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  • in reply to: daas torah and trump #2356870

    Just to clarify the gadol I mentioned said voting for Trump is not an option. He did not specifically endorse any other candidate.

    in reply to: daas torah and trump #2356856

    Ard – I will not give into your bullying. But for one Rav Elya Brudny Shlit”a. As I said provide an email

    in reply to: daas torah and trump #2355706

    I appreciate the call out. Provide me with your email and I will provide you with names. I am aware of a member of the moetzes who told his talmidim that the choices are not great but one can not vote for Trump. I am aware of other chashuva magedei shiur who privately told talmidim not to support Trump and multiple Roshei Kollel who also advised against voting for Trump. Sadly the MAGA folk intimidate and harass all those who question their Orthodoxy so many are afraid to speak up.

    in reply to: Torah Umesorah #2348724

    Nisht – You are the first one to introduce name calling to this thread. All others have been respectful. Casting everyone as trolls is a juvenile tactic. If you have something of substance to add please do. But if all you can do is claim you know better than everyone and can explain everything in two minutes but don’t do any of that then please spare us the comments..

    in reply to: Torah Umesorah #2348212

    Nishtdaynegeshedt – Your comment has absolutely no intelligent content. The people above posted real data. You just engage in ad hominem attacks without any substance. It is easy to call names and say people don’t know have an understanding and then provide nothing to back up your statements. How about you actually answer the points raised above in this thread

    in reply to: Torah Umesorah #2347257

    Rocky – you raise important points. Conventions are not free either. Are these costs pre or post payment by attendees?

    in reply to: Torah Umesorah #2346931

    If the numbers don’t add up as some have pointed out above the people should call Torah Umesorah 212-227-1000 and ask them on what basis they make such claims. They should know that people want answers. Also last year’s Share Hammalos campaign made many claims regarding their impact on the work of teachers. It is only right that they explain the basis for their claims.

    in reply to: Torah Umesorah #2346933

    ard – you would be surprised

    in reply to: Torah Umesorah #2345841

    Can anyone with accurate knowledge of a school post as to how many Rabbeim there are in their schools and how many have been trained by Aish Dos.

    in reply to: Torah Umesorah #2345491

    There is no way that 75% of Rabbeim in all Jewish Schools are trained by Aish Dos.


    Joey – If you cared about America you would never vote the guy who tried to overturn an election, seat fake electors, pressure his VP to violate the Constitution and pressure a state AG to “find him the votes.” You wouldn’t vote for a convicted felon and you wouldn’t vote for a man who wants to ignite a crippling trade war with his insane tariffs. You wouldn’t vote for a guy who spreads racist lies about legal Haitian immigrants and you wouldn’t vote for a guy who spreads lies abc misinformation during times of national disaster. Trump is bad for America and bad for Democracy.


    Dittos Modern


    Keith – under the Iran nuclear deal the Iranian sites were subject to inspection. Saying otherwise is flatly untrue. Trump did not bankrupt or cripple Iran. The money flowed to Hamas under his watch. His own Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin approved the Qatari fund transfers to Hamas. The fact is Iran increased its uranium production and decreased its breakout time unhindered under Trump. When Trump pulled out of the nuclear deal he boasted that Iran would come begging for a new one and that he would negotiate a better one. This ever happened This is who so many in IDF and Israeli intelligence consider Trump’s pull out of the imperfect but better than nothing deal to be disastrous for Israel


    Keith – ISIS was essentially defeated by the US military under Obama. Under Obama the entire caliphate was wrested from their control and they were reduced to one last strong hold of Raqa which was fully surrounded and ready to fall in 2016. Trump had it handed to him on a silver platter and thankfully didn’t mess it all up. In contrast Trump empowered the Taliban, undermined the Afghan government and boasted that he left Biden boxed in to carry out his disastrous capitulation to terrorists. Trump gave the Taliban all they wanted even offering then a visit to Camp David on September 11th.


    IMPORTANT: Many frum.yidden are scared into silence by the cultish brainwashed MAGA minions who seek to place anyone who has doubts about supporting their fake Messiah into cherem or otherwise question their Jewishness. These modern day Sabbateans and Frankists who worship the golden calf of MAGA terrify those who have the intelligence to think for themselves. Thankfully come November 5th in the privacy of the voting boot tens of thousands of frum yidden will do their part to end the avodah zarah of Trumpism. May we merit to see the day when the wayward followers of the false messiah recognize their errors and return to the fold of normalcy.

    in reply to: Trump Good for Jews? Consider these worrying trends #2322268

    Trump’s economic plan would add twice as much to the deficit as the plan proposed by Harris according to new analysis reported in the WSJ

    in reply to: Trump Good for Jews? Consider these worrying trends #2322266


    No they can’t. And what they could would cost significantly more. Read Adam Smith.


    If you vote are voting for the guy who gave over 100 million dollars to the Lebanese Military, freed 5000 Taliban fighters, let Iran enrich uranium unhindered and abandoned US Kurdish allies in Syria. You are also voting for the guy who called Hizbullah smart, cursed Bibi and said Abbas is a grandfather type figure who wants peace. The MAGA sickness blinds the cult like followers to Trump’s flaws and demands slavish obedience to the dear leader. Please keep Yiddeshkeit out of your sick ideology.

    in reply to: Trump Good for Jews? Consider these worrying trends #2321890


    Tariffs help certain jobs like manufacturing but harm others such as imports. Ultimately they trigger trade wars and harm the economy overall. Most yidden do not work on assembly plants in Michigan or build machinery in Wisconsin but most large frum families by large quantities of imported items. Many more frum yidden work in import related businesses. Clothes bought from Alli and Shein are common place. Trump blatantly lies that his tariffs are a tax on foreign countries. They are not .Trump’s tariffs are a huge tax on everyday Americans and the larger your family the more it will cost you..Paying more to save inefficient industries is not good for busses. The GOP of old subscribed to the economic principles of Adam.Smith. The GOP of old brought much economic prosperity to the US..The new MAGA populism is dangerous on many levels.

    in reply to: Trump Good for Jews? Consider these worrying trends #2321250

    10) Trump and Vance have engaged in racist rhetoric towards legal Haitian migrants. All minority groups including Jews must be vigilant regarding the acceptance of openly racist ideas and concepts by mainstream politicians.
    11) On a more mundane financial note. Trump’s tariffs are essentially a consumption tax that will increase the price of all imports on the many products bought by large frum families including clothing. This regressive tax will harm larger families that spend more on basic necessities. There is a compelling argument that the proposals of increased child tax credit, earned income credit and first time homeowners grant proposed by Trump’s opponent would be advantageous for the majority of frum families. The financial argument is less of an obvious issue than the ones mentioned above but perhaps it should be considered as well.

    in reply to: Trump Good for Jews? Consider these worrying trends #2321249

    Square Root: Reposting numerous lengthy cut and paste articles from long time pro-Trump politicians and pundits like Elise Stefanik, Caroline Glick, Rabbi Lipshutz and more does not address the points raised or add to the quality of the conversation. We are well.awate that there are many avid supporters of Trump and MAGA. A simple perusal of “frum” media will lead to many articles that rehash Trumpian arguments. However reposting these articles does not address the highly problematic issues with Trump and his candidacy that were raised. These very worrying signs that should give us all pause and cause for concern.

    in reply to: Trump Good for Jews? Consider these worrying trends #2321121

    9) Another factor to consider is that pro-Israel stalwarts such as Mike Pence, Nikki Hailey and Josh Bolton who are all part of the old traditional GOP and had a strong part in influencing the 2016-2020 Trump administration have now been marginalized. Even Senators like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are not in the inside MAGA loop. Those that currently have Trump’s ear hail from the America First element of the GOP that shuns American intervention outside its borders.

    in reply to: Trump Good for Jews? Consider these worrying trends #2320914

    8) Trump has been outspoken about antisemitism on the left but has never confronted antisemitism when it came from his supporters. If Trump is truly committed to fighting antisemitism why hasn’t he ever said anything about antisemitism on the right? Why no condemnation of MTG, Mark Robinson or Royce White? Why nothing about Tucker? Why no apology for inviting Kanye and Fuentes to Mar a lago?

    in reply to: Trump Good for Jews? Consider these worrying trends #2320742

    6) Jared and Ivanka are also no longer affiliated with the campaign. They are no longer actively campaigning. Jared was responsible for the Abraham Accords and many pardons and clemencies.
    7) Trump and Vance have espoused an isolationist America First policy that shuns spending American money on foreign wars or sending American troops into harm’s way. Today, the US has positioned aircraft carriers in the Middle East and has deployed troops to Cyprus and other forward launching areas in case they are needed in Israel’s defense. Can a Trump / Vance administration be counted on to spend US taxpayer dollars and deploy military assets in defense of Israel? If, at 80 years old, Trump is unable to fill out his term, would an isolatinist Vance, who espouses foreign policy ideas aligned with those of Tucker Carlson, have Israel’s back?

    in reply to: Trump ready to drop Ukraine – Is Israel next? #2319156

    Trump.cant stop praising Hungary’s Victor Orban. Orban has enabled Putin and Iran. He has allowed Hungarian companies to aid Iran..This is who Trump hails as a strong leader.

    in reply to: Trump ready to drop Ukraine – Is Israel next? #2319039

    You raise a very true point. But MAGA people will never face reality.

    in reply to: The Good Biden Has Done #2286180

    Very well said. Sadly, “frum” media has become a propaganda mouthpiece for right-wing MAGA populism. The “frum” newsites and print media brainwash and blind the masses by distorting every issue to fit their preconceived narrative.


    Of course there are antisemites in the Democratic party. I in no way support Tlaib, Omar or Van Hollen. At the same time there are some excellent members of the Democratic party as well such as Gotheimer, Federman, Rosen and Goldman. The same holds true with the GOP there are the good guys like Mike Lawler and Dan Bacon and the antisemitic ones like MTG and Tom Massie. The extremes of both parties hold highly problematic positions. The centrists of both parties are generally reasonable and work hard to get things done. My only point is that political parties should not define the identity of a yid. We should be wise enough to see the pros and cons of the issues and decide accordingly and we should stay far away from the grotesque demagoguery of @lakewhut, @yanky1998, @qwetryqwetry.


    Every statement I made is a hard fact. Trump with Fuentes, MTG voting against antisemitism bill, Michael Flynn and one religion, 21 Democrats sending letter to Columbia. Sadly my detractors cannot address the points and instead continue to slander just like the person who made the grotesque statement to start this thread. What is even sadder is that one poster says one can’t be a baal teshuva if he votes Democrat. This is simply insane but sadly indicative of the MAGA illness that has taken over yiddeshkeit .The GOP does not stand for the zayin mitzvos. The GOP does not advocate banning the LGBTQ lifestyle. The Christian position on abortion is not synonymous with that of the Torah. One who supports the GOP is not a heretic because much of the GOP advocates for religion that according to many shitas is avodah zarah and one who supports Democrats is not a heretic because of Dem support for LGBTQ rights. The issue is not registering as part of a party for practical political gain the issue is when one’s identity becomes defined by a non-Jewish political philosophy. This is the churban of our time and this is what any self respecting Jew should abhor.


    MAGA darling Marjorie Taylor Greene voted no to the bipartisan house bill on antisemitism because she wants to protect her right and the right of her coreligonists to say that Jews killed their savior. It is a sad day when Jewish people chose to put their political affiliation ahead of their Jewishness. Yidden should not be Democrats or Republicans they should be Yidden only and vote on a case by case basis solely based on a proper evaluation of the issues.


    Vote Republican so that people like MAGA hero and Trump NSA director Mike Flynn who publicly call for a Christian America with only one religion can be given the levers of government power.


    Twenty one Democratic Congressmen signed a public letter spearheaded by Dan Goldman and Josh Gotheimer calling out Columbia University and it’s failure to dismantle the pro-Palestinian encampments. Meanwhile Trump says that people chanting “Genocide Joe” have a good point. Go educate yourself before you slander.


    Your comment is imbecilic. Any self respecting Jew would prefer John Fetterman and Josh Gotheimer over Tom Massie and Rand Paul. It’s time to move past FOX News talking points and educate yourself on the issues. And many Jews would obviously have serious misgivings supporting a candidate who unapologetically dines with Kanye and Fuentes. As Americans we should all be weary of a candidate who undermined and undermines the peaceful transfer of power and tried to force his VP to violate his oath to the constitution.

    in reply to: Ukraine is more important than israel to joe biden #2237326

    You are a sick kofoi tov. Biden has taken a strong stand in support of Israel despite it costing him support among his base. The progressive base of the Democratic party is up in arms over his resolute support for Israel. Congressional staffers have sent letters of protest over his pro-Israel stance. DNC members have threatened to resign, and his poll numbers among Democrats have sunk because of his unabashed support of Israel. Biden can very likely lose a swing state like Michigan because of his loss of Arab and Muslim support. Your comments are grotesque and show how partisan politics has infected and polluted your mind.

    in reply to: Will Trump ever go to jail? #2116896

    Hopefully, they offer him a plea deal to retire in Slovenia or somewhere remote with a commitment to stay out of American politics so that he will no longer be a danger to American democracy.

    in reply to: The Latest in Democrat Craziness #2079712

    Michael Flynn retweeted “not anymore Jews, not anymore” He also called for one religion in America. Paul Gosar has repeatedly spoken together with neo-Nazi’s. Greene Taylor blames the “Rothschilds” for starting California wildfires and spoke at an event hosted by neo Nazi Nick Fuente right after he made jokes about Hitler. Yet all good Jews must vote Republican because Apple made an emoji.

    in reply to: The Latest in Democrat Craziness #2079549

    All good Jews must vote for a party whose National Security Advisor tweeted “not again Jews not again” and who called for America to only have one religion because Apple made a pregnant man emoji.

    in reply to: The Latest in Democrat Craziness #2079545

    Sure because Apple and Netflix are Democrats. Pure idiocy from those that proudly align themselves with the party of Paul Gosar, Madison Cawthorne, Majorie Greene Taylor, and Lauren Bobart.

    in reply to: Why Does YWN Ignore GOP Antisemites #2065059

    McConnell has publicly condemned Gosar and MTG. As has Rona McDaniel. Rick Scott and Mitt Romney have done so as well. Even Kevin McCarty has expressed outrage. But Trump is silent..The “tough guy” who is unafraid to talk is quiet. The so called “friend of the Jews” has no comment. Trump is fine with antisemites as long as they support him.

    in reply to: Why Does YWN Ignore GOP Antisemites #2064749

    Bill Barr states the obvious in his new book:

    “Trump cared only about one thing: himself. Country & principle took 2nd place.”

    MGT and Gosar are not nobodys in Trump’s GOP.. They are Trump’s loudest and biggest supporters. That is why Trump will never condemn them.

    in reply to: Why Does YWN Ignore GOP Antisemites #2064661

    Hooray for YWN. At 10:00pm tonight the MTG / Gosar story was posted.

    Gadolhadofi: it’s working! It’s working! Just hang in there a little longer and you will come around as well.

    in reply to: Why Does YWN Ignore GOP Antisemites #2064564

    Well your reading my posts instead of Townhall and Breitbart so it’s a good start

    In any case would you care to address the question raised in the thread or is pro Trump bias just to be accepted?

    in reply to: Trump is a Coward #2064483

    Don’t expect Trump to condemn Gosar or MTG..A coward like Trump will never condemn his loyal minions. And Trump’s “genius” buddy is starting to look a little less smart these days.

    in reply to: Trump is a Coward #2064462

    Gosar and MTG attend conference with racist neo Nazis (again). Any comment from Trump? GOP? YWN?

    in reply to: Trump is a Coward #2064461

    In other news Biden got Germany to do what Trump could not get Germany to do. Biden is effective on the world stage and Trump was a dismal failure. But the guy with the very big ego and his red hatted followers will never admit it

    in reply to: Trump is a Coward #2064367

    Trump has one policy his ego.
    When Bibi is good for his ego he loves Bibi. When Bibi is bad for his ego he curses him out.
    When condemning antisemites on the left is food for his ego he condemns them, when tolerating antisemites on the right is good for his ego he defends them.
    When Mike Pence is bad for his ego he dumps him under the bus (Same for Jeff Session, Barr, and anyone else)
    When defending and befriending murderous despots is good for his ego he does just that.
    When tearing up the constitution is good for his ego he encourages that.

    Trump has no policy or value besides himself.

    in reply to: Trump is a Coward #2064121

    My posts are not meant to deflect criticism from Biden. By all means criticize him when necessary. My posts are meant to counter the grotesque infatuation that so many in our community have with a despot wanna be. Sadly frum media has become a mouthpiece for right wing populism akin to News Max and OAN. I hope that my posts will help offset the biased one sided “reporting” though realistically I know that they likely will not I pray that it helps break the idol worship of this false deity.

    in reply to: Remember why Trump was impeached the first time? #2063513

    Always Ask: I appreciate your points and perspective Tough I may not agree with them I firmly believe that political dialogue and discourse entails listening and considering opinions other than one’s own.

    Sadly much of what passes for political discourse today is just juvenile and petty. YWN would do better featuring the views of posters on this thread than what currently passes for oped and “news”.

    That being said I believe that Trump’s comments calling Putin a genius on the day he invades a sovereign nation and The House GOP mocking Biden immediately after he addressed the nation in a time of crisis is way out of bounds and shows that Trump and his acolytes in Congress are unfit to serve this great country.

    in reply to: Remember why Trump was impeached the first time? #2063448

    Midwesterner: according to your convoluted logic a government official that is corrupt and is considered incompetent and an impediment to necessary governmental reforms by both the US and EU would receive blanket immunity from American government policy because he happens to also be investigating a company that the son of a high ranking US official works for.

    in reply to: Remember why Trump was impeached the first time? #2063440

    Sure, and the European Union was also out to aid Hunter. Putinesque distortion of reality has sadly been harnessed by Trump and his purveyors of alternative facts.

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