Forum Replies Created
November 24, 2020 8:54 pm at 8:54 pm in reply to: Michigan just certified for Biden. What is the Presidents next move? #1922798Ex-CTLawyerParticipant
He moved his legal residence to Florida earlier this year because:
There is no state income tax (guaranteed by state Constitution). If he files NYS Income tax, it includes the information on his federal returns and it would be too easy for them to become public and/or used against him in legal proceedings,
He wants to avoid prosecution by NY State authorities and will avoid stepping foot in NY
He will have to find a new address in Florida. He and Melania registered to vote using Mar-a lago, but that is not legal as a full time residence. The zoning that allowed the former Post Estate to be converted by Trump into his club precludes anyone living there permanently.
He didn’t think that out too well. Florida shields your primary residence from creditors in a bankruptcy, but Mar-a-lago won’t qualify when he goes belly up, again.November 24, 2020 10:16 am at 10:16 am in reply to: Michigan just certified for Biden. What is the Presidents next move? #1922619Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@Gadolhadorah
I was able to visit Cuba many times as a child before Castro rose to power and twice after his death.
Maybe Donny could build a Trump Tower on the Malecon and sell condos to Russians and North KoreansNovember 24, 2020 8:05 am at 8:05 am in reply to: Michigan just certified for Biden. What is the Presidents next move? #1922580Ex-CTLawyerParticipantNext Move……………
Melania will pack her things and send them with her thig father and mother and Barron to some house where Donald will not be welcome.
Donald will leave the country on a world tour (places without extradition treaties with the USA). He will continue to raise funds for his ‘legal appeals; of the election, continuing to shear his sheep. Being Grifter in Chief is expensive,
@Gadolhadorah….Donny won’t be going to Otisville, too easy for the NYS authorities to get to him for prosecution.Since he never closed down Guantanamo, it would make a great place to house him for the rest of his life. Plenty of room for Eric, Donny Jr, Ivanka and Jared…..they could get a family plan
Frankly the inauguration would be better if McConnel didn’t show his face.Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@TGIShabbos
#1 Who is Saunders???????????????
#2 AOC is a fringe member of the party, she gets news coverage, but has little power in the party.
#3 President Elect Biden has announced no plans to stack the SCOTUS with anyone. Congress, alone sets the size of the Court and I doubt the Senate would approve.
#4 Brandeis educated SCOTUS members, highly doubtful generally IVY league appointees, not counting the unqualified Amy Conan Barrett who went to Notre Dame Law School and Rhodes College.
#5 I’d like to get rid of Capital Punishment, period,
#6 No one has called for eliminating gasoline, just reducing our dependence on petroleum based fuels. In the past two years, I’ve installed solar on the houses in the compound and reduced carbon footprint and emissions by more than 90%. Our local electric supplier uses oil for almost 100% of its electricity production.
#6 Perhaps the immigration laws should be changed? Did all of your forebears arrive legally in the USA? My Great Great Grandfather didn’t. His parents could not get enough visas for all their children so he was listed as a twin to the next older sibling. Twins only needed one visa at that time. Better that than being killed in the pogroms that hit his village in 1880 not long after he arrived in America.
#6 The President cannot fund Iran or the Palestinians, Congress has to pass funding bills. In the aftermath of the mishandled Pandemic, i don’t think that will be a priority.What am I looking forward to most? the removal of the grifter Trump family and his band of thieves from any power in America. A return to civility, and
How do I know these details of the 2020 Census procedures.
3rd grandchild works as a Census Field Supervisor and conducted training sessions remotely from our offices. I could hear the sessions on speakerphone and he showed me materials and asked questions about how this ties in with the Constitutional charge to count persons in the country every 10 years.Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@ujm
How little you know and the falsehoods you post.
#1 You have no idea if seats will be taken from NY and California and gained by ‘red’ states. NY, New England, California finished the actual census count by the October deadline, The deep south, midwest, southwest ‘red’ states were at about 70% counted when all counting had to end.
#2 Taking Congressional seats away from the states in which they live s NOT good for the Jews. It will deprive them of Federal dollars for infrastructure, medicaid, education, etc.
Trump will NOT be submitting the final Census figures to Congress, as the Bureau of the Census announced the numbers will not be ready this year. President to be Biden will be submitting the final Census numbers in 2021.
#4 No person in the USA may legally be excluded from the count. The Constitution charges a count of all persons in the country every ten years. There is no qualification as to citizenship or residency status. The 2020 Census did not ask those questions.
#5 Census employees may not release information about individuals to anyone including other government agencies, They swear such an oath upon employment. The penalty is up to a $250,000 fine and 5 years imprisonment in each instance. the oath is applicable until death.
The Census questionnaire did not ask citizenship or residency status, so that information cannot be transmitted to Trump.
#6 The charge in the Constitution is to count persons. PERIOD. All the other information is not required. Census Enumerators were trained that if a respondent was hesitant, let them just give a population count: 123 Main Street apt 2, 3 persons suffices, if they can obtain names, gender, ages, fine, if not it meets the requirement for a completed enumeration. \November 22, 2020 8:54 am at 8:54 am in reply to: Massive Pennsylvania Supreme Court Defeat for Trump’s Incompetent Legal Team #1921942Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@Health
The Federal Judge in the Middle District of PA who trashed Trump’s suit is a Republican appointed by Trump. NOT an Obama appointee as you falsely stateNovember 20, 2020 10:28 am at 10:28 am in reply to: If Trump does win, how would you react…? #1921587Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@AbbaS
The Democrats could not have spent the last 4 years trying to overturn the results of an election that took place this month and they won.Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@Torahvalues overparty
“There are now over 1000 signed affidavits alleging fraud, so the notion that there is “no evidence of fraud” simply isn’t true.”Meaningless, NOT evidence. You have a lot to learn about the legal system.
An allegation is NOT evidence.
Signatures don’t prove the veracity of what is signed. These affidavits in many cases are claiming in many cases that the SIGNED mailed in ballots are fraudulent.If you are so gullible as too believe what you posted, there’s a bridge I want to sell you.
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantFor those who wish to eliminate vote by mail, remember only the individual state can make the decision. it is not something that can be done by Federal action without a Constitutional Amendment, passed and ratified.
Here in CT, we have very restrictive allowable reasons for issuance of a mail in ballot (absentee):
Absence from your town the entire 14 hours polls are open
Illness or disability
Military Service
Religious conflict/obligations
Being a poll worker (municipal, not political party) at a polling place not your own.Having been an Asst. Registrar of Voters for many years (which our town assigns to polling places outside our own to avoid appearance of conflict), I have voted by mail for many years.
This year our Governor extended the illness/disability provision to include concern for contracting Covid-19 for 2020 elections, primaries only and anyone could apply for a mail in ballot.
In 2014 we had a ballot question to amend the state Constitution to allow all to vote by mail if desired as a matter of convenience. It failed to pass.
It will be interesting ti se if the legislature takes this up again in the 2021 session and if it is on the 2022 state ballot
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantI stopped wearing them on a regular basis when they started making attorneys (as well as all other non-judges) go through the metal detectors a t the CT courthouses. It’s enough to have to remove belts and wristwatches, removing and replacing cufflinks was just an annoyance to be avoided.
The only time I currently wear cufflinks is at Black or White tie events, and since Covid I have attended none.November 18, 2020 5:19 pm at 5:19 pm in reply to: Massive Pennsylvania Supreme Court Defeat for Trump’s Incompetent Legal Team #1921104Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@rRebEliezer
Actually lawyer make legal arguments without a sound legal basis regularly, they usually lose the case, or it is dismissed.
These lawyers are assigned to file the suits and paid to advocate for the client, they don’t have to believe the client is correct.
In many jurisdiction attorneys could be fined/sanctioned for bringing frivolous lawsuits. In this case with a sitting President (and/or his campaign) as the client, chances are no fines or sanctions will be levied.November 18, 2020 11:59 am at 11:59 am in reply to: Massive Pennsylvania Supreme Court Defeat for Trump’s Incompetent Legal Team #1920910Ex-CTLawyerParticipantSorry, Charlie…..
The lawyers are not incompetent. They are charged to advocate for their client, and are doing just that. They took losing cases and are losing. That does not make them incompetent. Perhaps there is a quid pro quo we don’t see. Take this case, and we’ll funnel you other legal work in the future……………Would I have taken such a case or client? No. But, I don’t have to answer to a boss or partners in a firm. At this stage of the game, I turn away many more new clients than I accept. After I retire, my children and their spouses (who will take over my firm) will get to decide which clients to accept. Right now, daddy rules.
I had the pleasure/Honor to meet MLK Jr several times 50+ years ago. Warnock is no MLK.
I do not approve of clergy in Government. I was thrilled when the Pope ordered Catholic clergy out of Government and Father Drinan left Congress.My email has been non-stop requesting money to turn Georgia’s Senate delegation Blue. I had donated to Biden’s campaign because I wanted him to defeat Trump. BUT, I honestly believe states should choose their own members of the Senate, with as little outside influence and money as possible.
So, I shall not be sending money, phone banking, etc. That would just make me a ‘virtual’ caroetbagger, and this is not Reconstruction II.Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@ZSK
I am NOT a troll. I point out the misuse of words. If one wants to call Warnock: Anti-Israel, or Amti-Jewish, then have the nerve to say so, not Anti-Semite, because he is being alleged to be pro Palestinian.
Lawyers have to deal in precise words to avoid litigation and conflicty.Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@common Saychel
Nothing you post in the edited remarks of Reverend Warnock show him to be an anti-semite.
There are any Jews who don’t support Medinat Yisrael. Palestinians are also Semites.If you wish to portray him as anti-Israeli, than have the guts to do so. (Not that I believe it to be true).
Get a grip, no proof of non-citizens voting en masse.
Trump lost. It happens.Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@Abbas
I have said many times, I can only comment on what appears in posts, not what you may have intended to say. You posted a falsehood, that Trump rec’d more votes than any other Presidential candidate, when he got 5 million less than Biden.
It is ridiculous to compare the votes received years ago, as the US population and the number of registered voters has grown by millions over time. That my friend is apples and oranges.
Trump did not get more votes than any other Presidential candidate, he git millions less than Biden.Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@Ben Levi
#1 I don’t believe that one cent of government tax money should be spent on non-public schools.
#2 Paying taxes is not an a la carte system, We all pay taxes that support government entities we don’t use. I have never used our town’s municipal golf course or swimming pools. I don’t begrudge the cost. I think they a great amenity to the community as a whole and increase home values, so do good school systems. The better the public schools the higher home values.
#3 No one in EY is put at risk by foreign policy decisions ‘becoming in vogue in the Democratic Party.’ The Democratic Party has not made a single foreign policy decision since January 20, 2017.
Your use of the word decisions defeats your thesis.Ex-CTLawyerParticipantUnknown Moderator who edited my post, at least have the guts to post your moderator number.
I am NOT a BOT,
I do have limits, referring to those being fleeced is an analogy. One sheers sheep to remove their item of value, fleece.
In colloquial English, we refer to fleecing someone as taking their money with no exchange for something of value,
Right now Trump is fleecing contributors to his Voter Lawsuit funds and diverting the first 60% of the contribution to his PAC and paying off campaign debt, only after that will a maximum of 40 cents of each dollar contributed be spent on voter lawsuits. (Frim the official disclosure on the solicitation emails.)Where did this campaign debt go, to things such as paying a huge salary to Donny Junior’s girlfriend.
If a 2024 campaign committee is set up, it can rent space from Trump in his buildings and pay above market rents, It can pay huge salaries to Donny Jr’s girlfriend, and Rudy’s know nothing son and assorted other non-qualified hangers on.
“Fleeced” was not edited -29
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantTrump will immediately start fundraising for the 2024 campaign, fleecing his EDITED -you may not have limits but we do followers. It is all about self enrichment, putting friends and quasi-relations on the payroll.
Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@Ben Levi
I misconstrued NOTHING. I dealt with the words of your post, I am NOT a mind reader and cannot know or comment on what you meant to post or thought was implied in your post.
I repeat there are many different lawsuits being filed or contemplated and I highly doubt Turley has read each and every one of the suits and knows that no allegation of fraud will be made.
I did NOT misconstrue anything. I read the post and attacked it verbatim,
As we say in contract law, if it isn’t in the four corners of the document it doesn’t exist.The ignorant poster stated ‘the courts are ruling the networks projected the wrong results based on fraudulent ballots’
That is patently FALSE. And based on the different claims in the different suits, it is possible that a projection was made on ballots NOT fraudulent, but counted incorrectly or legitimate ballots that arrived late and should not have been counted in a specific jurisdiction.Neither one of you should give up your day jobs, because you know nothing about the law, and can’t read and fully comprehend English. You completely missed the ignorant poster’s claim that the networks made their projection based on fraudulent ballots. Facts not in evidence.
Game, set, match….post again some year after you go to law school and pass the Bar Exam. Till then stop practicing law without a license.
Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@Ben Levi
This is Fact #1
YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.” Rather the courts are ruling that the networks projected the wrong results based on fraudulent ballots.”
The lawsuits being filed make no allegations about the media predicting/calling a winner and the courts cannot rule they projected wrong results. The courts can only rule on the issues of law in the suit. The issues raise have to do with alleged fraud, counting ballots received after state imposed deadlines, and ineligible ballots being counted or ballots counted more than once (there may be a few more allegations, but not all the suits have been filed so I can’t read the pleadings yet.AMATEURS, such as yourself would do better to keep your mouth shut, rather than pontificate about the law….especially since you are so ignorant of the law and what rulings may be issued.
Again, 40+ years a licensed attorney in 4 states and have taught law school as an adjunct Professor,
BTW, Oh Brilliant One, each lawsuit calls for different remedies for different alleged harms. Some suits ask for a recount, some ask that certain ballots not be counted, some ask for a recount under different supervision than the original count. Don’t claim to know facts when it is so obvious you don’t know the law. AND>>>>>>>>>>>>>the Federal Courts have to apply State Law to most of these cases because the rules of voting (except for minimum age of 18 and allowing women to vote) are determined by the states, not the Federal Government.
Holder of a cracked Crystal Ball. You have no idea what would of happened if…..
Stop making excuses for the loser.He is a reprehensible person and was rejected by the electorate.
Finally admitting Joe Biden will be the next President of the USANovember 10, 2020 11:45 am at 11:45 am in reply to: Could someone explain it to a non American please…? #1918505Ex-CTLawyerParticipant“By donating through this page, you agree that your contribution to DJTFP will be allocated as follows (Multicandidate PAC amounts in parentheses):
50% of each contribution, up to a maximum of $2,800 ($5,000), to be designated toward DJTFP’s 2020 general election account for general election debt retirement until such debt is retired. 50% of each contribution, up to a maximum of $2,800 ($5,000), to be designated toward DJTFP’s Recount Account. Any amount that exceeds the applicable contribution limit for 2020 general election debt retirement, including any amounts donated to DJTFP after such debt has been retired, will be designated in full toward DJFTP’s Recount Account, up to a maximum of $2,800 ($5,000).”
This is from the Trump lawsuit fundraising emails I have received,
How much debt, millions, but until the required Federal Election report filing date, we won’t know.
The American Government system is divided into three branches with supposedly equal separated powers. Executive, Legislative, Judicial. If the legislatures of the states certify a winner, the courts will be loathe to set those certifications aside.November 10, 2020 8:09 am at 8:09 am in reply to: Could someone explain it to a non American please…? #1918461Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@shady
There needs to be a winner agreed upon, long before the states certify the votes.
Certification may not take place until December and the changeover (if there is one) takes place in January.
The new President to be needs to receive intelligence briefings, assemble a transition team, investigate and interview candidates for Executive Branch appointments (e.g. Cabinet members). Our law provides for funds for the transition.Mr. Trump has been refusing to allow intelligence briefings to a man who has held the highest security clearance (as VP), far higher than his kids and in-laws hold. He has ordered transition funds not be released.
The above is instructional and factual.Now for a BIASED observation:
Why is Trump attempting all these legal challenges?
It continues the cash cow for his heavily in debt campaign. If one reads the disclaimer that is attached to the fundraising emails for Trump’s legal appeals (and I have) it states that funds may be used for payment of campaign debt.
He is continuing to fleece the sheep. If he concedes, he has no way to retire his campaign debt and keep people like his son’s girlfriend on the campaign payroll.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Back to educational and factual analysis> the courts are loathe to invalidate election results and large quantities of ballots. This election did not have only one race on the ballots, in some jurisdictions there were dozens of races on the ballot. Invalidating ballots could cause new elections or lawsuits in all those affected races.November 9, 2020 7:25 pm at 7:25 pm in reply to: Could someone explain it to a non American please…? #1918338Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@huju
I have been villified in the CR over the years, but I do not let my explanation of the law, Constitution of electoral system be colored by political beliefs.
A month before the election I stated I would not make political posts here, as my opinions would not change any minds and most active members live in states that vote blue anyway.I keep stressing that each state has it’s own election rules/laws. There is no national rule except the minimum age of 18 to be an elector.
i live in a town of ticket splitters. It went D for President for the first time since 1964. It voted D for Congress, R for State Legislators, both houses. I have been an Assistant registrar of Voters for many years., At the polling places, there is one Asst Registrar from each party, and equal numbers of poll workers, D, R and Unaffiliated. Absentee ballots are opened and counted by equal numbers of D and R, with a U to break ties when the D and R have differing opinions on the ballot.
Maybe the women in your family don’t earn the money, not so in mine, ALL adults earn money
Mrs. CTL has been a designer/builder/realtor for more than 35 years
Both daughters are practicing attorneys, eldest also an RN
Three Daughters-in Law practicing attorneysMIL was a RE Broker for 50+ years
My Mother was Asst. Superintendent of Schools in a major CT City, after having been a teacher, principal and a p/t college professor
My sisters were school principals, all retired now.November 9, 2020 12:41 pm at 12:41 pm in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918187Ex-CTLawyerParticipant” They passed these laws unilaterally, in most cases bypassing the legislative route…”
Your IGNORANCE is showing (and is disgusting.
All these states have BIcameral legislatures. Laws can’t be passed unilaterally.
Laws are enacted in the LEGISLATURE. They can’t bypass the legislative route.I’ll refer to your post as ignorant, not full of LIES , which it is.
Executive Orders, Policy Decisions and procedures by officials such as Secretaries of State (not Federal), Town Clerks, County Election officials, Registrars of Voters, etc. are NOT laws.I don’t hide my bona fides: BS, MBA, JD, member of the Bar in MA, CT, NY, and FL, Asst. Registrar of Voters in my town.
What are your bona fides?November 8, 2020 10:15 am at 10:15 am in reply to: Could someone explain it to a non American please…? #1917771Ex-CTLawyerParticipant#1
The ballots to be counted are being predicted to follow the similar percentages as those already counted. X percent Trump, Y percent Biden and there will not be enough Trump votes to change the outcome.
NC in limbo? depends on which news network. Biden does not need NC electoral college votes to win
Nebraska and Maine award Electoral College Votes differently than most states. They award the 2 votes allocated for each member of the senate (all states get these) to the statewide popular vote winner. They allocate the Electoral vote for each member of the US House of Representatives to the popular vote winner in each Congressional district. Thus you can have a split vote Red/Blue in those states, while the other 48 states and DC are winner of statewide popular vote takes all.#3
The AP does NOT decide the election results, election officials in each state do. However, the AP and other news organizations call or make predictions. They are considered reliable by many, but not all.It is not over until the votes are certified by authorities in each
h state and the Electoral College votes in December and the Congress meets January 4 to accept that result.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
BTW, most litigation to challenge election results fail, recounts by request (not required by state law) are paid for by the candidate requesting the recount.
Also, unlike most countries, the USA does not have uniform voting rules. Each state gets to make its own rules regarding things such as absentee ballots, challenges, etc.This year, some states sent vote by mail ballots to every registered voter, my state sent absentee ballot applications to every registered voter, but you had to apply for an actual ballot.
November 8, 2020 10:01 am at 10:01 am in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1917753Ex-CTLawyerParticipantUJM…………………….
You are living in a state of denial.
Four years ago, I was disgusted that Trump became President Elect by winning the Electoral College, while losing the popular vote.
BUT, that is the way the American system works,
Now, he has lost and will have to fund his own golf outingsHe will not concede now, or go quietly.
WHY????????????????????????????????Because he can continue to drive millions in donations from suckers and losers to either file frivolous litigation or a Trump 2024 campaign. This is just an attempt to supply an income for himself, family and his son’s girlfriend, Guiliani’s worthless son, etc. the gullible sheep will empty their pockets to enrich this charlatan.
BTW> our little Republican town, known for splitting ballots, went Democrat for President for the first time in 56 years, while going Republican for all 4 members of the state legislature on the ticket.
@catchyourselfMrs. CTL does not make the pickles or gefilte fish, I do. My father taught me to pickle vegetables. He learned from his father.
I not only pickle cucumbers but many other vegetables grown in our gardens, such as tomatoes, eggplant, cauliflower and peppers and cabbage.
I use the same pickling spices and liquid as I use to pickle corned beef or tongue.
we use gallon jars, kept in our unfinished cellar.
My wife and daughters like half sours, I like full sours.i
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantSupermarket jarred pickles? FEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s as bad as jarred gefilte fish
Make your own, we do.
November 3, 2020 4:15 pm at 4:15 pm in reply to: Daati Leumi/RZ Rabbonim call on public to vote for Donald Trump #1916492Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@The Frum Guy
These organizations don’t have offices in the USA raising funds for them. Donations to foreign entities are not tax deductible.
What exist in the USA are fundraising organizations such as “American Friends of Yeshiva Aleph, Bais, Gimmel” which are 501(c)(3) non profit charitable organizations. Donations to the 501s are tax deductible.
RY Haim Yankel of the above Yeshiva is listed for a candidate with that attribution, not as President of the 501.More more than 40 years I have supported Kiryat Sanz Laniado Hospital by donating to the American Friends of the same, If I contributed directly to the hospital I would lose the tax deduction. So, I take advantage of the tax laws and increase my planned donation by the tax bracket I am in.
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantAs we say in the law, the question is moot.
You are already on the Internet…..that’s where the CR existsEx-CTLawyerParticipant@2Cents
Not an assumption, an observationWe have seen Rabbanim Issur weddings of more than a certain size or costs, had designer eyewear banned in schools that already had uniforms, etc.
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantHow many times have we seen things banned because ordinary people can’t afford them?
In the general economic downturn of the Pandemic World, a multi-thousand dollar sheitel is an expense many cannot afford. Rather than have husbands telling wives: ‘we can’t afford this’ some posek issurs the item.
The manufacturers don’t make bags just for NYC.
I buy black for garbage going into my trash cans for pick up or to take to the town transfer station.
I buy white in the tall kitchen size for the cans in our kitchens and in the smaller size to line bedroom waste baskets. These get collected into a large black bag on trash night each week and put into the cans that go to the curb.
The white bags are not as thick as the black and would not hold up with a 33 gallon load.BTW, they also make RED bags which is for medical waste.
Our town requires these not just for medical offices, but currently for the trash from any home with a confirmed Covid-19 patient. They don’t get mixed in the general trash. There is a storage trailer at the transfer station and it is held 14 days after it is full before processing for disposalOctober 29, 2020 9:27 am at 9:27 am in reply to: Finding out who won the presidential election 2020 #1914777Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@SamKlein
I live in a Democrat majority legislature and Governor state.
ANY registered voter may vote in person, filling out a regular ballot and then inserting it in the tabulator machine to be scanned and counted, just as it is in any other election,
I have voted absentee for many years, as I am an Asst. Registrar of Voters and work at a polling location not my own.There are approx 26,000 registered voters in Town. 7,000 absentee ballots were requested and as of yesterday, 5,000 had been returned.
That means 19,000 voters have chosen to either vote in person or not vote this election.October 29, 2020 9:27 am at 9:27 am in reply to: Finding out who won the presidential election 2020 #1914776Ex-CTLawyerParticipantI have never used the term conspiracy theory, don’t attribute it to me, that’s a FALSE claim
Ex-CTLawyerParticipantBack when I was too young for Medicare, I posted the ACA cost me less. That was NOT why I loved it.
I loved it because the previous lifetime cap of $1 million no longer existed and Mrs. CTL had more than $2 Million in covered expenses in 2016.
I loved it because our then under 26 year old daughter stayed on our policy’
I loved it because Mrs. CTL could not be excluded because of preexisting conditions.The fact it saved me money was factual, but not why I loved it.
At this point, being on Medicare, I do not personally benefit from the ACA
“if the Libs haven’t changed medicine here yet”#1 No one is proposing changing medicine, the Democratic Candidate wants to restore much of the ACA destroyed by Trump
#2 I have long been a proponent of the ACA and would love it restored
#3 If Biden is sworn in as President in Jan 2021, I would have no reason to leave, so your comment has no meaning in this discussionOctober 28, 2020 11:31 am at 11:31 am in reply to: Finding out who won the presidential election 2020 #1914450Ex-CTLawyerParticipant@SamKlein
Stop printing LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“NJ and many other states all voting with corruption based on only with mail in ballot ”From the NJ Dept of Elections website:
“Polling Place Locations
While the November 3, 2020 election is being conducted primarily with vote by mail ballots, with each active registered New Jersey voter receiving a vote by mail ballot, there will still be at least one polling location available in every municipality in the state and each county will operate at least 50% of its normal polling location capacity. Voters who do not receive a vote by mail ballot or who prefer to vote in person will cast a paper ballot at their designated polling location.”Any NJ registered voter can vote in person.
Enough with the Trump voter fraud conspiracy theories. It is not commonplace.
I have been an Asst Registrar of Voters for many years, voter fraud is extremely rare. If you are concerned about mail in ballots not being received on time, blame Trump and his vile Postmaster General appointee who has slowed down mail delivery and removed sorting machines.
October 28, 2020 7:58 am at 7:58 am in reply to: An Sensible Approach to Weddings in the COVID era #1914375Ex-CTLawyerParticipantLast spring during the height of the Pandemic we hosted our eldest grandsons’ wedding in our gardens. It complied with the state maximum outdoor social gathering rules. There was prerecorded music but no dancing, EVERY attendee wore a mask, social distancing was observed. Only those family members living in the CTL compound since early March were in attendance. The Kallah and immediate family arrived and stayed on the block 14 days before the ceremony and were tested (negative results) the morning of the marriage.
No outside catering help entered the premises, flowers, food, linens, etc were delivered to our driveway by contactless delivery and the younger members of the family did the schlepping and setting up. They also helped serve and cleaned everything up afterwards.
It was truly a family affair. The 125 maximum made for an intimate wedding.
This is not the first wedding we have made on our grounds, two of our daughters were married here, albeit without covid restrictions, and as a Justice of the Peace I have performed non-Jewish weddings here as well.
The couple is not interested in a large party in the future when that type of social gathering is possible. This size wedding actually allowed them to interact with all of the guests, something that doesn’t happen in weddings of 300-1000 guestsEx-CTLawyerParticipantThe property in the Laurentians was a failed ski resort I bought in August 1972. It has been updated over the years. There is a main house and a number of 3 and 4 bedroom chalets. The lodge/dining room is suitable for a small school/shul. We’d be happy to have your family join us.
As for Herzylia Pituach, married eldest grandson has requested it if we don’t go
Hoping not to make a trip.As it stands now, Canada is far safer for my Imuno-compromised wife.