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  • in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194117

    I don’t have that song on mp3, I’ll have to convert it. You can email Feif Un, and he’ll get you in touch with me.

    in reply to: Struggles with guys #957577

    When it comes to this subject, I think girls are full of themselves. You think guys can’t control themselves around you? Guess what – not all of you are that great! When people are dating, one of the things you look for is a physical attraction. Not every girl is attractive to every guy!

    Have I ever seen an attractive girl and had an improper thought cross my mind? Yes. Do I act on these thoughts? No! Guess what? Despite all the people telling you boys can’t control themselves, I CONTROL MYSELF!!!

    But as far as you saying that guys only think about one thing – you’re wrong! As I said, I don’t think every single girl is attractive. Don’t flatter yourself by thinking that I’d have the thoughts if I saw you. Most of the time, I probably wouldn’t. It’s pure ego on a girl’s part to think every guy wants her.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194115

    I had the Amudai Shaish album when I was a kid. It’s a bit of a laugh. Some of the songs are kind of silly, with funny words and weird voices singing (I think Shema B’ni had someone with a Tuki voice singing).

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194114

    So this is still out there:

    “Watch Johnny Carson, and then there’s a movie till 3”

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194111

    It’s from the Amudai Shaish Boys Choir. In the late 80s (I think maybe 88?) they put out a double album which didn’t have any title to it – it just said Amudai Shaish Boys Choir on the front. The song is titled Our Gedolim.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194108

    How about this one:

    “Watch Johnny Carson, and then there’s a movie till 3”

    The one I posted 2 days ago is still out there. I posted 2 lines from it:

    “And for the few who are still here, we must cherish every dear”

    “But now they’re gone, and left are just a few, to guide us as a Jew”

    I also said it’s from a coir, and came out in the late 80s.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194107

    writersoul: I thought I recognized that (my Yiddish isn’t very good!), so I double checked – and I was right!

    Un vos iz besser fun dem cholent un dem fish?

    Alleh Yidden! Zayt tzufriden! from Or Chodosh

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194102

    mitzvahgirl613: 8th Day, Harmony

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194101

    DaasYochid: Here are some more lyrics from the song:

    “But now they’re gone, and left are just a few, to guide us as a Jew”

    Whoever wrote the words to the song had horrible grammar…

    in reply to: My question regarding english music #957465

    haifagirl: Because most “Jewish” music these days is garbage, and can’t compare in quality to non-Jewish music. Most Jewish singers try to cope the style of non-Jewish music, but don’t do a very good job of it.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194098

    Thanks, I got the song.

    Did you figure out the other one I posted earlier?

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194096

    I have the one from Megama at home (I recently got ahold of it, but haven’t had the chance to listen to it yet). Do you have an earlier version? If you do, can you email it to Feif Un? He’ll pass it on to me.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194094

    The chorus goes like this:

    Ain’t gonna work on Saturday

    Ain’t gonna work on Saturday

    Double, double, triple pay, won’t make me work on Saturday

    Ain’t gonna work on Saturday

    It’s Shabbos Kodesh

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194091

    Did you mean “Double, double, triple pay, won’t make me work on Saturday”, from Megama, later from Uncle Moishy?

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194089

    Shopping613, the main rule in this game is to get the lyrics right!

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194086

    Ok… another choir. The song came out in the late 80s.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194083

    Correct, DaasYochid! Here’s another tough one:

    And for the few who are still here, we must cherish every dear

    in reply to: "A Nekumeh oif Hitler" #956240

    I once took my grandmother shopping on Avenue J, on a Sunday morning. There was no parking on J, and I ended up parking on Avenue I, across from Chaim Berlin. It was a nice spring day, and the windows of the yeshiva were open. We could hear the children learning from the open windows. My grandmother asked me if we could stop for a minute and listen. She told me, “I love listening to children in yeshivos learning! Hitler killed my family, and he tried to kill all the Jews, but here we are, listening to kids learning, and Hitler is gone! This is the greatest revenge against Hitler, having our children learning!”

    in reply to: BYA Cancels Biology Regent #959820

    SecularFrummy: Who says all else is lost? There’s a phrase, “Mitoch lo l’shma, bo l’shma” – if you do something that is not l’shma, eventually, you’ll do it l’shma. So even if someone’s doesn’t have full faith in Hashem, they can still do things which can eventually bring them to a full belief.

    Even if it does hinge on that, so what? Does that mean it shouldn’t be a test?

    in reply to: BYA Cancels Biology Regent #959815

    SecularFrummy: There are many things we are tested with. Belief in Hashem is only one of them. They had their own tests to deal with. Obviously, they were on a high enough level to merit seeing the open miracles. Maybe their test was to try and appreciate the “explainable” miracles as much as the inexplicable ones? I really don’t know.

    in reply to: BYA Cancels Biology Regent #959813

    SecularFrummy: Hashem would make an alternative to allow for bechirah. The Ramban writes extensively about the fact that if there were no bechirah, there could be no reward. If miracles were completely obvious, and you had to believe in them, it wouldn’t be a big deal to believe in Hashem. The fact that there is a plausible explanation means the belief can be rewarded.

    I don’t know what people thought a few hundred years ago. Maybe Hashem arranged it for this generation, not the previous ones.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194078

    DaasYochid, here’s a hint: The song comes from a choir. The main soloist in the song also released a solo album when he was still a kid.

    in reply to: BYA Cancels Biology Regent #959808

    Can anyone give an opinion on the theory I wrote earlier? I’d like to hear what people think of it. To recap: The Midrash tells us that Hashem made an “out” for every miracle He did, so that if someone wants, they can explain it as a natural thing. This was done to allow bechirah. Evolution is not illogical, it was simply Hashem’s “out” for creating the world. Hashem made it appear that living things evolved so that there can be bechirah about it.

    in reply to: BYA Cancels Biology Regent #959795

    Is Chaim Berlin also not taking it?

    in reply to: BYA Cancels Biology Regent #959774

    First off, the OP wrote “I heard” the Regents were cancelled. Did anyone confirm that they are, in fact, cancelled?

    As for Biology and evolution, I actually taught 9th grade Regents biology for one year. I asked the principal if he wanted me to skip evolution, and he said no. I told the class the following:

    “The Midrash says that every time Hashem does something miraculous, he also creates a way for those who don’t want to believe to have a way out of it. For example, Rashi says the wind blew the night before kriyas yam suf so some could say the wind caused the sea to split. You can say these things make sense, because otherwise it wouldn’t be a viable option. In the case of Hashem creating the world and all the living things, evolution was that “alternative belief” that Hashem created. We know that the truth is that Hashem created us. Others, however, are fooled by the alternative that Hashem put in place. By studying the alternative, and keeping firmly in mind that it is just an alternative, we can appreciate the perfection of Hashem! When we try to fool someone, there are always ways to see through the illusion. Let’s appreciate the perfection of Hashem by going through his “illusion” of evolution, and seeing how thoroughly he fooled all these people!”

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194075

    Here’s a new one for you:

    My courage is beginning to fade

    I need the light of Yiddishkeit

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194074

    Believe it or not, I’ve never heard of Shema Koleinu. I did a quick Google search and found them, but that’s the first time I’ve seen it.

    I doubt you’ll get #2 – it’s from the same album as a song Feif Un posted a while ago. It’s called Stop Where You Are, from an album called Mesorah. I’m trying to find a copy of it somewhere, with little luck. My most recent attempt was through a friend of mine. I remembered that one or two of the songs on the album were composed by his father-in-law. He’s going to ask for me where I can get a copy.

    If I get one, I can try to send it to you.

    in reply to: Fire at Skver camp #955902

    Gamanit: They were asked repeatedly to evacuate due to safety concerns, and they repeatedly refused. Eventually a judge ordered them to evacuate. They tried to fight it again, but weren’t successful. They then finally began evacuating, almost a month after the initial order.

    Mammele: By point was that their previous issues caused me to jump to conclusions which I probably shouldn’t have.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194072

    Correct! I don’t know the one you posted, what is it?

    Also, do you know my 2nd one above?

    in reply to: Fire at Skver camp #955898

    Gamanit: When it comes to Skver, everything comes from “high up” in New Square, no matter what camp it is. The issue is that when the leadership decides for one camp that safety isn’t important, it follows that it doesn’t matter much to them about the other camps either.

    nishtdayngesheft: It doesn’t. No correlation at all.

    in reply to: Satmer #961533

    It’s not. I’ve written plenty of posts about Satmar that they haven’t allowed through. YWN is anti-Modern Orthodox, not anti-Satmar.

    in reply to: Beautiful Mi Bon Siach tunes #954694

    I’ve heard the Bo’ee b’shalom tune that I believe was on an old album called All Star Cast. I lost it years ago, so I don’t know for sure that was the album.

    I’ve heard Od Yeshvu, which was really nice.

    There’s one from D’veykus.

    At my wedding, the singer (my cousin) used Machnisei Rachamim.

    I’ve sang the one from Lev V’nefesh.

    in reply to: Bride with 25,000 wedding guests #954375

    PBA: It depends on why you’re doing it. If it’s out of comfort or style, then no, it’s not assur. If you’re doing it to try and be more “frum”, then yes, I’d say it is.

    in reply to: Bride with 25,000 wedding guests #954368

    Oh Shreck: So she felt that she knows hilchos tznius better than the Mechaber, the Mishna Berurah, etc?

    in reply to: Bride with 25,000 wedding guests #954353

    Toi: No, I don’t have an issue with how people dress to their wedding. I have a problem when they claim a halachic basis that doesn’t exist. There are specific parts of a person’s body that must be covered. The face isn’t one of them. This might fall under bal tosif.

    in reply to: Bride with 25,000 wedding guests #954351

    gavra: During the chuppah, I know the usual minhag is to keep the veil on. But what about later, like during the mitzvah tantz?

    in reply to: Bride with 25,000 wedding guests #954346

    Since when does hilchos tznius require a woman to cover her face when there are men around? Are Belz chassidim now joining the burka cult?

    in reply to: CR goes further to the right. #960212

    Josh31: They think they’re me? And I’m entitled to 7 names? I didn’t know that! Mods, can you help me set up another 6 names for myself?

    in reply to: What if you weren't Jewish? #974444

    Oh Shreck!: The only mitzvah? Aren’t there 7 mitzvos a non-Jew can do?

    If I found I wasn’t Jewish, I’d probably decide to live according to the 7 mitzvos b’nei Noach. A non-Jew who follows them and lives a good life can also get a share in the next world! And besides, I’ve heard that bacon is the most delicious food in the world (although I’ve argued that cholent is probably better). I’d love to be able to taste it!

    in reply to: My employer has some openings! #997690

    My company has an opening for an entry-level actuary. If you’re interested, you can send an email to Feif Un, and he can pass it along (we work for the same place).

    in reply to: Staying up tonight #953490

    I didn’t end up staying awake the first night. My Dr. had told me that if the pain got bad I could use some prescription pain-killers. During the meal, it got really bad, and I took some. That knocked me out for the night. Luckily, the anti-biotics kicked in sometime that night also, and the swelling started going down. Now the pain is gone, and the swelling is about 98% gone.

    in reply to: Non-Jewish Music #953580

    Derech HaMelech: I am helping. I’m showing her which Jewish singers to avoid 🙂

    in reply to: Non-Jewish Music #953577

    Jewish singers taking non-Jewish tunes is nothing new. Here are some songs that were “adapted”:

    MBD – Hinei Lo Yanum (1974)

    MBD – Shir Hashalom (1975)

    MBD – Lichtiger Shabbos (1982)

    MBD – Yidden (1986)

    MBD – Father Dear (aka Daddy Dear) (1988)

    D’veykus – Od Yeshama (1985?)

    Piamenta – Asher Bara (1989)

    Piamenta – Kol Hamesameach (2000)

    I’m sure there are plenty of others, these are just off the top of my head – and not counting albums like Shlock Rock and Variations which are supposed to be “adapted” songs.

    in reply to: Rechnitzer Rejects #952343

    Here are some of my favorites:

    The Little Old Rabbi (actually called “Shhh….You Know Who”)

    News Flash (the interview with the old woman who saw Mashiach)


    Suburbia (the 3 chazzonim trying out)

    The Chicken and the Dime

    Just One Rabbi


    Phone conversation from Volume 3 (he calls an evangelist church by mistake)

    Staying a Levi


    Halva Medley

    What Kind of Shul


    Torah Portion Isn’t Mine

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194070

    DY & R Shmuel: I don’t know either one of those off the top of my head. I’ll think about them.

    Here’s some new ones:

    1. “Here comes a crowd, join and be proud”

    2. “Every seat’s free. Well, wouldn’t you know – he sits down next to me”

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194067

    Yes that’s it! It took you long enough 😉 I’m going to get some lunch now. I’ll try to have a really tough one for you later.

    in reply to: Yom Yerushalayim #1017971

    simcha613: I honestly don’t know the answer to that question. I’d probably ask my Rav what he thought.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194064

    DaasYochid, I’ll give you a big hint, which will probably give it away.

    A few years ago, this choir released an album which was supposed to be a collection of all their English songs. For some reason, this song was (I think) the only one left off the album.

    in reply to: Yom Yerushalayim #1017966

    Chag sameach! Let us all celebrate the fulfillment of the nevuah: “Od yeshvu z’keinim u’z’keinos b’rechovos Yerushalayim. V’ish mishanto b’yado meirov yomim. U’richovos ha’ir yimalu yiladim v’yilados misachakim b’richovoseha.”

    Thank you Hashem for this wonderful gift! Me’eis Hashem haysa zos, hee niflas be’eyneinu!

    in reply to: A BIG problem with YWN #952790

    Mod 42, if you have a problem with some of the discussions in the CR, why don’t you utilize your mod powers and get rid of them?

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