☕ DaasYochid ☕

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  • in reply to: Sitting in Starbucks right now. #756632
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    I copied from that link what was there when it was up.


    in reply to: Sofer Checking Tefilin or Mezuzos #740565
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Daas: IOW, you’re maintaining 3.5 years is the maximum allowed before you are required to check again?

    I’m not sure, it might still be true that if you check after 4, you would then check after another three. That would satisfy the math, but I need to check the sources; twice in seven years might be a way of saying every 3.5.

    in reply to: After the boy says yes….. #741478
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    No, but when they call back they are usually met with “Oh he has just gotten a yes back from someone else so he is busy right now”. You never know if that is true or not.

    Do you think that, if true, the boy had a right to say yes to two girls at the same time and see which one said yes first?

    in reply to: Sofer Checking Tefilin or Mezuzos #740561
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Why not?

    I’ll assume that your not asking Aries why she never heard of twice in seven years, so I’ll answer.

    You’re assuming that you get to pick which seven years to look at, but it has to be true about any seven year stretch. Say for example, that you had them checked in year 0 (when you bought them), year 6, and year 12. You would say that from 0-6 they were checked twice, and from 6-12 checked twice. However, from 3-9, for example, they were only checked once.

    in reply to: Shkiah! Huh whats that? #748086
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I never took a poll 🙂

    I was answering real-brisker’s question about how could the answers to the OP’s questions be yes and yes.

    in reply to: After the boy says yes….. #741476
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Has anyone ever retracted a “Yes” b/c the other side was taking too much time?

    I once wanted to (after we had gone out a couple of times, she said she needs a week to think about it) but I was advised not to, because despite the fact that she displayed a lack of consideration, I might get a bad reputation if I called it off.

    in reply to: Information Verification is Vital BEFORE Dating #769412
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Most of the time you won’t find out everything you need to know before you start dating. Here’s a secret “people lie when they give information”.

    Really? I never woulda thunk it. 😉

    Seriously, it’s circular; people are comfortable giving false and incomplete information because they figure, “let them go out and they’ll see for themselves anyhow”. The more emphasis placed on information rather than dating, the more truthful the information would be. I say this on a societal scale (for example, I think it works that way by chassidim). On an individual basis, you have to deal with reality.

    in reply to: After the boy says yes….. #741474
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    How about we compromise on 4 days and call it a night? 🙂

    in reply to: Sitting in Starbucks right now. #756623
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    knee-jerk emotional reactions

    You mean like your post?

    in reply to: After the boy says yes….. #741446
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    48 hours, not including shabbos. After that you move on, and you do not need to even tell the shadchan. Assuming a girl asked a shadchan to redt a shidduch to a boy, the boy is under no obligation to get back at all. Usually, the boy is not even told that the girl was behind it. A shidduch begins when the boy says yes. Yes. Whatever. That is ridiculous.

    Yes, absolutely ridiculous.

    in reply to: What is your favorite smell? #740086
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Cholent on Shabbos morning, and coffee (brewed and freshly opened jar) during the week.

    in reply to: Sofer Checking Tefilin or Mezuzos #740558
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    No and no.

    in reply to: Cholov Akum #772791
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    And until the next shipment of C”Y comes to my far OOT community, I’m drinking soy milk.

    Then I guess you are a ??? ???!

    in reply to: should i break the shidduch #740043
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    noone that i know dates before 24-25 so your statement about 23 is wrong

    Are you an “alter Mirrer”?

    in reply to: Sitting in Starbucks right now. #756618
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    SHILSHI said and i quote “how can anyone drink from starbucks even now, knowing what we now know. even if more information if forthcoming, we already know there is a major problem. i dont see how its possible to drink there” and this is before the cRc has made their final desicion.

    He’s right to advocate not drinking there before the cRc makes their final determination.

    in reply to: should i break the shidduch #740038
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    I didn’t know it took so long to recover from a caffeine overdose.

    in reply to: Shkiah! Huh whats that? #748084
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    That’s actually not as easy as it sounds. Most people either hold of Rabbeinu Tam’s definition of Shkia or they don’t. Some are Machmir on Shabbos not to do Melacha, but otherwise it’s usually not just a Chumra.

    I’m not sure how easy it sounded, but I’ll explain; if you hold like ?”? ????? ????, you might still try to daven before the earlier ?????. If you hold like the ??????, you can’t rely on the later ?????.

    in reply to: Cholov Akum #772789
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    I never meant to say that R’ Moshe reconsidered or contradicted himself in any way. Only that the practical application of the heter changes based on the circumstances.

    I think that “ba’al nefesh yachmir” meant even if difficult.

    You ask which yechidim he refers to, and I think he means the general population, as opposed to yeshivos.

    I agree that it’s possible to understand it the way you did, but besides the fact that I think my way is the simpler way, it also conforms with the other two teshuvos.

    I still see no reason not to accept the other two teshuvos, especially the one from the ????? ??????. The fact that it was not printed in Igros Moshe is immaterial; many of his teshuvos were not.

    in reply to: Bain Adam L'chaveiro Vs. Bain Adam L'makom #740747
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The guy who eats treif does not have to go to everyone in town and say he’s sorry.

    Yes, and I related a possibility as to why that is true.

    I think you are right that bein adam l’chaveiro is also bein adam l’makom to a larger degree than the reverse. You seem to agree with my opinion that it’s also true the other way around, but to a lesser extent.

    If I’m not mistaken, we’re saying the same thing, but in different words.

    in reply to: Shkiah! Huh whats that? #748078
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    “But why would one answer yes and yes?”

    ??????, ??????.

    (It’s not my answer; it’s what one could answer.)

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748977
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Ctrl Alt Del,

    I don’t know if you’re still checking for responses, but yes, I’m “uncomfortable with the drinking going on”, and I wasn’t trying to hide it. But your arguments were wrong. My argument is that some people don’t know their limits. But some do, and it’s not for you to decide.

    in reply to: What exactly is wrong with divorce again? #740206
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    My understanding is that since a proper Jewish home is a place for the Shechinah to dwell, as is the Bais Hamikdash, the mizbaiach cries when that potential for “hashroas haShechinah” is destroyed.

    This does not mean that there aren’t individual cases where divorce is unfortunately necessary.

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1102176
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    ????, ????, ???? ????

    in reply to: Sitting in Starbucks right now. #756611
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Who said there’s no problem with Indian hair shaitels? Besides, nobody’s advocating burning down Starbucks, just holding off until the issue is studied and a final determination is made.

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748941
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I have never understood why this “mitzvah” inspires so many to be mekayem it so diligently.

    Then you don’t understand human nature.

    I have no doubt in my mind that if someone would piously recite tehillim for a choleh instead of drinking himself to oblivion , that ad meah v’esrim, hashem would not hold it against him.

    That’s only because you think it’s not a mitzvah. If it’s a mitzvah, then hashem will hold it against you if you don’t do it, even if you are doing another mitzvah.

    Its a foolish pursuit. And illegal for anyone under 21 (at least in NY/NJ) to be mekayaim. Its also illegal for anyone to give alcohol to someone who is under 21.

    In communist Russia, it was illegal to be mekayayaim the mitzvah of Bris Milah.

    Our shuls Rav makes that perfectly clear right after maariv purim night.

    There is no mitzvah to get drunk at night.

    I am a mandatory reporter and I have, and will continue in the future to report distribution of alcohol to those under 21. Even on purim.

    Do you know what the din of a moser is?

    Lest anyone think that I am advocating young bochurim getting dangerously drunk, I am not. I am merely pointing out the weakness of these arguments.

    in reply to: Laptop Issues, HELP!!! #740237
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    On the bottom left of your screen, does it say “start” or is there just the Windows logo?

    in reply to: Bain Adam L'chaveiro Vs. Bain Adam L'makom #740739
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Miztvos bein adam l’Makom are ONLY bein adam l’Makom.

    Kol Yisroel Areivim Zeh Lozeh. If I am m’challel Shabbos, it negatively affects all Jews; we are part of one entity.

    I would say that bein adam l’chaveiro is also bein adam l’makom and bein adam l’makom is also bein adam l’chaveiro. The difference is in a direct sense. The reason we can do teshuva on bein adam l’makom without askind mechila first from every Jew, I suppose, is because to the extent that the teshuva is effective, it removes the harm done to everyone else. It would also otherwise be impossible to do teshuvah on bein adam l’makom.

    in reply to: Mazal Tov Charlie Hall? #743687
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I doubt Charlie Hall would go to Minnesota during the YU seforim sale.


    I heard they ship.

    in reply to: Laptop Issues, HELP!!! #740233
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    i may have been born at night…but not last night, of course i rebooted!??!duhhh

    Oh, I thought you were an accountant. 🙂

    Did you try Aries’ advice? If you need help with it, which OS do you have?

    in reply to: How much do you pay for a babysitter? #739944
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    but its ok to take from ur parents for ur own enjoyment but not to pay someone wat they deserve?

    Maybe the parents paid for dinner but not the babysitter?

    in reply to: How much do you pay for a babysitter? #739943
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Daas Yochid, if they are “shy” ask them what they normally get paid and they will answer you.

    The response is sometimes “I don’t know, whatever”.

    in reply to: Sephardim and gerim #1157504
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Not all Sephardim. Only (a) specific group(s) which had a problem with fake conversions for marriage and felt the need to make a takanah.

    in reply to: Remarriage #740625
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Of course, the Torah didn’t state what happens if the first husband dies simply because it would be very difficult for him to remarry her after he dies. 🙂

    It would also be difficult for him to marry his ex-wife after she died. That was my point when I wrote maybe that’s only before they died.

    in reply to: Sitting in Starbucks right now. #756608
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    if it wasn’t a problem till now

    Who says it wasn’t a problem until now; maybe we just didn’t know?

    Shmuel, you must spend more time in Starbucks than popa if you’re so worked up about this! 🙂

    in reply to: Laptop Issues, HELP!!! #740229
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Did you reboot (shut down and restart)? If you did, and that didn’t help, you might want to try system restore. Also try a virus scan (although I hope it’s not that).

    in reply to: Sitting in Starbucks right now. #756605
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    You must work for the cRc.

    in reply to: Sitting in Starbucks right now. #756602
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    Chicago Rabbinical Council

    Guide to Starbucks Beverages

    February 2011

    Starbucks shops serve many kosher and non-kosher items, with the most

    serious non-kosher item being hot meat sandwiches. The standard daily

    clean up at Starbucks includes a hot wash of all utensils and some

    parts of that washing are done without soap. This clean up process

    significantly challenges the kosher status of the otherwise kosher

    products and each product must be judged by a competent halachic

    authority. The cRc will be printing a detailed review and analysis of

    this topic in the upcoming edition of The Journal of Halacha and

    Contemporary Society, and that article will subsequently be available

    on the cRc website.

    The good news is that there are many Starbucks locations that do not

    serve hot meat sandwiches. These are generally the Starbucks kiosks

    that can be found in airports, department stores, supermarkets, etc.,

    and at these locations the cRc is comfortable recommending any drink

    made from kosher ingredients (even though some others use ingredients

    that may not be kosher).

    This list is accurate at this time for stores in the United States,

    and does not address toppings and other items added to beverages.

    Since the information on this list is subject to change, this list

    should not be used after June 30, 2011.

    Note: I just tried this link and it does not work, but it worked earlier. Strange. This link from Google is also broken.


    in reply to: Mazal Tov Charlie Hall? #743685
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    1. This festival involves Avodah Zarah

    2. It took place on Shabbos

    3. It took place in Minnesota

    4. He is called Mr. Hall

    5. Our beloved Charlie hasn’t commented because he’s not as stupid as I am to even address this silly post.

    in reply to: Laptop Issues, HELP!!! #740225
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Wow, cs, it must have taken you a half hour to write that post!

    in reply to: Remarriage #740621
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    2. i thought the halacha is that a woman can never remarry her first husband once she marries someone else. therefore, how can she remarry #1 when moshiach comes?

    Good point, but maybe that’s only before they died.

    in reply to: Remarriage #740619
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Frankly, I find the fact that I’m being taken to task for simply asking for the name of a sefer before accepting it as authoritative to be very unsettling.

    I agree. Health, you may very well be right, but you should find the source. If you remember it, it’s fine for you, but difficult to convince someone else that way.

    in reply to: Is Popa getting Gold?? #739899
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    It’s popa, not you (unless the mods removed the posts where you did it).

    in reply to: Sitting in Starbucks right now. #756575
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I’m trying to have an intelligent conversation. Is this new to you?

    In the coffee room? Unfortunately, too rare.

    in reply to: Mazal Tov Charlie Hall? #743680
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    That guy’s not a doctor and not from the Bronx.

    in reply to: related to chayav #739697
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I’m not sure either.

    in reply to: How much do you pay for a babysitter? #739933
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    MOMof4, that’s called a live-in. Go for it!

    Are you sponsoring? I’ll take one also! 🙂

    By the way, it’s actually called a shifcha c’naanis.

    in reply to: Mazal Tov Charlie Hall? #743678
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Charlie says he doesn’t shave. (I have other rayos)

    in reply to: related to chayav #739695
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    i used to also comment under the name stamagoy. I know thats shocking and treacherous but get over it.

    If you used it in the same thread to back up your own opinion, then rather than say “get over it”, say “I’m sorry”. Then most of us can get over it.

    If you used it in separate threads (or even in the same thread but on a different topic), then I don’t have a problem with it.

    Should I continue in Yeshiva or get a job?



    in reply to: How much do you pay for a babysitter? #739931
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Basically YOU pay what SHE asks or you find someone else.

    In my experience, they don’t ask, so you have to know what the going rate is and offer it on your own.

    in reply to: Remarriage #740577
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    (or even someone else entirely)

    That would be nasty.

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