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  • in reply to: Blue lives don’t matter #1936658

    I would like to see the Felony Murder Rule applied to these who breeched the Capitol at teh instigation of the LOSER, Donald Trump.

    in reply to: Dogs vs. Cats #1936020

    In our case it was cats. our children all drove Jaguars to High School once they were 16 and had a license. They got Mrs. CTL and my hand me downs.

    I on the other hand brought a horse. I drove my 1966 Mustang to high school

    in reply to: COVID Relief #1935835

    The former employee who quit, then loses new job and files for unemployment….
    You extend an offer of reemployment. His/her return would not be under duress. You were not unsatisfied with performance. You offer same level position as previous with same benefits. the return is not under duress.
    You are not chaining the former employee as a slave. Free to leave at any time, but not to cause you an increase in your unemployment tax rate, when not fired or laid off.

    BTW…back 40 years ago I was the Director of Personnel for a multi state manufacturing company (CT, NY, PA and SC). I protested many an unemployment claim that I considered unjust, unfair, etc. I attended the hearings. Most employers don’t show and the ex employee collects by default. I never lost a case.

    in reply to: COVID Relief #1935138

    The employer is not powerless to fight it. Apparently the employer was happy enough with performance to not have fired the employee. So, upon notification of the potential charge against employer’s experience ratio, the former employer offers the employee the old job. If the offer ios refused, the former employee loses benefits and former employer is not penalized.

    in reply to: COVID Relief #1935137

    The key point that differentiates CT from other states is that no employee contributes to unemployment. ONLY the employer pays into the system.
    I always laughed when an employee told me they were entitled to collect because they had paid into the system.
    The employees in our NY and MA offices have unemployment tax deducted from their paychecks.

    in reply to: Trump vs the Constitution #1934925

    I’m no troll.
    Tired of UJM constantly posting lies.
    Again, we have an acting AG, not an AG as UJN posted. He will not be acting as of noon on January 20, 2021.
    After the recordings of yesterday’s phone call from Trump to the Georgia Secretary of State, no one in their right mind can profess to be a Trump supporter.

    Donny thinks he can be Dictator for Life like his buddies in Russia, North Korea and China.
    It appears that he has broken Georgia law and no Federal pardon can save him from prosecution if the sovereign state of Georgia decides to proceed.

    As to the point of this thread, I suggest you ask the OP. I didn’t start the thread, but will not let ujm’s lies and inaccuracies go unchallenged.

    in reply to: Trump vs the Constitution #1934865

    ujm, your ignorance is showing again.

    The USA does NOT have an Attorney General, Barr resigned in December. No nominee was sent to the Senate for Confirmation by Lame Duck Trump.
    Even if there were an Attorney General, his/her term would expire January 20, 2021 at noon EST.

    in reply to: Stimulus Money #1934863

    B”H we don’t qualify.
    Let it go to those who truly need the assistance.

    That said, I saw on a local online forum that money was already received in accounts on Friday morning.
    Those who receive the checks by mail should expect a wait, especially with the way Trump and is inept Postmaster General have decimated the USPS.

    Hopefully the egomaniac in The White House won’t again waste government resources to send out letter with his signature, as if these funds came from him. It is our tax money being disbursed for the general welfare of the country.

    in reply to: Summarize Donald Trump #1933772

    Trump is an adulterer, grifter, deadbeat, racist, sexist, opportunistic thief.

    in reply to: trump haters? #1933462

    We can still express disdain for the idiots who supported Trump and continue to support the buffoon, as well as his whole family of grifters and those criminals he pardoned.

    NOTE: I did not use the word hate, I don’t hate anyone.
    Trump is mentally deranged and needs serious help.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1932794

    In reality, The Trumplicans suing Pence are not Republicans any more. they are fringe lunatics who have chosen Scum over party and country.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1932791


    You know very little
    The President was impeached. FACT
    Impeachment is a bill of indictment voted on by the House of Representatives
    Trump was not convicted. the Senate voted in his favor during the trial of the House;s Impeachment papers.

    You can believe all the lies you want, but stop posting out and out lies in the CR.

    in reply to: academics #1932731

    Ct CT government funded laptops and/or tablets for every student who needed one (including those in private schools). Problem is the laptops are Chromebooks and the Tablets are iPads, nether has ports to work with ethernet cables. Free WiFi Hotspots have also been provided for those who cannot afford or didn’t have internet service. Cable providers such as Optimum have free emergency WiFi access in one hour increments in most CT cities (not in the little towns such as where I live). This Zoom and WiFi are an eveil match for many schoolchildren

    in reply to: academics #1932624

    There are a good number of Chabad Shluchim whose children are enrolled in the BY on line school. Those who want their kids to get a college education, have found these are far more recognizable and accepted for college credit/admissions, as well as state required testing for high school diplomas.
    Re: on-line classes, listening in or participating
    Over 10 years ago I taught a section of Family Law that met Tuesday and Thursday nights. It was limited to 20 students in the class live and 20 on live. The on line students watched a live stream, but could not interact during the lecture. They were encouraged to email questions. During the 10 minute break, I reviewed the emails and attempted to respond during the second hour.

    I taught a 3L level wills and trusts specific to CT (school was in MA, but many students were from CT and would practice here. This was a small class of about 12, so we used Skype with full interaction with those in the class and those participating remotely.

    Zoom classes in our area have been a failure, too much freezing and bad wifi in area of a small town. Our Public schools are using Google Meet with better success. Those attending in person go either Mon/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday in order to keep class sizes down and observe social distancing. No in school students on Wednesday…the buildings are deep cleaned then. Requiring teachers to deal with in school students and remote at the same time has been a failure. So there are time periods when in school students have specials (music, art, gym) that the classroom teacher interacts with the children at home. After the year end break, grades 2-5 are expected to resume 4 day in person learning. Middle school and high school cannot resume this because there is not enough space to establish more classes for social distancing.

    in reply to: COVID Relief #1932428

    @Always ask questions
    Just catching up on this thread
    Nov 1, you wrote that they can’t find school bus drivers, they all left to Amazon or Unemployment.

    I don’t know where you live, but here in CT if you quit a job, you don’t collect. If you are called back (such as when in person school restarted) and refuse you no longer can collect.

    Unlike other states, no employee in CT contributes to Unemployment. Only the employer is taxed and the government also pays a share.

    in reply to: Who pays for the Israel Coronavirus Hotel stay? #1932425

    Having ALL Citizens who travel abroad in hotels is NOT a waste of resources.

    Here in Connecticut during phase 1 of the Pandemic, hotels and motels were ordered closed. Workers lost their livelihood. So the government used hotels and motels to house essential medical workers so they did not go home and infect their families.

    Other hotels and low end motels were used to house the homeless, shelters did not have separate spaces required for social distancing and usually forced the homeless out on the streets from 8 am til 8pm. Now they could be confined to safe spaces and be fed three meals a day.

    The government is trading payments to the hotels to provide, food, housing and quarantine space, while providing employment for those hospitality industry workers who would otherwise be laid off and earn nothing.

    This is a good use of government funds

    in reply to: academics #1932284

    The grandchildren, etc.
    Are not all enrolled in the same schools.
    We have three whose school is running in-school classes full time. Along with a few others (helps that I am on the board) insisted that classroom lessons be streamed live. Don’t want them returning to that school in the future and find they are not doing things by the method thee school uses/prefers.
    Because we have so much space and multiple dwellings in the compound, we don’t suffer issues of music interfering with study. One piano and the electric keyboards is in the studio over the garage building. The other is in our living room in a wing with out bedrooms or study area. We divided my late MIL’s home next door into classrooms, study areas and a lunchroom. we don’t want the kids studying in their bedrooms and claiming they need doors closed/locked for ability to concentrate.
    I disagree with your premise about educated/intelligent as opposed to income level. If a highly intelligent poor person has to absent him/herself from the house 12 hours a day in order to put food on the table, keep lights and heat on, etc. The children don’t benefit as much as with a moderately intelligent parent who can afford to be at home and nurture.
    MRS. CTL. has been a designer/builder/Realtor for 40 years but always maintained a home office (with a separate entrance for clients from the outdoors). She was always home when our children were home from school. Any appointments at job sites, showings, vendors were made during school hors or at times I could be home. Thus she has a successful career while being a stay at home mother. Could she have made even more over the years working full time in an outside office, yes, but money beyond a certain amount isn’t going to change our life.
    B have high schoolers and are looking for acceptable credit courses at reasonable prices that can be started at any time and done at your own pace; I highly recommend you look at the online classes offered for High Schoolers by Brigham Young University. Because the Mormons require outreach journeys across the world of all members, they have devised a top notch fully accredited on line US High School. The credits are accepted all over and on transcripts by the best US colleges and Universities.

    in reply to: academics #1932173

    The following covers the 16 that are in grades 3-12
    English up 25%
    US History up 27%
    I have been teaching/tutoring both of those subjects to supplement the school assigned work and zoom/Google meet teacher led lessons
    Math up through Algebra 2 and Trig up 12%. I am no use with Calculus or Statistics, I never took Calculus and had one semester of Statistics 50 years ago and don’t remember much.
    Science DOWN 15%, The children, especially 7-12 grades are suffering by lack of labs. Just reading the textbooks and watching videos, does not make up for the live experiments in labs. It is very boring without this. In discussion with a neighbor who is the Science department head at one of our town’s middle school, this is definitely consistent with results of public school students who are distance learning or in school 2 days a week this year under the hybrid model. None of our town’s public school students attend live more than two days a week.
    Art and Music cognition are at grade level. Instrument instruction is lacking. We have two baby grand pianos and a couple of electric keyboards. Youngest daughter plays well and tries to teach a bit, but we have no ability to teach strings, horns or woodwinds or the desire to listen to endless hours of practicing scales….VBG

    these academic gains seem consistent with those white, upper middle class students learning at home; who have professional, educated parents with the time and interest in teaching. The students suffering are those of limited means;
    They have limited computer resources, no private study spaces, parents not educated and able to teach advanced subjects, adults having to go out to work leaving limited supervision during the school day.
    I have been told the students with the lowest scores are often only children, starved for social interaction that comes at school.
    We have made a family decision to keep the children in the compound this entire school year.

    in reply to: academics #1932005

    We’ve had all the grandchildren, and asst Great Nieces and Nephews in residence since school shut down last March.
    Our local Board of Education has made available all its standardized testing and scoring at no charge so we can see how they are doing in general subjects.
    They can’t make this available to religious schools, but since the children are distance learning, they bundled our request in with other Home Schooling families,
    Testing was made available for English, Math, Science, US History and a cognitive test for art/music

    in reply to: academics #1931970

    I dis not write that I was aware of the economic status of EVERY one of my students.
    That said: I taught in a small law school
    #1 I sat on the faculty scholarship committee and had access to applications
    #2 I had students fill out a survey form with details as to if they were full time or part-time students, held jobs, what they did for a living, married, single, children.
    #3 I taught my classes as a swing shift, teaching the same lecture in the morning and evening and students were free to attend either at will. We had many police officers attending Law School part-time, and as their shifts changed every few weeks they didn’t have to miss classes.
    #4 The Registrar would send students’ financial aid applications to certain faculty members for review (I was one of those who reviewed them, based on my undergraduate work/degree from Wharton).
    #5 The poor students didn’t have the $75-100,000 sports cars in the parking lot (this was 10-20 years ago)
    #6 More than once, I advanced, loaned, gave students money for books, food, childcare and rent.
    #7 I set up a textbook loan system where those who had bought textbooks and could afford not to sell them back at the end of the semester donated them to the lending library for students who found purchasing textbooks a major burden.

    in reply to: academics #1931945

    It is not a matter of the poor being at a disadvantage because your son could not afford the Kaplan course, yielding lower LSAT scores and no law school scholarship.
    All 5 of my children went to law school, as did 3 of their spouses. Not one took the Kaplan or any paid course to prepare for the LSAT exams. Several bought used Kaplan LSAT books on eBay or Amazon for less than $50, just to get an overview of the LSAT exams.

    None of them took a Bar review course, after graduation before taking the Bar exam, and all passed on first try.
    Rich or poor had nothing to do with it, intelligence, study ethics, hard work and ability to analyze and reason determined performance.

    I have taught law school courses over the years and saw no difference in performance by rich or poor students that good be attributed to their economic status.

    Your observation is not valid. He could have taken the Kaplan Course and still have done poorly on his LSAT and not gotten a scholarship.

    in reply to: Limiting Presidential Pardons #1931634


    You cannot legitimately compare the numbers of pardons issued in a two term Presidency with those Trump has issued in a one term stint of office.

    in reply to: Bob Grant #1930969

    Gigante didn’t just use Bob Grant as a stage name, he used it in his aborted run for Mayor of NYC.
    The others you cited were all just in Show Biz…..

    in reply to: Shingles – davening for others #1930940

    A bubbeh Meiseh
    I had chicken pox at 6 weeks old (my older siblings had it when I was brought home from the hospital) and voila 6 weeks later I had it. Good thing, a child that young can’t scratch.

    65 Years later I had shingles
    Both my older siblings had shingles in their 60s
    Mrs. CTL had chicken pox at age 4, she currently is suffering with shingles. Unfortunately the standard medication is contraindicated for he, so she suffers.

    in reply to: Bob Grant #1930857

    Bob Grant…who called for forced sterilization of welfare moms. How many Frum families receiving public assistance would this have affected if it became law? Don’t worry, Grant meant the Blacks, not those wearing Black Hats

    Sounds like Hitler to me

    He was a racist, homophobe, self hating Italian who wouldn’t even use his real name, Gigante. This midget was no Giant,

    in reply to: President Donald J. Trump: A Modern Day Alexander the Great #1930494

    Careful the men in the white coats are coming to take you to Bellevue

    in reply to: let’s say nice things #1930257

    Actually, it’s Harris who is part Indian.

    in reply to: Trumpism is here to stay. #1929850

    Don’t give up your day job, learn to count.
    There have been 10 Republican Presidents in the past 125 years, not 12
    and EIGHT Democrats for a TOTAL of EIGHTEEN Presidents.


    in reply to: Trumpism is here to stay. #1929794

    Torahvaluesoverparty post LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    90% of voters would NOT vote for Trump in 2024. Less than 50% of those voting voted for him in 2016 and 2020.

    Trump did not build the useless wall, and Mexico did NOT pay for it….big campaign promise.

    He won’t be out campaigning for other candidates unless he can put a dollar, rouble or deutschemark in his pocket.

    He showed America what a family of grifters can accomplish, when the grifter in cheiif has the power of the pardon. POTUS had a 4 year license to steal

    in reply to: let’s say nice things #1929613

    Even if he had won on November 3rd, Trump’s term will end January 20, 2021.

    That’s nice, despite being impeached he will have served a complete term/

    in reply to: Trump ruined the GOP #1928705


    The fat lady has already sung and returned to the stage numerous times for encores.

    BUT, Because of Kol Isha, the Trumplicans (now known as LOSERS) in the CR haven’t heard the song.

    in reply to: Trump ruined the GOP #1928557

    TYPO….it reads social dating, should read social programs in my last post.

    in reply to: Trump ruined the GOP #1928487

    You have absolutely no idea what you are posting
    The Democrat Party is NOT Communist and never has been. It does not call for government ownership of everything.
    It looks to expand government run and funded social dating back to the New Deal of 1933.
    I like having Social Security and Medicare.

    Did you refuse your stimulus check this year (disclosure I don’t qualify based on income limits).
    Do your kids benefit from USDA school lunch assistance.
    Do friends and family get Section 8, SNAP Benefits, WIC, Medicaid, ACA?

    Perhaps you are a landlord, as I am and collect rents paid by the housing authority to holders of Section 8 vouchers. Maybe you are a doctor or dentist who can bill Medicaid for your patients…

    Maybe you live in NYC and have a rent controlled or rent stabilized apartment, or use subsidized public transit.

    Not all socialism is bad

    in reply to: Trump ruined the GOP #1928449

    The GOP is no longer a Party, it is now a cult based on Idol Worship.

    in reply to: Gedolim vs. Cats and Dogs #1927388

    Dogs (and cats)….
    I have found ownership by frum people to be more of a city vs. country thing.
    I have never not had dogs, neither has Mrs. CTL. Both Born in CT and lived in single family homes with land.
    We both have siblings married to people who came from city apartment buildings who never owned dogs, one had a cat.
    Currently we have 4 dogs and 2 cats. One dog died of old age last week, We have an area of our grounds under a large apple tree that is our pet cemetery. The dog was buried there (along side about a dozen other dogs and cats). A flagstone was placed over the grave and sometime next spring I’ll scratch his name and date of death into the stone. This was our second teen aged dog to pass in 6 months. Our grandchildren (along with us) miss them very much. They were very important for the children to have while all here since March due to Ciovid,

    Here, walking a dog on Shabbos is not an issue, we open the sliders to one side of our yard and the dogs have a half acre of fence land to run, play and do their business. No walking around with bags and pooper scoopers, just natural fertilizer for their grass play area.

    Our shul Rav has two dogs. I don’t know many non-elderly shul members in town without dogs.
    That said, If I lived in a high rise apartment building and had to take dogs out for a walk multiple times a day, I doubt I’d own dogs.
    Cats, OTOH are lo maintenance. ours are inside cats, never go outside, but do control the field mice problem in the house. With a home more than 200 years old and a stone foundation we do get mice when the weather turns cold, so we have a downstairs cat and an upstairs cat for pest control

    in reply to: Most Polite White House in History #1927118

    @Avram in MD
    My chart says that I am to be addressed as Mister Y
    I was the only patient in the waiting room, so no other was delayed.
    The employee deserved a dressing down, it took place in the office, perhaps the office manager should not have been so loud, or maybe the office manager wanted me to hear this.
    I had complained about this to the office manager in the past.

    in reply to: Most Polite White House in History #1926528

    Which Democratic Candidates are “these?”
    Who should looked into their past?

    I am on the local Democratic Town Committee, and have been on the State Democratic Committee and have sat on committees that investigates potential candidates, We have rejected candidates because of things in their backgrounds.

    5 years ago, the Republicans in my town didn’t do a good job checking out their candidates. They ran a man for Town Council who was under indictment in another state for vehicular manslaughter. He won the election, but before he was sworn in was convicted and sent to prison.

    The Democrat mayor of Bridgeport, CT is garbage, He is a convicted felon who served many years in federal prison for stealing money the first time he was mayor. BUT, since convicted felons can get their vote back if they serve their time and pay all monies due, he ran again, He past was known and the idiots in Bridgeport reelected him twice.

    in reply to: Most Polite White House in History #1926404

    You need to get it through your head: Hunter Biden is not and was not a candidate for public office. The two Georgia Republican Senators are candidates for re-election. As such their financial dealings are subject to public scrutiny,

    I don’t believe in pre-emptive pardons. The US Supreme Court stated in 1915 that the acceptance of a pardon is an admission of guilt. You have no idea who will bring charges against the Trump Clan in the future. If it is a federal prosecutor it may well be a career DOJ employee who has nothing to do with your perceived political vindictiveness.

    NO Pardon issued by the POTUS will have any bearing in state charges brought in the future. Why do you think Trump and Melania moved their official residence to Florida? To avoid the NYS Atty General and investigations, to a state that has no income tax and no returns that can be subject to scrutiny and prosecution and to avoid paying taxes due NYS and NYC.

    in reply to: The REAL Logic Behind the Election Fraud Dispute #1926322

    UJM post a lot of accusations with not a single iota of proof and also posts falsehoods.

    Rudy Guiliani is NOT America’s Mayor. He was once the Mayor of NYC, he was never the mayor anywhere else.
    He is a serial adulterer, a liar, cheat, and senile. He is not representing America, but is Trump’s personal attorney paid to do Trump’s bidding as an individual, not as President.

    I live in a state that requires Picture ID to vote, unless the voter refuses and then has to fill out a form subject to the laws of perjury, attesting the voter is who he/she says is.
    You must show proof of residency to register to vote and attest to citizenship subject to criminal penalties.
    We don’t have Democrat friendly judges, overturning laws that prevent voter fraud. Our judges are not elected (except Probate) and are non-partisan.
    The decision to allow unrestricted absentee ballots in CT was not a late decision, it was made in late March.
    I have been an Asst. Registrar of Voters for years. We may not open envelopes and start processing the absentee ballots until the polls open on election day. Our town starting the process at 8am and it was complete before midnight. Every ballot was examined by both a D and and R poll worker before it could be fed into the tabulator machine.
    Our Town clerk routinely sends copies of death certificates to the Registrar’s office so those deceased can be removed from the voting lists as soon as the death is registered. The Registrar also gets lists from DMV of address changes. If you move your drivers license out of town, you are struck from the voting roll.
    Voter fraud is extremely rare in most of the USA, which is not ti say it is non-existent. BUT, it is not to the level that would have given Trump re-election.

    The Grifter, deadbeat, serial bankrupt Trump is using this fraudulent claim to raise hundreds of millions of dollars, that he spend as he wishes through his new PAC. You can bet many of the family will be on the payroll.

    in reply to: Most Polite White House in History #1926223

    @Always ask questions

    You are jumping to conclusions and asserting facts not in evidence.
    You have no idea if I always dislike anything Trump says……………………
    You are not with me 24/7
    I don’t post comments on everything Trump utters.

    I did not dislike his announcement that the US Embassy in Israel would be moved from TA to Yerushayim.
    I did not dislike him saying Resign to Atty General Jeff Sessions.
    I din not dislike his saying you’re fired to Deputy Atty General Sally Yates

    Game, set, match

    in reply to: Most Polite White House in History #1926220

    President Elect Biden was not the subject of the post, your attempt to deflect is ridiculous.

    in reply to: Most Polite White House in History #1926064

    I was brought up in CT, 5th generation American. Those adults with too close a relationship (such as our next door neighbors for the first 15 years of my life) to be called Mr X or Mrs X were addressed and referred to as Uncle X and Aunt X.
    No Hungarian in our background, this came from the German (maternal) side of our family.

    BTW, I don’t appreciate non-social friends calling me by my first name, I find it very distasteful and lacking respect. Last Tuesday morning I had a Doctor’s appointment. A twenty something female came into the waiting room and called out my first name. I ignored her, After 4 attempts, she went back into the office and told the manager that Mister Y isn’t here. The office manager started laughing and asked: Did you call for Mr, Y? The young female said no. The office manager said, he’s old enough to be your grandfather, how dare you call him by first name, He’s not your friend, he’s a patient.
    She came back out and asked for Mr. Y and I responded.
    The doctor referred me to a specialist for some tests. I went that afternoon, Filling out the paperwork, it asked for my preferred first name, I wrote down ATTORNEY.

    in reply to: go learn torah #1925414

    Since early March, we have had a home full of our grand children, younger nieces, nephews and grand nieces and nephews.
    Mrs. CTL and I along with our children who have been living in the compound have been serving as morah and rebbi, camp counselors, cooks, etc. besides running our professional practice.
    My doctor said the half hour a day I spend on the CR is an important stress reliever.

    Who are you to tell me what to do?

    in reply to: Are anti trumpers actual liberals? #1925205

    It is far more spread in the USA than you seem to realize or admit.
    The Dominicans (not the order of Nuns, but those from the DR) and Hatians practice both Voodoo and Santaria, which mixes African and indigenous idolatry with Catholicism.
    Many Puerto Ricans do as well.
    On the streets of NY and many other northeast urban areas you will see many stores labelled Botanico Chango. These shops sell the supplies for idol worship by the Hispanic community.
    There are many millions in the US who practice this, a shockingly high amount if you count the population of PR living on the Island, not the mainland.

    in reply to: Are anti trumpers actual liberals? #1924562

    Stop deflecting, it doesn’t become you
    We are discussing trump, not the son of our incoming President,
    No one elected the son to any office.
    Trump was elected in 2016 and lost in 2020.
    Biden will be sworn in on January 20th. His son has no official position. I hioghly doubt he will have a White House position as the profiteering Kushners hold.

    in reply to: Are anti trumpers actual liberals? #1924131

    Presidents don’t enact laws in the USA, Congress does.
    A Vote for Biden is not a vote for a member of Congress.
    I have many Republican friends who are so disgusted with Trump that they vited Biden and also voted Republican for Congress

    in reply to: Are anti trumpers actual liberals? #1924094

    I am a Liberal Democrat.
    Liberal is NOT the same as radical Left. I am NOT a fan or supporter of AOC or Bernie Sanders (who is NOT a Democrat, but caucuses with them).

    Free College for all?
    Free public college tuition for all. why shouldn’t today’s have the advantage that my parents got with free tuition at CCNY and Hunter College in the 1930s? Connecticut grants free community college to every instate High School graduate effective with the class of 2020.
    If you want private higher education, to live on campus, etc. You pay for the costs above tuition.

    More taxes? Not more taxes, but higher. I’d eliminate the tax cuts that Trump pushed through Congress that benefited the wealthy and hurt the lower and middle classes. I’d keep increasing sin taxes on tobacco. This might price people out of smoking, cut disease and death and the public burden of caring for it’s victims.

    Open borders, NO. Make visas easier to get for relatives of those already here and true refugees. How many families/ancestors of CR members git in because they had a relative who had come first and/or were refugees of Pogroms or the shoah?

    Everyone white automatically racist? NO, but many are. There is systemic racism in bith our police departments and housing regulations, Out town’s police have been sanctioned by the state for its racism. 3-5 acre minimum zoning in the suburbs keeps out both Blacks and frum Jews.

    Are policemen bigoted? No more than the rest of society, but they have guns, use force and can intimidate those they loathe.

    Pro-Abortion, NO. Pro-choice is NOT the same as pro-abortion. As an adoptive parent I wouldn’t have my youngest if her birth mother aborted the fetus. That said, It is not my right to enforce my views on a woman who is pregnant. It is between the woman. the father-to-be and her doctor. A woman who is pregnant by rape or incest or actually a non-consenting minor should not be forced by the state to carry a pregnancy to term. That is Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

    Anti-Second Amendment? No, but I favor stronger gun laws, education, testing, etc. Personally I have no problem with those who belong to the National Guard (our well regulated militia) bearing arms. Would I own a gun, NO. Would I permit a guest to bring one into my home or office, also no.

    Iran Nuclear Deal, needs work. Poorly enforced in the past, but better than what we have now,

    in reply to: why did our conservative news site go liberal? #1923659

    Yes, I am a licensed attorney, admitted to the Bar in CT, MA, MY and FL

    in reply to: why did our conservative news site go liberal? #1923514

    This LIBERAL will state that YWN is FAR from Liberal, PRO TRUMP BIAS all the time.

    in reply to: How far is too far? #1923254

    Glad to be part of the frum people who are not (and have never been) Trump supporters.

    Business dealings going back more than 40 years showed me what he is/was.
    It’s not all about making or accumulating money

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