who were Totally Unvaxxed! Just because
    there was a reference to a study asking “WHERE DO UNVAXXED CHILDREN LIVE?” Does not mean there
    were any Unvaxxed children in the Study!

    OY! Learn to Read a study!


    Ubiquiton: This question has been answered numerous times. for example:
    There have been vaccinated vs unvaccinated studies – not good enough yo u want them not to have had any vaccines,

    Doomsday: Yes. UNVaccinated means NO Vaccines. I have made that very clear so you NEVER answered my question as you LIE that you did!

    Ubiquiton: yet strangely you don’t concede that MMR doesnt increase risk of autism .
    Doomsday: As I explained UMPTEEN Times that study was DEBUNKED. If it wasn’t a RANDOMIZED MMR, the Healthy User Bias Hides the MMR-Autism Connection. Also it was comparing children who got 34 vaccines (including MMR) vs children who got 32 Vaccines (Excluding MMR) – so you can’t really tell anything in a Vaxxed vs Vaxxed Study. That is why SCIENTISTS have been asking for a Vaxxed vs UNVAXXED (100%) Study! I can’t help it if you don’t understand Science!

    Ubiquiton:Aside from the fact that the control group would be pretty small
    Doomsday: Wrong again. Per CDC 1.3% of young children are 100% UNVACCINATED. Check their Health Records! What are you AFRAID of? That you will learn that Vaccines ARE DANGEROUS?

    Ubiquitonfurthermore they would be self selecting, so even if it turns out that the pro-disease group has higher rate of autism
    Doomsday: And Yet ANTI-VAXXERS are the ones demanding the Study. Because WE KNOW that UNVAXXED Kids have a MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH LOWER Rate of Autism then Vaxxers. Because there HAVE been
    Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Studies that show that!

    Ubiquton, I have REFUTED all your inane arguments on why CDC won’t do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study!
    If you are opposed to this study, then it must be VACCINE is a RELIGION to you and you are afraid
    to learn the Truth! YOU FEAR SCIENCE!


    2Cents: Yet after you have repeated yourself so many times, especially with all the CAPs, ignoring the responses

    YOU and your fellow ProVaxxers are the ones who keep repeating and IGNORING the responses.

    1. I have shown you how Scientists have DEBUNKED two of the most important studies that claim to prove
    that MMR or Thimerosal does not cause Autism – Yet you and all ProVaxxers Ignore the fact that your
    “Holy Scientific Studies” are DEBUNKED and Fraudulent!

    You and your fellow ProVaxxers are Anti-Science. Facts don’t matter to you. Vaccine is a RELIGION to you!

    2. You and your fellow ProVaxxers have IGNORED the Question:

    Why Does the CDC refuse to do a VAXXED vs UNVAXXED STUDY? (Retrospective, no ethical issue)

    All other studies are fraudulent and anti-science!


    Doomsday: It could have been the 32 doses of Vaccines other then MMR
    Meno:No it couldn’t have, because that would be contrary to our assumptions.
    Please learn how science works. Thanks

    YOU should learn how science works. If you want to see if MMR causes autism you would need to test
    children who received ONLY the MMR vs children 100% unvaccinated.
    Anything else is ANTI-SCIENCE.


    Doomsday: The MMR-Sibling Study was NOT vaxxed vs unvaxxed. It was Vaccines + MMR vs Vaccines/No MMR
    Health: “That’s why I wrote this -β€œlook at the notes, vaxxed to unvaxxed at all, is part of the study/article.”
    It’s more than just – comparing children who GOT the MMR with Children who did NOT get the MMR!”
    “If you got the article online, look at it, there is little numbers next to some lines. Click on those numbers & the references will pop up!”

    HEALTH, YOU’RE WRONG! Here are ALL the references from the study you told me to look up.
    NONE of them say the study included 100% Unvaxxed Children as you claim. Here are ALL the References:
    1. National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. General recommendations on immunizationβ€”recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR Recomm Rep. 2011;60(2):1-64. Accessed February 27, 2015.PubMedGoogle Scholar
    2. Taylor B, Miller E, Farrington CP, et al. Autism and measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine: no epidemiological evidence for a causal association. Lancet. 1999;353(9169):2026-2029.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref
    3. Madsen KM, Hviid A, Vestergaard M, et al. A population-based study of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination and autism. N Engl J Med. 2002;347(19):1477-1482.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref
    4. Demicheli V, Rivetti A, Debalini MG, Di Pietrantonj C. Vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012;2:CD004407.PubMedGoogle Scholar
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    6. Mercer L, Creighton S, Holden JJ, Lewis ME. Parental perspectives on the causes of an autism spectrum disorder in their children. J Genet Couns. 2006;15(1):41-50.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref
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    The Government and Media point to Two Main Studies as “PROOF” that MMR or Thimerosal does not cause
    Autism. The Studies are: 1. “Thimerosal and the Occurrence of Autism: Negative Ecological Evidence From Danish Population-Based Data.” and 2. Autism Occurrence by MMR Vaccine Status Among US Children With Older Siblings With and Without Autism

    I have Clearly Explained why these two studies are FRAUDULENT – and No Pro-Vaxxer on this Thread was able to Refute my Evidence!
    These studies were DEBUNKED by REAL SCIENTISTS (anti-vaxxers are NOT anti-science, we are anti-FRAUD).
    The reason I don’t quote these scientists by name is because ProVaxxers start attacking the scientists instead
    of just looking at the FACTS!

    Anti-Vaxxers are PRO-SCIENCE! That is why we want a VAXXED vs UNVAXXED STUDY!
    All other studies are Fraudulent and Anti-Science!


    Some Common Sense:
    Anti Vaxxers Are:
    1) Anti-establishment –The Torah says that this world is OLAM HASHEKER. For example do YOU believe
    in Evolution? Then YOU are Anti-Establishment! Do you believe Homosexuality is Moral? Anti-Establishment!

    2) Anti-science – It is PROVAXXERS who are ANTI-SCIENCE. I have Proven that the Main Scientific Studies used to “Prove” MMR doesn’t cause Autism Or Thimerosal doesn’t cause Autism are FRAUDULENT! And no Pro-Vaxxer was able to refute my proof. So Pro-Vaxxers are Anti-Science! Also, if you don’t believe in EVOLUTION, then you are also “anti-science”, right???
    3) Anti-medicine 4) Anti-personal physicians
    There are many MEDICAL Doctors whose opinions, Anti-Vaxxers Respect and Follow.
    5) Unwilling to follow the far majority of Da’as Torah
    Per the Torah, one is allowed to follow a Rav of his choosing, as long as it is a Torah-True Rov.
    The Rule of “following the Majority” applies when we have a Sanhedrin, which we don’t have today R”L.

    6) Are placing their personal views above Halachah
    You are ignorant of Halachah. Halachah is “FOLLOW YOUR ROV” which Anti-Vaxxers do!


    Meno: If someone in the non-MMR group had autism, then we assume it was triggered by genetics

    Since the No-MMR Children would have received 32 doses of other vaccines by age 4, you can’t say it was
    genetics alone that caused Autism. It could have been the 32 doses of Vaccines other then MMR.

    Furthermore, children were classified as “No MMR” based on INSURANCE CLAIMS. The Study noted that the
    No MMR Group was 4-14% Higher then National Average – and it is possible that the children got MMR at
    SCHOOL or PUBLIC HEALTH CLINIC – and there was No Insurance Claim.
    So 4-14% of the Children in the No MMR Group MAY HAVE GOTTEN THE MMR!
    They may have gotten Autism and been wrongly classified as “No MMR”. So the study is Worthless.

    The only way to know if MMR causes Autism is to do: MMR (and NO other Vaccines vs 100% Unvaccinated.


    Ubiquiton: Can you think of any case where congress forced the CDC to do a study?
    Can you think of any of the literally thousands of study’s out there that made any pro-disease individual go β€œhmmmm… maybe I am mistaken” why do you think one more study would be different?

    1. Congress accepts More $$$ from Pharmaceutical Company then any other industry, so Congress will never
    Force CDC to conduct any study!

    2. There are NOT “literally” “Thousands” of studies on vaccine safety. About 200.
    NONE OF THOSE sponsored by CDC or Pharmaceutical Industry are Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed! NONE! NADA! ZIP!
    I have PROVEN that the two MAIN Studies used to “Prove” that MMR or Thimerosal does not cause Autism ARE FRAUDULENT. And Neither Ubiquiton nor any other ProVaxxer on this thread has been able to
    Refute my Proof of FRAUD!

    3. WHY Does CDC refuse to do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study? This IS the study Anti-Vaxxers have been demanding! This is the Study some CongressMEN have demanded CDC do – and they proposed a BILL to FORCE CDC to conduct a VAXXED VS UNVAXXED STUDY which Congress refused to pass!
    It was a SMOKER VS NON SMOKER STUDY that PROVED Smoking Causes Cancer – After the Tobacco Industry HIRED SCIENTISTS To LIE that Smoking does NOT Cause Cancer for THIRTY YEARS!!!
    There have been some Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Studies – and they showed that UnVaxxed have far less
    Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Asthma, Allergies etc.

    ProVaxxers: I have repeatedly asked this question but you cannot answer it:
    WHY Won’t CDC do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study? (Retrospective – no “ethical” issues)


    doomsday – β€œI’ll take measles any day over all of the above!”
    Health: Obviously you have NO Morals or Religion! From the WHO:
    β€œEven though a safe and cost-effective vaccine is available, in 2017, there were 110,000 measles deaths globally, mostly among children under the age of five.”

    The 110k deaths reported globally are from STARVING Children in Third World Countries.
    Measles Deaths are Very Rare in USA and First World Countries!
    Per the CDC, before Measles Vaccine was introduced in 1963, the death rate from Measles was about
    1:10,000. The risk of Death or PERMANENT Injury from MMR Vaccine is 4:10,000.
    “A more serious side effect is seizure, which occurs in about 1 in 640 children vaccinated with MMR2β€”about five times more often than seizure from measles infection.3”
    From PhysiciansFor Informed Consent.Org – that’s an ANTI-VAX website by REAL MEDICAL DOCTORS!

    In USA there are ZERO Deaths from Measles per year VS 168 Deaths after vaccine reported to VAERS per year. And only 1-13% of Serious Adverse Events are even reported so Deaths from Vaccines can be
    10 – 100 times MORE then 168!


    Health because YOU Anti-vaxxers are too blame for the Measles Epidemic!

    And you ProVaxxers are responsible for the epidemic of: Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Diabetes,
    Epilepsy, Allergies, Asthma, and Cancer!

    I’ll take measles any day over all of the above!


    Health, out of 95,000 records they found 23 Children who
    1. Had an older sibling with Autism
    2. Did not get MMR
    3. Had Autism

    These 23 Children was the “Proof” used that MMR does not cause autism. NOT!
    Yes there were hundreds who did not get MMR but only 23 who had NO MMR, Had Autism, Had a
    Sibling with Autism.


    Health Mr./Ms. Scientist, How could all Vaxxines cause Autism – you know well that they DON’T all have the same ingredients?

    Vaccines contain known neurotoxins like aluminum – and some still contain “trace” amounts of thimerosal, flu vaccines contain thimerosal. Other vaccines contain live viruses like Measles which can cause
    encephalopathy (brain swelling) which can cause permanent brain damage i.e. autism.
    And these vaccines are given to fetuses and newborn babies whose brains are very vulnerable to damage. These vaccines are combined – 6-7 given at a time.
    That’s how vaccines cause autism in
    1:50 children.


    Health, when Fake Researchers say “unvaccinated” they mean a child who did not get ONE vaccine, like the
    MMR. It does NOT mean 100% unvaccinated. This was mentioned many times on this thread.


    Ubiquitin: I’m not sure what yo umean by β€œbad for the government”

    The CDC is a government agency but unlike all other federal agencies they are allowed to accept
    “Gifts” (BRIBES) from the Pharmaceutical Companies they are supposed to regulate.
    CDC also owns about 50 Vaccine Patents so they ARE the Pharmaceutical Industry.

    Federal Government is protecting Pharmaceutical Co by Law shielding Pharmaceutical Company from
    Liability for Deaths and Injuries caused by Vaccines. Congress get more MILLIONS $$$ from Pharmaceutical Company then any other Industry.

    Congress Refuses to pass a Bill to FORCE CDC to Conduct a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study! That means congress KNOWS vaccines ARE causing Injury but is helping COVER IT UP!

    State Governments are FORCING Parents to vaccinate children against their will – after accepting MILLIONS $$$ from Pharmaceutical Companies.

    When the Truth about the Dangers of Vaccines comes out – not only will Pharmaceutical Company be destroyed but it will expose that Government – Federal and State – as TRAITORS to the People and are working FOR Corporations who give them MILLION $$$ – and AGAINST the People of USA!


    Health: doomsday -β€œThe MMR Study has Healthy User Bias, 4-14% of the No-MMR Children may have gotten the MMR, the PROOF was based on TWENTY-THREE Children – not 95,000 – and just because NO MMR Children get Autism does NOT mean that MMR does not cause Autism”

    I already told you that s/o who has NO Education – can’t comment on research studies.

    I have a Masters Degree. And I am quoting from PhD SCIENTISTS who DEBUNKED the Fraudulent
    Studies funded by the CDC!


    DaasYochid: More likely to skip MMR than other vaccines? Don’t you hold all vaccines cause autism?

    Yes, all vaccines can cause autism. But many vaccines are given starting from day of birth, while MMR is given at 12-15 months. If children are healthy and normal the parents are likely to continue vaccinating so they will get MMR. If a child at 12-15 months is showing signs of AUTISM or Delays, the parents are more likely to stop vaccinating and NOT give MMR.


    Sariray: I know exactly how science works . The people with the millions and billions pay scientists to run the study exactly how they want, to prove exactly what they want. The end.

    Thank you, Sariray! I have said the same. There has NEVER been a study that had a result that was BAD for the Company/Government who PAID for the Study!

    That is Scientifically IMPOSSIBLE unless there is Corruption in the Holy Religion of “Science”.
    I believe in Science but don’t believe in SCIENTISTS! They are almost as corrupt as Politicians!


    ProVaxxers: You keep talking about “BEST SCIENCE” and “MOST Scientists”
    But I have shown you HOW the FRAUD is committed:
    1. The MMR Study has Healthy User Bias, 4-14% of the No-MMR Children may have gotten the MMR, the PROOF was based on TWENTY-THREE Children – not 95,000 – and just because NO MMR Children get Autism does NOT mean that MMR does not cause Autism. Also they Fraudulently call the study a
    VAX vs UNVAX when it is really VAX vs VAX – and all the FAKE NEWS HEADLINES repeat this lie!

    2. Thimerosal and the Occurrence of Autism: Negative Ecological Evidence From Danish Population-Based Data. Here is the FRAUD:

    1. Before 1992, the Fake researchers only counted autistic children in Hospitals. After 1992, the Fake researchers included autistic children who were outpatients! There are 10 times as many outpatient autistic children as there are in Hospitals!!! By Including the Outpatient AFTER Thimerosal was withdrawn they were able to LIE that Autism Rate went UP after Thimerosal was removed.

    2. After 1992The Danish Government Changed the Definition of Autism to a more inclusive one. Of course the number of children diagnosed with Autism increased! This was used to LIE that Autism rate went Up after Thimerosal was removed. Rate did not go up – IT DROPPED. But by EXPANDING definition of Autism they were able to COVER THIS UP.

    3. A 2013 Study looked at the same time period and data the CDC 2003 Study did and found that Autism Rate DECREASED after Thimerosal was removed. The CDC 2003 Study did NOT include their RAW DATA. The authors of the 2013 asked the CDC for the RAW DATA used in the 2003 study but

    Folks, these are the Two MOST IMPORTANT Studies used by CDC and PHarmaceutical Companies.
    I have proven they are FRAUD and no pro-vaxxers on this thread are able to refute this Fraud.

    So why do you say SCIENCE PROVES VACCINES don’t cause Autism when I PROVED to you that the


    More Proof of CDC and Scientific Community Fraud:

    Why Does CDC REFUSE to do a VAXXED VS UNVAXXED STUDY???? (Retrospective – no ethical issues)

    No Pro-Vaxxers on this thread were able to answer this question either.

    It was SMOKER vs NO SMOKER Study that PROVED that Smoking causes Cancer – when for 40 years
    the Tobacco Industry HIRED SCIENTISTS to DENY This!!!


    Re: 3 Pack a Day vs 4 Pack a day Analogy

    That analogy is not good because children who get all vaccines + MMR get 34 doses by age 4
    vs children who get all vaccines EXCEPT for MMR get 32 doses of vaccines by age 4.

    34 vaccines vs 32 vaccines

    It doesn’t mean that MMR doesn’t contribute but it’s hard to tell when there are so many other vaccines.


    Do you admit that MMR does not cause autism in vaccinated children?

    No because:
    1. The study would have to be RANDOM who gets MMR and who does not. If Parents decide (as in this study) Healthy Normal children more likely to get MMR and children showing SIGNS OF AUTISM more likely NOT to get MMR. This “Healthy User Bias” HIDES the MMR-Autism Link.

    2. NEW INFORMATION: The study was based on Insurance Claims Records. The study found that the MMR Rate was 4-14% LOWER then National Average. It is possible that the children got MMR at school or public health clinics and Insurance Co doesn’t know (no insurance claims). Therefore,
    4-14% of the NO MMR Children could really have gotten the MMR! And it could be those MMR children got Autism but were counted as NO MMR Children with Autism!!! Study is WORTHLESS!

    Study: the MMR immunization rates in our study were 4% to 14% lower than rates reported in the National Immunization Survey. Thus, children in our study who are considered unvaccinated may have received vaccines in settings such as schools or public health clinics in which claims were not submitted.

    3. The only way to know 100% if MMR causes Autism is to compare children who got ONLY MMR (no other vaccines) with Children who are Unvaccinated (100%)

    4. Many parents reported that their children had Adverse Event after MMR – high fever/seizures – and then REGRESSED into Autism. REGRESSED means they STOPPED talking, smiling, making eye-contact and STARTED rocking, head banging, hand-flapping.
    MMR contains LIVE Measles Virus and it is known that Measles can cause ENCEPHALITIS (brain swelling) which can cause Permanent BRAIN DAMAGE.


    Daas Yochid It would be like comparing smokers who also eat apples to smokers who don’t.

    And if the cancer rate of smokers who ate apples was the same as smokers who don’t eat apples, does that
    prove if smoking causes cancer?
    That is why the study was FRAUD but was used to make HEADLINES all over USA proclaiming that they
    PROVED that MMR does not cause Autism, when they did not prove anything!


    Doomsday: Based on what STUDIES did the Vaccine Inserts and Hospital Guides CHANGE THEIR POLICY that
    Recently Vaccinated Children are Risk to Immuno-Compromised????”

    2cents: Now, to answer your great question: PubMed: 15106106

    Sorry 2cents. Your study does not Answer the question, based on what STUDIES did the Vaccine Inserts and Hospital Guides CHANGE THEIR Policy that Recently Vaccinated Children are a Risk to Immuno-Compromised!
    PubMed: 15106106 studies measles virus shedding of UNVACCINATED people who had Atypical Measles – and did not shed the virus i.e. The UNVACCINATED people with Measles did NOT spread the disease!
    This study has nothing to do with Recently Vaccinated Children. Wrong Again!


    2cents: β€œConclusions: In this large sample of privately insured children with older siblings, receipt of the MMR vaccine was not associated with increased risk of ASD, regardless of whether older siblings had ASD. These findings indicate no harmful association between MMR vaccine receipt and ASD even among children already at higher risk for ASD.”

    FRAUD! The Researchers acknowledged “Healthy User Bias” and then IGNORED it in the Conclusion which is
    FRAUD! Healthy User Bias means that Parents of Healthy, Normal Children are more likely to give MMR and parents of children showing SIGNS OF AUTISM are more likely NOT to give MMR.
    THIS HIDES THE MMR-AUTISM CONNECTION! That is why it is only scientific if the children getting MMR is
    Additionally ALL the children were vaccinated so it’s like comparing 3 a pack smokers with
    4 a pack smokers which doesn’t prove anything about whether Smoking causes Cancer!

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