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  • in reply to: The Post Kollel Financial Crisis #1314039

    I have 2 brothers, as well as my closest friend from high school, who had to deal with this issue. One brother and the friend both have a lot of resentment towards the yeshiva system now, for not informing them how difficult it would be when they finally needed to go support their families.
    My friend asked R’ Bender about it, and he replied, “You’re right, it’s a big problem! I try to help out my talmidim, but there needs to be a change, we need to do something to help out everyone!”

    in reply to: The Kiddush Hashem of Lakewood #1312994

    The Mishna in Avos say that learning without working leads to sin. Just in case the words of the Mishna aren’t enough for you, it’s now been shown to be true.
    But go ahead, bury your head in the sand and claim it’s a huge kiddush Hashem.

    in reply to: Underrated Jewish Music Albums 🎵 #1311525

    DY, I checked the album. I had that as a kid. Never liked it that much. I’ll try listening to it again.


    Joe, Shapiro is also friends with Gilad Atzmon, who has proclaimed that he follows a strict diet – “I eat anything but kosher”. He is willing to deal with someone who hates everything Jewish in order to bash Israel.
    Shapiro has never said anything against NK, and has publicly bashed Israel, in front of non-Jews. He is inciting non-Jews against Jews, and likely can be considered a rotzeach.

    As for Feif Un, we aren’t neighbors. We are friends, and used to be co-workers. I met him in college. I also introduced him to Rabbi Bender, who he now admires very much.


    Shapiro is one of Joseph’s heroes because he is a member of Neturei Karta. He stands with the enemies of the Jewish people, and deserves no respect at all.

    in reply to: Underrated Jewish Music Albums 🎵 #1310690

    DY, was that London album the one with “The Forgotten Princess”? I think that’s an awesome album!

    in reply to: Dead men give no hashgachos #1306223

    Here’s what happened:
    The owner of the property needed to do some work, and decided to do it on Shabbos. Being that the owner isn’t Jewish, that’s not a problem (the restaurant rents the space.) The issue was that the workers were given access to the restaurant and its kitchen, and were completely unsupervised.
    The OK told the owners of Basil that this was an issue, as the workers could have used ovens to heat their lunches. There are cameras in the kitchen, so they requested the video footage from the property owner. They asked Basil to remain closed until they reviewed the video. Basil didn’t want to miss any days, so they opened against the OK’s wishes. Therefore, the OK pulled the hechsher.

    Or so I was told by someone “in the business”.

    in reply to: Toras Avigdor #1302638

    Joseph, I suggest you follow your post from yesterday. Don’t mix into arguments between, say, Satmar and R’ Yoshe Ber Soloveitchik zt”l. It’s fire. You’ll get burned.

    in reply to: Rumor about Ivanka Trump Spurs conversation about Geirus #1302388

    Avi, I think you’re mixing up Ivana and Ivanka.

    in reply to: Classic Jewish Music Albums #1301115

    Great thread DY!
    I think that Dveykus 4 could have been the best of the bunch, except the quality of the music went way down on it. Instead of actual instruments, the whole album sounds like it was played on a keyboard.

    Some of my other favorite albums:
    Tzlil V’Zemer 2
    Regesh 3
    The Rabbis Sons – Halelu
    MBD – I’d Rather Pray and Sing

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1300211

    I tried posting proof of their misconduct. The mods didn’t allow it through.

    in reply to: Rumor about Ivanka Trump Spurs conversation about Geirus #1300169

    Please don’t slander MO by saying “I think there’s a tendency…” If you don’t know, don’t even speculate. It’s pure lashon harah.
    I can tell you that recently, I asked my Rav about this issue, because I had to attend a business dinner at a non-kosher restaurant. I was told I could bring my own food, but they didn’t want me to eat it out of a pan, as they are a high-class restaurant, and they wanted to serve it on their own plates.
    My Rav told me that if I get cold food, I could ask them to cover the bottom of the plate with some Romaine lettuce leaves (big ones, not chopped) that were rinsed, and I could put the food on top of it. If I had hot food, it was not an option. Thankfully, after speaking further with the restaurant, they allowed me to use some nice plastic plates which I purchased.
    You also said 90% of MO women don’t cover their hair. Again, a total falsehood. Where do you get your information from? I’d say that 90% of married women in my shul DO cover their hair.

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1300054

    Joseph, a lack of additional funding only hurts the public school kids and not the private schools kids because of the corruption of the school board in East Ramapo.
    You said earlier that secular education is not mandated, based on a Supreme Court ruling. Let’s assume that’s true. Funding can only be used for non-religious education. If secular subjects aren’t taught, only religious subjects, then why have busing? Busing is so that the kids can be educated. If they aren’t being educated (as defined by the laws, meaning secular subjects), then why should they have busing paid for?

    in reply to: Your reply can’t be created at this time #1300040

    Sorry Joe, if that was the case, plenty of your posts would also not have gotten through.
    Also, if I get the message, I sometimes email the post to myself, and later on, the exact same words will go through successfully.

    in reply to: East Ramapo budget should be voted down #1299504

    The East Ramapo school district has been a huge chillul Hashem for years.

    in reply to: Anti Zionist demonstration planned in Barclays Center #1295047

    In 2015, RAS resigned from the Moetzes because it was getting involved in a dispute in Israel. He felt strongly that Agudas Yisroel of America shouldn’t be involved in Israeli matters. It was only after a compromise was reached that he withdrew his resignation.

    I guess he changed his mind about getting involved in Israeli matters.

    in reply to: Anti Zionist demonstration planned in Barclays Center #1294801

    besimchah: There are also “successful” neo-Nazi marches. A large crowd doesn’t mean the cause is good.

    in reply to: Anti Zionist demonstration planned in Barclays Center #1294793

    So besides the Satmar chassidim that made up 98% of the crowd, we have a rasha from Neturei Karta, and a person who continues to show disrespect to the undisputed Gadol HaDor of the previous generation, R’ Moshe Feinstein zt”l, on a daily basis.
    Definitely a great crowd!

    in reply to: How come all frum Jews today aren’t Chassidic? #1292041

    MO is traditional Judaism in its purist form.
    The Chazon Ish said after WW2 that a change was needed due to the large number of Rabbonim that were killed by the Nazis, and that was the start of the modern-day yeshiva/kollel system. MO kept the traditional path.

    in reply to: How come all frum Jews today aren’t Chassidic? #1291989

    Many Jews aren’t chassidim because they actually follow the mesorah they got from their parents. Chassidus was a radical change from the Jewish tradition, which was part of the reason why so many opposed it. Chassidus is not traditional Judaism – make sure you remember that!

    in reply to: Anti Zionist demonstration planned in Barclays Center #1290076

    Unfortunately, people forge piskei halachah from Rabbonim all the time. Just look at the walls in Bnei Brak, Yerushalayim, etc.
    My Rav likes to tell over how he once went to ask R’ Elyashiv zt”l a shailah. There had been a sign on the wall regarding the issue, which paskened that it was not allowed. My Rav asked the shailah, and R’ Elyashiv told him it was permissible. My Rav asked if he was sure, as there were signs up saying that R’ Elyashiv held the opposite. R’ Elyashiv responded, “You pasken from a wall?!?!”

    in reply to: Anti Zionist demonstration planned in Barclays Center #1289700

    There was a letter going around that was signed by the 4 Roshei Yeshiva of BMG stating that everyone should try to attend the asifa. It was now announced that the letter was falsified, and the Roshei Yeshiva never said/wrote any such thing.
    Yet another chillul Hashem from those supporting this gathering.

    in reply to: Acceptable jewelry for frum men ⌚💍📿 #1288146

    Rabbi Bender shlita once told me that pants aren’t considered beged ish anymore. He said the first women to wear them violated the issur, but once it became the norm for women to wear pants, it wasn’t an issue anymore. He said it’s due to tznius, and if there were pants that were tznius, there would be no problem with a woman wearing them.

    in reply to: Yom Yerushalayim (again) #1285263

    What exactly was inaccurate and/or fabricated? You didn’t answer my question about mischaracterizing people.
    The story in Torah Vadaas was not only written by R’ Landesman zt”l, it was said over by Rabbi Reisman in his shiur a few years ago – I believe Parshas Bechukosai (so you can check the leap year recordings for it).
    I posted a link to the sefer where the Ponovezher Rav wrote that the 6 Day War had open miracles from Hashem. What is fabricated about that?

    in reply to: Yom Yerushalayim (again) #1285243

    How so? You quoted the Satmar Rav as saying “empty headed fools that while they call themselves religious but the smell of heresy wafts from their mouths and they fool the whole world with their announcements about miracles [during the Six Day War] – G‑d save us.” The Ponovezher Rav clearly wrote that there were open miracles. R’ Yaakov Kaminetzsky made a Shehechiyanu and recited Hallel. How exactly did I mischaracterize them?
    The fact is that the SR had to remain against Israel. After all, he condemned most of his followers to their deaths when he told them not to take the escape route offered to them by the Zionists. If he admitted that he’d made a mistake, it would make him responsible for their needless deaths. By remaining against it, he could claim that their deaths were better than living in Israel.
    The result is clear to see – a following which is embroiled with internal fighting, has spin-offs like Neturei Karta, etc.

    in reply to: Yom Yerushalayim (again) #1284646

    So the Satmar Rav held that the Ponovezher Rav, R’ Yaakov Kaminetzky, and R’ Schorr zt”l were all heretics?

    in reply to: how to deal with a guest who brings up Yom Haatzmaut 🇮🇱 #1282621

    Joseph is correct. The Ponovezher Rav zt”l didn’t say tachnun, and set that as the rule in the yeshiva. R’ Shach zt”l was poresh from the entire yeshiva, and he sat down as said tachnun. When he became the Rosh Yeshiva, I believe he changed the minhag there to say tachnun.

    in reply to: Yom Ha’atzmaut 🇮🇱👍👃 #1269525

    I don’t know. Ask R’ Hershel Schachter. He’s the one who holds that no matter what day of the week it falls out on, it should be celebrated on the 5th of Iyar.

    in reply to: Tornado on Shabbos Questions 🌪️ #1269247

    I remember years ago there was a tornado in the Far Rockaway area. I was in yeshiva at the time, in Darchei Torah. I remember that I was walking to the dormitory, and it was very windy. I looked up and saw a cloud that was spinning quickly, although there was no funnel coming down from it. I thought that it looked like it could spawn a tornado, and the wind was so powerful that things from the ground that were a bit bulky (although not overly so) were beginning to be blown around, and hitting me! I ran into the dorm – I didn’t want to stay outdoors. A few hours later, I heard that there had been a tornado in the area.

    in reply to: Yom Ha’atzmaut 🇮🇱👍👃 #1269246

    HaLeiVi, the secular Israelis celebrate it as a secular event. Religious Zionists celebrate it as a recognition of Divine intervention.

    in reply to: What does Zionism mean to you? #1269102

    So you think the Ohr Sameach was wrong?

    in reply to: Yom Ha’atzmaut 🇮🇱👍👃 #1269055

    Mods, I never said that R’ Ovadia zt”l said to say Hallel with a bracha. It was noted earlier in the thread that he said it WITHOUT a bracha. Just to note, Sefardim don’t make a bracha on Rosh Chodesh, or the second days of Pesach (they don’t make a bracha anytime the full Hallel isn’t said). I also never claimed that R’ Ovadia claimed it could be a chag because of aschalta d’geulah – I wrote that R’ Schachter says that.
    My point was that to call it a “silly” holiday is wrong, as there are plenty of Rabbonim who take it very seriously.

    in reply to: Yom Ha’atzmaut 🇮🇱👍👃 #1269035

    Did you just hear it by reading the old posts in this thread? It was written almost 6 years ago.

    You say it’s a silly holiday, yet many Rabbonim celebrate it. R’ Ovadia Yosef zt”l said Hallel on it. R’ Schachter shlita gives a psaht as to why it can be considered a Yom Tov, similar to Purim.

    Mods, do you allow links to YUTorah? If so, here’s a link to a great article that examines this question from both sides (it includes the views of the Satmar Rebbe in it as well as those supporting a Jewish State.)



    R. Ovadia Yosef (ad loc.) argues that even an atchalta d’geulah is not sufficient to warrant reciting Hallel with a berachah on Yom Haatzmaut, since there are still numerous challenges and troubles in Israel. Although it is possible R.Ovadia would distinguish between Hallel and the other characteristics of establishing a Yom Tov, it is clear that he feels this type of atchalta d’geulah is not strong enough at least regarding certain aspects of such a chag. He bases this on the Yerushalmi (Pesachim 10:6) that says although one should indeed recite praises (“shirah”) to Hashem when He does miracles for you, this does not apply to “techilat geulatan,” such as the night they left Egypt (as opposed to after crossing the sea).37 Also, it is worthwhile to note (as does R. Goren in passing) that we don’t have records of a specific day of Yom Tov for the return of Jews to Israel in the time of Ezra, so too here one could argue that atchalta d’geulah alone would not warrant a designation of Yom Tov.

    in reply to: What does Zionism mean to you? #1269036

    Joseph, the Ohr Sameach wrote straight out that the 3 Oaths are no longer in effect.

    in reply to: Tornado on Shabbos Questions 🌪️ #1266824

    I remember when Hurricane Irene hit us. It started on Shabbos afternoon, and went into Motzei Shabbos.
    An email was sent out before Shabbos to the shul membership urging everyone to stay home on Shabbos afternoon if conditions were bad. The Rabbi repeated it after davening Friday night and Shabbos morning.
    Sure enough, on Shabbos afternoon, it got bad. I stayed home from shul, and davened Mincha and Maariv at home. I don’t remember what the Rabbi did, I just remember him saying that your safety is more important.

    in reply to: A Capella Music 🎙️ #1266586
    in reply to: Is it okay to marry a Zionist? #1264221

    What if the guy turned out to be Satmar?

    in reply to: “Yom HaShoah”-A Zionist Fraud #1262395

    This thread is horrible. You want to pick on some Zionist things, go ahead. But the Holocaust? REALLY? What is wrong with you?!?!?

    As for saving people – I don’t know what happened with Zionists. I do know of one person who told his followers NOT to accept the offer to help them escape from the Nazis, because the people who offered to help were Zionists. A short time after that, he abandoned his followers, and accepted help from a Zionist to save his own life. Most of his followers were killed.

    in reply to: Before Touro? #1251667

    I remember there being an empty lot, with a faded sign advertising a daycare.

    in reply to: New CR Bug Reports #1250015

    The Profile pages seem to work from a Mobile browser, but not a desktop browser. I used an extension to switch my browser to a Mobile profile, and the page loaded. When I switched it back to Desktop, the page stopped working.

    in reply to: User pages #1249929

    I tried it on my phone and it worked. I guess my work PC doesn’t like it for some reason.

    in reply to: User pages #1249928

    Really? I tried it in 3 browsers, and it doesn’t work in any of them.
    Can you post the link you get from clicking on my name?

    in reply to: The Wicked Son, and the Kiruv System #1249041

    R’ Shteinman told a Rebbe a few years ago that times have changed, and we can’t hit children anymore.

    in reply to: Kosher in Basking Ridge, NJ #1244647

    There is a kosher Chinese Restaurant not far from there, called Tokyo Hibachi. It’s located in Springfield. I don’t know if they’ll deliver, but it’s only about a 20 minute drive from Basking Ridge.
    There’s also a place called Lin’s Kosher Kitchen, in Manville. Again, they probably won’t deliver, but not too far of a drive.

    in reply to: How to increase Tzinius #1243447

    Joseph, damaging one’s body IS destroying their Olam Habah, as there is a mitzvah to take proper care of your body.

    in reply to: Reverting to Minhag Ashkenaz? #1239127

    LU: R’ Ovadia zt”l held very strongly that Jews in EY should follow the rulings of the Bet Yosef – he held that the Mechaber was the authoritative posek for EY. He also paskened that although one is supposed to hear Parshas Zachor read in the style they use (so a litvak may not be yotzeh if he hears someone read it with chassidish pronunciation), anyone could hear it with a Sefardic pronunciation, as that is the “proper” way to read it.

    As for switching to Ashkenaz, I did that a while ago. There were a few reasons for it. Mainly, as R’ Moshe zt”l wrote, there is no explanation for why the chassidim changed the text of davening, and it was a change to the text that had been used for centuries. Why would I want to use it?

    in reply to: Davening Ari; Tefillin Ashkenazi #1226079

    I agree with iacisrmma, your tefillin don’t impact how you daven.

    That said, R’ Moshe zt”l paskened that if you daven Ashkenaz, you’re not allowed to switch to Sefard. I assume that includes Ari.


    I heard from R’ Mendel Kaplan’s grandson that R’ Mendel worked for a short time as a mashgiach in a slaughterhouse. The Mafia was involved there, and he was pressured to declare things as kosher when they weren’t. He refused to give in, and they didn’t press the issue. One day, a new thug was in the plant, and R’ Mendel declared a cow to be a treifah. The guy insisted that he declare it kosher, and R’ Mendel refused. A minute or two later, R’ Mendel went to use the restroom. When he returned, the carcass of the cow was gone. He asked where it was, and the thug told him not to worry about it. R’ Mendel quit the job, and announced that the slaughterhouse couldn’t be relied upon for kosher meat.


    Alizgit, in that thread, it says R’ Reuven was hit by a car, and eventually succumbed to his injuries. He actually had a stroke 6 years before he passed, and was never fully functional (physically) after suffering it.

    in reply to: Why wasn't last nights speech a State of the Union adress? #1219903

    Technically, it probably could be. “State of the Union” is just a name. The Constitution says, “He shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.” It doesn’t need to be the huge deal they make it out to be. The president can send an email out to Congress, and it would probably meet the requirement. It actually was done via letters for a long time – from Thomas Jefferson in 1801 until 1913, when Wilson gave a speech in front of Congress. Carter was the last president to give the update in writing, in 1981.

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