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  • in reply to: Most embarrasing moment outside #1041982

    wow , i just saw that this thread was bumped up, and then i see that im the OP from 4 years ago!!!insane how time flies!

    in reply to: Thursday night dinner #994893

    onegoal- no offense, but Romanian is nothing to write home about. seriously.

    tzaddiq- u can make geilfta fish or chicken soup your special shabbos food, and have cholent on thursday night with no problem.

    in reply to: ?? ????? ???????? #969194

    and a thread is “eshkol” ?????

    in reply to: ?? ????? ???????? #969193

    oh and BTW Shopping613- u called this ?????

    sorry but that’s not hebrew. In reagular hebrew, a post is called a post as well, ????.

    A link is called a ???? or a kishur ?????.

    in reply to: ?? ????? ???????? #969192

    Oh Shreck- yeah really, unless your saying specifically-

    ???? ?? ?? ????? ??. Otherwise slicha and bevakasha is the same word!

    Pixelate- I don’t know where you get ur translating from, but that is not what that sentence means. raav is hunger, she wrote ha”rebbe” lol she tried to write harbe..

    Attest would probably be – Ya’id ???? not what she wrote, that’s not a word.

    Rationalfrummie- It has nothing got to do with hanging around sfardim, it’s just a question of knowing the language. I’m sure if I make my rounds around Shaari Torah, or whatever sfardi school you want, I would guess that 80% of the students probably all have the same mistakes as the ashkenazim.

    in reply to: ?? ????? ???????? #969188

    Every single one of you that wrote in Hebrew, made a mistake.

    Oh shreck- ur totally wrong! ?????. and ????? ????? is said the same for male and female.

    Shopping613: ?? ??? ????? , should be: ?? ??? ?? ?????.

    ??? ???? ??? ?? ??????,, ??? ??? ????? -???? ???? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ?? , should be: ??????. ?????. ????. ????

    in reply to: Living in Ramot Eshkol for the summer #955930

    Clothes u pack like you would if your going to the country. Make sure to have clothes that are suitable for the boiling hot weather. I wouldnt bring any dishes or pots with you. Eat off of plastic and buy a few cheap pots in those cheap stores I think its called Sheshet, or something like that. I know they have one right next to the prima hotel ( at the davidka ) theres a huge like discuont dishes and home stuff store. At least when I was there 1.5 years ago it was! Like other posters said , don’t waste your space shlepping shampoo and soap. the only thing I would bring is toothpaste, cuz the Israeli ones are gross. you probably only need like 2 for a month. good luck, and remember if push comes to shove, you really can get everything in Israel, even american deodorant and shampoo and tooth paste, its just much more expensive! Your only going for a month u said, so no need to bring along the entire USA

    in reply to: Israeli Cell Phone Rentals #1051487
    Member or call 7185890195, cheapest deal out there.

    in reply to: Jewish Radio Station�KY 100 #951112

    And they are really annoying me,cuz they seem to ruin the reception of Z100. I listen to their phone taps every morning on way to work, and this new radio channel is killing it

    in reply to: Kosher phones and seminary #951235

    theres something called they sell lines to israel for seminaries as well. or you can just go to optique elegance on COney Island Ave in Brooklyn, they sell Orange kosher phones and lines at Israeli prices. I just got a few for israel!

    in reply to: Being a shliach for the tzibur without Hashem #935475

    The Kanoi- so not true. I actually know a guy, who claims hes not frum any more, but he keeps on the whole look because of his kids, and hes actually a Baal Koreh on Shabbos for the money! he gets paid really well to lein!

    in reply to: Going to the Mir #916859

    Doswin , I think hes referring to the one in Israel

    in reply to: Going to the Mir #916857

    Since your only allod one suitcase, I don’t think you have an issue! Just pack your clothing, towels, sheets etc… all toiletries buy there, and you can also buy pillow and blankets there

    in reply to: trip to Israel through Amsterdam #915351

    Iv’e bee to Holland, it’s really pretty. the frum ppl live in a suburb called Amstelveen ( well most of tehm do). they have liek 2 or 3 restaurants, i think 3 shuld, and a kosher grocery. I would suggest calling either the Chabad rabbi in Amsterdam, just to get some info from him, as to what you can eat etc…

    in reply to: Coffee Room Color War #1027417

    Oh, it’s regular trivia, or Coffee Room trivia?

    in reply to: Chopped Liver #909917

    The best pareve liver is : sautee one onion till golden.

    in the food processor put:

    1 can of peas

    handful of walnuts

    1 hard boiled egg

    and some of the liquid from the peas

    drop of salt

    and of course add the onions

    It tastes like HEAVEN!

    in reply to: Thursday night dinner #994865

    Toi- many many ppl say DINNER!

    Yekke- i wasn’t referring to Yeshiva guys

    in reply to: Maase She'haya, Kach Haya #909819

    And if she would give it to someone who happens to live in your building with the smae first name, and then u file a claim, you be shouting off the rooftops and threatening to sue. So I guess in a way the lady at the post office is right, she wants to make sure it’s the right lady! The post office in the US is nothing to write home about either…

    in reply to: Cheapest way from JFK to Newark #909875

    Everyones suggestions are good, but seriously, for the lousy $25 , IF YOU CAN JUST GET A DIRCET transfer, I think it’s worth it, I mean, why would you want to take the subway, LIRR and PATH?!?? If you can only take one!!! ( just saying) Also, I recently saw at LGA an ad for a shuttle between LGA JFK and Newark, and it said either 12.50 or 15.

    in reply to: Mrs. Husband Name #909668

    It’s Uraa’yaso, not uriso!??????, which means in Hebrew ( not yiddish) his wife!

    in reply to: Do your children drive you nuts? #1193470

    Sorry to heart GOQ. at first i was puzzled, since I thought ur not married . I hope u only have simcha in your life!

    in reply to: nEED hELP: Ain Tzur Palkani? #833365

    tzir- is a hinge or something holding the entire thing up. Tzayar is a painter

    in reply to: Attention all CR LEFTYS!!!! #1028463

    Im also left handed! I do everything with my left hand, fork, mouse, bowl, phone,brush etc. not all lefties use their left hand for everything

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1102534

    how exactly do you play this game?

    in reply to: Cell phone providers #736817

    no clue about BP.

    I see no one really pays less. interesting

    in reply to: The roads are getting smaller #736658

    Y is that? y do the pot holes grow? I drove down a block today, i thought my tires would pop!

    in reply to: Why Do You Say "I'll Get Back To You"…. #1019992

    who are you waiting to hear back from?

    in reply to: Cell phone providers #736813

    the problem is that i have to get web with a blackberry, its not an option

    in reply to: Visiting relatives = top secret ATTN: METRODRIVER #736710

    LOLLLLLLLLLLL Haleivi, i was really laughing out loud from ur post!

    in reply to: Divorced Parents #736842

    mbachur, that sounds weird, but i take it ur parents are divorced! Oh and while were at it, I think we should make some coffe room shidduchim

    in reply to: Please help me. PLEASE!! #879115

    How about you give me $2500, and Ill take you on a trip all expenses included! here in america for a week?

    in reply to: Cell phone providers #736811

    No I have Tmobile. I have $49.99 unlimited talk, thats cheaper than the minute plans, for 400 minutes you need to pay 59 or 65 not usre, the $49 is loyalty pricing. If anyone of you ppl has Tmobile, call them if youv’e been with them for lets say 2 years, and ask for the loyalty pricing. You should be able to get unlimited for $49.99 , i just got a free blackberry from them, but the problem is web costs 30 bucks a month unlimited, and $15 for 200 beta or mega, not sure what she was saying. Anyway since im ” loyal” lol, they gave it to me for $20 dollars unlimited web.

    All you need to do is ask and tell them that you want cheaper pricing or you will go to metro pcs.I still think this is tons of money, were talking almost $1000 dollars a year! thats like 6 Florida trips, or one trip to EY.

    in reply to: What do you mean I should not drive?! #730540

    oh and MOd 80- maybe she signs in remotely, when I go to israel for vacation, i use my relatives computer there, and sign in to my computer in ny, so if you were tracing my IP then, you would get my american one! Ip means nothing these days

    in reply to: bath together #731541

    Popa- i almost fell of my chair when i read the blindfold comment! lollllllll

    in reply to: A Tree Grows In Brooklyn,A Watermelon in Flatbush… #731491

    Charlie- I knew it! I lived in riverdale 20 years ago!( as a Kid)

    now im in flatbush!

    in reply to: Kosher Drinks #727772

    you can drink coke anywhere, I was in Europe a few times the last few years, and in all the communities I visited, the families had soda at home, and there the bottles don’t have a ny symbols at all.

    in reply to: Where are the words to "Malachim Hakdoshim" from? #727758

    from no where, he made it up

    in reply to: Disturbing Story on Plane #727513

    MBachur- which calendar do you go by, Yom kippur in 4 months?

    in reply to: Ketchup,Band-Aids,Kleenex,and… #727912

    Iphone, Blackberry, Itouch etc etc, u can just say phone. Someone who has a nebach motorola doesnt say : ” I forgot my motorola” lol

    in reply to: Too Much Money #1123168

    If you are reallyrich like you claim, I have 2 people that I know ( no not me) that can really use your help, not even with alot of money, lets say $1500 Dollars a month, one is a family who have 5 kids, and just had a baby and they lost all their money and they are struggling, and a single mother , so if your serious and your not pulling an aprils fools day on us, contact me through the mods.

    in reply to: Shoprite the zoo #727067

    It was because of the snow, I went last Thursday night, in preparation of the friday snow, which didn’t do a thing, and it was a mob scene. Also cuz of the crazy 40 cents sale going on and also because of the snow.

    in reply to: How Are The Plows In Your Neighborhood Doing? #727471

    The plows did an amazing job in Flatbush! from lower numbers to teens, to 20’s to 30’s, and all major avenues! well done!

    in reply to: Shpitzel #727084

    Oh- sorry, I always thought that was a shpitzel!

    Oh well, I guess you learn something new every day in the coffee room!

    in reply to: How Are You Getting Ready For The Snow? #726830

    Popa- I also plan on doing that, the only problem is by the time I get home from work tonight, I hope there will be a spot left for me!

    in reply to: What Do You Do During The Blizzard #726911

    Blinky- ur a girl right?

    BP – didn’t u say once that you work from home?

    Last blizzard- i went out twice a day to check on the progress with my car,each time i would shovel a little. I watched a million movies, and caught up on all my shows, was bored to death, and more than happy to go back to work, only on Thursday!!!!! was pathetic!

    in reply to: song lyrics please #726705

    Mewho- lollllllllllllll , brooklyn yenta- how do u know bruno?

    I wanna be a millionaire so freaken bad…………..

    in reply to: Shpitzel #727077

    what are u ppl talking about, isn’t a shpitzel the turban like thing? made outta towel type cloth?

    I went to visit someone once in sea gate, at the kimpenturen place, which had 99 percent chassidish ppl, and 4 litvish ladies ( one of them my sis) anyway everyone there had turbans, and they also had them matching their kids, if they had a girl they wore a pink turban, if a boy it was blue! lol it was funny, and we were the entertainment

    in reply to: Best Proposal Stories #728216

    boredstiff- r u talking about that frum guy who made a whole video with a guitar for the girl?

    in reply to: Do You Have A Picture In Your Mind? #1003848

    Itche- ur a srugie dude? wow didn’t see that one coming!

    in reply to: Proposal #728129

    BJJ- I f you did go to BJJ, then what kind of circle are you in, that once you get past the first few dates, you don’t drop the shadchan?

    usually after the first few its bye bye shadchan

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