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  • in reply to: Solitary vent about medical staff #1950558

    At these hospital owned practices (in this case Yale) the doctors have no say in how the office runs, they are merely employees. My primary care physician has told us he cannot stand the office help and is forbidden to tell they what to do, how to do their jobs, etc.
    He hates the system, I have more than once offered to set him up in private practice, rent free for the first five years in a building I bought that was medical offices. He told me that he was afraid of going in his own, as the insurance company search engines for ‘find a doctor’ show all the hospital owned practices first.
    In the past 5 years every single one of our doctors has sold their practices to either Yale or Hartford Health. Mrs, CTL wanted to change her doctor to one affiliated with a small suburban hospital but was told he does not have admitting privileges in the New Haven and Bridgeport which are all owned by Yale or Hartford Health.

    in reply to: Solitary vent about medical staff #1950391

    You seemed to have missed the point ywnjudy is making. This vent is NOT about medical caregivers, but the self important clerical staffs in the medical offices.

    On Thursday my primary care physician telephoned me to discuss some test results. He suggested I see a specialist (in his same hospital owned practice) to follow up with a further procedure. He told me he’d transfer the call and I should tell them to book the appointment. He transferred the call and got off the line. after a few rings, a young sounding female picked up, gave the name of the doctor with whom I wished to make an appointment and said This is Liza. I gave my name, the name of my primary care physician and that he had transferred the call so an appointment could be made.
    Her immediate reply, NOT MY JOB. No offer to transfer the call or suggest another extension and she disconnected me. I called the office manager and played my recording of the call with Liza. I suggested strongly that maybe Liza shouldn’t have any job that involved talking to patients. The office manager commiserated and told me all the young clerks were terrible, but during Covid, no one over 30 is interested in working in medical offices for fear of contracting the virus. The manager made the appointment.

    in reply to: Ted Cruz – Hyporcite par excellence #1950382

    @The Shady Chareidi

    Always so sure, always so wrong.

    Cruz had not booked this trip in advance, the evidence has shown it was last minute. (per his wife’s text messages among other sources).
    His children has an unexpected school break because of the 2weather/power/water issues. He tried/lied claiming an excuse to take them and deliver them to Cancun and come right back, despite reservations for returning days later.
    Certainly, mama Cruz could have taken the girls to Cancun without his assistance, they are not babies.
    Rafael Cruz, just another Hispanic fleeing America because of ICE. As a Canadian he surely could have handled snow and cold weather…born and raised in Calgary.

    in reply to: Climate Change and the Environment #1950008

    May not be3 a topic in your city shul or yeshiva, but in our area it is a serious consideration.
    Many of the buildings have installed solar electric panels. Not just for the savings on the utility bills, but to reduce CO2 emissions that affect our climate/environment.

    in reply to: Green Passport for Yeshivos in the U.S. #1949830


    I agree with you completely with the proviso that the individual yeshivos MUST be in compliance with local health department requirements.

    in reply to: Green Passport for Yeshivos in the U.S. #1949800

    Israel has a national system and has vaccinated a much larger percentage of population. Thuis it can institute such a rule.
    The US has a different system in each state and different groups are eligible for vaccinations at different times.
    How in good conscious could yeshivos permanently ban returning avreichim who are coming from a state not yet vaccinating their age group?

    in reply to: Too Many Bank Branches #1949706

    Very few banks left subject to Federal Regulations.
    Every single CT bank that had the word National in its name when I was growing up, changed name and to state regulations only.
    I can only find one Federal Savings and Loan left in my county and it is based at a defense contractor.


    Lakewhut is lying when saying President Biden will bring in 11 million illegal immigrants.
    If they are already here the President is not bringing them in. If the rules are changes to allow entry they are not being brought in illegally.
    I never used the word vote or voting. The headline Lakewhut chose for his post is a LIE.


    Lakewhut is busy posting LIES. What a surprise, NOT.
    11 Million illegal immigrants are NOT being brought in by President Biden. He is proposing a pathway to citizenship for millions of immigrants who are already in the USA.

    IF, President Biden arranges it so additional immigrants can enter the USA, then those immigrants will NOT be illegal, they will enter legally.

    Keep spewing lies and hate and xenophobia. That’s what led to the refusal and death of Jewish refugees such as those on the ST. Louis.

    All of us (in America) should remember that our families were immigrants to this country, some did not enter legally. Were we saved from the army of the Tsar, pogroms, famine, the Shoah?

    in reply to: Talking in Shul #1949254

    @Common Saychel
    I have full respect for how you have chosen to live your life, to the full extent of my knowledge of your life. I know of no criminal or other behavior on your part that might change my opinion,
    The fact that I may not agree with your political beliefs in no way alters my respect for your life style.

    in reply to: Too Many Bank Branches #1949251


    Branch bank location decisions are subject to state approval/regulation. The change of administration in Washington has nothing to do with it.

    in reply to: Too Many Bank Branches #1948887

    Sorry for all the typos. my hands are not working well today

    in reply to: Too Many Bank Branches #1948868

    I have no idea what locale you are in, but th3e opposite is the national trend.
    My town in Southern Connecticut has lost 7 retail bank branches in the last 5 years (in a growing healthy town,
    Chase Bank has cut hours and days in Fairfield County branches still open. HSBC withdrew from the market and CitiBank closed 90% of CT branches.
    I am on both the Town and regional Economic Development Commission. The internet, mobile apps and now the Pandemic has destroyed most in person retail banking.

    I don’t know when I last used cash for anything. If I receive a chedk, I taker a picture with my iPhone and deposit it that way.
    Mrs. CTL and I just bought a property and handled the mortgage 100% by email and used esign to close. No trip to the bank needed.

    There is an application at our P&Z Commission tomorrow evening to turn a closed bank branch (closed 5 years ago and no other bank wanted it) into a pharmacy with a drive thru lane. Our town doesn’t usually allow drive thru window at businesses, but this will pass. We have too many empty bank buildings.
    Last month People’s United Bank announced they would not renew leases for their branches in CT Stop and Shop supermarkets, Lack of interest caused by change of shopping habits

    in reply to: Talking in Shul #1948770

    I dis not miss minyan the entire pandemic. Mrs. CTL and I had all the grandchildren, great nieces and great nephews and some nieces and nephews in residence at the CTL compound since about March 12th
    We had regular minyanim, have our own sifrei tora, an Aron Kodesh, etc.
    We were aware of the state imposed restrictions on indoor capacity and deliberately did not use our seats in shul, so those without a private minyan such as ours could attend shul.

    I haven’t traveled out of town and don’t intend to do so in the foreseeable future. Our home in Florida has been lent to close friends who wished to get out of New York last March. Our house in Herzylia Pituach is occupied by my niece and family who felt it safer than their apartment in a crowed area of Yerushalayim,
    We made a chasunah in the compound late last spring for a grandson, Had full yomin tovim with the family in residence. Preparations for Pesach are underway in the Pesach kitchen upstairs as we will celebrate our second set of Covid Sedarim in the compound.
    Buying the adjoining properties and building a family compound was one of the smartest things Mrs. CTL have done in our adult lives.

    in reply to: Problems with the Covid vaccinations #1948452

    Vestry is a room attached to the sanctuary where clergy put on vestments or robes before leading services.
    Here in New England many shuls were/are located in former church buildings. Since there was no need for a clergy robing room, the Vestry became the place for Kiddush. Luncheons dinners, etc, are held in the social hall,
    For those of us over 60 who grew up in those shuls based in former church buildings the word lingers on. My children heard their grandparents using the word, and may have even attended a service at suck a place and heard the announcement that Kiddush in the Vestry following davening is sponsored by XXXX.
    My grandchildren will not recognize the word and it will likely die out in 50 years.

    in reply to: Problems with the Covid vaccinations #1948340

    My going to shul was coincidental with having my first shot. During the past week CT Governor Lamont relaxed indoor restrictions for religious services.
    Prior to this relaxation I stayed away from shul, as we have a minyan and sifrei torah at our home. My attendance after the easing of restrictions no longer might have kept someone out who did not have the availability of a private minyan.
    Social distancing was observed in shul. Only every 5th seat was available for use. Our family row has 12 seats and only three could be occupied, unless we lived in the same household and were exempt as a cohort.
    Again, so shul kiddush and gathering occurred in the vestry following minyan, all left the building promptly and headed home.

    in reply to: Talking in Shul #1947957

    Yesterday was my first time in shul since last March. The maximum capacity has been lifted by the state, many of the older members (including me) have had our first Covid-19 shot, so we ventured back,
    When it came time for the Rav’s drasha, he announced, that non of us came to hear him, we should take the 15 minutes to talk and catch up with each other.
    After davening, the Rav made kiddush on the bimah and everyone left to walk home. there was no shul kiddush in the vestry for health reasons,
    It was so nice to see many I haven’t seen for almost 11 months.
    That said, I’ll be making Purim at home with the family

    in reply to: Problems with the Covid vaccinations #1947744

    I had my first dose of Moderna Vaccine Friday at noon (CT opened to over 65 as of Thursday and I was able to get a choice of 12 time slots for Friday, with a confirmed 2nd dose Friday March 12 at noon.
    The location was a Walgreen’s Pharmacy 5 miles from my home.

    The pharmacist who administered the dose told me that three side affects are likely. My upper arm will be sore from about 4 hours after getting the shot and up to three days. It is sore, but not painful. I might develop a slight rash and should treat it with over the counter Cortisone cream. I didn’t get the rash and I might develop a slight headache approx 24 hours after the dose. I got a headache this afternoon, so I took a nap and it was gone.

    My 78 year old sister in law has had both doses with no side affects. My elder brother is getting the Pfizer vaccine tomorrow and we’ll compare our reactions. My 74 year old sister and her husband of same age are getting Moderna on Monday and we’ll also discuss after affects.

    I would say the soreness in my arm is about 3 times how I feel after my yearly flu shot. The needle seemed to go much deeper into the muscle and the pharmacist said it is bot longer and a wider diameter than he uses for the flu shots.

    in reply to: Andrew Yang Mayor 2021? #1947566


    Jewish flunky to the extreme……Jared Kushner

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946892

    Let’s just drop the last word in the title of this thread,

    He is also two faced, a liar and not to be trusted

    in reply to: boycott amazon? #1944981

    There are many local businesses that are surviving the lockdown, Pandemic restriction by selling on Amazon.
    I’m on the Economic Development Commission in our town. Amazon opened a local distribution facility here in 2020. It has provided more than 500 jobs to area residents with a starting wage of $15 hour. They buy local, instead of putting in fuel pumps, as FEDEX and UPS have done they buy from the local gas stations. They keep many local restaurants going with their food orders. They donate to local causes.

    Sometimes the corporate giant can be real gentle in the local areas.

    in reply to: The thing which shouldn’t be said #1944803

    I know a lot of people who have gotten divorced and some who are getting divorced and a few who are planning to divorce,

    BUT, I have been a Family Law Attorney for decades and it’s part of how I make a living.

    My question for COFFEE ADDICT is are you asking why a few people are getting or have been divorced or why you have come to know about it?

    The whys usually boil down to: money, incompatibility, familial interference (especially among younger couples) and infidelity.

    Why you have come to know about it: There is less social stigma and shame in divorce than even 25 years ago and people don’t try to hide it from their friends and acquaintances.

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1944640

    @Ben Levi
    I am explaining that something that is legal may be found Unconstitutional. Legal and Unconstitutional are not mutually exclusive.
    Children used to be compelled to recite Christian prayers in public schools (by local regulation, statute, policy, depending on jurisdiction). It was a legal act that was ruled Unconstitutional by the SCOTUS in 1962.

    There are many more examples.

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1944638

    This Impeachment is specifically about the events of January 6th. Read the Bill of Impeachment, the incitement of the insurrection/storming of the Capitol is the only charge voted upon by the House of Representatives. You can speculate all you want about other underlying factors.

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1944637

    Ken Starr is NOT Judge Starr, he stopped being a Judge in 1989
    He is Chancellor of a University in Texas

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1944497

    Why can’t you post facts and accurate information?
    Jurors and judges are not one and the same. Not all trials have jurors. In the court system, a judge can nullify the finding of a jury (not so in an impeachment).

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1944404


    A little accuracy please.
    Ken Starr, gave his opinion, other Constitutional scholars disagree with him
    John Roberts is NOT Judge Roberts, he is Chief Justice Roberts. T are Justices, not judges. Please give him his due.

    The reason Roberts will not preside (it is in the future, not past as you wrote) is because the Chief Justice ONLY preside at the Impeachment Trial of the President of the USA. Not the former President, not a judge, ambassador, postmaster or other federal official. The Senate gets to choose one of its members to preside at all impeachment trials except of the President. Trump is NOT President, thuis no Chief Justice presiding at his trial.

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1944403


    You are wrong on two points
    “45 senators have already voted that it is illegal to impeach anyone after they are out of office”
    45 Senators voted to table a vote saying the the impeachment trial of a former President was Unconstitutional.

    No vote took place to say it was illegal, Unconstitutional does not mean illegal. Illegal must be in contravention to a law, statute or regulation,
    This is not the first time a former federal official has been impeached and tried after leaving office.

    in reply to: boycott amazon? #1944337

    This is NOT a free speech issue/

    Free Speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment ONLY applies to government action. Amazon is not a part of or acting ion behalf of the Government.

    Shop where you wish, or don’t

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1944335

    Why don’t you go take a 7th grade civics class before spewing inaccuracies

    “at least 75% the judges needed for conviction are long time open enemies”

    You don’t need a single judge to convict. In fact not a single judge is to be involved in the Senate trial. The members of the Senate sit as Jurors. Because this is not the trial of a sitting President, The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court will not preside, instead Senator Patrick Leahy will be the presiding officer.

    75% of ZERO is ZERO….game, set, match.

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1944252

    I cannot confirm why Trump is being impeached. I am not inside the majority of House of Representatives minds who voted to impeach.
    I believe/feel that since he cannot be removed from office at this point that precluding him from running for any Federal office in the future is important (and can be ordered in an Impeachment trial).

    Another important reason for the second impeachment is that with the Republicans no longer in control of the Senate there can be a trial with witnesses who are compelled to testify under penalty of perjury, contempt of Congress, etc, Without the trial some important information about June 6th and its planning may never come to light.

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1944091

    @Coffee Addict
    I highly doubt the house would have voted a Bill of Impeachment for just the 2 pipe bombs, not directed at government and which did not go off.

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1944060

    Don’t give up your day job


    Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc (after this, therefore because of this) FALSE logic.

    The pipe bombs were not planted at the Capitol and have nothing to do with Trump’s words to the mob on January 6th: Paraphrase by CTL…Go up to the Capitol and I will go with you.
    Trump urged the mob to go to The Capitol, and of course he lied saying he would go with them.


    @eli lev
    Sponsored content is NOT news. It is not journalism, it is NOT fact checked.
    IT IS ADVERTISING. Someone or some organization with an agenda is putting forth a call for support or funds with their version of a story (which may or may not be the whole truth and nothing but the truth…you can tell I’m an attorney).

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1943805


    Obviously NOT only weren’t those supposed state police from DC, they weren’t in DC.
    So you viewed a video on an obscure news source and can’t verify the name of the state police force that was supposedly escorting 5 vans of Antifa to the US Capitol….which they could not legally do within the DC boundaries and you expect us to believe this is true?

    Get over it, Trump lost by more than 7 million votes.
    The country has to move on.
    If the Senate doesn’t vote to preclude it, he can run again in 2024. Grover Cleveland lost his reelection bid in 1888 and won a second term in 1892.

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1943624


    To put it plainly, you are a blithering idiot.
    Trump LOST the popular vote in 2016 and 2020.
    No proof of widespread illegal vote being counted has been presented in the courts. PROOF, not allegation.
    What State police escorting 5 vans of Antifa to the Capitol??????? PURE LIES. There are NO State Police in the District of Columbia. It is NOT a state. State police from outside the district could not cross the boundary to escort anyone to the Capitol. The only time State Police can cross out of state on duty is in the HOT PURSUIT of a criminal fleeing a crime.

    We don’t vote by County in the USA, only popular vote and statewide Electoral College votes. Counties can have 1,000 residents or 3 million, so it doesn’t matter how many counties someone ‘wins.’
    Connecticut has EIGHT Counties. The two largest Counties by population: Hartford and Fairfield have 1.832 million people. The other six combines have 1.6 million people. So win 2 lose 6 and still win the total popular vote for the state and all the Electoral College votes.

    Stop parroting the LOSER’s rhetoric and face pure facts, such as the county example I posted. You look like a fool, it’s unbecoming

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1943485


    Besides your English which does not make sense:
    “Trump got a tremendous number of popular votes that Obama ever got, and missed winning by a tiny margin.”
    I think you mean Trump got more popular votes than Obama did. DUH, there were far more voters and a far larger population than in 2008 and 2012.

    What you fail to mention is that TRUMP got 3 million less votes than Clinton in 2016 and Biden more than doubled that victory margin in 2020.

    To put it plainly, when it comes to the popular vote: Trump is a REPEAT LOSER.

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1943484

    @Health you are delusional and wrong
    Trump lost the election by millions of votes
    He also lost the Electoral College Vote.

    BTW….I live in a small Republican Town in Fairfield County. The last time it voted Democrat for President was in 1964 (LBJ over Goldwater), It voted overwhelmingly for Biden, Trump lost. All the other Republicans on the ticket running for state offices won in our town. The voters split their tickets to REJECT Trump

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1943410

    I am not scared he will become President again. I don’t think it will happen
    I am more scared of the Qanon crazies being elected to Congress from Trump loving districts.

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1943340

    I don’t believe Democrats are afraid of Donald Trump. We are afraid of his actions and of the lunatics he attracted. These ignorant fools with guns are a threat tp public safety.

    As for those who can not accept that he lost the election, all I can say is you/they are delusional.

    in reply to: United States – No Unity after an Insurrection #1942987

    Civics Review Time
    The First Amendment is NOT a law, it is part of the Constitution, the framework of our Government. Only the Legislative Branch of government, in this case the Congress can enact a law.
    Executive branch agencies may enact/impose regulations with civil and criminal penalties, but they are not laws.
    Free Speech Rights, as guaranteed in the First Amendment ONLY apply to government action. So, if a social media platform, news outlet, etc. wants to silence a particular viewpoint on its platform it doesn’t violate the First Amendment.
    In the old days, before Cable TV, networks broadcast over the public airwaves. As a condition of their license and renewals, that had to allow for presentation of opposing opinions. Often aired in the wee hours of Sunday morning when advertisers weren’t interested in buying time. The Fairness Doctrine of the FCC was eliminated in 1987 under Republican Ronald Reagan.

    in reply to: Biden Appointee Confirmations #1942953


    Why must you constant LIE?????????????????
    Did you fail arithmetic in second grade?????

    Grenel was nominated in September and approved by the Senate in April. SIX months is NOT over a year.

    in reply to: Is being “eco-friendly” a value that means something to you? #1942216

    As much as I enjoy the savings from having installed solar panels for electricity, I value the savings in Carbon Dioxide emissions, so my descendants will breathe cleaner air.

    In the past 2.5 years we have produced 92.1% of our electric needs from solar (in our personal home, we have solar on all our properties now). Estimated savings on Electric bill $9301, BUT most important to me: CO2 emissions avoided 36.9 tons..

    in reply to: Will trump ever be president again? #1941188

    So, typical of the right wing Trumplicans. You can’t dispute my post, so you attack me personally.

    McCain is DEAD of Covid 19 contracted at a Trump Super Spreader event

    Rafael Cruz, Senator from Texas is a Latino, born in Canada to US parents who courts the extreme right wing and fought Trump for the 2016 nomination. He encouraged the mob who cane to DC and will provably seek the 2024 nomination, playing up to the white supremacist garbage ion the Trumpilcan throng.

    in reply to: Will trump ever be president again? #1941060


    “Ben Carson and Herman Cain are also very popular in the Republican primaries. My guess is that the next Republican nominee to WIN will be someone like one of them.”

    #1 There have been no Republican Presidential primaries in more than 4 years. They ARE not very popular, maybe they WERE years agoi.

    #2 Someone like them?????
    A dead Black man who was foolish enough to attend a Trump super Spreader event without wearing masks, contracted Covid and died or a former Brain Surgeon who was totally incompetent to run HUD?

    #3 The white Supremacist Trump wing of the Republican Party will not nominate an old Black male to run in 2024.

    Watch out for the reactionary Latinos from the deep south such as Cruz who think thye South shall rise again and the Civil War has not yet ended.

    in reply to: senate majority leader #1939989

    @littleYou Know
    WHO appointed you to speak for the rest of US?????
    You do not have permission to speak for me.

    ” He has brought waves of liberalism that we all find as points of suffering. ”

    We ALL don’t find liberalism suffering. Some of you may feel that way, some of us don’t.

    in reply to: senate majority leader #1939962

    The Speaker of the House is next in line after VP for Presidential Succession, followed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. the Senate Majority leader is NOT in the lone of succession

    in reply to: Is it ok to buy lottery tickets? #1938123

    It is better to buy the Lottery Ticket than steal it.

    That said, I have never bought one.
    That is not to say I do not enjoy occasional gambling such as a card game (back before Covid, when some friends would come over for a Sunday supper, then the men would play cards and the women would play Mah Jongg.
    The amount gambled would be part of my entertainment budget, not money taken from bills or tzedakah or planned savings.

    in reply to: Would Mike Pence pardon Trump? #1937692


    You may doubt there is enough time to impeach Trump by the 20th.

    There is plenty of time for the House to vote a bill of Impeachment. There is not enough time for the Senate to try him and convict him by the 20th.

    BUT, Speaker Pelosi can send the bill of Impeachment to the Senate at her leisure, long after Trump is no longer President.

    Impeached doesn’t mean convicted. The action of the House is the Impeachment. If McConnell’s Senate could ratify a SCOTUS nominee in a day, the House can impeach in a day

    in reply to: Would you vote for Donald Trump again? #1936890

    You are an ignorant fool and an embarrassment to anyone with a semblance of intelligence
    “once to counteract all the dead Democrats who fraudulently vote from the grave”
    Dead people cannot vote! Fraudulently or otherwise. A LIVE person who casts a vote in the name of a dead elector is committing fraud.

    You have stated here publicly that you would commit election fraud, a felony punishable by fine and imprisonment, You are a lousy role model for our Jewish youth.

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