Forum Replies Created
February 4, 2013 1:51 pm at 1:51 pm in reply to: Calling people with questionable smicha Rabbi #995550DaMosheParticipant
If someone graduates medical school, you generally call them Doctor, no matter how old they are. It has nothing to do with age, it is a title that you’ve earned by virtue of passing the exams needed.
If someone gets semicha, they’ve earned the right to be called Rabbi. Does that mean you always have to? Probably not, but when using a formal address, you should write their official title.
Whether you have respect for them or not is up to you. If the semicha is from a yeshiva you don’t hold of, then don’t show them the respect to their face. Obviously, don’t use them as your Rav.
February 1, 2013 1:51 pm at 1:51 pm in reply to: Jewish Mayor Koch Being Buried In Church Cemetery #927219DaMosheParticipantIt’s a terrible thing that he isn’t being buried in a Jewish cemetery. That said, I do envy the schar he will receive for always defending Israel. He stood up for Israel against those who opposed it, even when it wasn’t politically correct to do so. This unwavering dedication to the safety of our brothers and sisters will no doubt grant him a huge zchus in the next world.
DaMosheParticipantI recommend To Kindle a Soul by Rabbi Keleman.
DaMosheParticipantMods: Sorry, I checked it again – he said it’s an open letter to Yeshiva World.
Correct, an open letter on his blog
DaMosheParticipantBear: He’s not trying to bend the rules, he’s trying his hardest to stay within them. Everyone slips up sometimes. As long as we realize that when we do it’s wrong, and we try to do better, we’re on the right path. He claims that’s what is going on with him.
How can you judge him when he has such a terrible situation to live with? He is trying his best. He says he came out about his situation to show others in it that you can live as a frum gay person. Personally, I think a frum person who is gay and is able to resist his temptations 99% of the time is amazing. I wish I was able to resist 99% of my temptations to do wrong.
Unfortunately, with your lashon hara here (which obviously I am not mekabel), you are a far cry from resisting 99% of your temptations.
DaMosheParticipantHe has a website where he posted it. He said that some friends showed him the posts about him here the other day, and he wrote it as a response. He submitted it to YWN, but also wrote he didn’t think they’d post it because he gets into some details they likely wouldn’t want to publish.
Nothing was ever submitted to YWN
DaMosheParticipantBear, did you read the letter that this Ger wrote in response to your accusations?
He says that he knew being gay was wrong. He suppressed the desire as much as he was able. Did he slip sometimes? Yes, and he writes how he was wracked with guilt and cried about it after.
He converted because he was told when you convert, you become a new person and your old self is gone. He hoped it would rid him of these desires he had. It didn’t.
He married a woman, and went to therapy for years. Nothing helped, and he resented his wife. He says he is now OTD because of the issues he has with the chareidi world and how they handled (or didn’t handle) his situation.
He recognizes that acting on his desires is wrong, and tries to avoid it as much as he can. Being gay and frum is a terrible situation to be in, and I have a lot of pity for people in that situation. Imagine knowing that you have to go through life alone, unable to act on your desires – it’s a tremendous burden!
Don’t insult somebody you know nothing about. Be dan l’kaf zchus.
DaMosheParticipantMaybe it wasn’t really fifty dollars, but five dollars? After all, it seems clear you’re not sure where a period (or decimal) should go, so maybe you were wrong? Maybe it was fifty cents?
As haifagirl said, please study English some more. I’m sorry about the situation you’re in, but that’s not an excuse for the grammar (or lack thereof) in your post.
DaMosheParticipantI also agree with Goq, with one more piece. I’m also not a big fan of when people change diapers in public. When my kids were babies, I never changed them in public unless there was absolutely no other choice. I’d go to a bathroom, even if there wasn’t a changing table. I got a very large changing pad and disinfectant wipes, and I even did it on the floor of a bathroom stall once.
I definitely think the woman overreacted. A simple, “Excuse me, it really bother me when people do that, would you mind going to use the table in the bathroom?” would have been fine. Her reaction was way over the line.
Your response about her marital status was also way over the line.
daniela: I don’t see what animal owners have to do with this. There was no indication the woman owns a pet. I have friends and neighbors who own pets and they are extremely nice people. I can assure you that they don’t enjoy cleaning up after their dogs or changing litter boxes. That’s why there are so many products out there to help with it so the owner doesn’t have to touch the stuff or get too close to it. You also have no clue whether the woman is Jewish or not.
DaMosheParticipantOf course I do! I’ve gotten into trouble for protecting some of my younger siblings, but I didn’t care. Family is extremely important. Yes, we argue at times, but they’re still my siblings.
DaMosheParticipantI heard that the yeshiva there had some difficulties after R’ Altusky left to go to Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway. He was very popular, and some guys from the yeshiva followed him there. Afterwards, some people who would have gone to Montreal went to Darchei Torah instead.
DaMosheParticipantThe tablecloth and candlesticks are set up on Friday afternoon. Usually my kids enjoy putting on the plates and silverware while I’m in shul. In the summertime, they’ll do that on Friday afternoon also.
DaMosheParticipantI just wonder if any of those supporting Weberman and claiming there was no evidence actually sat through the entire trial themselves, or read a transcript of the case. If you didn’t, how do you know what happened? Because a biased “Rebbe” told you what to think? If you don’t know all the facts, you can’t say there was no evidence. Read through the entire transcript with an open mind and then get back to me.
DaMosheParticipant147: Oh please. Maybe anyone who uses the Ponovezh Rosh Yeshiva as their Rav and didn’t listen to him will lose their chelek. But most people don’t rely on him, and therefore are not bound by their psak.
DaMosheParticipantResponses like the ones here are exactly why we have these problems in the Jewish community. People, WAKE UP! It wasn’t just the word of the girl. The therapist confirmed it, and said the symptoms were those of a victim of abuse. I believe I read that the victim had told the therapist even before Weberman told her father about the boyfriend, so the reason Weberman gave is utter nonsense.
Enough of the covering up! It happened in Torah Temimah, it happened in other places, and it now happened in Williamsburg. When will we stop assuming it’s all anti-semitism and start really working towards putting an end to it?
The victim’s father has had to come out multiple times and say he did not support his daughter. Why? Because his business collapsed after the “Rebbe” told people not to use him. The family is not welcome in the community. Instead of giving them much needed support, they were kicked out. No wonder other victims didn’t want to come forward, with such mafia tactics!
The DA said that the cover-up and intimidation used by the community is worse than any mafia tactics he’s seen in the past. One chillul Hashem wasn’t enough, now they’re going for more! It’s time to really look around and see what’s going on, without rose colored glasses.
DaMosheParticipantdhl: Wow, we share a birthday (although not the same year, I’m quite a bit older than you!)
DaMosheParticipant3 litvaks and a chassid were visiting a friend for Shabbos. At Seudah Shlishi, the host puts out a plate with 5 pieces of herring on it and says, “Enjoy! Don’t wait for me, I don’t like herring.”
Each guests grabs one piece. They are all eyeballing the one piece left on the plate, not wanting to seem like the greedy one for taking the extra piece. Suddenly, the lights go out. A piercing scream is suddenly heard! Just as quickly, the lights go back on.
There, on the plate, is a hand holding the last piece, with 3 forks stuck in it.
January 22, 2013 2:47 pm at 2:47 pm in reply to: Racism and Chinuch: What do we teach our children about diversity? #929173DaMosheParticipantgavra_at_work: As someone who learned in R’ Bender’s yeshiva, I can attest to that! I well remember on my first night there (for dormitory orientation), R’ Bender spoke about the security guards who were there for our protection. Many of them were black. He said that if he ever heard anyone saying anything racist about them, there would be immediate consequences, even if it wasn’t said in front of them. He said if he ever heard someone say the “N” word about them, it would mean an immediate expulsion, no questions asked.
January 22, 2013 2:40 pm at 2:40 pm in reply to: Blaming the Same Gender Unions: A Personal Rant #927578DaMosheParticipantThe Chassidishe Gatesheader: We do know in some cases that X can cause Y. For example, the Mishna Brurah says that talking during chazaras Hashatz causes shuls to be destroyed. We know that doing kibbud av v’em properly leads to long life. Where we have a source for something, there’s nothign wrong with relying on it.
It’s when people make up things (like when people blame things on a lack of tznius these days) that it becomes a problem. But as I wrote above, I believe there is a source that says homosexuality causes nature to go haywire.
January 21, 2013 6:11 pm at 6:11 pm in reply to: Blaming the Same Gender Unions: A Personal Rant #927556DaMosheParticipantI don’t remember where I saw it, but I once learned that gay marriage is a distortion of the way nature is supposed to be. When this becomes commonplace and recognized as legitimate, it causes the derech hatevah that Hashem set up to change. So yes, it can be that gay marriage causes more storms, earthquakes, etc.
Do I know 100% for sure that it caused it? No, but I know it’s a possibility. As for it being our fault, it might be. I did write to my representatives urging them not to support it. I guess I could have done more.
We need to show that we will not support it no matter what, and no matter what other things these people do, as good as it may be. When Bloomberg was trying to get support in NY for it, Agudas Yisrael honored him at their dinner, for all his help funding yeshivos. This must stop! If someone supports it, do not show any honor towards them! Hashem will get us the money we need, but we need to show our opposition to such groups.
DaMosheParticipantI’d love to see the original article referenced by the OP. Does anyone know where it can be found?
January 17, 2013 5:22 pm at 5:22 pm in reply to: Some notes about what it means to be truly poor… #1001100DaMosheParticipantI wish I was in a position to help, but unfortunately I’m not. My wife has been unemployed for a long time, and our savings have dwindled to next to nothing.
One thing I can offer as advice is this: try to help others! You never know how it can help you later on. Here’s an example.
The wife of a friend of mine has helped out numerous people with various things – marrying off kallos without money, baalei teshuva, she helped a geyores with no money get new kitchen utensils, etc. They’ve never been rich, and just make ends meet, so she says she volunteers her time since she can’t help with money. She approaches various people she knows and gets donations of money, items, and other things.
A few months ago, their Shabbos hot plate broke. They tend to have a lot of guests, and had a very large, expensive hot plate to keep the large amount of food needed warm for the meals. They weren’t sure they could afford to buy a new one. So she called a store she had approached for various cases in the past, since she knew they sold them. She said to the owner, “My hot plate broke last week, and I need a new one. The one we had was very expensive, and I don’t have the money to replace it. Can you recommend a similar one that might be cheaper?”
The owner called her the next day and said, “I’ve spoken to you numerous times where you were always helping out others. I found out that you never took a penny for helping them. Now it’s your turn!” He sent them a new hot plate for free. Not only that, she had called a few stores to shop around for the best price. 2 other stores did the same thing! When she called to tell them she didn’t need 3 of them, she was told to keep them anyway – she could have one for Pesach, and one as a spare in case it was ever needed.
They kept one for Pesach, but true to her usual self, she gave away the 3rd one to a baal teshuva who was just starting to keep Shabbos!
My point is, if you help other people, Hashem will help you when you need it too.
DaMosheParticipantI should ask Feif Un to post again. I think he was one of the original members here.
DaMosheParticipantWhen I go to davening during the week, I make sure to dress appropriately. Even if it’s a Sunday where I was doing housework, and was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, I’ll change for davening into a nice button-down shirt and regular pants.
On Shabbos, I wear a suit and white shirt. The white shirt is my item that is special for Shabbos. I won’t wear one during the week unless it’s for a special occasion.
DaMosheParticipantTonight is the Bonei Olam dinner in Lakewood. If you’re in Lakewood, please go and support this wonderful organization!
DaMosheParticipantNo, I don’t think it’s ok to criticize anyone. I just looked at how people react to things, not whether the criticism is ok or not.
I happen to be a frum Jew.
DaMosheParticipantdaniela: I actually asked the waitress why she gets most of the kosher customers. She said that she is in culinary school, and actually studied about different dietary needs – whether kosher, halal, vegan, gluten free, or others. Because of that, the resort gives her those customers, as she knows a lot of the rules for each.
As for your comparison to African Americans, here’s the big difference. Let’s say she said something to a black person along the same lines. He would probably get upset. Why? Because to him, it’s an attack on all black people. This bothers him.
When she told that to me, I didn’t take it as an attack on all Jews. I actually felt sad that she’d had bad experiences with frum Jews.
Your refusal o believe anything bad about Jews is part of what leads to the issues we have these days, such as abuse. When people refuse to believe what they are told, it causes problems. Instead of trying to fix problems, they just ignore them. That leads to the problems becoming bigger. Take your head out of the sand and actually look around you.
DaMosheParticipantdaniela: No, we didn’t witness the people acting rudely. he waitresses there are very good. She didn’t make a mistake with our order, we had asked for a few extra things (extra plastic cutlery, etc.) while she was running by. She stopped at our table a minute later and said, “I didn’t catch on of the things you asked for, can you please repeat it?”
All the staff there knows not to unwrap the kosher food. We’ve never had an issue with that.
Rebdoniel, don’ bring Tav Hayosher into this. The organization pretends to be doing good, but they use lies and mafia tactics to try and gain clients. They are not so yosher themselves. I’m all in favor of owners treating employees properly (R’ Breuer zt”l wrote a whole essay in favor of it), but it must be done properly.
DaMosheParticipantdaniela: I agree with you that an employee shouldn’t be saying things like that to other people. However, it doesn’t change the fact that there were Jews who did not act properly. That’s what my post was about.
DaMosheParticipantThat depends on how much you can afford to pay. Request what you can’t afford.
DaMosheParticipantI drove my kids to school, and my wife to work.
Then I washed dishes, put away laundry, and did some other cleaning, so that my wife could relax when she got home.
Then I picked the kids up from school and spent time with them until they went to bed.
DaMosheParticipantgolfer: On my trip, we didn’t have to worry about reheating. The food was always fresh, whether a the hotel or stopping at a restaurant with a hechsher. It was never reheated.
Another thing to bear in mind is water. If you go in the summer, make sure to bring extra money for water. You don’t realize how hot you get because it’s a dry heat, but you can easily get dehydrated. On my trip, our bus driver sold water in 1.5 liter bottles. Make sure you have money for it!
DaMosheParticipantI went on one that was mixed. It was supposed to be a frum group, but there were people on it who weren’t shomer Shabbos. There was a minyan every day, 3 times a day. In fact, one of the guys in my group who wasn’t shomer Shabbos actually asked to borrow tefillin one day to try them on! That alone made the entire trip worthwhile.
There was always kosher food, only with hechsherim the OU approves of.
Yes, they are Zionists, and yes, they have a Zionist agenda. I think that’s great. All Jews should appreciate the great gift Hashem has given us.
My brother went on an all boys trip. They are available, just look for them.
Overall, I had an amazing time on the trip, and would highly recommend it to others.
DaMosheParticipantThere are a few reasons brought down for nittel nacht.
The Korban Netanel says it’s a form of aveilus.
The Chasam Sofer rejects the opinion of aveilus, and say if that were the case, we’d be allowed to learn hilchos aveilus. It also would last the entire night, not just the first half. Instead, he says that the Christians would go to church at midnight for services. If they were running to pray and the Jews were sleeping, it would look bad for Jews. However, if the Jews got up at midnight, it would look like they were copying the Christians. So they instituted a rule not to learn the first half, but to stay awake doing other things. At midnight, they would begin learning.
The Sefer Kedushat Tziyon says it’s to teach us a lesson. Jesus was a student of R’ Yehoshua ben Perachya. Before he turned bad, he was an accomplished and learned talmud chacham. He’s an example of the mishna in Avos, that says Torah learning, while important, is not the primary goal – actions are (living the Torah, not just learning it.) Therefore, on this night, we suspend learning to practice the actions.
In any case, most of these reasons don’t apply anymore. Only the last reason does, and playing cards or chess is certainly not the actions that the mishna in Avos refers to.
The Chazon Ish criticized those who held of nittel, and made sure to learn extra that night. The Steipler learned as well, and even told others not to let him know when nittel was, so he wouldn’t be distracted from his learning.
December 21, 2012 4:40 pm at 4:40 pm in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941703DaMosheParticipantSo they only post the ones that aren’t true?
December 21, 2012 4:06 pm at 4:06 pm in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941701DaMosheParticipantWell, I wrote my hate post. The mods didn’t publish it. Mods, why can people write terrible things about MO, but I write something about chassidim and it won’t get published?
DaMosheParticipantBigger people than you say to use it. You don’t like it, don’t use it. I believe the Rav in my community won’t be mesader kiddushin unless the couple has one.
DaMosheParticipantWhen I bought my house, the washer and dryer came with it. The washer was a GE model. I had a problem with my dryer, and had a repair guy come to fix it. He noticed my washer and told me that GE is not a good brand for washers/dryers, and I could probably expect to be calling him again soon for it.
Sure enough, about a month later, it started making loud noises, and shaking like crazy while running. By that time, I had a service contract with PSE&G, so I called them down. The guy said the bowl inside had cracked, so water had leaked, and the whole inside frame was rusted. The machine was finished, couldn’t be fixed, and I needed to buy a new one. I avoided GE at all costs!
DaMosheParticipantThere is nothing great about Yiddish.
December 20, 2012 7:48 pm at 7:48 pm in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941693DaMosheParticipantHealth: I looked up what R’ Moshe wrote about an eruv in Manhattan. He originally wrote that he held it wasn’t good. However, he wrote that yesh al mi lismoch, and he would not be against those who used it, because they did have a valid opinion to go by. He even wrote that this is a machlokes in halachah and Hashem is rejoicing over it!
Later, R’ Aharon Kotler wanted to sign strongly against it, and asked R’ Moshe to join in signing a letter. Out of respect for R’ Aharon, he signed. He write a letter saying that while he initially wrote a different opinion, he signed that letter for R’ Aharon.
So to the claim that nobody can argue on R’ Moshe, even R’ Moshe himself said that he understood the opinion that the eruv was good even though he didn’t agree, and felt there was nothing wrong with relying on those opinions.
December 20, 2012 2:12 pm at 2:12 pm in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941684DaMosheParticipantTheBear: You’re completely wrong with your history of MO.
MO people didn’t look to Rabbonim from Europe for leadership. We simply respect them for who they are, because (shocker!) we don’t automatically look down on those who don’t share the same hashkafos as us.
Right-wing MO will not join with the yeshiva world. We are doing just fine, thank you!
December 19, 2012 6:48 pm at 6:48 pm in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941675DaMosheParticipantI did some more digging into the gelatin thing with R’ Ralbag.
He does not allow regular gelatin. He allows Kolatin, which is gelatin made from properly shechted cows. It also has the OU hechsher on it.
R’ Ralbag was contacted regarding Trident gum, some of which had his hechsher. He stressed that regular gelatin is not kosher, but said a special run was produced with Kolatin in it.
December 19, 2012 6:03 pm at 6:03 pm in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941673DaMosheParticipantI never heard of R’ Ralbag saying regular gelatin is kosher. I do know that he allows a synthetic gelatin to be used. Even if he does allow it, I never heard of any other Rav allowing it. In fact, every MO Rav I’ve ever spoken to told me not to use the Triangle K hechsher.
As for the UWS eruv, I honestly don’t know much about it. I assume there is a Rav they rely on. But to your point saying that nobody can argue on R’ Moshe zt”l, would you say the same about chassidim who use the eruv in Brooklyn? After all, R’ Moshe made it very clear that an eruv couldn’t be made in Brooklyn either. Or do you think chassidim can argue on R’ Moshe, but MO can’t?
My Rav told me he follows R’ Moshe with the eruvin. Most MO Rabbonim I know do the same. I did speak to a Rav who was a talmud of R’ Tuvia Goldstein zt”l, who told me R’ Tuvia held the Brooklyn eruv was allowed, and could be relied on. Would you say R’ Tuvia was able to argue on R’ Moshe?
DaMosheParticipantI once went to daven Mincha at Rabbi Landau’s shul in Brooklyn. I was looking for a parking spot. I was getting a bit nervous, because it was getting close to shkiah, and I wanted to catch the last minyan.
I finally saw a guy getting into his car to pull out. He pulled out, I pulled in front of the spot, with my turn signal on, and shifted into reverse. Suddenly, a guy comes and zips head-first into the spot. I got out of the car and asked him, “What do you think you’re doing? That was my spot!”
He replied, “It’s almost shkiah, I need to catch the last minyan! Sorry!” and he ran off to the shul.
I’m sure Hashem really appreciated his tefillos that day.
December 19, 2012 2:21 pm at 2:21 pm in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941667DaMosheParticipantHaKatan, you’ve claimed many times that MO is matir issurim. You’ve been asked what issurim they are matir, but have never answered with anything other than Zionism. Please realize that many big Rabbonim disagree with that, as they hold Zionism to be perfectly fine. Can you provide an issur that MO allows?
As for Daas Torah, MO definitely believes in asking a Rav halachic shailos, and not just deciding things for ourselves. However, we don’t believe that Rabbonim are necessarily experts in all areas. If I’m sick, I call a doctor, not my Rav. If I’m looking to buy a house, I’ll speak to a real estate agent and a mortgage broker, not my Rav. I speak to my Rav about matters that affect me spiritually. I sometimes ask my Rav about others issues simply because he is experienced in other matters and I value his opinion, but I take that as advice, not as an absolute psak that must be followed.
December 18, 2012 11:09 pm at 11:09 pm in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941660DaMosheParticipantI think I’m going to write a hate post also. Not necessarily what I believe, but enough facts to make it legit. I’m gonna start working on it tonight. Let’s see if the mods post it.
December 18, 2012 8:43 pm at 8:43 pm in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941658DaMosheParticipantMods, why is it that the threads about Weberman were all closed, yet this thread remains open, allowing Hakatan/Joseph to spew his hate filled views?
December 17, 2012 3:11 pm at 3:11 pm in reply to: WAKE UP!! Our Yeshivas & Schools Are Open To The Public!! #913733DaMosheParticipantThe yeshiva that my kids go to keeps the doors locked. There is a security guard who needs to buzz you in, and he sits right by the door, so he can escort you somewhere if necessary.
If he’s not there, like if he’s using the restroom, you’ll wait. I’ve had to wait before to be buzzed in because he was away from the desk for a moment.
The school also has regular drills with the local police to know how to handle a shooter in the school.
DaMosheParticipantI just want the CR to help it get to 150. Then it becomes public.
DaMosheParticipantActually, if the US would stop supporting the UN, it would probably collapse.