Forum Replies Created
☕ DaasYochid ☕Participant
I agree, (and I thank the OP and yourself for the ????,) but there’s more room for leeway here than in real life, for example, to give advice, mussar or even chizuk.
☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantMods,does this go against any rules?
I guess not. 🙂
Hatzlocha, and ??? to Pashuteh Yid.
Try writing a piece of interest and submitting to Mishpacha or Ami.
☕ DaasYochid ☕Participantyou either hire it, are married to it
Isn’t that the same thing? 😉
☕ DaasYochid ☕Participantr-b,
Tbt beat me to it. I will say though, that I agree more with his first point than his second, because moderation is not perfect; some things have gotten through only to be subsequently removed.
March 31, 2011 8:04 pm at 8:04 pm in reply to: Bochrim Spray-Paint Over �Not Tzniyus� Advertisement #760022☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantRabbi Menachem Friedman. He is the Rav of the Aguda of E. 23rd.
You can call him and ask him, his number is in the phonebook.
Did he also approve of his name being posted in a public forum in connection with this issue?
☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantHomeowner,
Not fair. In that particular circumstance, even if you or I disagree with him, shlishi feels that halacha allows for the consequential damage cause by covering the sign. He does not advocate ignoring halacha, or hold that it is generally permissible to damage another person’s property.
☕ DaasYochid ☕Participantr-b,
You might have misunderstood me (maybe I wasn’t clear), so I’ll restate.
If it took the mechanic more time than he legitimately thought, or the part cost more than he legitimately thought, or the part required (as in shlishi’s tires) was more expensive than than the mechanic had thought, then the mechanic CAN charge the difference. This is only if it’s reasonable to assume that the customer would have agreed had he been quoted this price to begin with. (IMHO, it still would be proper to ask the customer first, but OTOH it’s not always easy for the mechanic to reach the customer.)
If the mechanic just decided to make more profit, then he CANNOT charge more than he originally stated. (????? ????).
These ????? are still somewhat complicated, because ????? ???? only gives limited recourse to the customer; he can’t insist in ?”? that it be done at the original price if he was informed before the work was done.
This is based on a brief conversation with a ?”? who knows these ????? well, limited to my understanding.
☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantSorry, r-b, I don’t understand what you’re saying.
☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantThat would be akin to pen-palling. The mods would have to stop it.
You do have a point in general, but there is a significant difference between the CR and pen pal communication; for the most part, even if gender is evident, we don’t know who the person is.
☕ DaasYochid ☕Participant“I have the world’s largest collection of seashells. I keep it scattered on all the beaches of the world… perhaps you’ve seen it.”
— Steven Wright
The Wolf
Wolf, do you remember any of his other classic one liners? Brings back memories…
Here are some which I remember.
I got poison ivy on my brain. I could only scratch it by thinking about sandpaper.
I lost my button hole.
If you put instant coffee in the microwave, do you go back in time?
Just the other day I… No, that wasn’t me.
I bought batteries, but they weren’t included, so I had to buy them again.
I bought powdered water, but I didn’t know what to add.
(I did not go off topic. I’m collecting Steven Wright jokes.) 🙂
☕ DaasYochid ☕Participant??? ??? ???? ???? 🙂
☕ DaasYochid ☕Participant???? ??????? ??? ????
☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantFeif Un,
Standard procedure for a mechanic is to do the job anyhow even if the price is a bit more than quoted (as long as there was a legitimate reason that the price quoted isn’t correct – he can’t just arbitrarily raise it).
☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantOh, and my advice is, if he’s generally a good, honest, and reasonable mechanic, don’t quibble even if you’re right (although you could nicely discuss a discount on the rotor cleaning since it was not needed).
☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantExcellent question, shlishi, to which I don’t know the answer. Try sending it to one or more of the email Choshen Mishpat services, and kindly share the results. I know a mumcheh in C.M.; I’ll try to ask, and share the answer (but not to be relied on for halacha l’meisa, of course).
I’ll also take my own guess first; that it depends on what normal practice is, as well as (in the first case) whether the maintenance was required anyhow.
IOW, for the first shaila, the answer might depend on:
1) If standard procedure is to clean the rotors as a first response. If so, since a mechanic is not a navi, he may be entitled to compensation, and,
2) if the rotors needed cleaning anyway, that might be an additional factor.
For the second shaila, it probably depends on whether most consumers would assume that the mechanic would do the more expensive job without asking, if the difference is not great. Besides, if you needed the more expensive tires, you would have agreed anyhow.
I think he still should have called you, and possibly, if it was his error, honored the cheaper price anyway, but I don’t know if there’s any recourse.
☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantI also dont believe in this business where they charge thousands of dollars!!! do these people think that people are growing money in the garden???
I don’t think that’s fair. Do you have any ides how much time they spend on shidduchim? Are they not entitled to make a parnassa? There’s nothing wrong with your question; you’re entitled to look for a less expensive shadchan if you want, but not to demean those working hard to set up Jewish homes who are fully entitled to make a living.
☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantI have a great idea; spend more time in the CR! 🙂
☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantDo you have this problem when in or out of the superman outfit?
☕ DaasYochid ☕Participant??? ?????? ????: ?????? ????? ????
????? ???? ??? ?’ – ????? ???
?”? ????
☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantI think her question was, “Are you also happy and grateful for cheery Fed Ex guys just as I am?”.
☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantCharlie,
There’s a difference, in theory, between your first two examples and your third.
It is always, and unequivocally, an obligation to do mitzvos and not rely on Divine help at the expense of human effort.
For panassah and health and such, someone on a high enough level should rely on Divine help to the exclusion of human effort (as an example, Yosef with the sar hamashkim).
I doubt that there is anyone on that level in our generation.
March 30, 2011 5:02 pm at 5:02 pm in reply to: Is it permitted to sell – Store Credit or a Gift Card? #753951☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantProbably, unless it says “non transferable”.
Sorry for the useless guess 🙂
☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantR-b,
No problem, I never meant to fool anyone.
☕ DaasYochid ☕Participantwomen who need to say kaddish
Are you trying to start another controversy here? 🙂
☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantBTW, it’s not really a secret, it doesn’t involve special codes or anything, and I hate to be mysterious (and I would trust shlishi and pba not to abuse it) but if everyone would know how to do it, as r-b said, the cr would go berserk.
And, pba, I thought like you until r-b said it could be done (and then I found it).
Aren’t you Mod 80 anyway? 🙂
☕ DaasYochid ☕Participantreal-brisker,
Is that okay?
☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantCharlie,
I guess the moderator didn’t agree that it was 100% correct (I’m curious what it was).
☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantPopa_bar_abba, (the “real one”)
My apologies. I was not intending to leave that other sn up permanently, I was just trying to demonstrate a glitch in the system, and by the time I tried to change it (to “fake popa), it was blocked. [Now I see that those posts were removed.]
Sure you helped me, by saying it could be done, then I figured it out.
There are others who know the trick as well; anyone whose profile won’t show up when you try to view it has probably done the same thing. The interesting part is that you’re not blocked from changing it to the same as someone else (which is why my pba account was blocked, although I was open about what I was doing).
Real-brisker is right, if this info goes public the cr could go berserk. I have no problem disclosing it if the mods allow, but I think the YWN techies should first figure out how to disallow copying someone’s sn.
When you addressed pba, which one were you addressing; the one who is over the top or the plain member? (On this thread, that was me.)
Got it, r-b, thanks for the help.
In that thread, I made the second popa to complain about being blocked.
I purposely made it clear that it was me.
But you didn’t complain, you agreed! 😉
My point is that someone without a subtitle is in danger of being impersonated.
I will try shlishi now (you need an email address with no YWN profile on it).
That someone was me.
That’s why I added the (someone accused by the mods of being), but I wasn’t sure if you were ruff ruff or ruph ruph or both.
A sheitel store.
That’s what I thought. So according to a previous poster, the reason that the store had to close down was because the bochurim from Chaim Berlin stopped buying sheitels there.
I think you or I could more easily manage without meat and leather than a chossid could without a streimel.
And BW, the heilige PETA would love to ban shechita, and complained that an animal was used in an attempt to kill Jews (about the animal). I think we’re in agreement on this.
I think your point is that this was not a protest, just removal of a michshol. I think it might have been both, or even just “fun”; I don’t know the perpetrators and can only guess at their true motives.
My point is merely that the same tactics used by two ideologies cannot be compared if one’s ideology is correct and one’s is not.
Pba earlier made reference to Amalek. Any other context would make the idea abhorrent, but it’s a mitzvah, and is correct. I do not want to elaborate here for obvious reasons.
am i a posek now?
Not any more.
No, someone can change their sn by their self.
How (other than opening a new account, which is what I just did)?
If not for the different subtitle under the two real-briskers, I could imitate anyone and falsely ascribe opinions to him.
I have been blocked before.
That’s cute, because (someone accused by the mods of being) Joseph defended you.
How is “The Longest Pesach”?
All of Shmuel Kunda’s tapes are great!
he cant access the cr at all from his computer.
I assume you mean from his normal IP address?
in addition, we send out agents to monitor his attempts to access the cr from other computers, and deal with the culprit accordingly.
So that disheveled, confused looking person, banging at my door, yelling “LET ME IN, I NEED THE CR!”, I shouldn’t let him in?
How do you accomplish this, especially considering the fact that the CR is publicly available for anyone to read?
The Wolf
I was wondering the same thing. Can they block a specific IP address from accessing the site? That would be my guess.
CharlieHall; You agree with, and love the definiton of “Modern Orthodox” as either Chassidus or the Mussar movement.
I did not take Charlie’s “I love it” as agreeing to MO being used commonly that way, but rather, as I did, appreciate the humor in using the literal sense of modern in a way opposite it’s use in the vernacular.
but the chilul hashem created does a far greater disservice to our cause that this destructive message can ever hope to do.
I don’t think that anything which angers non-Jews is automatically a Chillul Hashem, it probably first needs determination if it was acceptable l’halacha. You’re point about it not being worth it is most likely correct, though, even if it’s not technically a Chillul Hashem.
What type of store was it across from Yeshiva Chaim Berlin?
However, there is no halachic need for a mink to die for a chassid to wear a streimel.
So you’re against streimels? Are you also a vegetarian? Do you wear leather shoes?
Maybe there is a parallel thread on the PETA boards discussing this very news item, with some PETA dude saying “but if we spray painted a furry hat, we would be right! We are saving animals!”
Yes, and one on a neo-nazi site encouraging painting swastikas on shuls!
The islamic “extremists” think they’re going to straight to heaven when they commit a “suicide” bombing. The reason what they do is wrong is because it’s wrong.
Which Matzos are the thinnest this year? I don’t know about thinest, but Pupa-Tzelem is 8 matzos per pound (Satmar Williamsburg is 6).
where can women go matzah baking?
If you’re good at rolling, almost anywhere. You can make $12 an hour. 😉
What is the Steiplers sefer, kehilas Yaakov abt?
Gemara in depth.
And whats an overview abt the steipler? like how cud i describe who he was, in short? How did he contribute to us?
It’s impossible for me to do him any kind of justice in the CR; in one line, he was a true eved Hashem. Read the biography on him for a more complete picture.
Yes, but in truth I didn’t nominate you for the same reason I didn’t nominate anybody else 😉
Ill believe Chazal and the meforshim over any “facts” anyday.
So would I, but could you kindly cite for us the source in Chaza’l and meforshim that it’s impossible for a human being to live past 120?
According to those who consider it impossible for someone to live past 120, I suppose that the proper thig to say when in the presence of someone about to turn 120 is “KOIHANIM AROIS!”
PETA believes this is how to act as well. If someone posted how PETA had vandalized a picture of Chassidim wearing streimels on the street, no one could be ok with it.
There you go again, comparing right with wrong as if they’re the same! PETA is wrong! (I’m not saying spray painting the sign was right, but it’s an unfair comparison to compare “Chassidim wearing streimels” to an inappropriate sign.)
I can’t tell you whether or not it’s a bracha l’vatala to say a bracha which you don’t mean. I can tell you with certainty that saying a bracha which chaza’l did not institute IS a bracha l’vatala.
I can only advise you to work on yourself so that you can accept chaza’l as wiser than yourself and say the proper bracha with the proper intent.
I appreciate the compliment, but if it’s cute, that’s incidental. More importantly, it’s true.