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iacisrmma: in Plyler vs. Doe, the Supreme Court ruled that illegal immigrants are protected under the 14th Amendment.
DaMosheParticipantThere was recently an interview of R’ Schachter published in the Jewish Press. They don’t allow links, so I can’t post that, but here are the questions and answers regarding Purim:
Purim is approaching. What’s your opinion on the current level of drunkenness one sees on this day?
It’s scandalous. Purim is supposed to be a celebration of kabalas haTorah, accepting the Torah. In the days of the second Beis HaMikdash, there were many yamim tovim d’rabanan, all of which were batul after the churban habayis, except for Chanukah and Purim. Of all these yamim tovim, only one had a chiyuv seudah: Purim. The Gaonim had the girsa in the Gemara that the reason Purim is different is because it’s yom kabalas haTorah.
The words “kimu v’kiblu” [which we read in the Megillah] mean that there was another kabalas hatorah, so l’kavod kabbalas haTorah you have to make an elaborate meal. Purim is supposed to be a serious holiday. We really should stay up all night learning Torah.
Isn’t it also a happy day on which we celebrate our salvation?
Okay, so you drink a little until you become drowsy and take a nap as the Rema says in Shulchan Aruch, but it’s not supposed to be the Jewish Halloween. It’s scandalous.
February 28, 2018 12:33 am at 12:33 am in reply to: Rav Miller Website Accuses ‘Joseph’ Of Stealing #1479154DaMosheParticipantYou didn’t answer the question.
February 27, 2018 10:40 pm at 10:40 pm in reply to: Rav Miller Website Accuses ‘Joseph’ Of Stealing #1479109DaMosheParticipantJoseph, even if everything you said is correct, how do you explain your going against the wishes of R’ Miller, who said he didn’t want his shiurim on the internet? Never mind what the site is doing, they’re going against it too, but why do you think it’s ok when R’ Miller said he was strongly against it?
February 27, 2018 1:57 pm at 1:57 pm in reply to: Rav Miller Website Accuses ‘Joseph’ Of Stealing #1478178DaMosheParticipantGaon – read the thread I posted about R’ Miller’s views on the internet. He clearly stated that when someone offered to put his shiurim online, he refused, because he was against the internet. So no, I don’t think he would have wanted his Torah posted online, even on the website which is now complaining.
DaMosheParticipantThey say “thousands of kiddush’s”. Besides for their grammar being off, their numbers are off as well. Let’s say he gets married at 23, so 10 years between the bar mitzvah and the wedding. There are about 52 weeks in a year (using the solar calendar is easier, as it’s pretty constant, and you don’t have to account for the extra Adar). That’s 104 Shabbos meals, so 104 times making kiddush. Another 12 days of Yom Tov (4 Pesach, 2 Sukkos, 2 Shemini Atzeres, 2 Shavuos, and 2 Rosh Hashanah) adds 24, for a total of 128. That’s assuming (unrealistically) that all the days of Yom Tov don’t fall out on Shabbos.
As adocs pointed out, a teenager isn’t making kiddush most of the time anyway – the father is. But let’s assume that this boy is making his own kiddush every single time. Over 10 years, that’s 1,280 times. Hardly the “thousands” they advertise.DaMosheParticipantRegarding their idea that the glass breaking doesn’t really hold any significance anymore, I actually see their point. My Rav actually does the following: at many weddings now, they sing Im Eshkachaich at the chuppah, before breaking the glass. He has the chosson break the glass while it is still being sung. That way, people don’t yell mazal tov right when the glass is broken. They yell it after the singing is finished.
February 15, 2018 11:05 am at 11:05 am in reply to: when to tell parents that you are expecting #1469823DaMosheParticipantI’ve written in the past that we had our twins through fertility treatments. Unfortunately, one of the issues we encountered during those treatments was miscarriages. My wife had a few of them early in the pregnancies. Due to that, we didn’t tell ANYONE what was going on, with the exception of our Rav (since fertility treatments can bring up all sorts of interesting shailos). When the doctor told us that we were mostly out of the “danger zone”, we told parents. It was towards the end of the first trimester. We waited a bit longer to tell siblings.
My brother told me that he and his wife told parents as soon as they got a positive pregnancy test.DaMosheParticipantJoseph, when it’s a minhag shtus, there’s no need to follow it.
DaMosheParticipantJoseph, it’s not in the Igros that R’ Moshe released. It’s in the volume released years after his death. He didn’t select the teshuvos that were included in it.
DaMosheParticipantJoseph, when R’ Moshe said b’shaas hadchak, it was in response to a unique case. In the teshuvos which he chose to include in the Igros Moshe, he never mentioned that part. He was matir it in general.
DaMosheParticipantVinegar is good to use in a marinade to get tender meats, as it can cause some of the connective tissue to break down, which tenderizes the meat. However, using vinegar as the ONLY liquid probably wouldn’t be a great idea. When the tissue breaks down, it also causes a loss of moisture from the meat, which will dry it out. Make sure to add salt. Salt minimizes the loss of moisture, so your meat will stay juicy.
DaMosheParticipantThere are a few reasons.
First of all, the Sifre (I believe quoted by the Ramban) says that a Navi is required to issue the command to build the Beis haMikdash. We don’t have that now, and won’t until Mashiach comes.
The Chinuch says that the majority of Jews must live in Eretz Yisrael, and it should be a sovereign Jewish nation. That is given as a reason why the 2nd Beis haMikdash was considered weak from the start – most people didn’t come from Bavel, and it wasn’t controlled by the Jews. The Gemara says the Shechinah wasn’t there for those reasons.
Until Mashiach comes and gathers the Jews together, we won’t have the prerequisites to build a new Beis haMikdash. Mashiach will be a king, and Eliyahu will be the Navi. We will have the gathering of the exiles to Eretz Yisrael. May it happen speedily in our days!DaMosheParticipantIn the 1700s, most Jewish people were actually illiterate. That was why the Baal Shem Tov completely departed from traditional Judaism, and founded Chassidus. He felt that since Jews weren’t capable of learning Torah, they needed a different way to serve Hashem. So no, most people in the 1700s in Eastern Europe did not spend hours per day learning.
Besides, if you’re going to count that, then shouldn’t you count the baal habatim in Israel now who learn Daf Yomi, who attend shiurim in the morning and evening, but thankfully don’t need government assistance to live?DaMosheParticipantThis letter was written by a friend of mine, another Darchei alumnus. It was submitted via email to YWN, but hasn’t yet been published. I agree with it wholeheartedly.
On Sunday night, I was among those who were amazed at the generosity of R’ Rechnitz, when he pledged to donate $1 million – provided, of course, that the yeshiva raise $3 million first. The purpose of the campaign is to help pay off the huge mortgage that Darchei Torah had taken out when they built their new campus, a necessary undertaking considering the expansion of the yeshiva.
Rabbi Bender shlita has undertaken the financial responsibility for the mortgage from the start. He travels all over the world, raising money so that the yeshiva can meet its payments. Sometimes he doesn’t know where the next payment will come from, but b’chasdei Hashem, it has always been met.
Rabbi Bender is not just a Rosh Yeshiva. He is someone who has always put Klal Yisrael first. In his early years, he was founding Hatzolah of Flatbush, then later Hatzolah of Far Rockaway. The fact that he never turned away a potential student due to a disability is well known. He takes care of those who nobody else will. His love and dedication to the orphans among us is legendary. But it isn’t only limited to his own community. His speeches at the Agudah Convention regarding chinuch, the articles he’s written, are all for the entire Jewish world. He is regarded as the foremost expert in chinuch today.
Now it’s our turn. Rabbi Bender has always put klal Yisrael on his back and carried us. Let us now do the same for him. Let’s remove the stress of paying for this mortgage by donating. There are only a few hours left, and the yeshiva is far from reaching the goal. We all need to step up, and help Rabbi Bender, the same way he always looks out for all of us.
Rabbi Bender is a mechanech. Let’s allow him to concentrate fully on that role, and not have to spend time raising funds. This is to our benefit, as he is the guide for ALL Jewish schools, not just his own.
Tizku l’mitzvos.
December 28, 2017 8:21 am at 8:21 am in reply to: New Details About Ger That Got Married And Is Now A Rebbe #1438561DaMosheParticipantHe started his own chassidus, and declared himself a Rebbe? What a joke. A Rebbe is supposed to be chosen by the followers. How many followers does this guy have?
December 17, 2017 12:42 pm at 12:42 pm in reply to: Who Are The Most Liberal Posters in the Coffee room? #1428616DaMosheParticipantMazal tov to Joseph! He finally agreed that Modern Orthodox is considered frum! He wrote “Because within the frum spectrum MO/DL are the left-wing flank.”. So he finally considers MO to be within the frum spectrum!
December 6, 2017 12:19 pm at 12:19 pm in reply to: Rabbi Aharon Lopiansky on Modern Othodox/Dati vs. Chareidi #1421147DaMosheParticipantCarlebach’s Ki Va Moed was taken from a non-Jewish song called “Mare, Take Me Home”.
November 30, 2017 10:37 am at 10:37 am in reply to: Poskim Answering Pikuach Nefesh Shailos #1415937DaMosheParticipantI believe R’ Dovid Feinstein does. R’ Hershel Schachter probably does as well.
DaMosheParticipantIs that really your answer?
First off, if you ask Hurwitz, Weiss, or anyone else at HIR, if Rabba was a title that denoted clergy, they’d say yes. Second, Weiss himself said that Rabba is the female equivalent of Rabbi. Third, when he gave her the title of Rabba, Weiss himself said “This will make it clear to everyone that Sara Hurwitz is a full member of our rabbinic staff, a rabbi with the additional quality of a distinct woman’s voice.”
So please, explain to me why the title Rabba doesn’t violate the OU’s stance.DaMosheParticipantLuna, this is taken from the OU’s official stance on female clergy:
“…the Rabbinic Panel has made clear that women serving in clergy roles or holding clergy titles is at odds with halacha and our mesorah”
So it doesn’t matter what she’s doing – merely holding such a title goes against halachah.DaMosheParticipantJoseph, I believe I’ve written before about why Weiss wasn’t kicked out.
The RCA had a big meeting to discuss it. They determined that if they kicked him out, he’d probably file a lawsuit, and bring a lot of publicity to his new religion. It was decided that keeping his students out would be enough. He’d either leave on his own (which is what happened), or, given that he’s not young, would eventually be gone. Either way, they avoid the publicity, and keep his influence out of the RCA.October 16, 2017 1:36 pm at 1:36 pm in reply to: No mention of the huge techailes event in Boro Park on Chol Hamoed?! #1381665DaMosheParticipantR’ Hershel Schachter shlita holds that since there’s nothing to lose by wearing it, you should wear the techeiles nowadays.
R’ Elyashiv zt”l was against it, as he held we did not have a mesorah for it, and so shouldn’t do it.
R’ Chaim Kanievsky shlita holds that we won’t get techeiles until Mashiach comes, so the one we have is wrong. He also says, however, that he feels there is room to disagree with his view, and that if someone believes it is the correct techeiles, they have a chiyuv to wear it. (This differs from R’ Elyashiv, who said that even if we believed it was correct, we shouldn’t wear it due to a lack of mesorah for it.)
At the end of the day, as usual, one should ask their own Rav what to do, as there are gedolim on both sides of the issue on whom to rely.
DaMosheParticipantThe Yetzer Harah is smart. He says, “So don’t smoke on Shabbos, only the rest of the week!” You’re right – really nobody should smoke at all. When you abstain on Shabbos, it makes you feel good about it, and you don’t think about the other days. That’s the Yetzer Harah’s goal.
September 26, 2017 1:54 pm at 1:54 pm in reply to: Is hanging pictures of leaders considered to be Avoda Zora? #1370201DaMosheParticipantThere was a Haggadah that was used in the Vishnitz community in Israel that said when you eat the Matzah, you should picture the Rebbe in your mind and think about him. Is that a problem?
September 13, 2017 12:20 pm at 12:20 pm in reply to: Makom Kavua – Being Kicked out of your Seat #1362767DaMosheParticipantMy shul has a rule that only on the Yomim Noraim are there reserved seats. For the rest of the year, the only seats that are reserved are the Rav’s.
DaMosheParticipantI don’t think people are bashing those who want to increase observance of tznius. Increasing observance means having more people follow the halachic rules.
The issue people have is when others start changing the rules, and adding on stringency after stringency. There are halachos that define tznius. Let’s stick to them.September 5, 2017 10:55 am at 10:55 am in reply to: Inappropriate intermingling at Chasunas 💃🍸🍷🕺 #1354891DaMosheParticipantYitzchokm, I haven’t seen the actual letter from him, but I’ve seen/heard it quoted by many different Rabbonim. If you do some research on your own, you’ll find it.
September 5, 2017 8:56 am at 8:56 am in reply to: Inappropriate intermingling at Chasunas 💃🍸🍷🕺 #1354682DaMosheParticipantJoseph: perhaps if there was more mingling at weddings, the shidduch crisis wouldn’t be as bad. R’ Breuer zt”l wrote in a letter that he encouraged mixed seating especially for younger people, as mitzvah goreres mitzvah, and shidduchim could come about at a wedding.
As for your point about a man walking into the women’s section – you are wrong, the women don’t need to stop dancing. The man has an obligation not to be there, and he should leave. It’s on him, not on the women.August 30, 2017 2:45 pm at 2:45 pm in reply to: What’s the difference between Torah uMaadah and Torah im Derech Eretz #1351444DaMosheParticipantWinnie, I was always taught that the Mada portion has value by itself because EVERYTHING is in the Torah – we just don’t always recognize it as such. However, we still recognize that Hashem and the Torah are the supreme authority.
I guess TIDE would allow the secular learning only as far as it’s needed for a specific purpose – for parnassah, or to help understand the sugyah you are learning at the time.
Torah U’Madah, as I understand, says to learn all you can, because it’s all part of the Torah, whether you can see where it is or not. Just remember that it’s all part of the Torah, and remember that we must always follow the Torah.DaMosheParticipantJoseph, Schindler was arrested multiple times for public drunkenness. He also committed adultery many times, and even had children with a someone who was not his wife, while he was married. His wife ended up leaving him.
DaMosheParticipantJoseph, do you have a source for that claim?
DaMosheParticipantIt depends. The Rambam defines a tzadik as someone whose zechusim are more than their aveiros. According to that definition, anyone can be a tzadik – we just don’t know how Hashem views each person and judges their actions, so we don’t know who is or isn’t a tzadik. We can make assumptions based on what we do see, but we may not be correct.
Chassidim usually use the definition given by the Baal HaTanya. Chassidim believe that a tzadik is someone who was selected for the role by Hashem. The role can’t be attained by a person, it needs to be a gift from Hashem. The tzadik has their human instincts for any inclinations completely subdued, and experiences pure d’veykus. The tzadik’s job is to act as a vehicle to raise up others, to help them get closer to Hashem.
According to the chassidic definition, almost nobody can become a tzadik – only a few people who Hashem picked. That doesn’t mean you can’t be a good, caring person, of course!
DaMosheParticipantI know someone who is descended from Native Americans, who became a geyores. Does that count?
DaMosheParticipantI remember R’ Bender speaking about Jewish levush. He said it’s like one sign of a kosher animal – the split hooves. It’s the external sign of being a Jew. An animal needs both signs, internal and external, to be kosher. We have a term for having only the external sign – pig feet, or in Yiddish, chazzer fissel (did I get that right?). If you have only the dress, but don’t live the Torah way, it’s worthless. I still can hear his voice in my head – “LOOK AT ME!!! I’M KOSHER!!! With the black hat, and the white shirt and black jacket – you’re like the pig showing that he thinks he’s kosher! Without the inside, you’re nothing!”
Joseph, you can wear the biggest kippah, but when you’re rotten inside, you’re like a pig showing off its hooves.DaMosheParticipantThe Steipler zt”l said not to make a brachah, as the Gemara says an eclipse is a siman ra.
August 14, 2017 1:16 pm at 1:16 pm in reply to: The Casualties of Yiddish in Litvishe Chadorim #1338339DaMosheParticipantJoseph: first of all, Ivrit is spoken internationally. Jews speak it in Israel, in the US, in Europe, etc. It’s spoken all over the world.
When I was in yeshiva as a kid, we learned Chumash and translated it into Yiddish. The problem was that there was no language I was familiar with to relate it to. I didn’t understand the Hebrew, and I didn’t understand the Yiddish. So I knew that Hebrew word A equaled Yiddish word B, but I had no idea what they meant!
My kids learn Chumash by translating it into Modern Hebrew as well as English. So now they are learning both Biblical and Modern Hebrew, and they understand it because they are also translating to English.Joseph, you say learning Yiddish helps to communicate with Jews around the world. I think that most Jews actually don’t speak Yiddish. You’re probably more likely to share Ivrit as a common language than Yiddish.
August 14, 2017 1:14 pm at 1:14 pm in reply to: Should We View Satmar Growth and Anti Israel Indoctrination as Concern #1338241DaMosheParticipantCTLAWYER: at least some of your post got through. Mine was deleted entirely.
August 10, 2017 9:21 am at 9:21 am in reply to: What happens when the awareness movement succeeds? #1335568DaMosheParticipantI’m not aware of this movement. Does that mean it’s a failure?
DaMosheParticipantJoseph, it’s not all of Eretz Yisrael that is makpid on burying the same day, it’s only Yerushalayim. They sometimes delay for the kavod of the mes, so that more people can attend the funeral.
DaMosheParticipantElizabeth, NJ is not a chassidish community. It’s under the leadership of HaRav Teitz shlita, who is as Litvish as they come!
A friend told me that a chassidish community will be starting soon in Linden, NJ – apparently they’re buying some land, and getting zoning approvals for a school.August 1, 2017 6:59 pm at 6:59 pm in reply to: Should the frum world create an alternative to “Footsteps” for OTD support #1330376DaMosheParticipantJoseph, they’ve had suicides because the people who are coming to them are depressed from the way they were treated. Look at the most recent case – a girl died just a few weeks ago from an overdose. She had some learning disabilities and was kicked out of her school. Her parents were told by other schools that threats were made – if their daughter joined, other parents would pull their kids out! Is this really the world we live in? Is this how we should be looking at others? The principals and parents who were against her have her blood on their hands! They humiliated her, with their holier than thou attitude, and pushed her to leave Judaism, caused depression, and now she is dead. But I’m sure they think it was ok, because they didn’t want their daughter to have someone with a disability in the same school.
Footsteps exists because our system is broken. It takes children, our most prized possession, and tries to cram them into a mold. If they don’t fit, they are discarded, with no regard for their future.
Just another thing to mourn today.July 27, 2017 1:55 pm at 1:55 pm in reply to: Respectful Discussion About Lavish Fleshing (Alcoholic) Event By BMG🍷🍾🥂🍺🥃🍻🥓🍖 #1326879DaMosheParticipantI am reminded about what R’ Belsky zt”l wrote regarding A Capella music:
Lately, it has become a trend to take every possible pleasure that one can think of and figure out ways to make them permissible at all times. Whether it is the imitation of non-kosher foods, making all chometzdike delicacies kosher l’Pesach, or other similar things, we find this attitude now more than ever. People cannot live for one minute with compromising on pleasures that they are used to or wish to experience. Often, the heteirim to permit such activities are, at best, based on very weak reasoning.One such example is the desire to listen to music during Sefirah and The Three Weeks. It has become a trend to produce “Sefirah tapes,” referred to musically as “a cappella“. The wide acceptance of such tapes has not been with rabbinic approval. Indeed, many of the gedolei rabbonim have ruled that one should not listen to this type of music during Sefirah and The Three Weeks. Unfortunately, because the music albums are being sold in the stores, people think that they must be glatt kosher. If they aren’t acceptable, people say, why would a Jewish store sell them?
His words regarding this likely apply to massive siyumim/events as well. The 9 Days are a time for mourning – not finding ways around the rules.
July 25, 2017 2:50 pm at 2:50 pm in reply to: Respectful Discussion About Lavish Fleshing (Alcoholic) Event By BMG🍷🍾🥂🍺🥃🍻🥓🍖 #1325165DaMosheParticipantI remember learning that when making a siyum during the 9 days, one shouldn’t invite extra people. I believe the language used is that one should only invite those who would be invited if the siyum were made at a different time of year.
The Rav who gave the shiur where I heard this said that there are restaurants who have someone come in every night of the 9 days to make a siyum, so that they can sell their usual menus, and not lose a week’s worth of business. He said this is 100% wrong, as in many cases, you don’t know the person making the siyum at all!July 21, 2017 12:29 pm at 12:29 pm in reply to: ANOTHER shocking LETTER published IN the VOICE of LAKEWOOD #1322476DaMosheParticipantJoseph, you are falling to a new low this time. A letter is talking about dinei nifashos, and you choose to focus on which parent should write the letter, who it should be addressed to, and whether the school is required to handle it.
I repeat: this is DINEI NIFASHOS. A child being bullied in school can have long-term effects. I DON”T CARE WHICH PARENT WRITES THE LETTER!!! Joseph, you are the very definition of a chossid shoteh. I really don’t know why the mods still tolerate you – if it were up to me, I would have banned you a long time ago.
Whether the local laws require reporting or not shouldn’t matter. The school has a halachic responsibility to act on it. End of story.
July 20, 2017 12:17 pm at 12:17 pm in reply to: Should the Township of Lakewood be renamed the Shtetl of Lakewood? #1321933DaMosheParticipantSo Joseph, basically, you’re saying that Yiddish and Modern Ivrit have the same status – a language that is used by Jews, which separates us from non-Jews?
Please don’t argue that Ivrit is used by secular Jews, because for many, many years, so was Yiddish. There even used to be Yiddish theaters in NYC. Nowadays, Yiddish is actually seeing a revival among secular Jews, who view it as part of their cultural history, and therefore are studying it again.July 18, 2017 7:31 pm at 7:31 pm in reply to: Should the Township of Lakewood be renamed the Shtetl of Lakewood? #1320559DaMosheParticipantJoseph, the correct “shprach” would be Hebrew, as it has holiness to it. Yiddish has no holiness whatsoever.
DaMosheParticipantI haven’t been called for jury duty since 2004. At the time I tried to get out because I was a student, and didn’t want to miss classes. If I was called now, I would have no issue serving on a jury. Why would I? My employer pays for any time you miss due to jury duty, so there’s no financial concern. It’s a responsibility that comes with living in our great country, and I think I might even find it interesting!
DaMosheParticipantI think the real question here should be “Why is BMG the default option?”
I once had someone tell me he was going to BMG because “it’s the thing to do”. I asked him, “Is it the best place for you?” He said “I don’t know.”
Having a big place which churns out products like a factory, with no thought to individuality within its ranks, is one of the biggest issues we have in the frum world today. We have a rule of chanoch l’naar al pi darko. Every person needs individual attention. We also have asei l’cha Rav – have a Rebbe! Do you think you get a real kesher with a Rebbe in BMG? I have 3 brothers who went through BMG, and none of them has a lasting kesher with their Rabbeim/Rosh Chaburah from there. One is still close with R’ Altusky (from Darchei) and one is still close with R’ Bender. The 3rd, as far as I know, isn’t as close with either one of them, but does have a kesher with his Rav. I see the same thing with many of my cousins who went through BMG – the Rebbe they’re close with, who they consider their main Rebbe, isn’t from BMG.DaMosheParticipantRegarding what R’ Bender said:
Does he think it needs to change? I guess so, but the question is how. I can tell you what he does.
He established a special gemach specifically for alumni of Darchei. He also set up a program to teach vocational skills to both kollel members and community members who are in need. They can learn plumbing, electrical work, and other skills. They have classes in computer skills. You can start taking advantage while a kollel member – they have classes scheduled at times that can work for most people. I believe the cost is also significantly reduced for kollel members. -