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  • in reply to: “grandpa can you tell me about the old country” #2054654

    or should I call you bigot?
    Youngest CTL daughter was born and adopted in China. All of our grandchildren are fluent in Mandarin, taken as their foreign language requirement, as it is more useful in their professional lives than French or Spanish.
    You have no clue what is going in in China.
    Major areas on lockdown to stop spread of Covid. Vaccination and masks are mandatory, period.

    I’m glad you think VP Harris will be President in the future. I have been a delegate to the National Democratic Convention for decades, and I don’t think she will the party’s nominee. As long as President Biden stays healthy, she will not be President.

    Your fear mongering is disguting

    in reply to: Highschools with Secular Education #2053738

    Things change over time. I am a baby boomer. When I was in high school, I went o Yeshiva from 7:30 to 12:30 and then the afternoon shift at public high school from 1-5. Then to an Ivy league college and law school.
    My daughters and granddaughters went to a Chabad girls high school that has been around 60 years. It prides itself on top notch secular studies half a day and their students being admitted to top colleges and universities. Outside of members of the Principal’s extended family, virtually no girl goes on to only seminary after high school. This school had a boys high school as well in my sons day, it closed before my grandsons time, so they went to high school in Brooklyn, but were listed as being homeschooled in CT, got CT diplomas and admitted to top colleges and law schools. Mrs. CTL and I taught them most of their important secular subjects or engaged specialist tutors.

    in reply to: Watching Sports is Dumb🏈⚾️⚽️🏀 #2053728

    If your child or grandchild is playing the sport, perhaps on a school or camp team, not showing up, watching and shouting encouragement is dumb.
    Watching professional sports may be a waste of time.
    Taking my grandsons to see minor league or college baseball in the springtime is time well spent in a wholesome environment

    in reply to: Hours of sleep per night #2050041

    4 hours is enough for me…………..
    11-3 if I conference calls with clients in China
    1-5 if not

    in reply to: danger in gop #2049105

    “‘its 100 percent true that vaccines WORK’
    Not true. End of conversation.”

    They work, no one posted that they are 100% effective.
    Some vaccines work better than others

    in reply to: Politics in US #2048430


    ” banned outdoor church and synogogue services because of covid ”
    I call out your lie,
    The PARTY has/had no power to ban anything. Bans were put in place by elected state and municipal officials according to emergency powers granted by state legislatures.
    Last April, those gathering bans were ordered by CT Governor Lamont (D) and our next door neighbor, MA Governor Baker (R).

    Get it out of your head that every action by a member of a party means it is the official stance of the party, or even that the party takes such a stance.

    Right now in CT, Mandatory mask wearing inside buildings besides schools and Government offices is a decision made by the municipal chief executive. My Town, led by a D does not have a mask mandate, the 4 contiguous towns led by Rs do have mask mandates.

    in reply to: Politics in US #2048389

    Have you ever seen me mention CRT?
    In my school days it referred to a Cathode Ray Tube…..the picture screen of your television or computer monitor

    in reply to: Politics in US #2048091

    No, things will get much worse. Kiss your religious freedom goodbye

    in reply to: Putting Back Sfarim #2047698

    doesn’t sound like there is a drasha from the shul Rav when there are 11 separate minyanim in 11 separate rooms each with 100 participants

    in reply to: Putting Back Sfarim #2047675

    Why an assignment for adolescent boys. My comment was in reference to those required to perform x hours of community service by their schools, not adolescent boys in general.

    As for asking noncompliant sfarim users to daven elsewhere………………….
    I come from OOT. People pay membership dues to belong to their shuls, that why I mentioned it being part of what the shammos is paid to do. The OP wrote of a shul large enough to have 1100 men davening in Shabbos in 11 minyanim in separate rooms. This sounds like a large enough institution to have paid employees…..or is it 1100 men who enjoy the heat, lights, furniture sfarim paid for by others?

    in reply to: America’s teacher salaries #2047300

    I discussed both public and day school salaries here in CT in my comments.
    My mother spent her 40 year career in the public school system ending up as Asst Superintendent of Schools for Special Education. She retired in 1984. Back then the Jewish Day schools and local yeshivos would not admit that there were Jewish children who needed Special Ed and did not accept them as students.
    In 1962 my mother approached the Director of Jewish Education for the Community Council in New Haven (H. Henkin) and offered to teach a Sunday school class for Jewish students with mental retardation (back then the basic diagnosis of special ed students, way before Autism and the spectrum were en vogue). He refused, saying those children should not be out in the community. She approached Yale University and was offered a classroom free of charge. he ran a Sunday program for Jewish students without regard to how religious the family and its practices were. By 1980 the local day schools and after school Hebrew Schools were employing Sped teachers and she stopped the Sunday program. 18 years with no salary, just love.

    OOT, teachers at day schools and yeshivos get paid far more than in Brooklyn and Lakewood. I remember all the years on the synagogue boards I put in…general rule of thumb: the closer to Brooklyn the lower the dalary you have to offer teachers and Rabbis

    in reply to: Putting Back Sfarim #2047297

    That’s part of the job of the Shammos. We pay him to put back sfarim left out by inconsiderate people as well as to go through the shelves in the course of the week and put things in order.
    Some day schools are now requiring X hours of community service, just as public schools do. Perfect assignment for adolescent boys to fulfil the requirements.

    in reply to: Electric Cars are they in your future? #2047232

    “so electricity not used is lost.”
    It is not lost, it does not disappear in thin air.
    The excess electricity we generate goes to our local power company. Unlike your post’s assumption, they don’t buy it at the selling rate. They bank it and a running balance appears on out monthly bill.
    So when we use power from the utility in bad weather, at night, etc. we are withdrawing KHW from our savings account.
    Generation by wind farms and hydroelectricity may be a better solution for a utility to produce electricity, but not for an individual. Our town’s zoning would never allow windmills of requisite height in the backyard of a home on a typical 1/2 acre plot. All windfarms and hydroelectric production do is reduce costs for utilities and cut down on fossil fuel waste. I am in favor of Nuclear production, but that’s for a utility not a homeowner.

    Last year, we were guaranteed 30,000KHW production by the company who installed the solar on the main house in the compound (all our buildings have solar), we produced 47,000KHW. We have enough banked to carry us through a stormy winter. I love when I open the utility bill and it is only for the minimum $11.46, prior to solar this house bill was $650monthly in winter and $1300 in summer.

    in reply to: How Close Are You To Your Siblings? #2047234

    I am close with all my siblings, but not their spouses. I am closest with my sister who is 5 years older than I am and we speak at least 5 times per week. I was in business with my eldest brother for almost 20 years, we seldom see each other (since Covid) but speak 3-4 times each week. I prefer not to speak to his wife and call him on his business line.
    My children and their spouses are close. Most live in the compound or within a block or so. Most work in the CTL law firm. All of their children were ensconced in the compound during school shutdown for Covid and spend their summers in the compound with their first and second cousins.

    in reply to: America’s teacher salaries #2046322

    My experience with teachers’ salaries in the USA, has been as the son of a public school teacher, the brother of a day school teacher. As an Adjunct professor at both University and Law School
    As a member of the Board of Directors who negotiates salaries and makes sure there is enough money to pay those salaries.
    Excluding the adjunct professorial work, all the other teachers’ salaries are based on the school year: X dollars for the year, paid biweekly or bimonthly.
    Part time specialists are paid by the course taught.

    I have never come across American teachers paid by the month. In fact in public schools the pay is paid out over 10 months bi monthly (how teachers hate 5 week months and love February) UNLESS the teacher elects to receive less each pay period and receive payments over the summer break. This makes budgeting easier for the teacher.

    The average teacher in our local public schools with a teaching license, bachelors and masters degrees and 10 years experience is being paid about $90,000 for a 185 day work year.
    A teacher with similar qualifications in our local day school would earn about $50,000, but only teach a half day. Our local day schools don’t hire teachers without 4 year college diplomas.

    in reply to: America’s teacher salaries #2046111

    $4000 salary???????????????
    per class taught
    per student taught
    per year
    You make ZERO sense in you post

    in reply to: the most delicious food ever #2045846

    Farina is the major ingredient in kishke

    in reply to: Electric Cars are they in your future? #2045127

    NO, here in CT, Counties don’t do a single thing you mentioned. All county government was abolished in 1960. Municipalities assess and collect property taxes.
    Regarding using a charging station. There are quick charge stations at our local shopping mall, you pull up and if one is available, you use it. No reservation son an app, Last night I had to drive to JFK to pick my daughter up from a flight. There are charging stations at the gas stations on the Merritt Parkway, again, no reservations. I waited in the cell phone lot at JFK for my daughter to be ready. I had not been ion that lot in about 9 months. There are now a dozen chargers. 7 were in use and 5 were available to whoever drove up.
    Please don’t use your conception about Government and taxation when replying to a post such as mine. My username is very specific as to the fact I am in CT, just as CT Rebbe, another member of the CR.

    in reply to: Electric Cars are they in your future? #2044774

    There is no state property tax, it is municipal. The tax credit is assigned by the property owner to the company providing/installing the rapid charging station. This is the same system that got us our solar at no cost out of pocket.
    Our local mall had had the public charging stations for a year or two. Car owners insert their credit or debit card to pay for a charge.
    My solar system produces more than enough to sustain rapid charge, but in most cases we charge overnight at a slower rate

    in reply to: Electric Cars are they in your future? #2044770

    I said it was a proposed zoning reg change in my town. Not statewide. The charging station is free to the property owner. Not land or cost of using it. The charging station is about the size of a parking meter pole and head. At our office they are installing them between two spaces on the dividing line at the concrete tire stop at the front of the space. There are cords for both spaces on one station.
    They can be key operated, credit card operated, etc. we are using keys as only family will use them and I will provide the power. The state is paying for the stations through tax credits as it did for solar installations. Each landlord will decide how power is to be paid for.

    in reply to: Electric Cars are they in your future? #2044591

    Mrs. CTL and I leased an Electric Jaguar I-Pace to replace her Lincoln whose lease expired recently. When comparing costs it was similar to a new gas powered Lincoln of similar size and equipment/trim.

    We have full solar in the CTL compound and sell excess to our local utility so it will cost nothing to charge. The mfg of rapid charge stations who is in the process of installing 4 at the CTL office building will also install a double unit at the compound at no cost.

    Right now in CT there are state programs that make the cost of a rapid charge station free to the building owner,
    Our town is considering changes to the zoning rules that will require every new commercial building to have as many rapid charge stations as required handicapped parking spaces.
    All new residential (1-4 family) construction will be required to have one rapid charging station for each two units. Again, all at no cost to the owner.

    We realized that we typically don’t drive more than 50 miles in a day, so range is not important to us.

    in reply to: where to you live #2041576

    I haven’t lived in a city since 1988. I live in a town in Fairfield County, CT
    Only Joseph (of CR members knows which one) as his daughter loved to stay here in the compound with my grandchildren BC…before Covid

    in reply to: Balabatim, how do you learn? #2039671

    It is not a sacrifice, I am giving nothing up, as I established that schedule/regimen when I opened the CTL firm. I hung a shingle upon passing the bar exam and never worked for anyone else.
    You have made comments on my billing rate previously, but fail tp understand that billings do not equal profit. There are rents, salaries, taxes, insurance, utilities, etc. That are paid out of revenue.
    As senior partner, my non-court rate is a modest $500 hour, modest because here in Fairfield County most name partners charge more in 2021. I am not greedy. My in court rate is much higher. That said, not every minute or hour of the working day is billable, and at this stage of life I enjoy a certain amount of pro bono work.

    in reply to: Balabatim, how do you learn? #2038670

    I learn an hour in the morning before my office opens, an hour lunchtime, if not a court day, an hour at the close of business (with my sons and sons-in law in the office, and two hours in the late evening.

    Been following this schedule for more than 30 years, except no sons-in law back then.

    During the summer, I tend not to work afternoons and learn with my grandchildren who spend the summer in the compound

    in reply to: Keeping my last name when married #2036595

    Mrs. CTL has used a hyphenated last name throughout our marriage because she was partners in her family’s real estate firm.
    My daughters kept their (my) last name, as they are part of the CTL Law firm. Starting out being known as Sarah Schwartz would be meaningless, but as Sarah CTL was advantageous. Two sons-in-law hyphenated last names for same reason. They are in the firm, e.g. Atty. Josef CTL-Schwartz

    My mother never worked before marriage, so changed her name, her sister who was 3 years younger was working while her husband to be was off fighting WWII in the US Army, so she kept her Maiden name for professional reasons.

    All of these women use(d) Mr and Mrs X for social occasions

    in reply to: what is the cause of income inequality in the jewish commnuity? #2035689

    Your comment I object to said first wave, not largest wave. Two different things

    in reply to: what is the cause of income inequality in the jewish commnuity? #2035492

    You miss the point about the question asking how many of your families have 3 or less children.
    We are discussing dynastic or inherited wealth, not the wealth of the current generation. the more parts into which your estate must be divided, the less money for each who inherits.

    Someone leaving $1,000,000 (not unusual with the value of housing) to 3 children leaves them with a measure of wealth that is far greater than if there are 12 children sharing that amount.

    in reply to: what is the cause of income inequality in the jewish commnuity? #2035490

    “In the early 1900s, during the first wave of European immigration to the U.S….”
    Sorry, you’ve got that wrong.
    Many Jews came to the USA following Pogroms in the Russian Empire in the 1800s. Odessa 1859 and 1871 come to mind and many in 1880, 81, 82.
    I was born and raised in New Haven. Although y family had immigrated from Germany and Russia in 1868 and 1872, the 2 shuls we belonged to were founded by Russian Jewish immigrants before 1883. We did not belong to the German Jewish synagogue founded in 1840 because by 1900 it had become a Reform institution

    in reply to: Justice in the USA #2035336

    I have never supported the idea of having a democracy, I support having a Republic. Democracy cannot work in a political division of more than several thousand people. A population bigger than that calls for representative government. As soon as you have representative government, you have given up your individual say in most decisions of government.

    BTW>>>>>I am old enough to remember when my town was ruled by Town Meeting and not elected officials and a Town Council

    in reply to: Justice in the USA #2035334

    There is no normative ideology of a national political party in the USA. There are no card carrying members, as in other countries, who subscribe to a uniform ideology.
    I am liberal. I did not say I am progressive, or far left, or anti- this or that.

    We had a discussion at or town’s Democratic Town Committee meeting last week. 28% were anti-abortion, 30% were pro-death penalty 90% were against school vouchers, 100% are anti-Trump. That was the only totally unifying factor found in poll results.

    I don’t vote party, I vote candidate. In the 2021 elections for municipal office, I voted for 4 Republican candidates because they were better qualified for the office than their Democratic opponents. What I don’t do is publicly endorse non-Democrats for office, as that goes against the stated purpose of a Party Town Committee….to aid in election of members of our party.

    in reply to: Justice in the USA #2035331

    anyone who undermines justice in a criminal manner should be prosecuted.

    BUT, why limit yourself to members of Congress? After November 3, 2020 Trump and his henchmen (women) were trying to intimidate judges to overturn the results of the election he lost. I’d like to see them prosecuted, as well

    in reply to: Justice in the USA #2035329

    It bothers me when charges that can be proved and convictions obtained are dropped PERIOD. This is regardless of charge or jurisdiction.

    in reply to: what is the cause of income inequality in the jewish commnuity? #2035105

    How many of your families had college educations and worked as professionals three generations ago?
    How many of your families owned homes three generations ago?
    How many of your families owned businesses three generations ago?
    How many of your families left Europe more than three generations ago?
    How many of your families moved out of NYC or first city in the New World three generations ago?

    How many of you make sure your children and grandchildren have full college/professional school/secular education/skills to make substantial incomes?

    How many of your families have 3 or less children?

    I find these to be determinant factors in growing familiar wealth in America…………..

    I am the third generation of my family to go to college/professional school in America and my grandchildren are the 5th. % generations of college educated professionals earn and accumulate dynastic wealth described in the OP.

    My grandparents owned their homes in Brooklyn and the Bronx before WWII, My parents aunts and uncles bought in the post war boom. I bought my first house while still in college. All my children are homeowners. Dynastic wealth in America is made/accumulated through rising real estate values. I make good money collecting rents. My tenants would be better off buying than renting long term, albeit not buying i this hyper inflated Pandemic market.

    Those of us in the USA pre 1924 are more likely to own homes over the three generations. We do not have the fear of survivors of needing portable wealth to bribe guards and cross boarders to save our lives. It is a different mindset. I’m a 5th generation Jewish American, who has family members in their 9th American generation. That in of itself allows for dynastic wealth that wasn’t possible for most Jews elsewhere in the world.

    My parents and their siblings left NYC soon after WWII…the opportunities in the suburbs, nearby states for making money were fat higher than in the city, so was the cost of living much lower. The downside was that for many chances the assimilation rate was higher than remaining in the apartment buildings of the self imposed ghettos.

    All of my generation, the next two generations have both Yeshiva and college/professional educations. The CTL Law firm is now multigenerational. So is my brother-in-law’s medical practice. My great grandfather started a clothing factory that is now run by the 5th generation of the family. All of whom have degrees in management, engineering, human relations and accounting.

    To build dynastic wealth you must constantly reinvest in the family. Can a family member be hired trained to do the job? Better to employ a family member than an outsider.

    How do you build a family conglomerate?
    My great grandfather was a Necktie maker who had daughters and no sons. He put his eldest daughter’s husband into the shirt business, the next daughter’s husband was set up as a suit and pants manufacturer. A cousin made hosiery, a nephew made ladies nightwear and underwear. My grandfather and his brothers went on road as salesmen calling on stores throughout America. Unlike most salesman who represented one or two non-competing manufacturers, they could provide a full line of family clothing (all made in family factories) to small town dry goods stores. This saved on commission expense to the family and huge travel expenses. By my father’s generation, many of his cousins as well as he were retail clothing or department store owners (Dad had 15 stores). They set up an owned a buying office in NYC. This way not only did they pool their resources and share the expense of resident buyers, but the retailers they represented throughout the country covered the entire cost of the office and buyers salaries and they were receiving lower prices based on aggregate income, My generation provided the legal, accounting, insurance services for the assorted family businesses.
    This is dynastic wealth as work. My grandchildren will not start life in huge debt for their education. They don’t have to worry about finding employment, somewhere in the family network will be a position suitable for their skills (should they choose to join), but they don’t get a free ride. Everyone is expected to work hard and help the rest of the family grow.

    Lastly, family size; my grandparents all were from families with 4 or 5 surviving children. My parents generation was smaller 2 or at most three children, affected and truncated by the Great Depression. My parents generation married later, delayed by WWII in most cases and my generation is 3 children average. BUT in our family which has grown in USA prosperity, the next generation is about 5 children average and I expect my grandchildren’s generation to exceed that. BUT, it we had remained cliff dwellers in 2 bedroom NYC apartments, I doubt family size would be so large. 5 or 6 bedroom homes an 60-90 minutes form NYC can be had for the price of a 2 bedroom co-op in Brooklyn or Queens.

    ……………..NO we do NOT all live in the same communities

    in reply to: Israels health care system #2034631

    I don’t think the US system is terrible or expensive.
    What is terrible is that insurance companies can’t sell policies across state lines.

    I have a Medicare Advantage Plan issued by Connecticare. It is only sold in and available to Connecticut residents. My premium is the same approx $144 per month as regular Medicare Parts A&B.

    I pay zero for visits to my primary physician. I pay $10 for specialists visits. I had two eye surgeries in September. I was responsible for a $100 co-pay to the Surgical center, ZERO to the anesthesiologist and $50 total to the eye surgeon.
    Every hospital in the state accepts the insurance. I have never called to make an appointment with a new specialist and been told he/she does not participate. So far in 2021 the insurance has paid out more than $35,000 and my out of pocket costs have been about $200.

    Shopping for and picking the correct plan is the key to better value.

    in reply to: Israels health care system #2034393

    Your post has no facts to back up your claims.
    I doubt you are a South African, as your English writing skills are so bad. You use no apostrophes, upper case letters where required, etc.
    “Israels system is no beter than the usa and israelis and a third
    Of what americans do.”
    I dare you to rewrite this into a sentence that can be comprehended by CR readers.

    in reply to: Poasters of YWN Coffee Room- Are you employed? #2034394

    Actually, as the owner of the CT L Law firm, I am the employer, not an employee

    in reply to: 55 cent increase! #2034181

    It isn’t that I don’t care about it. I don’t waste time following state tax issues in other states. I have no opinion one way or another about the proposed NY gas tax increase. This is no different than when your income tax or sales tax rates change. I focus on taxes that affect my family and business.

    I don’t know how much you currently pay in NY State gas taxes. 55 cents might be a reasonable increase or it might not. It is up to NYers to take action. Your state government doesn’t care about my opinion, as I neither vote in NY or donate to candidates there.

    As I stated, CT has no tolls, so gas tax is the user fee that is to upkeep our roads and brisges and tunnels. I don’t mind paying user fees,

    in reply to: Why is there so much demand for scam degree programs #2034018

    Employers may not check before hiring, but when they are dissatisfied with an employee it is often checked. If fraudulent the employee can be fired for lying in the application (which prospective employee agreed to in signing the application) and the employee will be out of a job and unable to collect unemployment in most states. If firing for job performance it is subject to interpretation, possible union grievance procedures, appeals etc. This is a much cleaner and easier to fire an employee, they lied, gi\ot caught and hung themselves.

    in reply to: 55 cent increase! #2034011

    Nice to put words in my mouth….NOT
    This thread is about a NY State gas tax
    My CR Name is NOT NYLawyer
    It is more than 10 years since I have had occasion to purchase gasoline in NY State.
    Last Sunday, I had to pick something up in upper Manhattan. The round trip used less than a quarter tank of gas, no need to buy gas in NY State.

    BTW>>>>Mrs. CTL and I have decided that my next car will be electric. Our home has Solar that produces more electricity (over 45000KHW/yr}than we use. It will cost nothing to charge the car.
    Currently, the makers of the fast charge charging stations are offering them at no cost to building owners. I am having 4 installed at our law offices.

    Our town is in the middle of rewriting our zoning regulations. I am lobbying for requiring all new commercial buildings and apartments/condo to install the same amount of high speed charging stations as handicapped parking spaces currently required by law.
    My lobbying git a big boost this week, as the UK will require very new building or residence constructed after Jan 1, 2022 to have charging stations. They will ban the sale of new gas or diesel cars in 2030.
    I have natural gas in my home and businesses in CT. It wasn’t available where we own in Florida, but it doesn’t matter as we have solar.
    As for back up generators, we don’t have one, and don’t really see the need. Our solar system has storage batteries that can keep us going a week.

    The pandemic has taught us how much work can be done from home. I haven’t driven my car since last Monday. I used to drive about 1500 miles per month, the past year it has averaged less than 400. Since the gas taxes in CT are earmarked to pay for highway upkeep and construction, decreased sales mean decreased revenue and taxes might have to be raised. BUT…unlike NY, NJ, MA, PA we have no toll roads or bridge in CT, so the gas tax is merely a user fee which I don’t mind paying

    in reply to: Justice in the USA #2033514

    It is not Congress’ place to investigate the riots. That belongs to state Governments, and it federal property was destroyed, the US Attorney in that District. It is Congress; place to investigate the invasion of their home…The US Capitol Building.

    I’m a Liberal Dem, but believe everyone who breaks the law, riots, loots, damages others property should be prosecuted no matter what race the perpetrator is

    in reply to: Local elected frum people #2031840

    Not currently holding an elected post, gave that up when I turned 62, but on a Town Commission, elected member of the Democratic Town Committee, delegate to Sate and National Party Conventions for 40+ years.
    In my previous town, I served two terms elected to the Legislative Council
    In my current Town of more than 30 years:
    I was elected and reelected to the Town Council
    Elected and served a 5 year term on Planning and Zoning Commission
    Elected and served a 4 year term on Board of Education
    This is in Connecticut.

    My eldest sister was elected and served a term on the School Committee (what they call Board of Education) in her Boston area town, Her eldest daughter was elected and served a term on their Town Council, she did not seek reelection as she was hired as a school employee and it would have been a conflict of interest.

    in reply to: The most unexpected place where you met yid. #2031248

    In the Vatican during an audience with Pope Paul VI.

    in reply to: Cofee room members #2031247

    I have grandchildren older than that

    in reply to: Redistricting #2030866

    Replace “Ny democrats” with POLITICIANS and it is universal. I live in CT and my town has just been redistricted into 4 State House of Representative districts all of which are held by multi term Republicans who can win reelection with out our town’s votes.

    in reply to: Trump 2024? #2030744

    I didn’t in 2016 or 2020 and I”H I am alive I’ll not vote for him in the future.

    in reply to: which jewish community to live in #2028640

    Bridgeport, CT??????
    No way!!! The city has zero to offer. High taxes, a convicted Felon/jailbird as Mayor.
    A dead Jewish Community
    No Bakery, Butcher, etc.
    Overpriced housing
    High property taxes

    Disclosure: I live nearby and we are property owners in Bridgeport. I would not send any Jew to live there. Makes Waterbury look good. Those who have followed my posts know my low opinion of Waterbury

    in reply to: Penniless #2027737

    #1 why would you round to the nearest dollar if you have no pennies? You would round to the nearest nickel.
    #2 It costs 2 cents for the mint to produce a cent coin. There is little you can do with a cent. Long gone are the penny candies of my youth. Most people consider them a nuisance
    #3 Since Covid, far more transactions than ever in the US don’t involve cash money, It won’t be missed.

    in reply to: cleaning help #2025954

    We are specifically talking about house cleaning, not all manual labor around the house

    If you have at all followed my posts over the years, you’ll have read that I mow my own lawn, remove my own snow, paint and do carpentry, as well as do almost all the cooking (with an office in the home it is easy, and I find cooking enjoyable). I taught my kids these skills and they all had chores.
    Now we are senior citizens, so it’s not about setting an example for our children. Our children set examples for our grandchildren.
    Mrs. CTL has been ill for more than 5 years, I don’t expect her to clean from a wheelchair or hospital bed.
    I enjoy the sense of accomplishment, when I have painted a room or cooked a gourmet meal, I don’t get that feeling after cleaning a toilet or scrubbing floors.
    The cleaning lady cleans the kitchen, but she does not clean keylim, that’s reserved for a family member
    BTW>>>we do not have live in help or aides for Mrs. CTL even though we could easily afford it. That would be a waste of money at this time.

    in reply to: Tznius and kosher pastimes for teenagers #2025733

    My teenage grandchildren often go bowling Motzei Shabbos. No pizza shops to hang out in here OOT

    in reply to: cleaning help #2023796

    Why is cleaning the house myself good for our wallets?
    I’m an attorney who bills in excess of $500 per hour
    Mrs. CTL (prior to illness and retirement) was a designer/builder/realtor who billed approx $200 per hour.
    The cleaning Lady gets $40 per hour ($50 with taxes and insurance costs to me). That’s far cheaper than our time is worth.

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