Forum Replies Created
July 8, 2013 1:48 pm at 1:48 pm in reply to: Do the nine days restrictions start at shkia or nacht? #964334DaMosheParticipant
midwesterner: Even if it’s machlokes, it had no point here other than to insult those who keep Yom Ha’Atzmaut. It definitely is not made up – as you said, it’s a machlokes, and there are many Rabbonim who keep it.
Let’s not get into a debate during the 9 days about it.
DaMosheParticipantTzom Gedaliah is very different than Tisha B’Av. We don’t keep hilchos aveilus on Tzom Gedaliah.
DaMosheParticipantSo you’re asking if anyone will do it, not knowing if anyone will, and saying we need to get our priorities straight? Why don’t you first find out if anyone is planning on going before saying something? Maybe our priorities are already straight!
I happen to have “won” in the drawing for All-Star Game tix. I had my code to order tickets. But when I realized the date was Tisha B’Av, I gave the code to a non-Jewish co-worker so he could go instead.
Do you approve of my priorities?
DaMosheParticipantHaKatan: R’ Yaakov Kaminetsky said in 1967 that is was a neis. He also said Shehecheyanu and Hodu when it was announced that the IDF had taken control of the Har HaBayis.
I guess you think he was an apikores also.
DaMosheParticipanttruthsharer: And they did it in secular court! Should we all go and do to them what they did to Weberman for going to secular court?
Satmar these days is one big chillul Hashem.
No, excuse me – 2 big ones!
June 26, 2013 2:12 pm at 2:12 pm in reply to: Meet Cindy�R. Shafran on the Israel draft situation #962284DaMosheParticipantgavra, I agree with you. Cindy needs to go find a job – as do Chareidim.
DaMosheParticipantrebdoniel: So you have no problem saying that a get may not be valid when most Rabbonim hold it’s fine, but when some Rabbi claims the entire marriage is voided, and there’s no get at all (not even a questionable one), you think it’s fine and won’t lead to any mamzerim?
As for the Rambam school being mixed, R’ Schachter has said that R’ Soloveitchik had it mixed out of necessity. There weren’t enough girls to allow for separate classes, so he mixed them. It was to only be temporary until the class size grew. He said that other schools asked R’ Soloveitchik about it, and he told them NOT to mix the classes, they should remain separate.
DaMosheParticipantplaytime: It means it’s fully mixed, men and women learning together.
DaMosheParticipantmusser zoger: He’s taking a page from Satmar. They make up quotes from R’ Chaim Kanievsky, he makes up quotes from the Chazon Ish.
He’s completed obsessed with bashing Zionism. You could start a thread about anything, and he’d find a way to bring Zionism into it.
DaMosheParticipantHe recently posted about an article he had written for a website. I looked for the article, and it had his full name. I was curious if there were other articles he had written (since in the article it said he was a writer), so I did a search. I found his LinkedIn page, which says he “learns” in Hadar.
DaMosheParticipantHaKatan, do you have a source for that claim about the Chazon Ish?
As for Satmar, while they may not be Apikorsim, I do know one thing: Hashem does nit like it when brothers fight in the streets outside the cemetery on the yartzeit of their father.
DaMosheParticipantSam2: I agree with you. I was just posting what they say on their site. rebdoniel “learned” in that “yeshiva”.
DaMosheParticipantMods, if you’re going to edit my post, please at least post a bold EDITED on the bottom. You left out some of what I wrote.
Sorry, I should have.
DaMosheParticipantrebdoniel: You keep digging yourself into a deeper hole. You say that the RCA isn’t dealing with Agunos because they won’t accept Rackman’s “solution”. Pretty much every Rav said Rackman’s “solution” doesn’t work halachically. You don’t compromise on halachah for a difficult situation. You try to find an answer within the confines of halachah.
Rabbi Angel’s conversions are not viewed all that favorably by most. It’s not the politics in it, it’s because he doesn’t always do it properly, according to halachah.
Your defense of Yeshivat Maharat is laughable, as almost everyone has come out against it, except for Avi Weiss and his chevra.
You wrote about an article you wrote recently, which I looked up. I noted that you “learn” in Yeshivat Hadar, which on their website proudly note that they are “The first full-time egalitarian yeshiva in North America”.
In short, your beliefs are way, way different than most people here. Yes, I have differences also – MO vs. Yeshivish. But your differences are at a different level.
DaMosheParticipantDaasYochid, if you’re referring to Feif Un, you have it wrong.
He was pretty much OTD while still in yeshiva. One of the Roshei Yeshiva wanted to expel him, but the highest RY there told the other one to let him stay, because after the year was over he’d want to leave anyway, and he wasn’t influencing anyone else – he kept things to himself.
If anything, it was in college (where I first met him), that he became more frum. He had some extremely bad experiences in yeshiva which made him not want to be frum. One of them was being told some of the same things I was told – that college guys can’t be frum. He asked the Rebbe if that meant his (Feif Un’s, not the Rebbe’s) parents weren’t frum, since they went to college, and he was punished for being chutzpadik.
Feif Un “dared” to ask the questions that yeshiva guys are not supposed to ask – he dared to ask “Why?” and he was ridiculed for it. For a religion that supposedly encourages questions, the right-wing yeshiva system is certainly doing a great job of doing the opposite. That was what drove Feif Un OTD. It started when he was in elementary school, and got worse over the years. In college, he realized that you can be a good Jew and not be sitting and learning all day, and decided to give it another try. That’s a big part of why Feif Un is so adamantly against chareidi Judaism – because he saw the hypocrisy in it, and their willingness to throw those who don’t fit into their system to the wayside.
In case you’re wondering, yes, I did check with Feif Un before posting this stuff about him, and he gave me the ok.
DaMosheParticipantAfter one year of beis medrash (meaning post high-school) in Darchei Torah, I decided to go to college. The Rosh Yeshiva, R’ Altusky, tried to talk me out of leaving. I told him I wasn’t cut out for learning, and I couldn’t sit through seder every day. He knew all this, and had even told me I wasn’t learning as well as I should be, and was wasting time during seder.
He replied that I didn’t know what college was like, and that there’s no way for someone to go to college and stay frum. He said the only way for a Jewish man to stay frum was to stay in yeshiva and learn. When I told him, again, that I didn’t enjoy learning all day, and it was time to go to college so I could make a parnassah, he said I should just keep trying, because eventually I’d grow to like it, and learning is way better than working.
When I went to R’ Bender and told him what R’ Altusky said, he told me, “Don’t listen to him. He obviously doesn’t know you well, and he just wants everyone to sit and learn whether it’s the thing for them or not. You should go to college so you could earn a parnassah – just make sure you’re in yeshiva at least part of the day while you’re in school!”
DaMosheParticipantI spoke with my Rav (who’s an RCA member) about the letter over Shabbos.
He said the membership of the RCA was never consulted about the letter, and the first they heard of it was when it was leaked. He said the internal message board for RCA members was the busiest he’d seen it in a long, long, time – and none of it was positive. Most members were furious with the 3 people who wrote the letter, and they let them know about it!
He said that Friday afternoon, an internal letter was sent to RCA members from the 3 writers, apologizing for claiming that they spoke for the membership of the RCA, when they had never discussed the issue. He did not know if they will also be apologizing to Chacham Ovadia.
He also told me that while he doesn’t always agree with R’ Stav’s position on many things, he does recognize that he’s a huge talmud chacham, and he has tremendous respect for him. He also respects Chacham Ovadia tremendously. He said he doesn’t know the context of Chacham Ovadia’s remarks about R’ Stav, so he can’t speculate on why it was said.
DaMosheParticipantmoeisrael: Why must you put up these ridiculous comparisons, which can only lead to lashon hara? Yair Lapid doesn’t care if chareidim want to sit and learn – he just doesn’t want to have to pay for it. Balak wanted to get rid of the Jews. He tried to get them to sin in order to do so – kind of what you’re doing here by starting a conversation that can only lead to lashon hara and sinas chinam.
DaMosheParticipantbatseven: So it’s ok to plaster their names all over the front of the yeshiva buildings and honor them at dinners for their donations, but it’s not ok to post the names here?
DaMosheParticipantThe Lowinger family has helped build many yeshivos. Mesivta Chaim Shlomo (part of Darchei Torah) in Far Rockaway was built by a Lowinger. I believe Torah Temimah has a Lowinger’s name on the building.
There’s also a well known yeshiva in Brooklyn which has a very wealthy benefactor, but unfortunately, he wasn’t always honest about paying employees – mainly one, who went to Beis Din over it. The benefactor (who is employed by the yeshiva) refused to respond to the hazmanah (along with the Rosh Yeshiva).
DaMosheParticipantYes, I believe R’ Elchonon’s yartzeit was yesterday. Just another reason why I quoted him on Shabbos.
I left out something else I said:
“There’s a story with the Ponovizher Rav. He was in Rome, and went to see the Arch of Titus. He looked at the arch, and shook his fist at it. He yelled, ‘Titus! Here I am! Where are you, Titus? Your Roman empire is gone! But I am here. The Jewish nation is growing, and thriving! We are learning Torah! You tried to destroy us, yet here I am – and you are gone!’
On the yartzeit of my family, I say, ‘Hitler! Where are you? Your 3rd Reich is gone! You may have killed my family, but I’m still here, sharing divrei Torah! Jews are thriving all over the world, and not only that, there’s even a Jewish state again! You tried to destroy us, but here we are – and you are gone!”
DaMosheParticipantNow let’s get back to the RCA and Chacham Ovadia.
popa, do you still shudder about the RCA, having decided to be dan l’kaf zchus that the letter referred to those who assaulted the Rav at the wedding, and not Chacham Ovadia?
Mods, do you still think it was a chutzpa, or did you come around to that way of thinking as well?
And what about the member of the Moetzes who can’t win in Beis Din because he’s a lo tzais dina?
DaMosheParticipantHere’s another one:
Somewhere there’s a garden
Where the sun shines every day
It’s not too far
From where we are
DaMosheParticipantIt’s from Or Chodosh – My Yaytzer Horah Says
DaMosheParticipantHaKatan: Thank you for backing me up on that interpretation!
Why can’t others be melamed zchus and assume that’s what it meant? Are you so eager to bash a mostly Modern Orthodox organization? Mods, why do you allow it?
DaMosheParticipantDaasYochid, that’s RABBI Tendler to you! R’ Moshe obviously disagreed with you, as he wrote very highly of his son-in-law. Either way, it’s not for you to decide who’s a legitimate Rav and who’s not. I don’t think very highly of Satmar (in case some people here haven’t noticed), does that give me the right to start insulting the warring Rebbes or R’ Yoel?
DaMosheParticipantI’m not a huge fan of the current Jewish music. I like the old school stuff a lot more.
DaMosheParticipantI’m going to give DaasYochid one more chance, because he should definitely know the song. It’s from a singer I’ve quoted from before.
So kkls45, what song is it from?
DaMosheParticipantSam2: I think that EVERY Rav has an obligation to say something if he feels it is halachically necessary, no matter how big or small he may be. A Rav also has a responsibility to know when he needs to ask another Rav for a second opinion.
As I said before, I think the letter was ambiguously worded, and I think everyone is reading it in a way it wasn’t intended. I wonder if a chareidi Rabbi wrote such a letter, would they be jumping to attack him, or would they try and find a limud zchus, such as reading the letter the way I did?
DaMosheParticipantFirst of all, the letter was never meant to be public. It was leaked by someone. Second, I understood the letter a bit differently.
I thought this part:
“Is this Torah and these are its scholars? Woe is to he who learned Torah, woe is to his father who taught him Torah, woe is to his rebbe who taught him Torah. See how crooked are his actions and how ugly are his ways.”
referred to the people who assaulted Rav Stav at the wedding. Yes, woe to the teacher, because when a Rebbe hears that his talmud, who he tried to guide in the proper derech, did such a thing, he should be mourning these actions! Yes, they trembled to hear the words of Chacham Ovadia shlita. But the 2nd half was about the people who went completely against halachah and assaulted a great Rav. Chacham Ovadia never would have approved such an action! Woe to the Rebbe who hears of his talmidim doing such a thing!
DaMosheParticipantkkls45: I don’t know that one, where is it from?
I also have one out there which nobody got yet:
“Watch Johnny Carson, and then there’s a movie till 3”
DaMosheParticipantYesterday was the yartzeit again. My grandmother gave me an awesome responsibility. A few years ago, I helped her submit the names of her family to Yad Vashem, for their database of names. My grandmother is not a young person anymore, and she realized that she’s starting to get a bit forgetful. She asked me to ensure that her family is not forgotten.
I spoke on Shabbos in my shul between Mincha and Maariv about the yartzeit. In last week’s Pirkei Avos (the 5th perek), the Mishna says that there were 10 generations between Noach and Avraham to show us how patient Hashem is. The generations angered him, until Avraham came, and received the schar for all of them.
I thought of a pshat in that which I hadn’t seen anywhere else. On Rosh Hashana, we know that everyone is judged – even the souls of those who already passed away. Why? Because they left an impact on this world. If someone got others to do mitzvos, and they continue doing them after he’s gone, he can still receive a reward for every mitzva they do. On the flip side, if someone drives someone away from Torah, even after he’s gone, he can be punished for every aveirah his “student” does.
One of the main things in Judaism is our mesorah. It gets passed from parent to child, teacher to student. Noach was a tzaddik, and through the 10 generations after him, the mesorah should have been passed down. When a parent teaches his child, the parent can receive a reward for the mitzvos the child does. However, between Noach and Avraham, the people left the proper path, and ignored the mesorah. Avraham started it again. Therefore, he got the schar for all the generations – he gets schar for each generation after him, and doesn’t have to share it with those before him.
My grandmother told me that her father was not a learned man. World War 1 forced him out of cheder. Yet, it didn’t affect his Judaism. He didn’t learn the Torah and halachos – he lived them! He knew all the halachos because his parents had taught them to him by the way they lived. My grandmother said she had never heard of the Shulchan Aruch until she came to the US, after the war. Her parents were a living Shulchan Aruch! This passing of the mesorah is why we have endured through all the ages, through all the sorrows, and keep our faith strong.
As R’ Elchanan Wasserman hy”d said to his students, “We are to be a korbon for the Jewish nation. With fire the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed, and with fire it will be rebuilt. From our ashes, the Beis Hamikdash will be built again!” May the merit of my great-grandparents and great-aunts & uncles, along with all the others who died al kiddush Hashem, cause Mashiach to come speedily, in our days.
Hashem yinakem damam.
DaMosheParticipantYou’re probably better off getting the basic model as opposed to one of the fancy electronic ones – many Rabbonim hold you can use them on Shabbos!
DaMosheParticipanttzaddiq: According to Wikipedia, his mother was Scots-Irish, with some French Norman. It also says this:
According to a third cousin of Presley’s, one of Gladys’s great-grandmothers was Jewish. There is no evidence that Presley or his mother shared this belief in a Jewish heritage. Syndicated columnist Nate Bloom has challenged the cousin’s account, which he calls a “tall tale”.
DaMosheParticipantI don’t know about that one, but Pizza Crave in Teaneck makes a great white sauce for their Garlic Knot Slice. I think I know how to replicate it:
DaMosheParticipantThere have been plenty of Jewish athletes:
Sandy Koufax
Hank Greenberg
Ike Davis (mother is Jewish, father is not)
Shawn Green
Kevin Youkilis
DaMosheParticipantIt depends if I have a plain slice or one with toppings. If it’s plain, then yes, I fold it. If there are toppings, I find that folding it makes the toppings fall off, so I keep it straight.
DaMosheParticipantLook into Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway. Rabbi Bender is second to none!
DaMosheParticipantDaasYochid, I’m surprised you’re not getting “Watch Johnny Carson, and then there’s a movie till 3″… the singer is one you’d definitely know.
DaMosheParticipantFeif Un posted his email address in another thread. Seek and you shall find!
DaMosheParticipantMods, I have a message for you from Feif Un (he said it to me, so it might not be word-for-word):
“So they didn’t post my thread? That’s why I wasn’t sure about coming back. Things haven’t changed. If it was about a Modern Orthodox Rav, they’d have no problem posting it, but God forbid you should say something about a chassidic group even when they insult the biggest chareidi Rabbonim.”
If Feif Un had posted it himself, would you have posted it?
I emailed feif about it.
Also, I would not have allowed that up about any MO rav.
Also, what is the point here? Feif wants us to post things like that about MO rabbonim and also about chassidim? I would hope he would not want us to post conclusory accusations like that about anyone.
DaMosheParticipantFeif Un is a friend and co-worker of mine. He was one of the original posters here on the CR, from when it first opened. He left about 7 months ago because he was fed up with the attacks against Modern Orthodoxy. The thread that drove him away was found to be from another alt of Joseph’s, who had claimed he’d drive Feif Un crazy until he left. For the most part, Feif Un was a pretty well-liked poster here. When he announced he was leaving, a mod wrote this:
“Good bye; we’ll miss you. We appreciate the diversity of ideas you bring.”
I always tell him he should come back and stand up for what’s right. He’s a better writer than I am, so he’d do a much better job representing Modern Orthodoxy than me.
DaMosheParticipantToi: Wrong!
kkls45: Is it from a women’s singing group? It doesn’t sound familiar, and before I start looking into it, I want to be sure it’s a song I’d be listening to.
DaMosheParticipantStill nobody got “Watch Johnny Carson, and then there’s a movie till 3”
Shopping613, first of all, which song exactly is it that you want? As I said, you can email Feif Un. We work together, and he can forward it to me. He posted an anonymous email address of his once on the CR. Search and you shall find!
DaMosheParticipantkkls45: Ride the Waves from the NY Boys Choir
DaMosheParticipantHe’s a guy who used to post here. He left because he was sick of the bias against Modern Orthodox Jews. You can read the thread that drove him to leave here:
He used to post quite a bit in this thread (although it was mostly me feeding him songs). We also work together.
I looked at that thread, and I see the OP in it was Joseph. I know that Joseph has contacted Feif Un outside of the CR before, and told him he was going to drive him so crazy he’d leave. I don’t think Feif Un would want Joseph to have that satisfaction, so I’ll ask him again to return when I see him tomorrow.
DaMosheParticipantwritersoul: Yes, you broke with TRADITION with those words. IF I WERE A RICH MAN, I’d buy this site and ban you for that! But MIRACLE OF MIRACLES, I’m not, so you’re safe. I have to go now – it’s almost sunrise. Did I say sunrise? I meant sunset. SUNRISE, SUNSET, almost the same thing. It’s almost time for my SABBATH PRAYER. So have a good Shabbos, and don’ forget to make a L’chaim – TO LIFE!
DaMosheParticipantFeif Un once posted a story about his brother, who wanted to sit and learn, and asked R’ Chaim Segal zt”l (from Chaim Berlin) if he could stop attending secular studies (this was in 11th grade). R’ Segal refused to allow it.
My younger brother also attended Chaim Berlin, although R’ Segal was no longer alive. He also asked about stopping secular studies, and R’ Braunstein refused to allow him to drop out. He told him that he needed a high school diploma.
DaMosheParticipantHave someone take a magic marker (although not a red one, as everyone knows red is not tznius) and color over the parts that are objectionable.