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  • in reply to: The Geography Club #1145772

    Queen an Syag L chochma

    I have two words to say: Shalom Bayis.

    My Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather (Z”L) always taught me that it is Poppa’s job to make a living. Momma rules the roost and decides how that parnassah is spent…..

    I am sure that I am only seeing about 75% of the bills for the chasunah. The rest is coming from momma’s Knippel. But, I’ll make sure to find a way for some unexpected funds to find their way into one of momma’s handbags.

    We are enroute to NYC for the evening affair. The sheitelmachers and makeup ladies are waiting for the ladies in the hotel I and my brother, brother-in-law, adult nephews, male close cousins will gather in a reserved meeting room for Mincha and a L’Chaim……………

    in reply to: The Geography Club #1145769

    It’s the morning of the chasunah.

    Poppa has been banished to his spare office above the garage.

    The caterers and florists are in full swing. B”H we never got the snow predicted for Shabbos. The sun is shining and the ceremony will be in our garden as planned.

    Momma and the Kallah have instructed Poppa to keep his mouth shut and his checkbook open…clearly I have little say in what goes on today.

    Tisch at 10:30, Chupah promptly at 11:15 Drinking and feasting at noon…all is well with the world

    in reply to: Asia #1150868

    Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

    They don’t want us to visit

    in reply to: dates #1145398


    When mutual friends of the dating couple (same age) decide that it would be a good idea to fix up Chaim and Sara. Often these friends are room mates or in the same shiur with them.

    Back in my day it was common for girls in the dorm at Stern to fix up a fellow dorm mate with a guy at YU. The contact was usually between siblings or close cousins at the 2 schools, so the boy girl contact wasn’t unusual or improper.

    Sometimes, by the time room mates have spent a couple of years living together, they have a better idea what might make a good match than a shadchan.

    In those days parents didn’t demand resumes and didn’t have 100+ item checklists (demands). My eldest son is already married almost 30 years. My daughter getting married I”H this Sunday met her chusan in Law School. They were the 2 always being seated together at school functions and being served airline meals. After the second semester, a female Jewish professor strongly suggested they consider marriage, that neither one would be happy with a spouse without advanced secular education.

    in reply to: Asia #1150864

    Da Nang, used to be South..now just: Viet Nam

    The USA had a major Air Base there in the 1960s and early 70s.

    in reply to: dates #1145395


    Right about Kof-K, not Chaf….been a long day. I had lots of respect for them 36 years ago when only the father was supervising limited items. Now not so much.

    KVH was the top supervision in New England for Decades under Rabbi Halbfinger, did not require meat to be glatt, supervises the in store bakeries for most New England chains, such a Stop and Shop,Shaw’s. Big Y, etc.

    Problem is that it was originally part of the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts that included non-orthodox (Euro Traditional but no mechitza) synagogues..and some of their pulpit rabbbis did local inspections. Last 10+ years if is part of the Orthodox only Rabbinical Council of New England with much higher standards.

    in reply to: dates #1145391


    NO, not lower-end, but:

    we are misnagid Litvak on paternal side and Yekkah on Maternal side.

    Eldest son has a fix-up date about 20 years ago and took the young lady to a fleishige restaurant in NYC that was under O-U supervision. She refused to eat the beef because it wasn’t a particular chassidische shiciteh.

    Among the major kosher supervisory organizations we eat O-U. O-K and Star-K without questioning the other hechsherim the product or establishment might have. I don’t consider that lower-end. For example, we don’t hold by Triangle-K, Chaf-K or KVH (even though we are New Englanders) without further information.

    in reply to: The Geography Club #1145767


    again my thanks.

    It;s wonderful to have this on line community where we can argue about politics and narishkeit, but when it comes to the really important things we all pull together

    in reply to: Asia #1150861

    Osaka, Japan

    Sorry Geordie here’s another

    in reply to: The Geography Club #1145765


    Sorry, we were already at the hospital when you posted.

    B”H she is already operated on and home. She will be ok for the Chasunah this weekend and further procedures can wait until after Pesach.

    Name is Bina Chanah Bas Chayah Rochel

    in reply to: dates #1145389

    I always told my sons. Take the date out for a nice dinner in a fine restaurant.

    #1 You’ll find out if she accepts your kashrut standards and avoid arguments later

    #2 You’ll get to see her manners

    #3 Even if the date’s a bust you get to enjoy a fine meal of your choice.

    Of course JAP (prince or princess) rules apply….daddy will pay

    BTW>>>I used this dame dating strategy almost 50 years ago and am very satisfied with the results.

    in reply to: Asia #1150859

    Natrita, The airport and city that’s not so close to Tokyo, Japan

    in reply to: The Geography Club #1145762


    Your sentiments are appreciated. We actually have a Manchester here in CT, part of the original Hartford Colony settled in the early 1600s.

    We live in the metro NYC area, so a one way nonstop on Condor from Manchester UK is about $400. Delta or British Air are $1700

    in reply to: The Geography Club #1145760


    Mrs. CTL thought she could hold out until Monday (after the chasunah) for surgery, but as they say:

    Der mentsh trakht un g-t lakht.

    The surgeon has decided it must be done tomorrow morning. Sp we’ve a house full for the chasunah. The Chupah and luncheon are Sunday in our home and the feast Sunday night in NYC……………

    and our children know nothing about it…yet.

    in reply to: Asia #1150857

    Delhi, India………

    Not the new one

    in reply to: Offshore Accounts #1145637


    No, that is the sole purpose of criminals in having these accounts.

    My 27 year old works in Europe in the yachting industry and is paid in Euros. She has an offshore account for convenience. Her Yacht is registered in the Cayman Islands and her account is there. Most US banks are not easy to bank with internationally.

    Every year when filling out US tax return, the box that says ‘have a foreign bank account’ is checked.

    This account is for convenience and to avoid the stiff foreign transaction fees US banks charge on every little thing.

    This is unlike the people we are hearing about in the Panama Papers.

    in reply to: Do rebbes go to college?/Yeshivish job options? #1160275

    WritersouTo be honest, I don’t remember. But it could have been about certain jobs being overpopulated. I was stressing the difference in competition in not living in the ghettos by choice such as Boro Park, Lakewood, and Monsey.

    Opportunities and the way the Gentile community reacts to frum Jews is different when you are not considered a threat do to growing numbers

    in reply to: Pesach for the First Time #1149712


    Buy the absolute BEST knives you can afford, and a quality can opener and vegetable peeler. Don’t be tempted gto buy cheap as Pesach is only one week. You will be doing far more hand preparation in that week than in many months of the year.

    I’m one of the few who loves Pesach and its cooking. We usually have anywhere from 24 to 36 staying for the entire holiday. B”H I have a separate Pesach Kitchen, but I have built up a collection of quality tools over the years.

    Make a menu and stick to it. You are not running a restaurant (though our home seems like a hotel) and don’t need to have many choices for each meal and snack.

    in reply to: Asia #1150853

    Hokaido, Japan’s second largest island

    in reply to: Asia #1150849

    Karachi, Pakistan

    Financial Capital and largest City

    in reply to: Asia #1150846

    Seoul, South Korea

    The war has never ended, oh make that a ‘conflict’

    in reply to: Asia #1150843

    Zabol, Iran

    The Iranians can have it. I’d not be chancing a trip there

    in reply to: how to sign a kesuva #1145110

    Look at the Ketubah first. If handwritten all in Hebrew script you just sign in Hebrew Ploni ben Ploni, BUT it a printed commercial Ketubah that is in both Hebrew Script and English, you may be signing twice, once in Hebrew as Ploni ben Ploni, and again in English as John Doe.

    My parents were wed in NYC more than 80 years ago. When mom went to file for Social Security benefits she was asked for a marriage license that was recorded with the city. Of course they didn’t have a marriage license, but they had a Hebrew/English Ketubah. The Social Security administration office made a photocopy of this witnessed (in English) document and awarded the benefits. B”H she collected for more than 30 years before passing away.

    in reply to: Asia #1150841

    Nagoya, Japan

    in reply to: Do rebbes go to college?/Yeshivish job options? #1160221


    don’t confuse Accountant with CPA. Many accountants don’t have degrees and pass exams, they work for private firms,

    My nephew-in-law is a full charge bookkeeper for a compant. Does everything through Trial balance and quarterly returns. All he took was 2 bookkeeping courses in Community College while in Yeshiva. Later he self taught QuickBooks Pro.

    in reply to: The Geography Club #1145755

    (Lake) Albert…on the Unganda Border

    7th l;argest lake in Africa. Named for the late Prince Albert..consort to Queen Victoria

    Queen…you may have to change continents soon..this club is down to 3 members

    in reply to: The Geography Club #1145753

    Heidelberg……..take your choice: One in Gauteng, one in the Western Cape (South Africa)

    in reply to: The Geography Club #1145751

    Gondar, Ethiopia

    way station for the trip to Israel for so many

    in reply to: Do rebbes go to college?/Yeshivish job options? #1160214


    I come from a long line of business and or professional people who went to Yeshiva plus college and graduate schools.

    My family arrived in the USA between 1868 and 1872. I’m 5th generation American born and my parents and grandparents all had college degrees. My children do as well.

    This didn’t stop us from being frum. BUT, we mostly don’t live in overpopulated frum areas with limited opportunities to earn a good living. You want to stay in that self imposed ghetto? Then opportunities are more limited. BTW>>>when you get away from those areas the Gentile community is much more understanding and accommodating to Shabbos/Yuntif needs and schedules. Note: I said Gentile, not goiysche…treat them with respect and you get respect back. This is not like the antisemites left behind in Europe.

    in reply to: Do rebbes go to college?/Yeshivish job options? #1160210

    During the 1940s, Schneerson became a naturalized US citizen and, seeking to contribute to the war effort, he volunteered at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, using his electrical engineering background to draw wiring diagrams for the battleship USS Missouri (BB-63), and other classified military work.

    I know many Chabad men who went to college and graduate schools earning doctoral degrees using them in business, industry and as professional educators.

    In New Haven, where I grew up The Rebbe sent Rabbi, Dr. Maurice I Hecht to start the yeshiva during WWII. The previous Rebbe knew the importance of sending a man with full academic credentials when opening a school in a community containing Yale University. Rabbi Dr. Hecht was considered on equal status with non-Frum Congregation ‘rabbis’ such as Rabbi Dr Robert Goldburg and Rabbi Dr Arthur A Chiel. When money for a yeshiva,day school, camps, etc has to be raised from the Jewish community as a whole and the Menahel has to appear and speak in many public forums, being fully educated and polished with the title Dr. is important.

    in reply to: The Geography Club #1145749

    Harare, Zimbabwe…………

    I remember visiting when it was a lovely and safe city called Salisbury.

    in reply to: Do rebbes go to college?/Yeshivish job options? #1160201


    Thanks for asking. They want to do surgery Thursday, daughter’s chasunah is next Sunday, trying to stabilize situation enough to put surgery off til next Monday. They did a minor procedure Friday, hoping to effect a reasonable delay.

    Our children do not know what’s going on as we don’t want to take away from the prechasunah joy. B”H our two youngest daughters have taken charge of all the bridal activities leading up to the chasunah and have told wife and future mother in law to sit back and watch, let the youngster do the work.

    Seriously considering going to our place in Florida for Pesach and ordering all the food from a caterer…immediate family only..so wife can rest and recuperate.

    in reply to: The Geography Club #1145747

    Orange River, South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho

    Yes, it ran thru the heart of the Orange Free State, a Boer Republic that became part of the Union of South Africa. Now the Free State Province

    in reply to: Do rebbes go to college?/Yeshivish job options? #1160199


    “Liberal arts colleges are not authorized to offer BSs.”

    WRONG….don’t generalize.

    MT St Mary College, of which I posted earlier, because a non-Jewish friend is a Professor there is a Liberal Arts College in New York State that offers BS degrees….40 % of undergraduates get a BS in nursing.

    in reply to: Do rebbes go to college?/Yeshivish job options? #1160192


    it varies by institution. I just took a quick glance at the University of New Haven website (SIL is teaching a course there this summer)

    “Mathematics (B.S.) (B.A.)”

    There are math majors available with both degrees.

    Many colleges who specialize in training teachers offer BA degrees in math.

    I took a look at the on line catalog of Mt. Saint Mary College in Newburgh, as I know a non-Jewish professor there.

    They offer a BA in Biology, a BA in Chemistry, a BA in Mathmatics, etc. They consider themselves to be primarily a Liberal arts college and most of their non Nursing degrees are BAs, even in what many consider sciences.

    It’s a strange world out there…don’t assume things should be done in a logical manner.

    in reply to: Post Purim Pre Pesach #1144774

    I recognize the situation, but fail to see the problem.

    Where is it written that post Purim and pre-Pesach there is no chometz????

    There is no requirement to abstain early, or clean and kasher for Pesach 3 weeks in advance.

    I love our annual ‘eat the chometz’ party. On the Motzei Shabbos a week before Pesach we invite a lot of guests and cook up all the fleishige chometz in the house and feast all night. On the Sunday we host a large brunch to use the milchiges. We’ve done this more than 30 years.

    Then we just clean the kitchen and lock it up. In our case this doesn’t delay Pesach preparations as we have a separate Pesach kitchen on our second floor.

    in reply to: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton? #1190376


    Whether or not this was done, does NOT apply to DOD. It is a question about what action Clinton took. I am not shifting or placing blame

    Typical of a Republican twisting my words….see I can throw your nonsense right back at you.

    I’ll not waste another moment responding to you on this subject…your agenda is obvious, you wish to pillory Hillary.

    in reply to: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton? #1190374


    I’ve limited time and access today.

    Why does an ambassador contact the Secretary of State? Because the ambassador must follow the chain of command, then the SOS contact Secretary of Defense or President (Commander of Chief). Whether or not this was don is a different question. As I stated earlier I’m not pledged to Hillary or supporting her.

    My answer about speaking fees is to show that A former Senator and Secretary of State should not be compared with the former Librarian who was married to GW B and Mrs. Obama, a sitting First Lady is not on the speaker circuity. The 6 figure I mentioned was the salary she was earning way back in 2007 as a top level Chicago attorney. If she goes on the speaker circuit after the President leaves office I imagine she will receive fees in excess of 100K.

    I NEVER said Laura the Librarian hit a tree, I said she went through a stop sign at a reported 50 MPH and killed another person. I’m embarrassed to have been born in the same hospital in the same post war baby boom as GWB. We in CT were thrilled when his parents left for Texas.

    OTOH your personal sentiments are appreciated.

    in reply to: jury duty or "just following orders" #1145339


    “1. While frum Jews rarely sue each other in a non-Jewish court, it does happen when a third party is involved (e.g. the insurance company in a state with “fault” insurance, or in bankruptcy when a third party assumes a claim);”

    Actually, I have found in my years of practice that when there are frum Jews on both the Plaintiff and Defendant sides of the courtroom, it is NOT one frum Jew suing another Frum Jew, but one or both parties in the lawsuit are actually corporations. The frum Jews tend to either be principals in the corporations or agents for the corporation.

    While individual Jews suing another Jew are supposed to make use of the Beis din, corporations are not necessarily bound to do so.

    In divorce work, I recommend a beis din when both husband and wife are Jewish, and then have the secular court ratify the decision/agreement of the BD. I feel no obligation to force use of a BD when a Jew is suing a corporation that may be owned (in part or full) by a Jew(s).

    in reply to: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton? #1190371


    sometimes I can’t get to the CR, or may not have seen a post.

    Today not only are we getting ready to marry off our daughter in the next 10 days, but Mrs. CTL was just told she needs immediate surgery…so the time for narishkeit is limited.

    as for comparing speaking fees.

    Hillary as a former Secretary of State commands the same average 200K as Colin Powell. She is not to be compared to Laura, lets run a stop sign and kill someone Welch Bush…who never held public office, but was married to a President or Atty. Michelle Obama who gave up a mid 6 figure salary when her husband was elected and is not on the speaker circuit and won’t be until after his term ends. She would command more than $1 million in salry should she want to return to private legal practice.

    The Laura comment is for the benefit of Health who keep trying to pin deaths on Hillary, while Laura Welch (Bush) drove through a stop sign at a reported 50 MPH in Midland Texas (1963) and snuffed out a life.

    in reply to: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton? #1190367


    No one was talking about responsibility. Your earlier posts said she was negligent.

    That is a finding of fact in criminal and/or tort that cxan only be made by judge or jury.

    No indictment, no trial, no finding of negligence.

    It has very specific legal meaning, and just because you think her action was negligence doesn’t make it so. Neither have her actions or inactions been shown to be the proximate cause of a single death on embassy or consular soil. There were intervening superseding acts.

    in reply to: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton? #1190363


    it’s obvious you dislike Clinton and seem to like Trump.

    I despise Trump and haven’t said I’m supporting Clinton. My opinion is that Trump is worse.

    Neither would be my first choice.

    in reply to: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton? #1190362


    Wrong…it has nothing to do with negligence and absolution. You want absolution see the Pope.

    The Marines that protect US Embassies are under the control of the DOD.

    That is a fact, it has nothing to due with a court of law and an imagined charge of negligence that has never been brought by a prosecutor.

    We are a nation that operates under laws, rules and regulations. Just because you want the Secretary of State to be responsible for physical defense of those within an embassy or consulate building, doesn’t make it so. The only non-DOD official who may direct the marines is the President who is also the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.

    in reply to: The Geography Club #1145745

    Athi…a River in Kenya

    Don’t drink the water, if you’re not a native

    in reply to: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton? #1190358


    not twisting logic, splitting hairs..It’s what lawyers do. I also am not defending Hillary. I have not committed my vote (and I am a state delegate). I made a statement that Trump is worse than Hillary., in the end the Marines are DOD employees, not State. That’s what I pointed out.

    It doesn’t matter if the Secy of Defense knew of the danger or not

    There are at times Republicans who have rec’d my vote, and may again in the future. I don’t vote party line. Hillary’s speaking fees are much lower than either George Bush..so who cares. It’s not your money paying her, it’s private business..they have to answer to their partners or stockholders not you.

    Squeak…Hillary never has had the authority to pardon anyone, so your accusation is false. Bill, OTOH had that power as governor and President.

    in reply to: What Did He Gain? #1145473


    For those who asked what he gained by going to EY. Perhaps, he was merely leaving EY? Just the beginning of a trip down OTD

    in reply to: Is it possible to exist as a frum man if you are not a #1144848


    I have several relatives who make their living as copy writers in the advertising business. Another writes technical articles in the engineering field. I have a frum cousin who is an engineer in the aerospace industry. His PHd is from MIT and he has had no problem having the major companies offer to accommodate his religious needs because they want him

    I do come from 4 generations of business owners in the USA, and I consider independent doctors and lawyers as business owners.

    in reply to: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton? #1190354


    Lawyers like to split hairs.

    I stated that the Secretary of State is not responsible for the defense of embassies, the Secretary of Defense is.

    I stand by it because the defense of a US embassy is done by Marine Corp personnel who fall under the DOD, not State Dept. This has nothing to do with the SOS being charged with implementing policies. She has to request Marine or other armed forces from the DOD and they are the defenders.

    Coffee Addict>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Ensuring the protection of the US Govt to US citizens, property and interests in foreign countries has nothing to do with what goes on on embassy or consular properties.

    It means that if a US citizen, corporation and or its holdings are subject to action by a foreign country, the embassy staff does its best to see they are treated fairly..meaning no different than citizens of the host country. Since Embassy/Consular grounds are treated as if US soil, the protection you cite is off those grounds.


    in reply to: Exaggerated Pesach #1144683


    My wife reached her height of recognition in 2009 when the house was rented for the filming of a movie.

    I’ll not mention the name to preserve our privacy. But many (not frum Yidden) who know us from our town and saw the film, remarked about it in local media.

    in reply to: Is it possible to exist as a frum man if you are not a #1144843


    your question might be better framed…chutz l’aretz

    I know of frum men doing all tyoes of labor in EY that they would not be doing here….

    Including Army officer, farmer, garbage man, municipal clerk…the list goes on and on

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