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  • in reply to: #1 on your shidduch list #1187487

    PBA – question: am I supposed to EVER take you seriously?? (no idea if this has already been discussed – probably 🙂 )

    in reply to: #1 on your shidduch list #1187486

    randomex – lol ideally, both parties should have this middah 🙂

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194269

    Also, Randomex, thanx for the tip I’ll try it 🙂 yes I have not been around that long, although I do know a lot of old songs (in relation to my friends, who only know songs from about 2006 onwards 🙂 )

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194268

    No, before the war my grandmother (and I think also my grandfather) was chassidish (don’t ask which chassidus, wouldn’t have a clue.) I think my other grandparents were litvish. However, after the war, my grandmother let go of chassidus, I guess, and we don’t hold anything. Also, I am I guess what people who don’t know better would call “litvish” but we aren’t really, because we still keep minhagim that my grandparents kept in hungary, e.g. mitzvah tanz, no gebrokts (not sure if that’s chassidish or not, but most litvish people I know eat gebrokts on pesach).

    in reply to: #1 on your shidduch list #1187481

    Definitely patience, or the ability to give in/let it go

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194255

    I’m a girl and I aint chassidish….so that wouldn’t work for me:) but good answer though. Btw, this thread is supposedly about songs, not the significance of my username:D

    in reply to: SEMINARY PICKS #1054243


    in reply to: SEMINARY PICKS #1054242

    mods i said she didnt have to answer! why was my post deleted??

    Because it isn’t an appropriate question

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194252

    Yeah there’s other songs like that. Track 3 on Chevra 4 is called ‘I’m a Jew’ and some of the lyrics are:

    “Sing it loud: I am so proud….I’m a Jew.” I’m not disputing that fact:) It’s just a personal thing. Obviously, everyone in my class is a Jew. Question is, what type of Jew are you? And I’m nothing – just plain Jewish! lol so my username is staying as it is for now 🙂

    in reply to: How do you translate your Hebrew name? #1034335

    Randomex – your crash course REALLY helped me. I keep going back to it if I’m unsure about something. Thank you!

    in reply to: Rosh Hashana Poem #1033570

    eb – cute 🙂 amein yes me too!

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194250

    no, its not that my computer doesn’t allow google, I have googled things in the past…..I don’t know why this didnt come up!

    in reply to: How can I know? #1033826

    Ok then I obviously completely misunderstood you! Sorry! But then I guess I still don’t get your question

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194249

    Oh thanks sooo much!! Yes I tried googling, maybe you’re right. Yes I am a Jew. However, my name is not just random, I wanted it to say I’m Jewish specifically, coz I go to a school with many types of girls – chassidish, litvish, sefardi etc. When we were younger everybody used to ask each other, “Are you lebavitch/litvish/sefardi etc.?” I didn’t know, so when I got home, I asked my parents what type we are. They said, “Nothing. We aren’t litvish, we aren’t chassidish, we aren’t sefardi etc. We’re Jewish.” So that was my answer to the question from then on. I am proud to be just plain Jewish 🙂

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221860

    I have to admit that it’s true,

    What you’re on about I haven’t a clue,

    Coz reading this thread

    As I’ve already said

    Is something I don’t plan to do.

    in reply to: SEMINARY PICKS #1054239

    lol of course 🙂 but seriously, I thought most sems don’t let the girls go on the internet (except maybe emails)

    in reply to: Things Kids Said/Did #1185343

    My nephew was crying, so his brother (who was three at the time) asked, “Dovi, why are you leaking?”

    in reply to: SEMINARY PICKS #1054237

    writersoul – they let you on ywn in your seminary??

    in reply to: How can I know? #1033820

    Honestly, I have never thought to think about such a thing. I also heard someone ask once that if something is there and no-one is there to see it, is it still there? I mean I sort of figured that, for example, your bed doesn’t just disappear during the day because you’re not there to see it and then reappear at night……And with this question as well; I mean, I just feel really good inside if I’m happy. I don’t feel the need to know if other people think I’m happy. No-one actually knows, since different people experience happiness in different ways. These abstract questions (to put it nicely) always confuse me.

    in reply to: Things Kids Said/Did #1185340

    Another one: my nephew came back from a classmate’s bar mitzvah, and my sister was questioning him about the menu. “And what did they serve for dessert?” she asked. “Chocolate mousse,” he answered, then added, “And fruit salad, cake and chocolates.” (I don’t remember the exact foods so I’m making them up, but he mentioned a few.) My sister was impressed. “Wow! So you mean, on top of the chocolate mousse, they had fruit salad, cake and chocolates, as well?”

    “No,” my nephew answered, in all seriousness, “the fruit salad, cake and chocolates were on the side, next to the chocolate mousse.”

    in reply to: Things Kids Said/Did #1185339

    Huh? Pre-registration? Waddya mean by that? And yes, it IS old. But I thought it was worth reminding everybody about 🙂

    in reply to: Funny Bumper Stickers #1163703

    -This is a stupid yellow sign.

    -Who CARES who’s on board?!

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221858

    Can’t be bothered reading the rest of this thread so sorry if this has already been said:

    A flea and a fly in a floo

    They were stuck, so what could they do?

    “Let us flee,” said the fly.

    “Let us fly,” said the flea.

    So they flew through a flaw in the floo.

    in reply to: Embarrassing Stories #1033411

    These are really funny!! Could everyone continue this thread??

    in reply to: Rosh Hashana Poem #1033568

    It sounds a bit like Country Yossi’s song:

    “Yetzer hara you’re a real mean guy,

    You drive me crazy and I’ll tell you why,

    You’re alwayss makin’ me do things no good,

    You never let me do the things I should….

    Oy vey, set me free,

    Yetzer hara, stop pickin’ on me” 🙂

    Cute poem shopping613! Are you planning on being a writer someday?

    in reply to: SEMINARY PICKS #1054234

    Am I the only girl besides WITP who wants to go to keser chaya?

    in reply to: Things Kids Said/Did #1185337

    That’s so funny and so true! Yes my nephew drew a picture for his friend who was sick, and I told him he would have to wait until his friend came back to preschool to give it to him. He thought for a moment, then said, “Can’t you just put it in your phone and send it to him?”

    in reply to: Cute Quotes #1046970

    If you think the world will end today, don’t worry, because in Australia it is already tomorrow

    in reply to: Things Kids Said/Did #1185334

    And also – my niece said to her three-year-old sister, “You’re face is dirty.”

    Without missing a beat, she replied, “So don’t look!”

    Our family went out one day together with my married siblings. My mother was writing her cell on every kid’s hand, and my nephew wanted to know why. “In case you get lost, so people will know how to bring you home,” my mother answered. To which my nephew replied, “If I get lost, I’ll just tell someone I live in the house next to my neighbor’s.”

    in reply to: Things Kids Said/Did #1185333

    My mother gave our guest’s young daughter a piece of cake. Her mother prompted her, “So? What do you say?”

    “Can I have another one?”

    Happened to someone I know – a young girl used to wake up every morning in a really bad mood, and would throw tantrums, cry, and generally be very hard to deal with. One day, when the girl threw a tantrum just after waking up, her mother finally had enough. “That’s it! Tomorrow, you are not going to wake up in a bad mood. I want you to wake up in a happy mood! A jolly mood! A cheerful mood!”

    The girl burst into tears and said, “I can’t wake up in so many moods!”

    in reply to: Cute Quotes #1046968

    WBC- SOOOOO TRUE!!! Here are a few more:

    -G-d must love idiots…..He made so many of them

    -I do NOT have an attitude problem! Sure, I have an attitude. I just don’t find it to be a problem.

    -Our friends fall, we laugh. Our phones fall, we cry.

    -Good friends are the people who know you, and are still not embarrassed to be seen with you in public.

    -Old people used to push me at weddings and say, “You’re next!” That’s when I started doing the same to them at funerals.

    -A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. A woman must do what he can’t.

    -Be yourself. Nobody else wants to.

    -When life hands you melons, you may be dyslexic

    -When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, coz hey! Free lemons!

    -Remember, they’re the 10 Commandments….not the 10 Suggestions

    -“Oh, you look just like your grandmother!” Is that supposed to make me feel good?

    -Why is it doctors call what they do a practice?

    -I used to think air was free. That is, until I bought a packet of chips.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194246

    Does anyone know these songs?

    “Continuing to pray,

    Knows she’ll find her way….” I don’t know the rest, at least, I don’t remember it…what is the song called and what are the rest of the lyrics?

    Also, “He says do you have a gemara…..”?? And then something about “my gemarakup, my boy” Anyone know??

    And last one, something like: “Her only son is serving on the line(???)” Please help! I hate it when I remember one or two lines of a song!!

    in reply to: Jokes #1202601

    I cant be bothered reading the whole thread, so I apologize if this one has already been said:

    Two blondes were sitting together on a bench. The first blonde turns to her friend and asks, “Which do you think is further away, Florida or the moon?”

    The other blonde rolls her eyes and responds, “Hellooooo, can you SEE Florida?!”

    in reply to: Everyone Must Answer: Your Favorite Song #1032978

    no i meant my fave song is am yisrael by yaakov shwekey, which is on his latest album, kolot (Jan 2014). I couldn’t be bothered reading the entire three pages of posts…..i just answered according to what this post was originally supposed to be 🙂 which, to remind you, was: your favorite song, who the artist is, and what album the song is on….(i think)

    in reply to: Hello Kitty is not a cat? #1038829

    thanx randomex! i appreciate the welcome 🙂

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194230

    oh good, i was starting to wonder if I had composed the song…..nobody but me seemed to know it 😉

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194227

    does anybody know this one (without googling!):

    “My folks never said much,

    Sept did ya do your chores today,

    Then again, from time to time,

    G-d bless the USA”

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194225

    could u say already??

    in reply to: Hello Kitty is not a cat? #1038827

    The plane took off on schedule from La Guardia

    On a bright clear sunny summers day

    What a cheerful trio they appeared to be

    to the Hello Kitty convention in L.A.

    Bao-Yu was a teenage girl from China

    From Japan, Akemi had travelled all the way

    And Huan journeyed from Hong Kong, her homeland,

    With the clouds below…..they were on the go

    To the Hello Kitty convention in LA.

    “I’m so glad we’re going to this convention

    To find out about Hello Kitty’s taste in bows,

    We’ll find out answers to the mysteries of life,

    Like why she has no mouth, just eyes and nose.

    There will be speeches that will make us really wonder,

    Does she have a complex about being fat?

    Hello Kitty’s still young at heart is our motto,

    And she’s definitely not a kitten, but a cat.”

    in reply to: Song Lyrics #1155251

    Anticipation as we make our way

    To the hall on this special day

    The excitement, we’re feeling in the air,

    The special moment’s drawing near.

    And we are hoping

    Our friends and family

    Will be coming for us to see,

    Yes, the mitzvah

    Of bringing joy is great,

    Let’s be on time and not be late.


    We will dance to the music as we show our hearts as one,

    We will sing with emotion, life and joy and fun,

    Join and clap to the beat and feel the rhythm

    Oh, so strong,

    Capture the meaning of the simcha song.

    And we have waited for this to come at last,

    Can’t imagine how much time has past,

    It’s so clear now, a mitzvah reverie,

    This simcha’s truly meant to be.

    Keitzad merakdim, lifnei hakallah,

    Kallah no’eh bachasuda,

    Asher bara sasson ve’simcha

    Oid yishama v’yarei yehuda….


    Kay im not 100% sure but i think thats basically it 🙂

    in reply to: Everyone Must Answer: Your Favorite Song #1032976

    am yisrael, yaakov shwekey, kolot

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