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  • doomsday

    Folks, the ProVaxxers keep bringing up Studies “proving” that vaccines don’t cause autism.

    I have given concrete examples on specific studies cited HOW they committed Fraud.

    Like the Phillipines study that showed Vaccinated children had higher cognition then Unvaccinated Children. The Fraud is that Phillipine Vaccine Schedule has only a FRACTION of ALUMINUM that the CDC Schedule has. Also, In Philippines, the Vaccinated Children came from Richer Homes, with Better Educated Parents, Better Food, Better Sanitation (toilets) and THAT’S why they score higher in school – not the vaccines!

    Another CDC Fraudulent Study: The Danish Study claimed that the number of NEW Autism Cases went UP
    AFTER Thimerosal was removed from Vaccines. But here is how CDC Study Committed FRAUD:

    1. BEFORE 1992, the Fake researchers ONLY counted autistic children in HOSPITALS. AFTER 1992, the Fake researchers included autistic children who were living at HOME (outpatients)! There are TEN TIMES as
    many Autistic Children living at Home then in Hospitals. THAT is how they FAKED that the number of
    Autism Increased!!!

    2. AFTER 1992, The Danish Government CHANGED the Definition of Autism to a more inclusive one.
    THAT is ANOTHER REASON, why the number of children diagnosed with Autism Went Up!!!

    3. All the Researchers were Employees or had Close Connection to Vaccine Industry which they did NOT
    Disclose. This is FRAUD.

    4. One researcher, Poul Thorson, was indicted on 22 counts of Fraud and fled USA and is on the Most Wanted Criminals List. These are the β€œHoly Researchers” employed by the CDC!

    Folks, after seeing how the CDC hires Criminals to produce Fake Studies to Lie to the public that Vaccines don’t cause Autism (it does), how can you trust them?


    Folks, I have given examples of how CDC Researchers commit FRAUD to MISLEAD the public that Vaccines
    are Safe. (They are NOT).

    Additionally, you can google “studies vaccines linked to autism” or “studies vaccines harmful” and you
    will see over 150 studies showing Vaccines are Dangerous. These are Studies by REAL Scientists.

    It was a Smoker Vs Non-Smoker Study that PROVED Smoking causes Cancer after the Tobacco Industry
    LIED that Smoking does NOT Cause Cancer for over THIRTY YEARS!
    But the CDC refuses to do the MOST CONCLUSIVE STUDY – a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study – even though
    repeatedly requested by CongressMEN. That is also Evidence of CDC COVER-UP!!!


    Folks, PROOF 2Cents is a Liar:

    12/11/18 #1641462 Doomsday: Why won’t CDC do the Retrospective Study as had been requested by Congressmen???
    12/11/18 #1642162 Doomsday: Why won’t CDC do the Retrospective Study as had been requested by Congressmen???
    12/12/18 2Cents: You asked why the CDC doesnt comply with Congresses request, this has been discussed that there was no request by Congress.

    Folks, look at the above Posts – Did I say Congress or CongressMEN? 2Cents LIED that I said Congress when
    I TWICE wrote CongressMEN.
    Folks, I gave the dates and the Post Numbers so you can see for yourself that 2Cents is the Liar.

    And there WERE requests by CongressMEN and CongressMEN even introduced a Bill to FORCE CDC to conduct a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study which CDC adamantly Refuses to do!!


    DaasYochid: You wrote, β€œCongress requested from the CDC a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study, but the CDC refuses.” Who’s lying?

    2Cents is lying because it is NOT 12/3! On 12/11/18 I wrote TWICE (1641462 & 1642162):
    “Why won’t CDC do the Retrospective Study as had been requested by Congressmen???”

    I said Twice CongressMEN and NOT Congress, so 2Cents lied.


    2Cents: These were my wordsβ€œthere was no request by Congress.” If this is a lie, then be so kind to show us all the request that was submitted by Congress.

    Yes, it is a LIE because MY words were “β€œWhy won’t CDC do the Retrospective Study as had been requested by Congressmen???””

    I wrote CONGRESSMEN not CONGRESS as 2Cents yet again Lies, this time by Changing My Words!


    Daas Yochid: If this is a lie, then be so kind to show us all the request that was submitted by Congress.
    This was one of Doomsday’s many lies.

    Millhouse: 2cents: You asked why the CDC doesnt comply with Confresses request, this has been discussed that there was no request by Congress.
    Posey and Maloney are not Congress.

    Folks, More Proof that ProVaxxers on this Thread are Liars! I wrote CONGRESSMEN not CONGRESS which is
    100% TRUE!


    2Cents: Exactly, it so happens to be that the uneducated do not vaccinate.

    But in USA it is the OPPOSITE. It is the Rich, White, College Educated Parents who do not vaccinate.
    So you proved that studies performed in OTHER countries are not Valid for USA.

    Folks, notice how all these vaccine safety studies are NOT done in USA but in Foreign Countries?
    This is one of the FRAUD Tricks. Foreign Vaccines are DIFFERENT from USA Vaccines and
    Foreign Vaccine Schedules are DIFFERENT from USA Schedules.
    So the conclusions of these Fraudulent FOREIGN studies are NOT VALID for USA!


    2Cents: Quoting from Encephalitis Society:1-3 in 1,000 children contracting measles will develop encephalitis

    This is a LIE. Here is a Quote from the CDC Website:
    “It is estimated 3 to 4 million people in the United States were infected each year. Also each year, among reported cases, an estimated 400 to 500 people died…and 1,000 suffered encephalitis (swelling of the brain) from measles.”

    3.5 Million divided by 1,000 cases of encephalitis = 1:3,500 which is NOT 1:1,000 as quoted by Encephalitis Society.
    CDC also LIES and CONTRADICTS itself, indicating Measles caused encephalitis 1:3,500 and in another page says Measles causes encephalitis 1:1,000.
    CDC indicates that Measles caused about 1:10,000 deaths and on another page says Measles kill 1-2 out 1,000.

    In USA there are ZERO deaths from Measles but there are 168 REPORTED Deaths from Vaccines every year!


    Folks, what is more dangerous – Vaccines or Measles? You decide.
    Since CDC TRIPLED the Vaccine Schedule (and keeps adding to it) around 1990, Autism went from
    1:10,000 to 1:50 today (and Autism rate keeps going up as CDC keeps FORCING more and more vaccines)
    Since the CDC TRIPLED the Vaccine schedule around 1990, Autism went from 1:10,000 to 1:50 today!

    1:6 children are learning disabled
    1:6 children are allergic
    1:13 children have asthma
    1:15 children have ADHD
    1:5 teens had episode of mental illness
    1:8 children have IBS
    1:50 children have autism
    1:100 children have epilepsy
    1:250 children have tourettes syndrome
    1:400 children have diabetes
    1:775 babies die of SIDS
    1:1,000 children have Celiac Disease
    1:5,560 children have CANCER
    168 Deaths following vaccines reported to VAERS every year.
    ZERO deaths from Measles (in USA).


    2Cents: full childhood vaccination for measles, polio, Tuberculosis (TB), Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus (DPT) significantly increases cognitive test scores relative to matched children who received no vaccinations.

    Another FRAUDULENT Study to fool people that Vaccines are Safe – They’re Not.
    The “fully” Vaccinated Children were on the PHILIPPINE Vaccine Schedule which is MUCH, MUCH LESS
    then the CDC Schedule. Philippine children only get ONE DOSE of Aluminum containing DPT. But CDC
    schedule FORCES ELEVEN doses of Aluminum containing vaccines by age 6 months, and SIXTEEN doses of Aluminum containing vaccines by 2 years. Aluminum adjuvant is probably the most dangerous vaccine ingredient. CDC Schedule: 11 Doses by Six Months = 3,675 mcg Aluminum in FIRST 6 MONTHS! + 4 More doses of Aluminum before age 2 compared to ONLY ONE dose DPT (625 mcg) done in Phillipines!

    So this study Proves that the CDC Schedule is DANGEROUS because in USA 1:6 kids is learning disabled,
    1:15 kids is ADHD and 1:50 Kids is Autistic. But UNVACCINATED kids in USA have Far Less of these diseases.

    There were other explanations why Vaccinated kids scored higher in school (NOT the vaccines)!
    The Vaccinated children had:
    1) had mothers with more education,
    2) had higher socioeconomic status,
    3) lived in larger homes,
    4) had more toilet/sanitation access,
    5) had fewer siblings,
    6) had better-nourished mothers,
    7) had more breastfeeding as infants

    …than the UNVACCINATED!


    Ubiquiton: taking multiple medications doesnt magically make then deadly.

    Folks, do you believe that? Ever heard of a doctor prescribing 7-8 Medications to be taken AT ONE TIME???

    Ubiquiton, Has anyone TESTED the CDC Schedule (not individual vaccines) to see if that statement is True?

    The answer is No. The CDC SCHEDULE of 7-8 Vaccines given at once has NEVER been safety tested!
    Folks, Still Trust the CDC? Still Trust that Vaccines are safe???


    2Cents: Does this actually mean that autism is a genetic disease?

    Folks, it is Scientifically IMPOSSIBLE for Autism to go from 1:10,000 in 1970s to 1:50 today because of Genetics!
    It has to be something in the ENVIRONMENT that is causing Autism. Thimerosal and Aluminum in Vaccines are known NEUROTOXINS (cause brain damage). MMR contains Live Measles Virus which can cause Encephalitis (can cause brain damage). The EVER-INCREASING Autism rate directly correlates to the EVER INCREASING CDC Vaccine Schedule.

    There IS a genetic component. Not everyone is harmed the SAME way by Vaccines. Some get Autism. Some get ADHD. Some get Learning Disabilities. Some get Diabetes. Some get Cancer. Some get Epilepsy. Some get
    Allergies. And Some appear to be unharmed but we don’t know for sure. On the Vaccine Inserts it states:
    Vaccine NOT tested for Carcinogenic (Cancer Causing) or INFERTILITY (which is now 1:6).

    Children born After the CDC TRIPLED the Vaccine Schedule (AFTER Vaccine Industry cannot be sued for Vaccine Injury/Death) are the SICKEST GENERATION in the History of the United States. The Fact that
    CDC REFUSES to do Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study is further Evidence that Vaccines are DANGEROUS.

    Anti-Vaxxers do not want to play Vaccine Russian Roulette with our children.
    It is a Human Rights Violation to FORCE Unknown Risks on Healthy People against our Will!


    2cents: You asked why the CDC doesnt comply with Confresses eequest, this has been discussed that there was no request by Congress.

    Congressman Bill Posey and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney have repeatedly asked CDC officials to do
    a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study. CDC refuses. Congressman Posey and Congresswoman Maloney proposed a
    Law to FORCE CDC to do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study “Vaccine Safety Study Act”.
    But because Pharmaceutical Industry is the Biggest BRIBER of Congress, this Law was not passed.

    Folks, you just cannot believe anything the ProVaxxers on this thread say.
    They are just lying through their teeth.


    2Cents: The only vaccine that was blamed for autism was the MMR shot,

    LIE! Thimerosal and Aluminum known NEUROTOXINS and are also blamed for Autism.

    Folks, I wrote this same post earlier, but 2Cents keeps repeating her Lie anyway.
    Which tells you that ProVaxxers Deliberately Lie and you cannot believe anything they say.


    Doomsday: It is against the LAW for a substance to be labeled β€œX-Free” to contain ANY β€œtrace amounts” of X

    Millhouse: No, it is not. One more doomsday lie.

    Yes, it is. Another Millhouse Lie. Most likely due to vaccines, many people are deadly allergic to things like
    peanuts. Also many people are VERY sensitive to gluten. If a product is labeled “peanut free” it means
    PEANUT-FREE – it is ILLEGAL to contain “trace amounts” of peanuts which can KILL!. If a product is labeled
    “gluten-free” it is ILLEGAL to contain “trace amounts” of gluten!

    But Vaccines that are labeled “Thimerosal-Free” are ALLOWED to break this Law and contain up to
    1 Mcg of Thimerosal. And it is stated on CDC website that “Thimerosal-Free” Vaccines can contain “trace amounts” of Thimerosal! More Evidence that CDC and FDA work for Pharmaceutical Companies and
    NOT for the American People!


    Doomsday: β€œWhy won’t CDC do the Retrospective Study as had been requested by Congressmen???”

    2cents: You mentioned this earlier, and shown to be incorrect. Sonwhy bring this up again?

    Folks, See how 2cents keeps on lying?
    Throughout this thread I and other Anti-Vaxxers kept asking why CDC won’t do a Retrospective Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study. 2cents claimed there WERE 2 studies on vaxxed vs unvaxxed but those studies
    were really vaxxed vs vaxxed. And when this was pointed out, 2cents claimed that we were discussing
    MMR vaccine and not why the CDC refuses to do a vaxxed vs unvaxxed study!!! And now 2cents claims that
    I was shown to be “incorrect” when 2cents was PROVEN a LIAR (again! )


    Millhouse: Any damage must be done by some individual vaccine, so it only makes sense to test that specific vaccine for whatever harm it is that it’s alleged to be doing.

    You don’t make sense! There are many medicines that were tested for safety. But if you take 7-8 medicines
    AT SAME TIME it can be Deadly. So too, can taking 7-8 Vaccines AT SAME TIME be far more dangerous then
    just taking one dose. Therefore the insane CDC SCHEDULE must be tested against 100% Unvaccinated.


    Well since Pharmaceutical Industry is the biggest Briber of Congress, Congress will never force CDC to
    do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study.

    But that does NOT take the issue off the table. The fact that CDC refuses to do such a study is evidence
    that CDC and Pharmaceutical Companies KNOW that such a study would PROVE that Vaccines cause
    Autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy etc.

    There were some Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed studies that show that UNvaccinated children are FAR, FAR
    healthier then Vaccinated Children!


    DaasYochid, Vaccines are risky and can damage your health – especially if you already have a weakened
    immune system. That is why the immunocompromised cannot be vaccinated.


    A. Some Child Vaccines labeled “Thimerosal Free” actually contain 1 mcg of Thimerosal. It is against the LAW for a substance to be labeled “X-Free” to contain ANY “trace amounts” of X But FDA allows Vaccine Makers to break
    this Law. Also, Children and Pregnant women are allowed to be given Flu Vaccines containing 25 mcg Thimerosal.

    B. MMR vaccine is the one that was blamed for autism – Wrong again. Thimerosal and Aluminum are ALSO blamed for Autism and MMR NEVER CONTAINED THIMEROSAL!

    C. Children that did not receive the MMR vaccine are not in line with the CDCs schedule, yet there has been no change in autism rates. I found papers that debunked those studies, showing that MMR did increase autism rate vs Vaccinated with no MMR. But MMR is not the ONLY vaccine associated with autism.

    D. If Measles causes encephalitis, why is the wild measles better than the vaccine?

    A better question is if MMR can cause encephalitis, why is MMR better than Measles?

    E: Re: Safety of Vaccines vs Measles: Since CDC tripled Vaccine Schedule around 1990:
    1:6 children are learning disabled
    1:6 children are allergic
    1:13 children have asthma
    1:15 children have ADHD
    1:5 teens had episode of mental illness
    1:8 children have IBS
    1:50 children have autism
    1:100 children have epilepsy
    1:250 children have tourettes syndrome
    1:400 children have diabetes
    1:775 babies die of SIDS
    1:1,000 children have Celiac Disease
    1:5,560 children have CANCER
    168 Deaths following vaccines reported to VAERS every year.
    ZERO deaths from Measles (in USA).

    Vaccines are MORE DANGEROUS then Measles!


    Millhouse: S/he also completely ignores the fact that the MMR vaccine is the only one suspected of causing autism

    WRONG again, Millhouse!
    ALL Vaccines are linked to Autism. Thimerosal is linked to Autism and MMR never had Thimerosal.
    Aluminum is also in Vaccines and linked to Autism.


    Millhouse: S/he also completely ignores the fact that the MMR vaccine is the only one suspected of causing autism,

    WRONG! ALL vaccines are suspected of causing autism. Thimerosal and aluminum are two of the ingredients being linked to autism and MMR never contained Thimerosal. But MMR vax contains LIVE Measles Virus and the
    Measles Virus can cause Encephalitis leading to Autism. But other vaccines contain other dangers that can also
    lead to autism.


    Keej123: Studies are one thing, reality is another

    As you can see Keej123, ProVaxxers don’t accept any “reality” that contradicts their Religion of Vaccines.
    Who are you going to believe Studies (that were proven Fraudulent) or your lying eyes? LOL!


    A vaxxed vs unvaxxed study is:

    Vaccinateded per CDC Schedule vs 100% UnVaccinated

    Why won’t CDC do the Retrospective Study as had been requested by Congressmen???


    Daas Yochid: There is no evidence that vaccination causes health problems. The only evidence seems to indicate the opposite.
    Since the CDC TRIPLED the Vaccine schedule around 1990, Autism went from 1:10,000 to 1:50 today!
    1:6 children are learning disabled
    1:6 children are allergic
    1:13 children have asthma
    1:15 children have ADHD
    1:5 teens had episode of mental illness
    1:8 children have IBS
    1:50 children have autism
    1:100 children have epilepsy
    1:250 children have tourettes syndrome
    1:400 children have diabetes
    1:775 babies die of SIDS
    1:1,000 children have Celiac Disease
    1:5,560 children have CANCER
    168 Deaths following vaccines reported to VAERS every year.
    ZERO deaths from Measles (in USA).


    How Government lies about the term “Unvaccinated”

    β€œOne hundred and eighty kids β€” this really hit me hard as the father of three kids β€” died last year from the flu. And the majority of them were unvaccinated,” said US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome M. Adams. speaking at a news conference hosted by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases on Thursday. β€œFlu vaccinations save lives.”

    The 180 children who died of flu were ALL Vaccinated. A Minority of the children who died of the Flu,
    GOT THE FLU VACCINE! The rest were all vaccinated but did NOT get the Flu vaccines so they are Fraudulently labeled “Unvaccinated”. Vaccination weakens the immune system, making one more likely to get the Flu, and more likely to die from the Flu.


    2cents: you are parakeet of β€˜alternative’ people vs doctors that have spent years earning a degree in medicine, evidence based medicine.

    There are many real Medical Doctors and real Scientists who have done research and studies and concluded
    that Vaccines are DANGEROUS, cause Autism and many other chronic illnesses.


    debrim: we can lay rest to the debate and know the truth with very little effort. Why is this not being done?

    Debrim, the CDC and Vaccine Industry KNOW that Vaccines cause Autism and many other diseases. Not only does Pharmaceutical Companies make Billions on FORCED (mandated) Vaccines, they make TRILLIONS on selling drugs (like Ritalin, Insulin, Anti-Seizure Meds) to all the SICK Children they CREATED!

    If the Truth would come out that Vaccines cause Autism, not only would Pharmaceutical Companies and US Government have to pay TRILLIONS $$$ for Vaccine Injuries, the Head of CDC and Vaccine Industry would go to JAIL!

    So they make Fraudulent studies – I have given many examples of HOW these studies are Fraudulent. And they make up Excuses why there can’t be a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study: “It’s Unethical to deprive children of Vaccines”. If you say so Do a RETROSPECTIVE Study, they say those are not perfect because there might be other factors…blah…blah…blah.. It was RETROSPECTIVE Studies on Smoker vs NON Smoker that proved conclusively that Smoking causes Cancer – which for DECADES the Tobacco Industry LIED that it didn’t! And they hired Scientists to deceive the public that smoking does not cause Cancer!
    The Pro Vaxxers on this thread also LIED that there WERE Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Studies and I PROVED that those studies were NOT Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed as the Pro Vaxxers claimed.
    The TRUTH will destroy US Government and Pharmaceutical Companies so it is being COVERED UP.
    They want to ELIMINATE all UNVACCINATED in order to hide the truth forever!


    Keej123: Studies are one thing, reality is another…

    Because FAKE STUDIES are designed to prove whatever the Corporation/CDC PAYING for the study wants!
    This is what the Editors of the Most PRESTIGIOUS MEDICAL JOURNALS say! See below:

    Editor of The New England Journal of Medicine β€œIt is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as editor of The New England Journal of Medicine”

    Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, wrote that β€œThe case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness”


    Doomsday: Why won’t CDC do RETROSPECTIVE Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed study?
    Daas Yochid: Because there’s no way to control for side factors.

    It is true that there is no PERFECT retrospective study but that does not mean they are not conclusive.
    The BIG difference in Lung Cancer between Smokers and Non Smokers in retrospective studies was enough to prove that Smoking causes Lung Cancer.

    There have been some Retrospective studies on vaxxed vs unvaxxed and they DO show a BIG difference –
    autism, allergies, ADHD, asthma and more MUCH higher among Vaccinated Children.

    The fact that CDC refuses to do such a study – demanded by Congressmen – is in itself Proof that CDC and
    Vaccine Industry know that VACCINES CAUSE AUTISM – and many other diseases.

    CDC and Vaccine Industry are trying to WIPE OUT the Unvaccinated by taking away Personal/Religious Exemptions allowing Unvaccinated to attend school. By Wiping Out the UnVaccinated, the CDC and Vaccine Industry will destroy the IRREFUTABLE Smoking Gun PROOF that Vaccines Cause Autism + much more!!!


    Ubiquiton: wants to keep his kids in a vaxx only school, what right do we have to force our vaccine-free kids on theirs?

    1. Because Recently Vaccinated Children can Spread disease (including measles) so what right do you have to
    bar vaccine-free kids, when you allow Recently Vaccinated Children to attend school?

    2. Since Vaccines are 97% effective, 3% of the vaccinated children are unknowingly “vaccine-free”. So since
    3% of kids are anyway “vaccine-free” what right do you have to bar other “vaccine-free” kids from school?

    3. Vaccines only give TEMPORARY immunity so most of the ADULTS in school are de-facto “vaccine-free”.
    Since these Not-Immune ADULTS are allowed in schools/daycare, what right do you have to bar “vaccine-free” kids from school?


    2Cents: The discussion was about autism which was only blamed (by wakefield) on the MMR vaccine.

    Folks, see how 2cents continues to LIE and deny that we were discussing Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study and NOT MMR as 2cents lies?!? Look at the posts below – is the word MMR mentioned once? NO!
    Are the words “Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed study mentioned repeatedly? YES! Folks, who is the Liar?

    Doomday: #1635370: ..Did the study you cited compare vaccinated children to unvaccinated children? Please just answer YES or NO. Thank you.
    2Cents: #1635379: Dooms, the answer is yes.

    2Cents: #1635679 Dooms: β€œI still have not heard an explanation on why CDC refuses to do a RETROSPECTIVE study comparing”.
    the problem I personally have with this discussion is that most of the stuff you bring up have been addressed more than once on this thread, yet just ignore them and continue to copy paste the nonsense.
    There are retrospective studies, here is one. PubMed 12523209, in fact, it is a very large one.
    Here is another one, JAMA 2275444

    2Cents #1633206 Dooms: – explain to my WHY CDC refuses to do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study?”
    There are many explanations why it is not ethical not to vaccinate a group of people just for the purpose of a study, however the data is pretty clear, See below. (of course you only accept made up and twisted data that supports your theory, not true data).
    JAMA 2275444

    2cents#1636429Doom: β€œThe only study I heard Anti-Vaxxers ask for is a RETROSPECTIVE Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study. Congress requested from the CDC a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study, but the CDC refuses.”
    A. There have been numerous studies, I myself have provided a few on the other thread, not sure why you fail to appreciate responses that are directed at your posts, (I guess because all you can do is just copy paste from some silly radical site). If you would actually care about facts, you would not just repeat the same questions time after time.


    Daas Yochid: there is no way to do a fully vaxxed vs. fully unvaxxed study accurately, as repeated multiple times

    Why Not??? There WERE Smoker vs NonSmoker retrospective studies that showed that Smokers have MUCH Higher Rates of Lung Cancer so why can’t there be a Retrospective study on Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed???


    Dooms, β€œHere is 2Cents Lying that there ARE vaxxed vs unvaxxed retrospective studies. But when I checked out the studies that 2Cents β€œpointed out” they are NOT vaxxed vs unvaxxed!!! And 2Cents writes that she KNEW they were not vaxxed vs unvaxxed when she posted that they WERE!”

    2Cents: Guess what, your an idiot….Yes, this IS a retrospective study, and yes, it is limited to the MMR vaccine, where have I lied?? I have mentioned this many times, this is about the MMR vaccine,

    Folks, 2Cents LIES and when caught in a LIE she LIES again to try to cover up her Lie! The debate was about “Why does the CDC refuse to do a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study?” and 2Cents cited Two Studies that she and Health REPEATEDLY said were Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed when I asked! When I pointed out both these studies were ONLY about MMR Vaccine and NOT a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed, 2Cents calls me an Idiot and said the debate was about MMR Vaccine. See 2Cents Posts below PROVING debate was “Why won’t CDC do Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Studies” Proof that 2Cents LIES and when caught, LIES some more:

    2Cents: #1635679 Dooms: β€œI still have not heard an explanation on why CDC refuses to do a RETROSPECTIVE study comparing”.
    the problem I personally have with this discussion is that most of the stuff you bring up have been addressed more than once on this thread, yet just ignore them and continue to copy paste the nonsense.
    There are retrospective studies, here is one. PubMed 12523209, in fact, it is a very large one.
    Here is another one, JAMA 2275444

    2Cents #1633206 Dooms: – explain to my WHY CDC refuses to do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study?”
    There are many explanations why it is not ethical not to vaccinate a group of people just for the purpose of a study, however the data is pretty clear, See below. (of course you only accept made up and twisted data that supports your theory, not true data).
    JAMA 2275444

    2cents#1636429Doom: β€œThe only study I heard Anti-Vaxxers ask for is a RETROSPECTIVE Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study. Congress requested from the CDC a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study, but the CDC refuses.”
    A. There have been numerous studies, I myself have provided a few on the other thread, not sure why you fail to appreciate responses that are directed at your posts, (I guess because all you can do is just copy paste from some silly radical site). If you would actually care about facts, you would not just repeat the same questions time after time.

    Folks, was the debate on Why CDC refuses to do Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed ? Or a debate on MMR Vaccine as 2Cents lies? (and calls me an “Idiot” for saying the debate was on Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed study)


    2cents: B. I have asked you specifically, what exactly do you want should be studied that has not been studied?

    I, and others, have answered SPECIFICALLY we want a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study – comparing the TOTAL Health of Vaccinated vs UnVaccinated. And you lied and cited 2 studies saying they ARE vaxxed vs Unvaxxed studies but they are NOT!


    re: DaasYochid 5 studies claiming to be vaxxed vs unvaxxed: They are NOT – see below:

    1) Germany 2011. (Schmitz et al) Full paper: Vaccination Status and Health in Children and Adolescents
    NOT GOOD: Vaccinated is defined as having “at least ONE vaccine”. So this study compares Unvaxxed to children who got as little as ONE vaccine. It is not comparing 100% Unvaccinated vs Vaccinated per CDC schedule – or anything even CLOSE to the CDC schedule. Another FRAUDULENT deliberately MISLEADING study pretending to be Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed.
    Also, this study only had 50 Unvaccinated children – not enough to be conclusive.

    2) Germany 2013 (Grabenhenrich et al) Full Paper: Early-life determinants of asthma from birth to age 20 years: A German birth cohort study
    NOT GOOD: Again, Vaccinated children who did not receive 3 Vaccines (MMR, BCG or Tick TE) were FRAUDULENTLY called “UnVaccinated” Children – when they were Vaccinated!!!
    Also, ONLY checked for asthma – not for neurological problems like Autism, ADHD, learning disabilities or
    autoimmune diseases like diabetes or allergies.

    3) Philippines 2011 (Bloom et al) Full Paper: The effect of vaccination on children’s physical and cognitive development in the Philippines
    NOT GOOD: Vaccinated children were NOT vaccinated per CDC schedule – FAR fewer vaccines. Only received ONE DOSE of Aluminum containing Vaccine DPT. But CDC schedule FORCES 11 doses of Aluminum containing vaccines by age 6 months, and 16 doses of Aluminum containing vaccines by 2 years. Aluminum adjuvant is probably the most dangerous vaccine ingredient. CDC Schedule: 11 Doses by Six Months = 3,675 mcg Aluminum in FIRST 6 MONTHS! + 4 More doses of Aluminum before age 2 compared to ONLY ONE dose DPT (625 mcg) done in Phillipines!
    There were other explanations why Vaccinated kids scored higher in school (NOT the vaccines)!
    The Vaccinated children had:
    1) had mothers with more education,
    2) had higher socioeconomic status,
    3) lived in larger homes,
    4) had more toilet/sanitation access,
    5) had fewer siblings,
    6) had better-nourished mothers,
    7) had more breastfeeding as infants

    …than the unvaccinated.

    Studies 4 and 5 were NOT vaccinated vs Unvaccinated but Vaccinated + FLU vaccine vs Vaccinated w/o
    FLU vaccine.

    Folks, See how Vaccine Industry LIES? Look at the title of insert that Daas Yochid posted:
    “No studies comparing health of Vaccinated vs UnVaccinated? What about these?”</strong?

    As I just PROVED – these studies are NOT Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed and are FRAUDULENT Studies put out by
    Vaccine Industry to Cover Up that Vaccines are DANGEROUS and NOT worth the Risk!!!


    Folks, I want to point out how 2Cents and Health LIE! When I asked why CDC won’t do vaxxed vs unvaxxed study, 2 Cents cited TWO studies claiming they were vaxxed vs unvaxxed. I checked the studies and they were comparing Vaxxed to Vaxxed. I asked both 2Cents and Health – Are these studies vaxxed vs unvaxxed and they both said YES! See below:

    Doomday: #1635370: Health, Did the study you cited compare vaccinated children to unvaccinated children?
    Please just answer YES or NO. Thank you.
    2Cents: #1635379: Dooms, the answer is yes.

    Health: #1635634 Doomsday:β€œHealth, was this study comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated children?
    I want a Yes or No answer, please. Second request.”
    Health: Yes; amongst other things.

    When I point out that they are WRONG – that studies compare vaxxed with vaxxed, Health insists the studies ARE a vaxxed vs unvaxxed and calls me names that I didn’t finish high school and don’t understand!

    2Cents claims she knew all along that the study was only comparing whether Vaxxed children did or did not get ONE vaccine – which means she deliberate LIED when she said repeatedly these were vaxxed vs unvaxxed studies!


    2Cents: Dooms, There are retrospective studies, I have pointed out a few, why are you still requesting them when they actually exist?

    Here is 2Cents Lying that there ARE vaxxed vs unvaxxed retrospective studies. But when I checked out the studies that 2Cents “pointed out” they are NOT vaxxed vs unvaxxed!!! And 2Cents writes that she KNEW they were not vaxxed vs unvaxxed when she posted that they WERE!


    Doomsday: β€œBut you are WRONG! These studies compare Vaxxed Children with Vaxxed Children – only difference is some got MMR and some did not! So it is NOT a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study as You Provaxxers said it was.”

    2cents: You are correct, this is only focused on the MMR vaccine, this is what I intended to show when I posted these studies.

    Folks, see how ProVaxxers LIE??? I asked for a study comparing Vaxxed and Unvaxxed and 2Cents kept posting There ARE such studies and listed two of them. When I checked the studies, they were NOT Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed as 2cents FALSELY claimed there were.
    I was “dan l’kaf zechus” that maybe 2cents was confused because these studies FRAUDULENTLY refer to children who did not get ONE vaccine (but got others) as “UnVaccinated”.
    But 2Cents openly states she KNOWINGLY deceived me, saying these studies were Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed but she KNEW that they were NOT!
    ProVaxxers: Still waiting for explanation why CDC refuses requests from Congressmen and Anti-Vaxxers for
    a RETROSPECTIVE Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study!


    Lucy: doomsday, Good to see someone who’s done their research, well done to you and for sharing it here. Most people just assume the science on vaccines has already been performed, it is only those who look deeper who discover that it hasn’t.

    Thank you for the encouragement. I am not posting for the ProVaxxers – Vaccine is a Religion for them and no
    amount of evidence will change their minds. I am posting for the benefit of “those on the fence” who need to
    see that Anti-Vaxxers are NOT a bunch of Crazies as the Fake News says, but people who have spent much time DOING THEIR OWN RESEARCH. Fact is Anti-Vaxxers are mostly White, Upper Middle Class, College Educated.


    ProVaxxers, Still waiting for answer “Why CDC refuses to do RETROSPECTIVE vax vs unvaxxed Study” as requested by Congressmen and Unvaxxers!
    2cents claimed there WERE such studies but I pointed that those studies compared Vaxxed to Vaxxed. Any Answers to my question?
    And don’t say “unethical”. Look up the definition of RETROSPECTIVE if you don’t understand it.


    Lucy: β€œif your baby was born very prematurely (at or before 28 weeks of gestation) longer gaps than normal between breaths may occur for 2-3 days after vaccination. These babies may require respiratory monitoring for 48-72h following the administration of the first two or three doses of Infanrix hexa.”

    Thank you, Lucy. It is a CRIME that CDC forces vaccination on PREMATURE babies – starting at birth!
    Nurses report that when vaccinating Premies, they have a team waiting to RESUSCITATE the babies who go into Shock upon vaccination! Yet the CDC won’t change it’s policy that Premies must follow the same schedule as full term babies!


    DaasYochid: That would be immoral. So would not having people vax to do a study.

    Pay attention. I said a RETROSPECTIVE study. Comparing children who are already Unvaxxed with the
    Vaccinated. It is still legal for parents not to vax so there are plenty of Unvaxxed available.


    Doomsday:β€œThe point is, Recently Vaccinated children CAN be contagious”
    2Cents: Where are you taking this from?

    1. There are Newspaper stories documenting people caught diseases from Vaccinated people.
    2. Vaccine Inserts acknowledge that Recently Vaccinated CAN transmit disease but then say the risk is
    very small.
    3. Until 2015, Vaccine Inserts said That Newly Vaccinated should be kept away from Immunocompromised for several weeks. Hospital Guides said the same thing.
    Based on WHAT STUDIES did Vaccine Industry CHANGE the Vaccine Inserts from Recently Vaccinated ARE a Risk of spreading Disease to Recently Vaccinated are “little risk” of Spreading Disease???
    NO STUDIES!!! This was changed because AntiVaxxers asked “Why are you barring UNvaccinated from school when you allow RECENTLY Vaccinated in school and you WRITE ON INSERTS and HOSPITAL GUIDES that Recently Vaccinated ARE ad DANGER to the immunocompromised???
    There are NO STUDIES justifying the changed guidelines – it is FRAUD to eliminate All Unvaccinated so that there can NEVER be a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study!!! To cover up Vaccines cause Autism & much more!


    2Cents, I repeatedly asked “Why doesn’t the CDC do a RETROSPECTIVE Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study?”
    YOU repeatedly said CDC DID do such a study and referred to 2 studies: JAMA 2275444 and PubMed 12523209.
    I asked You: Are these Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Studies? and You (2Cents) replied “Yes” as did other ProVaxxers.
    But you are WRONG! These studies compare Vaxxed Children with Vaxxed Children – only difference is some got MMR and some did not! So it is NOT a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study as You Provaxxers said it was.
    So please answer me: WHY Wont’ CDC do a Retrospective Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study???
    CDC and Vaccine Industry is working DESPERATELY to outlaw Unvaccinated so that it would be impossible to ever do a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study!!! It’s as if Tobacco Industry got CDC to FORCE everyone to Smoke Cigarettes so it would be impossible to do a Smoker vs Non-Smoker Study!!!


    Doomsday: Why does CDC refuse to do a RETROSPECTIVE vax vs unvaxxed study?
    2cents: There are retrospective studies, here is one. PubMed 12523209, in fact, it is a very large one. Here is another one, JAMA 2275444

    I asked you if these studies were vaxxed vs unvaxxed and you said yes, they were.
    NO, they are NOT. I don’t blame you. The researchers and government FRAUDULENTLY refer to children who are Vaccinated as “Unvaccinated” if they did not get 100% of available vaccines.
    JAMA 2275444 – compared vaccinated children + MMR with Vaccinated children – MMR
    PubMed 12523209 also compared vaccinated children + MMR with Vaccinated children – MMR

    It’s like comparing people who smoke 5 packs a day vs people who smoke 4 packs a day and then saying
    since both groups get cancer, that proves cigarettes don’t cause cancer.
    And it’s Fraudulently calling people who smoke 4 packs a day, instead of 5 packs a day, NON-SMOKERS!


    I didn’t know they changed the vaccine inserts and hospital guides until now.
    The point is, Recently Vaccinated children CAN be contagious so it is wrong to bar unvaccinated children from
    school, while allowing recently vaccinated children to attend.
    The reason Vaccine Industry is bribing states to take away personal/religious exemptions is because
    Unvaccinated children are the SMOKING GUN to prove Atrocities committed by Vaccine Industry and CDC.
    The CDC refuses to do a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study because they know it will PROVE that Vaccines cause
    Autism, Allergies, Asthma, Epilepsy, ADHD, etc.
    So take away the religious/personal exemptions, force EVERYONE to vaccinate – and make Unvaccinated ILLEGAL, thereby DESTROYING THE EVIDENCE against Vaccine Industry and CDC.
    It’s like if the Tobacco Industry Bribed States to MANDATE that everyone Smoke Cigarettes in order to
    COVER UP that Cigarettes cause Cancer. And heart disease, stroke and emphasyma.


    Millhouse: we use light bulbs because they work, not because we trust Edison.

    Exactly! You don’t have to trust Dr. Scheibner, her invention “CotWatch” Works! CotWatch records the breathing of babies in their cribs. And there are Computerized Recordings showing that Babies Stopped Breathing (Apnea) right after getting DPT Shot! THAT is the proof that DPT causes SIDS – COTWATCH, not Dr. Scheibner. And parents have won Millions of Dollars from Vaccine Court for SIDS. Not that money will bring back their dead babies. And SIDS is listed as a known adverse effect on the vaccine inserts. As is Autism.


    Millhouse: Second, we use light bulbs because they work, not because we trust Edison.

    You don’t have to “trust” Dr. Scheibner. Her invention “CotWatch” records the breathing of babies in
    their cribs. The Computerized Records PROVE that AFTER DPT vaccines, babies experience Apnea (stopped breathing!) and Shallow Breathing. It was Dr. Scheibner’s INVENTION that is the proof DPT causes SIDS and
    many parents have won awards in Vaccine Court for SIDS. And SIDS is on the vaccine inserts as a known
    adverse event.


    Ubiquiton: Johns Hopkins Patient Guide warns the immunocompromised to β€œAvoid contact with children who are recently vaccinated,” and to β€œTell friends and family who are sick, or have recently had a live vaccine (such as chicken pox, measles, rubella, intranasal influenza, polio or smallpox) not to visit”

    I have a saved copy of the 2014 John Hopkins Patient Guide which DID state that the immunocompromised should avoid recently compromised. You can still see the 2014 Patient Guide online. Also the Vaccine Inserts
    used to say that recently vaccinated can shed the virus for 6 weeks and should avoid the immunocompromised.

    But then the Anti-Vaxxers started complaining “How can you ban Healthy Unvaccinated Children and Babies from School and Daycare but allow the Recently Vaccinated Children and Babies to go to School and Daycare?”

    When the Anti-Vaxxers pointed out this CONTRADICTION to the Pharmaceutical Companies and CDC ,
    they quickly removed the warning from vaccine inserts and hospital guides and then announced that Recently Vaccinated Children are NOT Contagious – but they really are!!! For Years the Pharmaceutical Companies and Hospitals said recently vaccinated children ARE contagious.
    And there are studies and real life cases that prove it. So it may be the vaccinated children who are the “rodfim” and spreading disease!!! .

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