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  • in reply to: What's with the left wing and kitniyos #1958989
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    in reply to: Kitniyos on Erev Pesach #1958990
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    שבט הלוי says someone who eats kitniyos on ערב פסח is a פורץ גדר.

    in reply to: Why Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin Is Pasul #1957370
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    A moshol would be if a husband doesn’t like fried schnitzel band his wife doesn’t like grilled.

    A compromise would be if they serve each half of the time.

    If they just always eat steak, that’s not a compromise, it’s just avoiding the issue.

    in reply to: Purim #1956819
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    It’s a rumor, one I’m inclined to believe.

    Of course, because it fits your agenda. But it’s a bunch of malarkey. Made up by someone with the same preconceived notions as yours.

    in reply to: Purim #1956540
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Unless you believe in conspiracy theories…

    in reply to: Purim #1956538
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    You can’t keep deaths quiet.

    There haven’t been “many many” deaths since almost a year ago. R”L there have been some.

    in reply to: Eating Gebroks on Pesach #1956509
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Are you saying it’s okay for someone whose family minhag is to not eat gebrokts to break the minhag and eat knaidlach?

    in reply to: Eating Gebroks on Pesach #1956444
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    שערי תשובה סימן תס ס’ק י
    וממה דכתיבנא מבואר דבין המחמירין ובין המקילין אלו ואלו עושים כוונים לשמים אילו דעתם לפרוש משימצא דשימצא חימצא ובר חימצא בכדי להזהר מחמץ כל שהוא בכל חומר האפשר, ואלו משום מניעת שמחת יום טוב שלא ערב להם לחם מצה חריבה ובפרט למי
    שקשה לו הלעיסה ויש שמחמירין ביותר שאין אוכלים מצה כלל אחר ליל הראשון רק אוכלים למעדנים מיני תבשילין והרבה נמנעים
    oלעשות כן משום שמחת יום טוב כי פתא סעדא דלבא ועל אילו ועל אילו שלבם לשמים קורא אני ועמך כולם צדיקי

    Okay, but once it’s your family minhag, you can’t decide to be machmir on simchas Yom Tov at the expense of the zehirus not to eat gebrokts.

    in reply to: Eating Gebroks on Pesach #1956443
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    A potato cholent is very good

    It’s a good stew. It’s not cholent.

    in reply to: Eating Gebroks on Pesach #1956442
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    DY, kitniyas for the askanezim is an issur even on the last day whereas gebroks is mutar

    So? It’s still assur to go against your minhag

    in reply to: Eating Gebroks on Pesach #1956441
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    It is also unhealthy. Having pure egg noodles in the soup does not help to fight cholesterol.

    Nah, eggs are fine. If you’re worried about cholesterol, stay away from unhealthy fats and refined sugar and flour. Including the refined flour found in some matza balls.

    Edit: to be fair, Pesach lukshen has potato starch, which I can’t imagine is too healthy.

    in reply to: is coffee kosher? #1956440
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    As opposed to…?


    in reply to: Eating Gebroks on Pesach #1956338
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Also, cholent without beans is a much bigger issue than soup without a knaidel.

    The bottom line is that if your minhag is to not eat something, you can’t just eat it anyhow because you want to, and use simchas Yom Tov as an excuse.

    in reply to: Eating Gebroks on Pesach #1956337
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    the home made egg noodles in the soup are no good.

    You’re invited to come here and see that you’re wrong

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1955843
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Where did you get this idea from?

    My friend says his wife keeps hiding the vodka, so he uses hand sanitizer instead. It doesn’t taste as good, but does the job.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1955786
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    Which guys who call the shots? Store owners?

    in reply to: covid forecast #1955778
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    people who drink vodka

    At times I think you’ve had one too many…

    in reply to: covid forecast #1955779
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    pure nonsense, as far as my biology knowledge goes. no challenge causes a mutation.

    It doesn’t cause the mutation, but if you eliminate the original, only the mutation can spread and that will become the dominant strain.

    in reply to: covid forecast #1955773
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    That is why it takes a kid to observe that the solution is technically simple – everyone stays by themselves for 2 weeks …

    That’s not how you said the kid stated it.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1955771
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    @☕️DaasYochid☕️, @🍫Syag-Lchochma, now that we’re done, any ideas for a new thread?

    Can we talk about hand sanitizer?

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1955772
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Some simple ideas, tell me whether you are doing them or are they high maintenance?

    – open windows in shul and school

    Not if it’s cold outside. Was never my decision anyhow.

    – not flying for vacation

    I hardly do that anyway, but is flying for business safer? Why do you ask about vacation?

    – ordering delivery from the store instead of going there

    I did that in the beginning.

    – learning with your child for one day a week, or forming a small group with neighbors, instead of sending to a crowded school

    No, no, chas v’shalom except when the yeshivos were closed or we were in quarantine.

    – going one time less to shul,

    Unfortunately, didn’t go to shul for months when they were closed, but after they opened, no

    or not talking there,

    Good idea anyhow. When it was okay to talk, stayed six feet away from people who were unmasked and hadn’t had Covid

    or not staying for kiddush

    Yes, I didn’t go to kiddushim except to say a brief mazel tov.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1955770
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    And most flu deaths.
    Unless I am mistaken, masking stopped the flu almost entirely.

    That, and serious reduction in international travel

    in reply to: covid forecast #1955648
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Technically, it would take longer. Unless individuals in the home would isolate from each other as well.

    in reply to: covid forecast #1955647
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    As a kid put it nicely “if the whole world would stay home for 2 weeks, COVID will be gone”.

    We kind of tried that…

    in reply to: covid forecast #1955646
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    So, until the time rates start going down, personal benefit from the vaccine will have counter-balanced by increase in propagation if the vaccinated will become significantly less cautious.

    But the vaccinated are so unlikely to spread it that it’s hard to believe vaccination won’t significantly reduce the spread even if it changes behavior.

    in reply to: covid forecast #1955379
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Can someone please explain to me why we don’t know if the vaccine reduces spreading?

    How can someone spread covid if they don’t get it? Even if someone gets a milder case of covid than they would have had they not been vaccinated (because the vaccine still reduces the virus in the small minority who will still get infected) they still should be spreading it less than if they had a worse case (although I guess you could argue if they are sick at home they will expose fewer people…).

    in reply to: Prophecies #1955231
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Baba Vanga

    Related to Baba Maaseh?

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1955056
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I have no idea what you are trying to say

    in reply to: Shabbos clothing #1955037
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕
    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1955035
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Syag, must be.

    in reply to: Is Flatbush Still In-town? #1954916
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    To add to UJM, and was pretty much the foundation for Torah in America.

    Also, what was needed in the 40’s was not the same thing as is needed in the 2020s.

    So while one can argue that what BMG offered in it’s first couple of decades, it no longer offers, it is still a hugely successful yeshiva, and it’s hard to fathom how someone can refer to it as a failure.

    in reply to: Is Flatbush Still In-town? #1954875
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    AAQ, that was before the Verrazzano.

    in reply to: Downfall of Cuomo #1954873
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The NYT doesn’t frequently lie outright. They do get caught every now and then.

    Their dishonesty is primarily in how they present the stories, with obvious liberal and anti-Israel bias, and in which stories they choose to publish or not.

    in reply to: Thank You President Joe and VP Harris #1954828
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    They have Hakoras Hatov for the things he has done for the jews specifically.

    Also true.

    All in all, the OP makes a very weak point.

    in reply to: Thank You President Joe and VP Harris #1954813
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    It was never about Trump. It was about the Senate.

    That’s probably why the two seats in Georgia went to Democrats – because it’s hard to not vote for someone who you know will deliver $1400 per family member to you.

    The GOP voted on principle, because you can’t keep giving away endless $. That cost them the Senate.

    I won’t be giving back the money they send me, but I really don’t know that the stimulus giveaway is a good move in the long run.

    in reply to: Thank You President Joe and VP Harris #1954811
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕
    in reply to: Thank You President Joe and VP Harris #1954805
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Trump was in favor of the $2000 stimulus payment

    in reply to: Downfall of Cuomo #1954780
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    17 states had higher nursing home death rates but only Cuomo gets attacked.

    If anyone else forced nursing homes to accept Covid patients, they should also be attacked. Especially if they had better options, which Cuomo did – the USS Comfort and the Javits Center.

    Also, where do you get your numbers? Are they from before or after the coverup was exposed and the NYS numbers jumped?

    The numbers I saw had NYS at #17 before the numbers were adjusted. From the NANHA website.

    in reply to: Downfall of Cuomo #1954704
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    These charges need to be investigated. He’s an arrogant jerk, so certainly made enemies, so you can’t take someone’s word for it without evidence (that would actually be true even if he wasn’t an arrogant jerk.)

    It seems though that there’s already enough evidence to remove him for the nursing home cover up, and even his admitted interactions with women are specifically considered harassment in the prevention videos which are mandatory viewing.

    I don’t get why he’s still around.


    (Make Andrew Go Away!)

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1954692
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    if you have 90% of people who were sick, you were doing something wrong.

    If you think that way, you are doing something wrong.

    Biggest motivation would be thinking that their community will be severely damaged by lack of shuls, schools, all institutions they spent years building.

    I guess you are oblivious to the tremendous damage which was done by locking down.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I think torahvaluesoverparty makes some good points which have not adequately been answered.

    I have heard of several cases of people receiving HCQ and zinc and having quick recoveries. I’m not a medical professional, but my physician told me that the studies absolutely did not disprove HCQ’s efficacy.

    (Still, anyone using the availability of HCQ or Ivermectin as an excuse to not vaccinate is just scared of the vaccine.)

    At this point in time, I think the treatment of choice for a newly diagnosed case of Covid-19 is the monoclonal antibodies infusion, but I do think there’s reason to believe that HCQ if given properly could have saved many lives.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1954609
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Yserbius, I think claiming all these rabbonim are being fed, and accepting, false information is basically calling them incompetent.

    I think it’s beyond naive to think they are unaware of CDC guidelines.

    I am not “against” wearing masks, I just think when you have a shul where 90% of the people have had Covid, and the other 10% are spread out, and the people who are still scared to come to shul have access to masked minyanim, there’s no chiyuv to wear a mask in shul. When there’s no chiyuv to do something, people generally don’t do it when it’s very annoying and uncomfortable and shters them.

    Anecdotally, it definitely does not seem that Covid has been spreading in the shuls I am aware of that do this.

    We have quarantined when a family member has Covid, with the exception of members who has tested positive for antibodies (after medical consultation).

    I think people who don’t have antibodies should not attend large simchos in the normal way.

    I am in favor of testing when there are symptoms.

    Any other questions?

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1954434
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I have observed multiple respected rabbonim not wearing masks in shul. There are frequently a few people wearing masks, and I doubt the rav has a problem with it. I would be shocked if he did.

    Kids are getting destroyed by staying home from school. You can wear two masks or more if you want, I don’t care, but please do not keep your kids home from school, I beg of you.

    in reply to: K'zayis #1954421
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The Mishna Berurah in Hilchos Lulav says that being machmir on various stringent shittos is hidur mitzvah.

    Perhaps that would extend to the shiur of k’zayis for eating matzah.

    in reply to: Israeli vs. American hand shmura matzo #1954415
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Interesting thought. Certainly should at least go into Oneg/Simchas Yom Tov.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1954404
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    did you hear this first hand?

    Have seen first hand. Maaseh Rav

    I don’t understand the rest of your post.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1954394
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    When did it become controversial to say that my Rabbonim are correct and other Rabbonim are not?

    That’s not what you’re saying. You are saying they are not only incorrect, they are incompetent fools who are taking a position with absolutely no logic or reasoning behind it, and are pro death.

    Were you not disappointed two years ago when several Rabbonim were fooled by fake news and started saying that vaccines are dangerous?

    Confused, not “disappointed”. I’m not that arrogant. And that’s a small minority. In this case it’s not. So you are the one who needs to rethink your position. Not to change what you do, or even your opinion, but to realize that there is another side here, one which doesn’t see mandated mask wearing as merely uncomfortable.

    I can’t find any flaws with that logic

    Except that throughout the generations, rabbonim and poskim have always trusted information from people they deemed reliable, and many gedolim, not just R Elyashiv, paskened past 80.

    You are for some odd reason assuming that all of the rabbonim who don’t mandate or wear masks haven’t read CDC guidelines. That’s wrong. There’s no lack of knowledge of the metzius here, as I have explained.

    No Rav or Rebbetzin would say that the halachos could be ignored if it’s too hot out. So the same with masks. Uncomfortable, but important.

    It’s starting you right in the face and you missed it! These rabbonim are paskening that there is no chiyuv to wear a mask! They include some of the biggest poskim (certainly in Eretz Yisroel). No, they are not missing information or being fed misinformation. They just don’t agree with you.

    in reply to: Israeli vs. American hand shmura matzo #1954321
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Whatever the reason, the reality is that different bakeries’ matzos taste very different from each other.

    One of the local (tri-state area) bakeries has been charging an exorbitant amount for their matzos the last few years. There are obviously enough people who are willing to and able to pay a huge premium for matzos they like better.

    For someone who can’t afford it, I believe you can get hand matzos with reliable hechsher for $15 per lb. and under in Costco and Bingo.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1954299
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Heck, I hate them, they are annoying and bothersome.

    Wow, you admit to that now.

    Maybe one day you’ll admit that maybe, just maybe, you’re not really smarter than all of the talmidei chachomim (and it’s not just one or two) who haven’t mandated masks in their yeshivos/shuls/kehillos. Maybe you’ll admit that it’s arrogant and stupid to think that they totally messed up.

    It’s one thing when a couple of talmidei chachomim go against the overwhelming majority. I still think rather than being “disappointed” (what an arrogant, condescending term!) you should be at most confused.

    But when several gedolei hador, and many, many responsible, wise, and caring leaders don’t insist on masks for their kehilos, you should admit that perhaps you are missing part of the equation. Which you clearly are.

    Pro-death I started saying that on this thread to provoke a reaction and it seems to have worked.

    The reaction you got is that you lost any shred of credibility you may have had.

    BTW, you should look up the definition of opinion vs. fact. You have it all wrong. Just because you feel strongly that something is true does not make it fact.

    in reply to: Vaccines and the Shidduch Crisis #1953917
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I read with interest arguments why anti-masking can be considered a reasonable position and did not find any of them remotely reasonable. We have hard numbers on one hand and innuendo and denial of reality (might be, what if, some say, everyone here) on the other.

    What are your “hard numbers” on the effectiveness of masks?

    And what does that have to do with that rav’s opinion, which was that distanced outdoor minyanim are so unreasonable that nobody who participated has sound judgement?

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