Forum Replies Created
March 20, 2016 8:12 pm at 8:12 pm in reply to: Invited to the Wedding Feast, not the Ceremony-would you be offended? #1143031Ex-CTLawyerParticipant
You arrive near the location 20 minutes early. You have time to park. Get out of the car leisurely. Check and adjust your clothing. Make sure you have everything your are supposed to bring with you. Turn your phone to vibrate so it will not disturb anyone. Approx 2 minutes before the stated time you approach the doors to the establishment. Then you have time to go hang your coat in the cloakroom and present yourself on time at the event.
Never would you actually enter before the stated time, that is inconsiderate. Punctuality means Not 7:59, Not 8:01, but 8:00.
Fashionably late is never in fashion, it’s just late.
And the full quotation is “better late than never, BUT BETTER NEVER LATE.”
The mods won’t let us post links in the coffee room.
Type the 4 words starting with intro as one and end with a dot com and you should be there.
March 18, 2016 1:43 pm at 1:43 pm in reply to: Invited to the Wedding Feast, not the Ceremony-would you be offended? #1143024Ex-CTLawyerParticipantPopa
Since meeting and identifying fellow CR members would spoil the freedom we have to post. Just let me know your libation of choice and I’ll hoist one in your honor
March 18, 2016 1:42 pm at 1:42 pm in reply to: Invited to the Wedding Feast, not the Ceremony-would you be offended? #1143023Ex-CTLawyerParticipantyehudayona……..
way back in 1918 my great-great grandfather’s children established a foundation and bought a cemetery for his descendants. More important than just providing burial was the twice monthly social gatherings.
Some had moved to Brooklyn or CT or New Jersey back then. This kept the family together.
We don’t meet twice a month anymore, we meet 4 times each year, in NYC, the suburbs, Florida and California and occasionally in Israel.
It is always amazing to meet a 3rd or 4th cousin (or for my grandchildren a 5th or 6th cousin) and find there are similar traits, likes and dislikes that still exist.
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantOld Orchard Beach, Maine
Where orthodox New Englanders visit the ocean and it’s orthodox shul
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantWhether Manchester or Sde Boker we are back to R.
So, as in Monopoly we’ll go to Reading, PA and take a ride on the Railroad
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantQueen, Golfer’s post of Rotterdam hadn’t shown on my screen when I posted.
as for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>s Just hit the shift key and they are above the period on the same key. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<are above the comma.
I posted Amsterdam 3 days ago…long before golfer.
This post was Rotterdam, a different city in The Netherlands that begins with R
Following Reisha>>>>>>>>>>
Allentown, PA.
A branch of our family settled and opened a garment factory there in 1924.
March 17, 2016 4:55 pm at 4:55 pm in reply to: Giving Negative Information About a Shidduch Candidate #1142807Ex-CTLawyerParticipantLC
I’m not correcting you. My point was for general education of the CR. Many are NY centric.
March 17, 2016 4:54 pm at 4:54 pm in reply to: Invited to the Wedding Feast, not the Ceremony-would you be offended? #1143019Ex-CTLawyerParticipantPopa
If I keep a fresh glass of whisky in my hand and sip occasionally I’ll eat far less than if my hands are free.
If you arrive early you will be more than welcome to choose your own seat at the tisch. Late arrivals will be kept in the lobby. That’s the Yekkah in me. If you’re not 20 minutes early you’re late.
Remember, no gifts, just best wishes.
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantRotterdam..the Netherlands.
Where my great-great grandparents sailed from in 1868 for America
March 17, 2016 2:48 pm at 2:48 pm in reply to: Giving Negative Information About a Shidduch Candidate #1142804Ex-CTLawyerParticipantlesschumras
Marriage and divorce laws vary by state, they are not set by federal statutes.
As I’ve stated before I practice family law along with wills, trusts, estates.
A number of years ago, here in CT the decision was made that any civil marriage dissolved by the courts during the first year is deemed to have been annulled. No divorce decree is granted by the court.
March 17, 2016 9:53 am at 9:53 am in reply to: Invited to the Wedding Feast, not the Ceremony-would you be offended? #1143014Ex-CTLawyerParticipantPopa_bar_abba
at 15, 30, 45 and 00 I’ll be calling for a fresh glass of Whisky.
Once the ice starts to melt the Whisky is ruined.
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantNewark, NJ
Didn’t there used to be Jews there?
March 17, 2016 1:54 am at 1:54 am in reply to: Invited to the Wedding Feast, not the Ceremony-would you be offended? #1143011Ex-CTLawyerParticipantPoppa, NOT Popa………..
I don’t think I know or am related to popa, so I don’t thing Popa received an invitation. But Popa would be welcomed if so
March 17, 2016 1:06 am at 1:06 am in reply to: Invited to the Wedding Feast, not the Ceremony-would you be offended? #1143009Ex-CTLawyerParticipantoomis…………
read the original post. Close family and friends will be at both. The responses are in. We new we can handle 85 for a sit down luncheon in our home and the yes list is just under that amount.
We had figured approx 325..not that close family, friends, business obligation invitees for the wedding feast that evening in NY.
The yes list is just over 300. Approx 70 will attend both.
No, my daughter will not spend the day in her bridal gown. She’ll be in a different gown for the evening affair. The rest of the immediate family will also be in different clothing. What is appropriate for an morning garden ceremony is not evening wear.
This is not being a snob or showoff. But I grew up in the clothing business and my paternal grandfather manufactured formal wear. Being involved in politics and attending many of the associated functions, I have plenty to choose from in my dressing room, no clothing expense for poppa for these simchas.
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantMazal Tov.
and Mrs. CTLawyer won’t be offended that you claim to be the Best Bubby ever. She is known as Oma.
March 17, 2016 12:42 am at 12:42 am in reply to: Invited to the Wedding Feast, not the Ceremony-would you be offended? #1143007Ex-CTLawyerParticipantGeordie613
In keeping with desire for some anonymity, it is either April 3 or 10.
Huppah and luncheon in CT.
Feasting, dancing and celebrating that evening in NY.
I’ll not reveal Boro or name of hall/hotel, caterer or orchestra.
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantthere’s a website that offers intro lessons in Aramaic. with free downloadable pdfs
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantKent is for the town with the falls on the Housatonic river, not the cigarette
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantLOL land of lakes also known as Minnesota
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantDerby, CT
It used to have a shul…with basketball hoops in the auditorium
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantI cleaned it up for this forum……………..
Older brother had his mouth washed out with soap for the original words
In the early days of the republic..New Haven and Hartford were co-capitals of CT. The legislature split its term. BUT for almost 200 years it’s Hartford.
Much to popa’s chagrin Yale wields little influence in state politics. It’s the big businesses in lower Fairfield county and Insurance and United Technologies near Hartford that pull the strings.
Since you said Hartford:
Denver, CO
Home of the highest Jewish community in the USA…not drugs, altitude
There was a school chant to the tune of Battle Hymn of the Republic
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the closing of the school,
We have tortured every teacher.
We have broken every rule.
We are marching down the corridors to get the principal
Our troops go marching on.
almost 60 years ago when my older brother brought this ditty home. He then suffered the wrath of my mother who was a school principal at the time.
Another castle for Queen Elizabeth…
BTW>>>>Yale is not a city, though it controls New Haven, NOT the state.
Growing up in New Haven as a townie, I detest Yale. That’s why I went to Univ of Pa…Ivy league in Philadelphia. 45 years ago there were far more kosher options in Phila than New Haven.
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantAlbany, NY
Where they decide your state taxes (your’s not mine, I’m in CT)
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantAntwerp, Belgium
Where my diamond dealer learned his trade
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantfollowing ProYidden
Home to Anne Frank and family
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantSo you talked about the non-family topics. Now it’s time for more personal likes/dislikes: Food, Music, the arts. Family, where you’d like to live in the future…etc.
By mid way through the 3rd date you should be able to discuss whether this should go further and arrange to meet families if you expect to continue
I’ve posted that I am an elected official in a Connecticut community. I ran this past November. We are able to get a list from the Registrar of voters that gives name, address, age, phone, party affiliation AND whether or not you voted in the past 3 elections for that office (in person or by absentee ballot).
We use that information to target potential voters who actually vite, not just are registered.
4. What types of calls are not covered by the National Do Not Call Registry?
The do not call provisions do not cover calls from political organizations, charities, telephone surveyors, or companies with which a consumer has an existing business relationship.
This is from Federal Trade Commission National Do Not Call Registry website.
So, if that Yeshiva or organization is a tax exempt charity, or you have an existing relationship: you’ve donated in the , you went to school there 40 years ago, etc. They can call you legally.
This being a national election year, you may receive many annoying campaign calls…all legal.
March 7, 2016 8:44 pm at 8:44 pm in reply to: To people who shidduch dated someone and broke up after 10+ times #1140576Ex-CTLawyerParticipantJoseph………
My son hadn’t asked the girl to marry him yet, he wanted to meet her parents first.
He didn’t discuss these items, they bombarded him with their expectations.
If the potential in-laws wanted to discuss what would come from my pocket they should have been asking me, not telling my son what they expected.
Your feeling is not that unusual, voicing it in a frum forum is.
I am a lawyer who practices a lot of family law. Your expression is a regret often voiced by women coming to me seeking a divorce. They feel they married too young and didn’t sample what was out there. They were pressured to move quickly so a prime catch shouldn’t get away.
That said, there is no way you could date/meet every available young man on the shidduch circuit. BUT, you shouldn’t be forced to make a lifelong decision based on just a few samples.
It’s one thing to have buyer’s regret when you aren’t happy with a pair of shoes, a husband is much more difficult to return.
March 7, 2016 6:54 pm at 6:54 pm in reply to: To people who shidduch dated someone and broke up after 10+ times #1140572Ex-CTLawyerParticipantHappened to my son number 2……….
after about three months of dating in NY where both he and the young lady were studying:
Fifteen minutes with the potential in-laws was all it took to break it off. They immediately got busy telling with my son how much they expected me to pay towards the wedding and setting up the couple’s household. Wife and I had not met them.
Totally inappropriate, turned son right off, he couldn’t imagine being tethered to these people for the rest of his life.
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantI don’t know but my Spanish Onions are grown in Georgia.
As I’ve stated I have 4 dogs. They are dogs, they are not people. Their only clothing are woven collars necessary to both hold their license and rabies tags and attach the leash if need be.
They are all rescues, not expensive purchases from puppy mill breeder.
That said, if they take ill, they receive appropriate medical care. One doesn’t just end a life because medical care costs money. Even if that life is canine, not human.
Expensive is a relative term. I don’t know what you earn, it’s none of my business. You don’t know what I earn, it’s none of your business, suffice it to say I would not have 4 dogs and their accompanying expenses if I could not easily afford it and all my other obligations are met.
to put it bluntly, who are you to decide whether I should spend money on a veterinarian bill or have to give that same amount of money away to “serve the needs of the people?”
That sounds like the dogma of a totalitarian or Communist state.
What I earn is mine. I give far more than the biblical tithe in tzedaka. If it gives my family pleasure to have pets and maintain them in a healthy state, it is not for someone else to decide that ‘my money’ should have gone to meet needs of other people.
That attitude is no different than begrudging my wife a new dress for Pesach or suggesting we eat noodles instead of beef, because the additional cost could have been spent on the needs of other people.
As long as I make the money and am properly charitable, I am entitled to spend the rest as I see fit, as long as it is legal and moral.
Besides, Veterinarians are entitled to make a living. They have great expenses in their education and equipping a practice. Who are you to say they shouldn’t have a chance to recover the cost and provide for their families.
As long as I am not asking others for financial help for my family, you have no right to pass judgment on my spending.
Before Pesach, I am marrying off a daughter. I am not going into debt to do so. It may be a more lavish simcha than you think necessary. But it will provide parnassah for the venue, caterer/workers, orchestra, florist, baker, and other vendors. What’s more for every dollar spent on my daughter’s simcha 50 cents is being donated to a Kallah fund. I have no obligation to do so, I do it gladly.
How wrong your observation is. I am the complete opposite of a pro-gun activist.
I’ll not get into such a debate on this board as I don’t hope to change minds and my mind won’t be changed either.
It varies with the task.
If I do the work (senior partner) it is more expensive than if it is done by an associate or paralegal..
Most in office work for established clients is billed at $350 per hour. Trial work is generally $525 per hour (8 hour day minimums-as I have to clear my calendar and am at the beck and call of the judge).
None of this is for criminal work, which I don’t do. Some things are flat rate: adoption, divorce, wills, trusts, probate.
These rates are comparable for established (over age 50 lawyers) in my area…certainly less than NYC rates.
That said, it’s important to realize that billing rates don’t equal profit. All the overhead/expenses of the form have tgo come out of the revenue.
Many long time clients get preferential rates and we do a great deal of pro bono work as well.
I have not raised rates since 2010 and don’t expect to do so before I retire. My children who will take over the practice will decide what they’ll charge when they are the bosses.
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantThe Queen……
It is not embedded in your DNA, it may have been drilled into your psyche by your parents, grandparents, teachers and other elders.
Attack animals have been used to control people of all kinds over the millenia. Dogs don’t persecute people, other people do, and they use assorted tools to aid in the task.I type this at my desk. My 8 year old Yorkie is lying in a bed on the desk next to the computer. My grandson is on the rug playing with two of our other dogs.
My brother in law, who has lost his sight in a 30 year battle with diabetes is training to walk with a seeing eye dog. We are all comfortable with dogs, all grew up with them as pets and have no embedded fear/loathing in our DNA.
I don’t have an off the rack body.
If you truly feel that just adjusting length on an off the rack garment leaves you with the feeling that the garment hangs properly on your body, moves smoothly with your every movement and has no spots where it either hangs loosely or is a bit too clingy, then off the rack is fine.
If, however, you can afford it, and want to choose the fabric, colors, collar, fit, shoulder style, padding, the rise of the slacks, etc. and have a custom suit and shirts…the chances are you will not go back to off the rack.
The quality is such that they tend to last longer than off the rack and if you wear classic styles they will be in your clothing rotation for many years.
My tailor has all my measurements. Often I stop in only to pick fabrics. Sometimes, I buy fabrics when traveling and the tailor only provides labor.
These days I typically pay about $1200 for a 3 piece suit and $45 for long sleeves shirts (ordered by the 1/2 dozen) plus material. Interfacing, linings, buttons and trim are included in the labor price. All have my name embroidered inside the garment and shirts have my monogram on the sleeve cuff.
The midnight blue suit with a burgundy pinstripe I wore to a political event last night is about 10 years old. It looks as if it was made last month. It shows no wear and has held its shape beautifully. The pants are constructed with a 5 inch high gripper band to hold my shirt tails in place and have suspender buttons in the pants. I wore a white background shirt that had the same burgundy pinstripe as the suit. A burgundy toe with midnight blue emblems completed the outfit. This was appropriate for the occasion or court or seeing clients in my law office. As I’ve explained in the oast, when I was a young lawyer starting out, a wise mentor told me ‘only the judges wear black’ I wear midnight blue or charcoal gray to court. My Shabbos suits are black
If you think that neckties are just a more grown up version of a bib you do not know the historical development of neckties and their decorations.
Neckties became a way for former military members to show their past association when wearing civilian dress. The diagonally striped ties are know as Regimental or Reps. The particular color combinations told others which regiment of the British army you had served in.
Similarly there are school ties and club ties. When the average prep school or Ivy League student or graduate was wearing a Navy Blue Wool Blazer, grey flannel slacks and a white shirt, the emblems on the navy tie told others which school he had attended or which fraternity he had joined.
After Yeshiva I attended an Ivy League University and law school. Those symbols on my ties were very useful in making business connections as a young lawyer. What today is seen by most as a fashion item started as a means of rank and identification.
Even to this day in better mens stores in the UK sales of striped ties are often restricted to former members of the particular regiment. I can remember 40 years ago wearing a striped tie I had bought in NY while on a business tripe to London. A retired miltary man who had heard my Yankee accent while observing the stripes on my tied took offense that I was wearing a tie without a tie to his regiment.
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantsefardi guy………..
Maybe his father or grandfather changed it, but he was born Sanders.
Nothing about me is slim.
I have my shirts custom made for me, same with suits and slacks. I’ve done this since we left the clothing business in 1976. The initial cost is higher than off the rack, but they last far longer and are far more comfortable. It is not unusual for me to put on a dress shirt that was made 10 or 12 years ago. Granted I keep about 3 dozen shirts in my daily rotation.
I wear 100% cotton shirts. I am blessed with a teen-aged daughter who finds ironing very relaxing.
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantI only wear silk ties. I don’t like the look or feel of man made materials. That said the silk tie also holds a knot better than polyester. I wear a tie that suits my mood and the occasion. Mostly dark colored, and sometimes I buy two of the same and have my hatter convert one to a matching hat band.
BTW>>>my great grandfather was a tie manufacturer, he set my grandfather (his SIL) up in the shirt business. When I was young we sold both lines in my father’s clothing stores. This was known as vertical integration. The government stopped oil companies and movie studios from doing this, but not the garment industry.
The yungerleit in the video clips look anemic. Here in the country, where homeowners take out trash, mow lawns, shovel snow it is not such a problem. The biggest problem with the tall, heavy sifrei Torah in our shul is that many are more than 100 years old, are on loan from families who brought them from Europe and the current generations don’t want to fund upkeep (checking and repairs by a sofer) so we have 8 that are only used for dancing on Simchat Torah. We have 4 that are on loan from families who were wise enough to establish endowment funds to pay the upkeep expenses.
If we donate a Sefer Torah (and have done so in the 1980s when my grandparents were niftar) we establish a trust fund to cover future expenses. After all what good is it for a shul or school/yeshiva to have the burden of maintaining a kosher Torah?
When I was president of the shul we established a rule that we did not accept donations of things that require checking, maintenance, etc without an accompanying cash donation for that purpose.
March 4, 2016 1:47 am at 1:47 am in reply to: survey – how often do you [men] daven for the amud? #1141132Ex-CTLawyerParticipantMy weekday minyan is quite small so we tend to have regulars for each day of the week, unless someone has yahrzeit, is in sloshim or a visitor offered the amud.
That said I tend to daven for the amud on Tuesdays. This has only gone on since 2009 when my father Z”L was niftar. We have a family minhag that one doesn’t say even a reader’s kaddish while both parents are alive, I didn’t even daven for the amud on my Bar Mitzvah all those years ago.
For many years I lived in another CT city. The shul I belonged to was the result of a merger between Litvak (nusach Ashkenaz) and a Russian (Nusach Ari) shuls. The Litvak name went first but the shul davened Nusach Ari. I davened with my trusty old Tikun Meir Siddur–nusach Ashkenaz. For years the shammos tried to get me to daven for the amud and I always refused. He tried to sweeten the deal by saying I could daven my nusach. It never happened.
Now that middle daughter is to be wed soon and SIL will be in the neighborhood (working for me) I hope he’ll take over Tuesdays–he has a much better voice.
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantThanks for all your replies.
My shul has no sifrei Torah less than 75 years old and they are tall and heavy. The two sifrei Torah I own personally were written in NYC about 1950 and are about 5″ shorter thah the shul’s. They also don’t have heavy silver crowns or breastplates as they were commissioned by my Zaidy for a bungalow colony he owned. These are comfortable for lifting when we have minyan in my home.
Why is it necessary to be seen from the seats in the rear of the large shul? Those members pay more for their seats and are entitled to see the parsha that was just read.
@Mashiach Agent
My experience is generally with large shuls and the aron in the Beis Knesses, not the small aronim in stieblach, study halls, etc. The aronim tend to be quite tall.
What’s the going rate for a new commission medium size sefer Torah? USA and/or Israeli ksav…
We are thinking of purchasing and donating one in honor of our daughter’s upcoming chassanah. I don’t want to ask the shul shammos or gabbai as I’m not interested in a marked up price, rather I’d prefer to buy and give a finished product.