☕ DaasYochid ☕

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  • in reply to: Toiveling basic George Foreman without cord getting wet? #1928301
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    GH, what some companies actually do is have the parts owned by a Jew when they are assembled, so that they don’t require tevila to begin with. These products will be marked as such, with a hechsher.

    Not all poskim are happy with every company’s contractual arrangement with the manufacturer, so just like the food products you buy, make sure your posek approves of the hechsher.

    in reply to: Toiveling basic George Foreman without cord getting wet? #1928245
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    If it were really that easy, I wonder if it would even be considered a ma’aseh uman.

    in reply to: Working Bochurim Shidduchim Corona #1928243
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I don’t understand the OP’s premise. What does Covid have to do with anything?

    Clickbait, which seems to have worked.

    in reply to: Toiveling basic George Foreman without cord getting wet? #1928240
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    This is a better solution than what @daasyochid suggests because by giving it to a goy many poskim still hold that you require tevilah if it will stay in a jew’s reshus long-term

    You are correct that halachically it’s better to disassemble and reassemble, but most people can’t/aren’t going to do that even with a YT video.

    in reply to: Toiveling basic George Foreman without cord getting wet? #1928235
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The manufacturer always says not to immerse. So according to most poskim, either don’t buy a George Foreman (or urn, etc.) or immerse and let it dry out, as many have done successfully with no issues despite what the manufacturer says.

    in reply to: Working Bochurim Shidduchim Corona #1928167
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕
    in reply to: Working Bochurim Shidduchim Corona #1928162
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    סופה בטלה וגוררת עון – כתבו הספרים שזהו נאמר לכלל העולם שאין כולם יכולים לזכות לעלות למדרגה רמה זו להיות עסקם רק בתורה לבדה אבל אנשים יחידים יוכל להמצא בכל עת באופן זה [וזהו שאמרו בברכות ל”ו ע”ב הרבה עשו כרשב”י ולא עלתה בידן ר”ל דוקא הרבה] והקב”ה בודאי ימציא להם פרנסתם וכעין זה כתב הרמב”ם פי”ג מהלכות שמיטין ויובלות ולא שבט לוי בלבד וכו’ עי”ש ובפרט אם כבר נמצאו אנשים שרוצים להספיק לו צרכיו כדי שיעסוק בתורה בודאי לא שייך זה ויששכר וזבלון יוכיח:

    ביאור הלכה

    in reply to: Working Bochurim Shidduchim Corona #1928158
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Reb Eliezer, you said (disingenuously quoting a Rambam which is not halacha l’maaseh) that it’s assur.

    The argument isn’t that everyone must learn full time. You’re basically making the same error as Rational. I’m arguing against your mistaken assertion that one may not learn full time and not work. That is simply not the accepted halacha.

    I’m just saying that it’s okay (and that’s an understatement) that we have people doing that (כן ירבו), but I’m not saying that everyone has to. So all of your questions, such as what will be with Yissochor/Zevulun, are irrelevant.

    in reply to: Working Bochurim Shidduchim Corona #1928157
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Duvidf, see Biur Halacha on that Sh”A.

    And your quoting R Moshe proved my point; not sure why you think otherwise.

    BTW, the all caps is unbecoming.

    in reply to: Working Bochurim Shidduchim Corona #1928152
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Rational, who said “must”?

    in reply to: Working Bochurim Shidduchim Corona #1928002
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The Rambam proves his point by the fact that our tenoim had an occupation.

    But again, we don’t paskens like that.

    What about, kol torah shein ima melocho sofoh betela, if no work is supplemented with Torah, that learning will not continue, Pirkei Avos (2,2)?

    Do you think the gedolim such as R Aharon Kotler and R Moshe Feinstein, (let alone רבי נהוראי and many others onward until contemporary times) who advocated for people to learn full time, missed that?

    in reply to: Working Bochurim Shidduchim Corona #1927828
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    As far as the OP question, Participant answered it correctly.

    Simply put, girls (and their parents) aren’t counting on a boy being the exception, and the general rule is that boys who are in yeshiva full time are more likely to be learning more than boys who are working part-time.

    in reply to: Working Bochurim Shidduchim Corona #1927826
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Do you know that the Rambam Hilchas Talmud Torah (3,10) is against not having an occupation?

    Do you know that we don’t pasken like this Ramba”m? See Kesef Mishneh.

    in reply to: Working Bochurim Shidduchim Corona #1927825
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Why is it OK to violate HIPAA laws when investigating possible health concerns?

    Not sure who you think is violating HIPAA laws…

    “Who Must Follow These Laws
    We call the entities that must follow the HIPAA regulations “covered entities.”

    Covered entities include:

    Health Plans, including health insurance companies, HMOs, company health plans, and certain government programs that pay for health care, such as Medicare and Medicaid.
    Most Health Care Providers—those that conduct certain business electronically, such as electronically billing your health insurance—including most doctors, clinics, hospitals, psychologists, chiropractors, nursing homes, pharmacies, and dentists.
    Health Care Clearinghouses—entities that process nonstandard health information they receive from another entity into a standard (i.e., standard electronic format or data content), or vice versa.
    In addition, business associates of covered entities must follow parts of the HIPAA regulations.

    Often, contractors, subcontractors, and other outside persons and companies that are not employees of a covered entity will need to have access to your health information when providing services to the covered entity. We call these entities “business associates.” Examples of business associates include:

    Companies that help your doctors get paid for providing health care, including billing companies and companies that process your health care claims
    Companies that help administer health plans
    People like outside lawyers, accountants, and IT specialists
    Companies that store or destroy medical records
    Covered entities must have contracts in place with their business associates, ensuring that they use and disclose your health information properly and safeguard it appropriately. Business associates must also have similar contracts with subcontractors. Business associates (including subcontractors) must follow the use and disclosure provisions of their contracts and the Privacy Rule, and the safeguard requirements of the Security Rule.

    Who Is Not Required to Follow These Laws
    Many organizations that have health information about you do not have to follow these laws.

    Examples of organizations that do not have to follow the Privacy and Security Rules include:

    Life insurers
    Workers compensation carriers
    Most schools and school districts
    Many state agencies like child protective service agencies
    Most law enforcement agencies
    Many municipal offices”

    If your question is why it is important to know about possible medical issues in a shidduch, I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to give you an answer which will satisfy you, but it’s pretty self-evident to most.

    in reply to: A Thread That is Not Really About a New Cd by Boruch Levine #1927186
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Anybody buy it?

    in reply to: Toiveling basic George Foreman without cord getting wet? #1927171
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Rav Belsky zatza”l reportedly held that a Keurig does not require tevila.

    Rav Dovid Feinstein zt”l held it does, so the only eitzah is to have it owned by a guy.

    BTW, there are opinions that something that is only used when plugged in is considered attached to the ground and does not need tevilla.

    Minority opinion. R’ Moshe zt”l didn’t hold of that.

    in reply to: The REAL Logic Behind the Election Fraud Dispute #1926870
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The truth? That’s your truth that if someone supports the most pro Israel president ever, he’s a cultist?

    If the election is overturned, it will be because fraud is proven. If it wouldn’t be overturned even if fraud were proven, that would mean we have no rule of law.

    in reply to: A Thread That is Not Really About a New Cd by Boruch Levine #1926790
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I had heard he was coming out with one.

    It’s made of medleys of old English songs.

    in reply to: Toiveling basic George Foreman without cord getting wet? #1926703
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I agree with Goldilocks and Yserbius, and want to add that tevilah doesn’t work unless you toivel the whole thing, including the cord, at one time.

    in reply to: A Thread That is Not Really About a New Cd by Boruch Levine #1926536
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Is he coming out with a new one any time soon?

    in reply to: How far is too far? #1926465
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Do you deny that you wrote the following?

    “if you are still pro-Trump you either don’t care about American Democracy or you are in the cult and believe whatever he does is automatically the best”

    You clearly said that if you are pro Trump, you are either anti Democracy, or are a cultist who thinks he’s always right.

    in reply to: How far is too far? #1926463
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    On top of that you change my words from refusing to recognize that his flaws make him unfit to be president to a claim I never made. Namely, you claim I said that pro-Trump think whatever he does is automatically true… No idea what that even means.

    You did say that. Unless someone else logged into your account.

    Yes, you are acting like Cultists. Your are desperately trying to uphold some vision of Trump and you ignore the flaws and problems with him. If you google “Cult” the third definition that pops up is, “a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.”

    Sheker again. We don’t all ignore his flaws or excessively admire him, we just think he’s a very good president.

    Yes, that is a very serious problem, that some in our community do excessively admire him, but don’t lump us all together. I’m personally disgusted by the whole maga hat and bumper sticker thing in our community.

    in reply to: How far is too far? #1926460
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Nevermind you are putting forth a strawman argument in that no one here, definitely not you, has offered a differing opinion about how he has had an effect on our democracy.

    How is that a straw man argument?

    in reply to: The REAL Logic Behind the Election Fraud Dispute #1926453
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    This was the offensive comment which lumped all pro Trump people together:

    At this point after all the attacks Trump has made on American Democracy if you are still pro-Trump you either don’t care about American Democracy or you are in the cult and believe whatever he does is automatically the best.

    in reply to: The REAL Logic Behind the Election Fraud Dispute #1926441
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    On the other thread, the comments basically did say that by definition a Trump supporter is a cultist and thinks Trump can do no wrong.

    Here, on the other hand, she did not say or imply that every Democrat is a cheater, just that it’s been historically true that there have been Democrat cheating scandals in Chicago.

    If you want to argue that Republicans also cheat, or cheat more, that’s fine, you’re entitled to state opposing opinions (and of course saying that would not mean that every single Republican is a cheater), but don’t insult people baselessly.

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1926428
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    A forensic audit of one single machine in ware county, georgia revealed 37 votes flipped from biden to trump

    Someone tweeted that. Is it true?

    in reply to: The REAL Logic Behind the Election Fraud Dispute #1926400
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The thing with the Russian Hoax, is that it was not a hoax. There was well documented interference by Russia in the election in 2016 to help Trump.

    Yeah, they made some social media posts.

    The hoax was saying Trump was involved.

    In any case, if memory serves it was Trump’s AG that appointed Mueller, not the Democrats. It was the GOP led Senate that issued a report on Russian interference in the election. This is not a Democrat led thing.

    Yes, Rosenstein, but it most certainly was a Democrat led thing, namely Schiff and Pelosi.

    in reply to: The REAL Logic Behind the Election Fraud Dispute #1926399
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    And your true colors show once again.

    Huh? This is known historical fact. And what do “true colors” mean? Is that some sort of insult? If it is, besides being ridiculous to respond to someone stating a known fact with an insult, it’s totally uncalled for to insult someone personally because if differing political opinions.

    If it wasn’t intended as an insult, you’d better brush up on your communication skills, because it sure seemed like one.

    in reply to: The REAL Logic Behind the Election Fraud Dispute #1926398
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    You are correct here. Biden won fair and square.

    One doesn’t follow from the other.

    in reply to: The REAL Logic Behind the Election Fraud Dispute #1926368
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The truth is that Republicans exclusively steal elections through many forms of voter suppression.

    and then:

    If you believe Democrat’s cheat, don’t vote again ever. Do us all a favor.

    Since you think the Republicans cheat, I assume that in the name of consistency, you don’t vote…

    in reply to: The REAL Logic Behind the Election Fraud Dispute #1926238
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I doubt that you ascribe the correct motives to Trump and Giuliani, but I agree that it’s about time we address the weak election security they have.

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1926120
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Now let me guess – your source is Donald Trump.

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1926118
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    “At about 5:30 a.m., a pipe burst inside a room housing ballots at State Farm Arena, which has been used by county officials to process absentee ballots since October 19.

    No ballots were damaged, but the leak prevented workers from tallying ballots for about four hours, delaying the count of 30,000 absentee ballots, according to Fox5 Atlanta.”


    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1926116
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    “Fulton Commission Chairman Robb Pitts told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Tuesday evening that the pipe burst at 6:07 a.m. and was repaired within two hours. The burst pipe wasn’t mentioned by county officials during a 10 a.m. press conference.”


    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #1926106
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Ubiquitin, you’re welcome.

    Reb Eliezer, I don’t think so. I think the reason to continue to say ותן טל ומטר is based on him following the צבור in א”י since he is considered a בן א”י (see בה”ט and שערי תשובה).

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1926102
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    this video comes along with sworn affidavits from poll watchers claiming they were told to leave because of a “pipe bust”, and the counting was supposed to stop.

    The pipe burst at 6am, and they couldn’t count the absentee ballots. This video has a time stamp of 11:05 pm if I’m reading it correctly, so really doesn’t seem relevant to the burst pipe.

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #1925965
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    עד תפילת המנחה – ואם טעה במעריב ליל ראשון של פסח והתפלל תפלת ש”ע של חול ונזכר לאחר שהתחיל ברך עלינו שהדין הוא שצריך לסיים כל אותה ברכה כמש”כ בסימן רס”ח אינו אומר טל ומטר כיון שגם הצבור אינם אומרים. ואם חלה השאלה ביום שבת וטעה והתפלל של חול והתחיל ברך עלינו ג”כ אינו אומר טל ומטר כיון שהציבור עדיין לא התחילו והיחיד נגרר תמיד אחר הצבור [מ”א]:

    ביאור הלכה

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1925963
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    @daas-yochid If you’re asking me to name specific people, places, or organizations, sorry but you’re question will have to go unanswered.

    No, of course that’s not what I was asking.

    in reply to: How far is too far? #1925301
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    At this point after all the attacks Trump has made on American Democracy if you are still pro-Trump you either don’t care about American Democracy or you are in the cult and believe whatever he does is automatically the best.

    Is TDS similar to being in a cult?

    The fact that you can’t accept a differing opinion about how he has had an effect on our democracy is pretty closed-minded, and that you think anyone who is pro-Trump thinks whatever he does is automatically true is not even close to reality. Maybe we can define cult to include that since the definition seems to evolve with every post.

    in reply to: Shmiras Shabbos is the answer to Climate Change. #1925281
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    It is a verified fact

    That the climate changes? Okay. What we need to do (if anything) and what will result from our actions or inactions is not fact, it’s theory or hypothesis.

    Why you decide to reject these 99% of scientists but happily accept scientific consensus when it comes to medical care I have no idea.

    The standards of acceptance are vastly different. For goodness sake, there’s a vaccine (actually multiple) which has been proven to be safe and effective but haven’t yet been approved yet, in the middle of a deadly pandemic, because it hasn’t yet reached their rigorous and strict standards for proof of safety and efficacy.

    The cause and long term effects of climate change? Conjecture.

    in reply to: How far is too far? #1925274
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Really the only criteria to be in the cult is unwavering devotion to Trump and inability to recognize his flaws, or at least inability to recognize that his flaws are not good for a President to have.

    If someone is pro-Trump but recognizes his flaws, are they a cultist?

    in reply to: why did our conservative news site go liberal? #1925266
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The one who slammed the door on R Moshe’s hand?

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1924760
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    There are very very few people who have such difficulty with masks that they cannot wear them. Those people should stay away from others.

    I think the proof that it’s more common than you claim is that so many people are resistant.

    Why should those who can’t wear masks stay away from other people? Maybe the more vulnerable people should stay away from others.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1924756
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    A single person being uncomfortable is a small price to pay to potentially protect others from a dangerous virus.

    He’s married, but anyhow it’s more common than you think.

    Well, obviously all those shuls, schools, and simchas that chose to go ahead with no changes due to COVID-19 and didn’t push for their members to wear masks.

    You made it sound like you were railing against individuals who don’t wear masks. So you still didn’t answer my question.

    Can we acknowledge that this is a conversation about wearing masks to protect others? A mask only offers a small protection from getting a virus. But it offers a huge protection to other people if the mask wearer would Chas v’Shalom be infected. That’s why we can only have these discussions if we agree that wearing a mask is for the benefit of others.

    Yes, but can we also acknowledge that just saying it’s easy to wear a mask for long periods of time doesn’t make it true for many, and that nobody is forcing anyone to attend a shul or simcha where masks aren’t worn?

    in reply to: NWO, covid vaccines, and nanochip stupidity #1924751
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Are nanochips SO outrageous for you to believe?


    Do you really believe that masks or Covid testing work?

    Yes, yes, although not 100%

    Does it make sense to close businesses, schools, arenas because of the ridiculous ‘crisis’ that were going through?

    Not schools, yes arenas. I wouldn’t put “crisis” in scarequotes or refer to it as ridiculous.

    Have you been sleeping through this year?


    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1924111
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    It wasn’t psychological it was physical. And while that’s an extreme, it’s very uncomfortable for many.

    I wear a mask when and where I need to.

    Okay, I answered your question. Now will you answer mine?

    in reply to: Mandatory Vaccines #1924110
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    But what about myhealth?

    Oish oish @Yserbius123! This is the Klal Yisroel I know and love? Me, me me

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1924084
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I watched a room full of people, (including children as young as ten!) daven on Yom Kippur and wear a mask the entire ten hours they were in shul!

    And I witnessed a guy leaving davening on Yom Kippur after a half hour because he couldn’t breathe. Almost called Hatzola.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1923960
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    What situations/locations are you referring to?

    If masks are required, I agree, everyone should wear masks. If you are uncomfortable in a mask, go somewhere where they are not required.

    If masks are not required, then you can’t be upset at those not wearing them. If you think you are unsafe there, go somewhere else.

    I also don’t agree with your assessment of how easy it is to wear a mask. Speak for yourself, but some people have told me that it’s unbearable for them.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1923428
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I thought the CDC said masks don’t help

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