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  • in reply to: Why does the Yeshiva World constantly post anti Trump articles #1549715

    Shimen – typical Sean type of response. Label all those whom you disagree with. Accuse them of holding positions without providing any evidence. Provide no context or nuance . ignore the very real issues that they bring up. Thank you for being exhibit “A” in how the approach of right wing talk radio has corrupted our community

    in reply to: Why does the Yeshiva World constantly post anti Trump articles #1549693

    Whitecar – True Friends of Jews do not say that people who march with Nazi flags chanting Jews will not displace us are fine people. True friends of Jews do not claim they dint know David Duke. True friends of Jews dont tell Rolling Stone that they like little men in yarmulkas counting their money. True friends of Jews dont say that evangelicals are more thankful to him them “the Jews”

    True friends of Torah dont engage in the vile, repulsive and abhorrent behavior that Trump engages in.

    in reply to: Why does the Yeshiva World constantly post anti Trump articles #1549692

    Whitecar – Hard to understand pro Trumpers who rightly considered Bill Clinton unfit for office but excuse away every nivalah of Trump. Sorry but being competitive is not an excuse to mock POW’s, disabled people, ladies looks, wives of other candidates etc. Nor is it an excuse to label and name call all of your opponents. No other politician has stooped so low in his interactions with others. The fact that so many who ostensibly care about morals and middos worship Trump like a hero is what is truly shocking and revolting.

    in reply to: Why does the Yeshiva World constantly post anti Trump articles #1549648

    Because we are Americans and we should care about our own country as well.

    We should be concerned when the president uses his position to attack free enterprises such as Amazon with lies and slander.
    We should be concerned when the President attacks the independent judiciary such as saying a judge of Mexican heritage is biased.
    We should be concerned when the president fabricates falsehoods against law enforcement such as claiming that the FBI planted a spy in his campaign even though every Reuplican with access to the intelligence says that this is a lie.
    We should be concerned when the president publicly states that he can just do away with due process by saying we don’t need judges at the border to process asylum seekers and detainees.
    We should be concerned – as Agudah, RCA and OU have all stated – when children are ripped away from their parents due to Trump’s zero tolerance policy.
    We should be concerned when the president verbally attacks our allies such as Canada.
    We should be concerned when the president showers praise on unrepentant dictators such as Putin, Kim Jong Uhn and Dutarte.
    We should be concerned when the president attacks the free press and demonizes reporters who are doing their job and claims that any story that portrays in an unflattering light is fake news.

    And as Jews we should recognize that Trump has stoked hatred of others and played to racial biases.
    As Jews we should recognize that when it is OK to stereotype and attack Mexicans, Muslims, Immigrants and others it is not a big leap for it to be OK to stereotype Jews.
    And when Trump refuses to distance himself from David Duke for three days and says that there were good people marching with NeoNazi’s in Charlottetown that should be enough to make every Jew shudder.

    Even Trump’s withdrawal from Iran deal is of questionable benefit and may actually increase the threat of a nuclear Iran and much like Obama, Trump has done basically nothing to reign in Hizbullah in Syria.

    YWN is doing a service that most of the frum media have been unwilling to do. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are not Daas Torah. The wholesale adoption of their views by many in the frum community is tragic. YWN keep the articles coming.

    in reply to: Please list obama’s Accomplishments #1485831

    1) Cut the unemployment rate basically in half. 2) Econocmy gained close to 12 milliion new jobs. 3) DOW gained 149% and recovered from its lows of the great recession. 4) 15 million more Americans got health insurance 5) Assasinated more terrorists with drone strikea than any other president. 6) killed Osama Bin Laden 7) killed Anwar Al Awaki 8) Reduced area of ISIS control in Iraq. 8) Foreign recruits to ISIS decreased dramatically. There are alot more.

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1484679

    Health – Please stop trying to confuse the issue. The issue is somple. Would a true “oheiv yisrael” refer to people marching with Nazi flags and chanting Jews will not displace us as very fine people? Would a true “oheiv yisrael” take days to disavow an endorsement from David Duke. Would a true “oheiv yisrael” make racist jokes to the RJC? Would a true “oheiv yisrael” refuse to condemn the antisemetic attacks of his supporters on Jewish journalists? To most thinking people the answer is quite obvious. Trump is not the hero of the Jews that his misguided apologists try to make him out to be.

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1480634

    Health, You can support Trump and still criticise him when critiscm is due. Why must you support and defend every disgusting and obnoxious thing he says. His comments on Charlottesville were wrong and indefensible. They should cause every Jewish heart to shudder. Trump is not a great oheiv yisrael but rather a deeply flawed man who plays to peoples base instincts. Even Conservative hero Ben Shapiro criticized Trump at CPAC over his repulsive comments on Charlottesville

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1479103

    I guess your silly definition of a “true” oheiv yisrael is a man who said neo-Nazi marchers are fine people. Refused to distance himself from David Duke – “doesn’t know him”. Made racist comments about Jewish money to the RJC. Retweets from racist sources. Went to bed with Hitler speeches on his night table. Refused to condemn antisemitic attack by his supporters on Juli Ioffee and other Jewish reporters. Picked a white-supremacist William Johnson as his delegate from California and more. And all this is to ignored because he promised to move the embassy to Jerusalem even though as of today every single official US government document does not list Jerusalem as being in Israel but rather as Jerusalem, Jerusalem with no mention of Israel at all.

    in reply to: Women & Tznius #1159540

    Do NOT read Oz Vehadar Levushah. Find yourself a Rebbetzin or mentor that you are comfortable with.

    in reply to: Ami magazine article on Mormons baptizing Jews #850735

    Romney never admitted to posthumously baptizing Jews. The Mormon Church does this type of thing to all types of non Mormons. Romney said that he did perform a posthumous baptizing ceremony but never said on whom.

    in reply to: Changing Bad Habits in a Marriage #822676

    Why not? What does marrige have to do with changing habits? Do you think one remains the same person from age 25 until 120?

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