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  • in reply to: Remember why Trump was impeached the first time? #2063321

    Midwesterner: Biden never bragged about stopping an investigation into Hunter. He never linked aid to Hunter. The Ukrainian official that the US demanded be removed was a corrupt official suspected of funniling aid to his cronies. This was the position of the US and EU. It was public government policy. Do not try to conflate this with withholding aid unless a PUBLIC investigation is made into an opponent who recently announced he is running against you

    in reply to: Remember why Trump was impeached the first time? #2063285

    Always Ask Questions – Please read my posts before responding and please do not attribute things to me that I clearly did not say. “so, you seem to say that bad things during Biden are due to Trump, during Obama – due to Bush , etc” This is a blatant falsehood or at a minimum a total lack of comprehension.

    My point was that most issues are complex and complicated and require a nuanced approach. It is foolish to attribute the fault solely with the person who needs to deal with the consequences of national or global events. That was my point about Clinton and Bush. It was not that it is all Clinton’s or Bush’s fault. I have highlighted many instances of such policy under Trump where Biden is dealing with the consequences (and may well be mismanaging them or not).

    When a builder fails to correct a flaw in the foundation of a building it is not a “fact” that the occupant is incompetent because the house collapsed on his watch.

    in reply to: Remember why Trump was impeached the first time? #2063127

    “The facts speak for themselves.” Claiming that George W. Bush is solely responsible for 9/11 despite the fact that Clinton passed on a clear chance to eliminate Bin Laden because the twin towers didn’t come down under Clinton is obvious nonsense. So to those that ignore the very real consequences of Trump’s reckless and destructive policies. Results of failed policies like Clinton’s error often take time to materialize.

    in reply to: Remember why Trump was impeached the first time? #2063063

    What does CNN have to do with the conclusion of the Senate Intelligence Committee? The Republican led committee concluded that Putin interfered to help Trump. Putin prefers Trump.

    Trump recked US alliances which was fine and good for Putin. Trump was fine with dissidents being cut up in embassies which is also good for Putin types.

    Trump’s policies were a disaster and he left the mess for everyone else. Iran drastically increased uranium production under Trump. Iran decreased it’s nuclear breakout time under Trump. Trump negotiated with the Taliban terrorists and undercut the Afghan government Now that the Orange haired genius is gone it is everybody else’s fault.

    Trump installed Jerome Powell as Fed Chair. Trump advocated for easy money policies. He even pushed for an additional 2k stimulus payment opposed by much of the GOP. Inflation is as much Trump’s issue as anyone elses and probably more so.

    in reply to: Remember why Trump was impeached the first time? #2062729

    We are all old enough to remember how Trump did Putin’s bidding on the world stage in Helsinki. Thank goodness the autocrat wanna-be is gone and busy with his new Pravda Social.

    in reply to: Remember why Trump was impeached the first time? #2062725

    And the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election on behalf of Donald Trump. It is quite obvious that Putin prefers Trump.

    in reply to: “Eisav Sonei LeYaakov” #2030788

    It does not mean that all non Jews hate Jews. It does not mean that non Jews always hate Jews at all times and it does not mean that every non Jews has a secret inner hatred of Jews. Rav Eliyahu Henkin zt”l refers to such talk as silly against the Torah and plainly untrue.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2020573

    Thank Hashem that you were born into a community that is affluent. That even if you are not wealthy you can easily make connections with people that are. Thank Hashem that you have access to many members of our community that can provide funds for investments and provide help when needed. Recognize that many people in America do not have that ability. Recognize that communities of color tend to be poorer and that they do not have the same access to capital and aid. Try to care for others instead of hating them. Try to understand the difficulties that others face. Instead of focusing on the bad focus on the good. Trumpian right-wing rage is not good for your health or well-being it is also not good for political discourse in this country. Next time there is an instance of Police violence don’t reflexively dismiss it. Read about Emmett Till. Read about the lynchings in the Jim Crow south. Don’t hide from history learn from it.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2020492

    Health – No, voting Democrat does not make one a Democrat, and being a Democrat does not mean that you agree with all of their policies. Many Democrats disagree among themselves as in Manchin and Sanders. Being a Republican also does not mean that you agree with all Republican policies and Republicans themselves have a diversity of opinions as in Cheney and McCarthy.

    The one political movement that demands full fealty to and adoration of its leader and his ideas is populist Trumpism. No dissent is tolerated in the Trumpian political world. One may say he dislikes Trump’s style but must believe fully that every policy of Trump was brilliant and that those who criticize him are evil traitors bent on destroying America.

    Please recognize that the Trumpian populist rage media likes it when its adherents rage against others. They like to stir the passions of anger and resentment. Try to extricate yourself from the quagmire. Cut out the name-calling. Listen to the other side once in a while. Recognize that both sides have validity and that no one is evil.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2020351

    Philosopher – Your comments on “blacks” reek from racism. Your personal experiences do not give you license to tarnish an entire race with comments such as “Blacks have killed Jews, many blacks hate Jews, I have personally had blacks displaying racism towards me. ” Those comments are revolting and disgusting. Whites killed Jews as well many hate Jews as well yet it would be wrong to label whites as such and so to blacks.

    Health – It seems like you can’t control the name-calling, Now it’s DemonCrats etc.

    My humble advice is to see the good in people even those who have different skin color or a different outlook on issues. Recognize the hardships and sufferings of other people and ethnicities, Recognize that you are blessed to be born into an affluent community and that not everyone is as lucky as you are. Work on containing your rage and hate. Try turning off the populist conservative rage media for a day or so. Enjoy life. Life is good.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2020277

    Kissinger makes the case that Biden should not have followed through on Trump’s plan but done something different. Trump’s withdrawal plan was flawed. This is exactly my point. What is with Trump people that they must make Trump infallible?

    Health; Philosopher etc: Make a cheshbon hanefesh. How often have you used or tolerated racial epithats in the past week; month and year? How often have you described or sat idly by as people described another people as chayos, behomos, monkeys, n-word, shvartzeh, cursed as slaves etc just based on their skin color. Be honest with yourselves and then look in the mirror and say that you are not racially biased.

    (“The only ones that get help in the Frum community is s/o is being persecuted for No good reason!” This statement is patently false and ridiculous. It’s time to move out of conspiracy world and face reality)

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2020169

    Philospher – For being a philosopher your arguments are quite shallow. Many are blatant falsehoods
    – such as “no consequences whatsoever” and in any case, two wrongs don’t make a right. There are more whites in America than blacks so its percentages that need to be compared and not total cases. If you were accused of a crime you would have pidyon shvuyim campaigns getting you the best lawyers in America. When a black American is arrested he is given a court-appointed lawyer and often ends up plea bargaining to save his skin even if he is innocent. The facts on incarceration are not debatable but you need to take your head out of the populist sand to see them. Honestly try for a moment to stop and question where your “feelings” come from. How do you talk to your kids about black people? Do you give over a sense of respect for another human being or is it rage and hatred to others? No ethnic group is monolithic and trying to paint all with one brush in itself leads to racist stereotypes.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2020132

    Health – Your defense of Trump on Afghanistan is flawed on many counts but the most obvious nad jarring is that a week before the Afghan withdrawal Trump publicly boasted at a rally that he is responsible for boxing Biden in to withdraw from Afgahnistan. Trump said “I started the process, all the troops are coming home, they (Biden) couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. They (Biden) couldn’t stop the process, they (Biden) wanted to but couldn’t stop the process.” Obviously, Trump changed his tune when the going got bad but it is quite obvious to any honest observer that your logic is flawed and incorrect.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2020125

    Health – Thanki you for proving the point that some Trump supporters have a problem facing reality and resort to name-calling and labeling due to a lack of coherent and cogent arguments. Trump’s own cabinet members faulted his policies as did his allies like Senator Lindsey Graham. Trump is not a diety he can make a mistake.

    Philosopher – Your comments show how you would benefit from education that highlights and focuses on the black experience in America. Try reading about the black experience. Recognize that blacks receive longer prison sentences for the same crimes committed by white people. Feel for the mother of Trayvon Martin who looked suspicious because he was black. Feel for the kids and parents at Hobgood elementary school. Be honest with yourself and recognize how different your reaction would be if it was a black mob storming mostly white capitol instead of white Trump supporters. Make a cheshbon hanefesh and look inside your heart.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019962

    Donald Trump appointed Jerome Powell as chairman of the federal reserve. Powell’s easy money policy of holding interest rates at about zero and buying treasury bonds has increased liquidity in the market and is definitely a factor in rising inflation. Trump very publicly pressured Powell to keep rates low. This does not mean that Powell’s policies are wrong as the alternative may have been worse but it is yet another example of how putting all the blame on Biden for inflation is wrong and untrue.

    Trump released thousands of Taliban prisoners and Pompeo posed proudly with Taliban leaders. There is no way that these actions did not contribute to the Taliban takeover and American deaths. Trump even publicly boasted of boxing Biden in on the Afghanistan withdrawal. Biden deserves blame for continuing Trump’s misguided policies but there is more than enough blame to go around.

    Supply shortages are a global issue. There are shortages in England, France, and parts of Asia. This is a complex global issue. Renault stopped production in France due to a lack of semi-conductors. Just as a COVID outbreak is not Trump’s fault a global parts shortage cannot be placed solely on Biden’s shoulders.

    The black community may have high instances of anti-semitism but any honest person will admit that the attitudes that are prevalent by many in our community towards their community are equally reprehensible. Our schools and talmidim would benefit from teaching and learning subjects that focus on the experience of minorities in America instead of reflexively dismissing every racial issue.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019389

    Not everything on my list is Trump’s fault. I completely agree with that. My point is that so too not everything on the anti-Biden list is Biden’s fault. It is time to move past the asinine and petty remarks that have come to define our political discourse.

    Under Trump crime skyrocketed throughout America but of course, there are other factors out of Trump’s control that must be considered and the same applies to Biden.

    To claim that when Trump negotiates with the Taliban, cuts out the Afghan government, and does not insist on enforcing agreeable benchmarks he is somehow making America stronger but when Biden carries out that agreement he is solely to blame for making America weaker is simply absurd.

    To claim that when Trump publicly states that he has fallen in love with a murderous despot and salutes North Korean officers he is enhancing America’s global standing but when Obama bows to a Saudi Royal he is undermining it is equally ridiculous.

    To scream “Venezuela” when Biden opens the spigots of government largesse but then look the other way or yell “MAGA” when Trump costs the Republicans the Senate by publicly feuding with McConnell and insisting on untargeted $2000 checks for all is pure hypocrisy.

    There is good and bad on both sides. Childish unintelligent comments such as “Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse” and ‘This has been obvious for over half a century” should have no place among a tzibur that is supposed to be an “am chacham vnavan”

    We are not Republicans or Democrats, Conservatives or Liberals. We are Yidden. When we invest ourselves so thoroughly in one political camp that we reflexively lash out against the other side as if it is a personal affront or religious obligation to do so we have crossed the line. Republicanism is not our religion.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019159

    Under Biden we have:
    Additional Child credit helping hundreds of frum families.
    Additional health insurance premium support that helps hundreds of frum families.
    Additional security funding helping many of our mosdos stay safe.
    Record real estate values helping the many homeowners and investors in our kehillos.
    Record stock market valuations helping many investors in our community.
    Additional funding for Iron Dome helping to enhance Israel’s security.
    Five million new jobs created.
    Record bipartisan infrastructure bill likely to pass bringing much-needed improvements to America’s roads and bridges necessary to keep our country competitive.

    Under Trump we have:
    Neo-Nazi’s proudly marching in Charlottesville.
    Shootings at synagogues in Pittsburgh and Poway.
    Racial tensions and racial violence in American cities.
    Trump supporters storming the Capitol.
    Iran greatly increasing its uranium production and reducing its nuclear breakout time.
    The longest government shut down in US history.
    Ballooning and out of control deficit.
    Pressuring of Georgia Republican state officials to overturn an election.

    in reply to: Why Does YWN Baselessly Attack Biden? #2017226

    I am still searching for an adequate explanation for the original question posed above. It is sad when the best response is “the media” is unfair to Trump so somehow that makes it OK to blatantly mislead and enflame tensions regarding Biden. If YWN won’t take achrayus to present news in an unbiased fashion perhaps we can at least all do our part by dialing down the incendiary rhetoric when discussing politics at the shul kiddush or at home. Let’s debate the issues and get rid of the baseless name-calling, labeling, hyperbole, stereotyping, and fearmongering.

    in reply to: Why Does YWN Baselessly Attack Biden? #2017225

    Still searching for an adequate explanation for the original question posed above. It is sad when the best response is “the media” is unfair to Trump so somehow that makes it OK to blatantly mislead and enflame tensions regarding Biden. If YWN won’t take achrayus to present news in an unbiased fashion perhaps we can at least all do our part by dialing down the incendiary rhetoric when discussing politics at the shul kiddush or at home. Let’s debate the issues and get rid of the baseless name-calling, labeling, hyperbole, stereotyping, and fearmongering.

    in reply to: Why Does YWN Baselessly Attack Biden? #2016177

    GH- True YWN can do what they want. But being able to do what you want does not mean that it is the correct or right thing to do. Many people turn to YWN for news and there should be an achryus for honesty and integrity. YWN reporting has an effect on many in our community and that trust must be taken seriously. Just because many people click on such stories and then generate ad revenue does not make it right or correct.

    CS & MFM: Any media outlet that frames news with blatantly biased headlines is wrong and deserving of criticism. This is true regardless of our political persuasions. When Trump is treated unfairly it is wrong but two wrongs don’t make a right. It is wrong to falsely inflame passions and tensions.

    in reply to: Why Does YWN Baselessly Attack Biden? #2015959

    News media has a responsibility to present news as distinct from opinion. Additionally, there is an obvious issue of yashrus, honesty, and integrity. However, the issue is larger than that. The “Biden’s America” headline is on an article that is discussing crime statistics under Trump. The headline is blatantly false and misleading. Many readers only read the headline and it leads them to increased anger and rage for no true reason.

    in reply to: ben shapiro #1976264

    A show that is one sided and fails to present nuance and depth does not enhance chochmah. A show that features mocking of others does not lead to enhanced middos. Shows such as these have corrupted our youth with values that are foreign to Torah and Yiddeshkeit. If you care for your childrens chinuch teach them to listen and think and not mock others.

    in reply to: Trump ruined the GOP #1925294

    True, sad, and very unfortunate.

    in reply to: Are anti trumpers actual liberals? #1924002

    Never Trumpers are true conservatives who still believe in controlling the national deficit, free trade, strong alliances, and moral leadership. Never Trumpers are opposed to Trumpian populism which has nothing to do with true conservatism. Never Trumpers also oppose Trumps non-stop spreading of lies and disinformation which has only escelated post his historic election loss. Never Trumpers put the country over the party and oppose all of Trump’s attempts to subvert democracy. Never Trumpers were wildly successful in bringing about Trump’s downfall.

    in reply to: If Trump does win, how would you react…? #1921528

    Trump lost. The election is over. Is your question in regard to 2024?

    in reply to: Is Biden Better? #1920589

    Of course, Biden is better and not just regarding the Coronavirus.

    in reply to: Do American Jews care about Eretz Yisroel? #1918380

    @commonsaychel – Bowman and Jones were elected in a liberal stronghold of NYC. There are NYC and San Fransisco Democrats who are clearly progressive and liberal but there are also centrist Democrats like Henry Cueller of Texas and Abigail Spanberger of West Virginia. In the one poll representative of the national Democratic party as a whole, the party chose a centrist that is what truly matters.

    11 – The first amendment includes freedom of assembly. It was Trump who tried to use the insurrection act against those who assemble against his will. Sec. Esper opposed Trump’s authoritarian impulses and that is why he was fired today.

    Also, would you care to back up your claims that Democrats have fought against free speech and religious expression? Please provide examples to back up your assertions.

    in reply to: Do American Jews care about Eretz Yisroel? #1918241

    Special call out to the many frum Jews in Teaneck who helped reelect centrist Democrat Josh Gottheimer a true friend of Israel and chairman of the bipartisan problem solvers caucus.

    Welcome! Thanks for popping in!

    in reply to: Do American Jews care about Eretz Yisroel? #1918238

    It concerns me more to watch Republicans undermine Democracy and rile up passions with baseless claims of widespread fraud.

    in reply to: Do American Jews care about Eretz Yisroel? #1918234

    The one Democratic poll that matters is the Democratic primary which was won by one of the most centrist Democrats in the pack. The party chose Biden and did not follow the radical example set by the Republican party faithful. The Democratic party is large and diverse. As President-elect Biden said “The grim era of demonization ends now”

    in reply to: Do American Jews care about Eretz Yisroel? #1917920

    Chill Out. Stop with the hysterical nonsense. Canada is governed by the Liberal Party under Justin Trudeau. Canada is more liberal than Biden would ever make America. Canada is a great place to live with a very strong social safety net. Frum Jews live a very high quality of life in Canada and benefit from socialized medicine and child assistance payments. Stop believing the nonsense of right-wing pundits that liberals equal socialism and communism. Stop the nonsensical hate and name-calling. Focus on issues and stop labeling others. Stop painting the entire Democratic party as the party of AOC it’s a lie and not true. There are many blue dog centrist Democrats.

    in reply to: I can solve the shidduch crisis! #1726980

    Joseph “Women shouldn’t be working. That’s the husband’s job.”

    Please keep your misogynistic comments to your self. We dont live in the dark ages. Women actually leave their houses and can hold productive jobs and have a career. Women are essential part of the American workforce and there is no reason why frum women can not hold jobs that are within the boubdries of tzniyos.

    in reply to: Question for Jewish Democrats #1661344

    Republican Rand Paul the only senator to oppose the pro-Israel anti-BDS bill. Republican Steve King defends White Supremacy and White Nationalism.

    in reply to: who is "The Gadol Haddar" of America #1616084

    If you read the frum media you would conclude that it is Donald Trump.

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1578924

    “And you know what? In the negotiation, Israel will have to pay a higher price because they want a very big thing, but I took it off the table. … There’s nothing to negotiate but [the Palestinians will] get something very good because it’s their turn next. Let’s see what happens. It’s very interesting. I’ve always heard that’s the toughest deal of all deals — it’s called peace between Israel and the Palestinians.” – The words of a “true oheiv yisrael par excelllence”.

    in reply to: Why does the Yeshiva World constantly post anti Trump articles #1550726

    “@crazykanoiy what is your alternitive to President Trump”
    Any person who respects the constitution, the seperation of powers and the free press and does his job with a sense of duty and dignity and with respect to others and to the country that he serves would be a better alternative than Trump.

    If you want specific names. Gov. John Kasich, Gov. Mitt Romney, Gov. John Hickenlooper, Sen. Jeff Flake, Evan McMullin, Sen. Evan Bayh, Sen. Bill Nelson, Sen Joe Manchin, Sen John Tester would all be fine candidates who would do a fine job for this countrt. Im yortzeh Hashem we will have a good candidate to challenge tripTrump and truly give this country the great leadership it deserves.

    in reply to: Why does the Yeshiva World constantly post anti Trump articles #1550369

    Thank you Midwest 2 and Laskern.
    “In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

    in reply to: Why does the Yeshiva World constantly post anti Trump articles #1550048

    Health –

    North Korea is not an example of successful foreign policy

    Trump goes to Asia and,
    Gives Kim prestige by giving a one on one meeting with sitting US president.
    Salutes NK general.
    Praises Kim as a very talentes leader that cares about his country and is beloved by his people.

    Trump leaves Asia and,
    Claims that the nuclear issue is solved.
    Claims that NK is returning bodies of US servicemen.
    Is unable to get NK to commit to verifiable and irreversible denuclearization.

    This weekend,
    Pompeo says no bodies of servicemen have been returned.
    Satellite imagery shows NK continuing to develop its nuclear arsenal.

    NK proves the point that Trump’s ego is dangerous and leads to recklessness.

    in reply to: Why does the Yeshiva World constantly post anti Trump articles #1549901

    Avi K.
    1) His policies are the problem. Read them above.
    2) You get out of a bad deal if you have some other way of solving the problem. Destroying existing deals with no backup plan is not a productive policy. Trump has destroyed existing structures on climate, trade, immigration, healthcare, Iran and promised somthing better in the place of each one. So far he has produced nothing. Even his grand overtures to North Korea are begining to look more foolosh by the day as satellite imagery shows NK beefing up nuclear activities even after Trump foolishly boasted about solving the problem. He is apparently very good at destroying but not very good at building.
    3) The “blue state” expenses are what many in our community survive on. It is what pays for busing to our schools, special ed and therapies for kids in need, assistance with utility bills for the poor, housing assistance and much more. The frum world depends heavily on government aid and these services are more plentiful in blue states like NY and NJ than low tax states like Florida where there is no school busing and very limited government help with housing and therapies.

    in reply to: Why does the Yeshiva World constantly post anti Trump articles #1549817

    America is the strongest country in the world. It is the richest and most powerful. America has gained tremendously from the post WW2 world order. It is a danger to America and Jews in America to recklessly try to destroy it. Creating fights and tensions with our allies in the west, threatening to disband NATO calling the EU worse than China does not bode well for America. Historically Jews do not do well in times when countries ratchet up tensions and leaders ferment hatred of others. Trump’s right wing populusm is dangerous for America and the world.

    Trumpism is not conseevatism it is a grotesque corruption of Conservative values and ideas. That is why true conservatives like George Will and Bret Stephens, the editorial board of the National Review and Weekly Standard and senators Jeff Flake, Ben Sasse and John McCain and Congressman like Freedom caucus members Justin Amash and Mark Sanford have spoken out strongly and forcefully against the dangers of Trmpism.

    Trumps policies have also directly caused higher gas prices, higher insurance premiums and higher taxes for NY, NJ and MD.

    in reply to: Why does the Yeshiva World constantly post anti Trump articles #1549715

    Shimen – typical Sean type of response. Label all those whom you disagree with. Accuse them of holding positions without providing any evidence. Provide no context or nuance . ignore the very real issues that they bring up. Thank you for being exhibit “A” in how the approach of right wing talk radio has corrupted our community

    in reply to: Why does the Yeshiva World constantly post anti Trump articles #1549693

    Whitecar – True Friends of Jews do not say that people who march with Nazi flags chanting Jews will not displace us are fine people. True friends of Jews do not claim they dint know David Duke. True friends of Jews dont tell Rolling Stone that they like little men in yarmulkas counting their money. True friends of Jews dont say that evangelicals are more thankful to him them “the Jews”

    True friends of Torah dont engage in the vile, repulsive and abhorrent behavior that Trump engages in.

    in reply to: Why does the Yeshiva World constantly post anti Trump articles #1549692

    Whitecar – Hard to understand pro Trumpers who rightly considered Bill Clinton unfit for office but excuse away every nivalah of Trump. Sorry but being competitive is not an excuse to mock POW’s, disabled people, ladies looks, wives of other candidates etc. Nor is it an excuse to label and name call all of your opponents. No other politician has stooped so low in his interactions with others. The fact that so many who ostensibly care about morals and middos worship Trump like a hero is what is truly shocking and revolting.

    in reply to: Why does the Yeshiva World constantly post anti Trump articles #1549648

    Because we are Americans and we should care about our own country as well.

    We should be concerned when the president uses his position to attack free enterprises such as Amazon with lies and slander.
    We should be concerned when the President attacks the independent judiciary such as saying a judge of Mexican heritage is biased.
    We should be concerned when the president fabricates falsehoods against law enforcement such as claiming that the FBI planted a spy in his campaign even though every Reuplican with access to the intelligence says that this is a lie.
    We should be concerned when the president publicly states that he can just do away with due process by saying we don’t need judges at the border to process asylum seekers and detainees.
    We should be concerned – as Agudah, RCA and OU have all stated – when children are ripped away from their parents due to Trump’s zero tolerance policy.
    We should be concerned when the president verbally attacks our allies such as Canada.
    We should be concerned when the president showers praise on unrepentant dictators such as Putin, Kim Jong Uhn and Dutarte.
    We should be concerned when the president attacks the free press and demonizes reporters who are doing their job and claims that any story that portrays in an unflattering light is fake news.

    And as Jews we should recognize that Trump has stoked hatred of others and played to racial biases.
    As Jews we should recognize that when it is OK to stereotype and attack Mexicans, Muslims, Immigrants and others it is not a big leap for it to be OK to stereotype Jews.
    And when Trump refuses to distance himself from David Duke for three days and says that there were good people marching with NeoNazi’s in Charlottetown that should be enough to make every Jew shudder.

    Even Trump’s withdrawal from Iran deal is of questionable benefit and may actually increase the threat of a nuclear Iran and much like Obama, Trump has done basically nothing to reign in Hizbullah in Syria.

    YWN is doing a service that most of the frum media have been unwilling to do. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are not Daas Torah. The wholesale adoption of their views by many in the frum community is tragic. YWN keep the articles coming.

    in reply to: Please list obama’s Accomplishments #1485831

    1) Cut the unemployment rate basically in half. 2) Econocmy gained close to 12 milliion new jobs. 3) DOW gained 149% and recovered from its lows of the great recession. 4) 15 million more Americans got health insurance 5) Assasinated more terrorists with drone strikea than any other president. 6) killed Osama Bin Laden 7) killed Anwar Al Awaki 8) Reduced area of ISIS control in Iraq. 8) Foreign recruits to ISIS decreased dramatically. There are alot more.

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1484679

    Health – Please stop trying to confuse the issue. The issue is somple. Would a true “oheiv yisrael” refer to people marching with Nazi flags and chanting Jews will not displace us as very fine people? Would a true “oheiv yisrael” take days to disavow an endorsement from David Duke. Would a true “oheiv yisrael” make racist jokes to the RJC? Would a true “oheiv yisrael” refuse to condemn the antisemetic attacks of his supporters on Jewish journalists? To most thinking people the answer is quite obvious. Trump is not the hero of the Jews that his misguided apologists try to make him out to be.

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1480634

    Health, You can support Trump and still criticise him when critiscm is due. Why must you support and defend every disgusting and obnoxious thing he says. His comments on Charlottesville were wrong and indefensible. They should cause every Jewish heart to shudder. Trump is not a great oheiv yisrael but rather a deeply flawed man who plays to peoples base instincts. Even Conservative hero Ben Shapiro criticized Trump at CPAC over his repulsive comments on Charlottesville

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1479103

    I guess your silly definition of a “true” oheiv yisrael is a man who said neo-Nazi marchers are fine people. Refused to distance himself from David Duke – “doesn’t know him”. Made racist comments about Jewish money to the RJC. Retweets from racist sources. Went to bed with Hitler speeches on his night table. Refused to condemn antisemitic attack by his supporters on Juli Ioffee and other Jewish reporters. Picked a white-supremacist William Johnson as his delegate from California and more. And all this is to ignored because he promised to move the embassy to Jerusalem even though as of today every single official US government document does not list Jerusalem as being in Israel but rather as Jerusalem, Jerusalem with no mention of Israel at all.

    in reply to: Women & Tznius #1159540

    Do NOT read Oz Vehadar Levushah. Find yourself a Rebbetzin or mentor that you are comfortable with.

    in reply to: Ami magazine article on Mormons baptizing Jews #850735

    Romney never admitted to posthumously baptizing Jews. The Mormon Church does this type of thing to all types of non Mormons. Romney said that he did perform a posthumous baptizing ceremony but never said on whom.

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