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Ok, you got the 2nd one. What about the first one?
DaMosheParticipantIs Anyone going to try and answer the two I posted? I’ll give hints:
The first one is from a popular choir
You’ll have to reach out to get the 2nd one.
DaMosheParticipantI don’t think anything about people based on what kind of kippah they wear.
My uncle happens to wear a black knitted kippah. He also wears a black hat when davening, and gives a daf yomi shiur every day. He’s finished Shas 3 times through Daf Yomi, and reviews it regularly. I’d say he’s a good Jew, and leave it at that.
DaMosheParticipantjust a member: Actually, Chassidus was the response to many Jews discontinuance of practicing Judaism.
Modern Orthodoxy was not a new movement. It just had a name given to it after years of being around. Were/are there people who didn’t/don’t follow halacha? Yes, just as there are among the chareidim, chassidim, sefardim, and every other group. There will always be people who don’t feel like doing what is right. Still, the basic beliefs of Modern Orthodoxy are closest to how Judaism was practiced for centuries.
DaMosheParticipantTorah613Torah: I know plenty of people who think all Jews are either Satmar or not religious. Most of them live in either Kiryas Joel or Williamsburg.
As for differences between groups of Jews, I think that Modern Orthodox has the closest to the way Judaism has been practiced for thousands of years. Chassidus is a relatively new invention. The Besht felt that the common Jew needed a different way to serve Hashem, and so he created chassidus. It was not our mesorah to do things that way, the Besht just felt it was either that or lose all the common people.
The yeshivish mentality as it exists today is also a new derech. The Chazon Ish said after the Holocaust that people should be pushed to sit and learn in kollel, in order to try and replace the Rabbonim who were killed by the Nazis yemach sh’mom. He said this should be for 3 generations. Again, it was a new thing, not our mesorah, and was done because he felt the times needed it.
Modern Orthodoxy is called Modern because it deals with how halacha applies in the modern world – where the Shulchan Aruch and Mishna Brurah don’t tell us what to do, because the circumstances didn’t exist yet at those times. Jews going out to work and learning in the evenings, or going to a gemara (daf yomi?) shiur early in the morning, is how it was done for centuries.
Agreed. Mods?
DaMosheParticipantI’m davening that chareidim in EY stop lighting garbage cans on fire, stop throwing rocks at people, stop stealing money from the government, and stop calling secular Jews names like “Nazi”.
They brought this on themselves.
DaMosheParticipantYes yekke2 is correct! I have two others out there:
“Why oh why does this happen
In a world so advanced?”
“Tears for the wall, so wantonly crumbled
The house of Hashem still humbled”
I’m not sure on the first one if I have the lyrics exactly correct – it’s not entirely clear what the words are, and there was no lyrics sheet with the album. The 2nd line might be “The world’s so advanced”.
DaMosheParticipantwritersoul: Sorry, I just saw your post (I was out shopping), and it’s after shekiah now. I can give you a bracha anyway if you want – may all your tefillos be answered!
And as someone who has degree in Math, I can help you with trig also 🙂
DaMosheParticipantShraga18: I have it, and can transfer it to mp3. If you email Feif Un (he mentions where you can find his email above), I can give it to him to email back to you.
It will have to wait a bit, as I hold of the 2nd half of sefirah, and try not to work with music now, as it often entails playing it.
DaMosheParticipantoomis & Bubby: He should have a speedy refuah shleimah!!
DaMosheParticipantTorah613Torah: You should be ge’bentched!
postsemgirl: May Hashem send you the right shidduch soon, and may you not be picky as to dismiss him!
DaMosheParticipantpostsemgirl: Thanks! Was there anything in particular you wanted a bracha for?
DaMosheParticipantDaasYochid, I looked through the thread, and you always used to get the tough ones… I’m disappointed in you! Here’s one more that you should know:
“Tears for the wall, so wantonly crumbled
The house of Hashem still humbled”
DaMosheParticipantOh Shreck!: May you learn to do your proper hishtadlus! Also, with a name like Shreck, you should get to know Popa, our resident troll. May the two of you have a great friendship!
DaMosheParticipantSorry DaasYochid, somehow I missed your post.
May you have nothing but nachas from all your children! May you live many productive years – productive meaning being a good, frum Jew!
DaMosheParticipantHaLeiVi: Sure! May you have a lot of hatzlacha!
Sorry, your posts don’t bring anything specific to mind.
April 30, 2013 4:37 pm at 4:37 pm in reply to: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts #950827DaMosheParticipantDid anyone confirm that this was a real letter? From what I’ve heard, it wasn’t on a school stationary, it was just a typed letter sent to people. Did anyone sign their name to it?
DaMosheParticipantHe didn’t ask.
Here’s some more lyrics:
“Why oh why does this happen
In a world so advanced?”
DaMosheParticipantSo does anyone know the song I quoted lyrics from?
“Wandering and searching, a girl lone and frightened
The echo of her footsteps, tales of days of yore”
DaMosheParticipantoutreach613: Are you a man or a woman? If you’re a man, and you’re married, your wife might not want a bigger house, as it can mean more cleaning for her, and a bigger mortgage.
May Hashem send you whatever you need, and may you be happy with whatever you have!
DaMosheParticipantjust my hapence: May Hashem send your cousins their proper matches soon, and may your cousins not be too picky as to dismiss them!
DaMosheParticipantdafyomi2711: Looking at your past posts, I see that you have a lot of emunah and bitachon, and write about how if we daven properly, our tefillos will be answered. So here’s my bracha to you:
May Hashem answer your tefillos speedily! If the answer must be “No”, let it be an easy “No”, without causing you any pain.
DaMosheParticipantYou sent them to Feif Un 🙂
I actually have them already.
DaMosheParticipantGoq, after looking through some of your other posts, it appears to me that you try to look for the good in others, and are always respectful. So here’s my bracha to you:
May you continue to always see the good in everyone, and may you inspire others to do the same. Just as you look for the good, may Hashem see only the good in you and everyone around you. In the merit of the Ahavas Yisrael you help bring about, may Mashiach come soon!
DaMosheParticipantDaasYochid, he wasn’t the one naming the songs – I was 🙂 I fed him the answers.
Here’s a tougher one:
“Wandering and searching, a girl lone and frightened
The echo of her footsteps, tales of days of yore”
DaMosheParticipantDaasYochid: Isn’t that from Megama, Sukkos in Jerusalem?
DaMosheParticipantYup, that’s me 🙂
DaMosheParticipantLet’s resurrect this thread!
“There’s a feeling in the air when Neilah is near”
DaMosheParticipantDaasYochid: Sort of. Feif Un asked me about it and I told him where to find it. My brother has the original record.
April 26, 2013 5:52 pm at 5:52 pm in reply to: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts #950769DaMosheParticipant2smart4u: Welcome to the CR! I agree with most of what you said (at least if I understood it correctly). I’ve had this discussion with others before, and unfortunately, you will never win this argument. Our observations don’t matter – all you’ll hear back is, “But Da’as Torah said differently from you! Do you think you know better than da’as Torah?”
In this case, yes, I think I do know better. I’ve gone through all the temptations, slipped up for a while, and found my way back. I understand it much better than most Rabbonim. They never went through this, so they don’t know what goes through our heads.
DaMosheParticipantWhere’s the pizza? All yearbook meetings need pizza!
DaMosheParticipantI don’t think it’s a copyright violation – first off, I don’t think there’s a copyright on it. Second, even if it does have a copyright on it, quoting the lyrics for the purpose of this thread should fall under fair use.
Copyright is automatic–you don’t need to affirmatively claim it or register it. Quoting something in its entirety is much less likely to be fair use, and I’m not expert enough to know how to apply fair use. So we’ll just stay away from copyrighted materials.
DaMosheParticipantedited for copyright violation
DaMosheParticipantDarchei Torah in Far Rockaway
DaMosheParticipantKiddush clubs usually refer to people who leave either by leining or by the Rabbi’s speech to drink. I honestly don’t know of any shuls who do this.
My shul has a kiddush every week, after davening. Sometimes there’s alcohol, sometimes there isn’t. Does this qualify as a kiddush club in your mind?
DaMosheParticipantEven if I decided I didn’t want to be MO anymore (which I don’t see happening), I DEFINITELY would not want to be like Popa.
DaMosheParticipantShalomToYOu: Very often, the tuition charged is not enough to cover the costs of the yeshiva. They fund raise to keep the tuition from rising to levels that are really crazy.
DaMosheParticipantDaasYochid: I don’t think he’s trying to turn them into tzaddikim. I think he needs to turn himself into one. His comment that children would starve was wrong. Their fate was not sealed. Hashem will take care of them.
DaMosheParticipantDaasYochid: Yes, I do. But I am aware that Hashem got me my job. I am not wealthy – not by a long shot. When I got my tuition bill, I didn’t tell the school that my kids would starve. I said to my wife, “Hashem has always given us what we need, and He’ll give us the money to pay this as well!” 3 weeks later, I got promoted at work, and got a salary increase. Not enough to pay the full tuition, but enough for a decent chunk of it. Hashem gives us what we need. The kids won’t starve because of the government. If they’re meant to starve, all the money won’t help them.
DaMosheParticipantSo he feels the money comes from the government, and that Hashem isn’t capable of feeding these children without using the government? What an apikores!
DaMosheParticipantI’ll do the Found in His/Her Locker page!
DaMosheParticipantOk, maybe not – they want $180 per person to do that! I don’t have $180 to spare, I just got the tuition bill for next year!
They have 2 things you can submit for – one says 40 days in Meron, which is $180. The other says 40 days in Meron until Lag Ba’Omer, which is $40. The link on the front page goes to the 40 days until Lag Ba’Omer, but that just doesn’t make sense.
DaMosheParticipantI think I’m going to put Kupat Ha’Ir to the test. My wife lost her job a while ago, and hasn’t had any luck finding a new one. I think I’m going to donate to them, asking for my wife to find a new job. We’ll see if it works!
DaMosheParticipantMoshe Shonfeld’s books were published by Neturei Karta. I don’t believe anything put out by that terrible group. Let Shonfeld preach his lies to Iran and the Palestinians, his true friends.
April 16, 2013 6:42 pm at 6:42 pm in reply to: What Blessing to make upon Seeing President Obama #948376DaMosheParticipantYou only say the bracha on a king who has absolute power – such as the power to sentence someone to death on a whim. Since Obama does not have that power, you don’t say that bracha.
The proper bracha should be, “May God bless and keep Obama… far away from us!”
DaMosheParticipantSam2: I don’t know if that is true or not. Wikipedia says this:
In 2001 a seven-year public inquiry commission concluded that the accusations that Yemenite children were kidnapped are not true. The commission has unequivocally rejected claims of a plot to take children away from Yemenite immigrants. The report determined that documentation exists for 972 of the 1,033 missing children. Five additional missing babies were found to be alive. The commission was unable to discover what happened in another 56 cases. With regard to these unresolved 56 cases, the commission deemed it “possible” that the children were handed over for adoption following decisions made by individual local social workers, but not as part of an official policy.
DaMosheParticipantJoseph, where is it documented? Can you provide a source?
DaMosheParticipantI think I’m going to try and get a shawarma tonight. It’s similar to how the korban Pesach was eaten, so it’s real Jewish food.
DaMosheParticipantMine is the Yarden Frozen Heights wine, made from frozen Gewurztraminer grapes.