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  • in reply to: Creative writing – CR users in real life! #1067267

    “YAY! Now that was worth creating this thread for!”

    Wow that’s what I call a compliment! Thanks 😀

    “Were you using

    any specific works for inspiration?”

    Yep, all the posts on the CR 😉 other than that, just my brain 🙂

    Yes I know, and I realized that could be misunderstood. I meant that he was reassuring Letakein Girl (who PLEASE, have mercy on me, and tell me is a she…..!!!!!!) I wrote that coz of another thread, think it had something to do with the Shab. Project (no I don’t remember the URL off the top of my head like you!!! And cbb checking!! But in any case I am certain you know exactly what I am referring to!!)

    “He also has me dancing, which I’m sure I’ve never mentioned on the CR”

    I think that was in reference to your love of music

    “Can you post a (sigh, I certainly justify that one)

    short list of incomprehensible things I’ve written?”

    Maybe another time when I am bored, hello, I don’t analyze EVERY post!!! You’re amazing you remember everything!! But I don’t, so posting a list would mean I’d havta go to your profile, read through user activity, look at everything you posted, then take out the ones I didn’t understand……

    But maybe another time, although I’m sure someone else would do it for you in the meantime:) thanx for the cheer (again!)

    P.S. I’m pretty sure PAA listed one on his report card thread, if you get what I mean (I’m sure you do 🙂 )

    in reply to: Mistaken Lyrics #1087809

    “His brain is way too technical”

    You have obviously never met my friend she’s a living computer crossed with a robot

    “he talks with male language.”

    Now that one I can’t argue with 😀

    “I’ll believe that as much as I’d believe that cozimjewish is a he!”

    Maybe I’m a “he” in disguise…..naaaah forget it even I wouldn’t fall for that

    Congratulations Randomex you have succeeded in thoroughly confusing me

    in reply to: Behind the scenes…MODS #1154501

    And seriously I am so curious why you think I am not American!! Please will you answer Randomex!!!

    in reply to: Behind the scenes…MODS #1154500

    “But I linked to it!”

    I’m a bit slow on the uptake

    Prev username, I thought it would be fun to see what you’d come up with, but I feel bad for you, so I’ll save you the trouble: No I never had one 🙂

    “should I start digging through the music threads”

    Wonder why you would think I would post there….? 😉

    in reply to: Good usernames #1065383

    “and cozimjewish, and anyone who doesn’t know math”

    I was merely quoting LF. But in any event, math makes me nervous. 🙂

    in reply to: How many hours of sleep do you get in one night? #1036704

    “How is it possible for Tzaddikim to manage to live on only 4 hours of sleep a day? It should be vice versa, they need more sleep then a regular person”

    A regular person gets more than that? (And here I was thinking I was a normal person)

    “BUT if you can show Hashem that you can spend your time wisely”

    Does posting at 3am count?

    in reply to: for moderators only #1036902

    YW Moderator613’s subtitle is Member……weird….

    in reply to: Whats my problem I can't keep CR members straight? #1037213

    Randomex, you should work for the CIA

    in reply to: Creative writing – CR users in real life! #1067265

    What would it look like if all the CR members did an exam together??? My guess is a little bit like this……

    The exam will be over in just fifteen minutes,

    According to the clock on the wall…..

    Since mod-73 is known to be strict,

    Everyone is giving it their all.

    Letakein Girl is nervously biting her nails

    Making sure she answered EVERY question,

    SayIDidIt is trying to keep her nerves down

    By whispering helpful suggestions

    Shopping is writing creative answers

    Certain to entertain 🙂

    I am staring at the desk beside mine

    Wondering if I am sane:

    I mean, sitting there taking a test:

    Is that a FROG I see?!

    (Well at any rate he seems to know what he’s doing.

    Which is more than I can say for me….)

    Haifagirl is super frustrated

    Coz the questions are all written poorly,

    Who allowed the tests through this way?!

    They should have been deleted, surely??

    Randomex has included a list of references

    For every single quote.

    (Yeah, good luck trying to understand

    Every second word she wrote…. ;P)

    Eftach is analyzing every question

    Looking for a deeper meaning in each one

    Popa isn’t answering any.

    (But the people around him are sure having fun)

    PAA’s answers are all Aramaic

    Not an English word in sight.

    (He knows the mod will just be like, “Umm….uh-huh”

    And mark all his answers right….)


    in reply to: Creative writing – CR users in real life! #1067264

    sorry i meant scared driver delight, not sirvoddmort 🙂

    in reply to: Creative writing – CR users in real life! #1067262

    “So I’m walking down the road and bump into Randomex, or more accurately, he bumped into me because he was dancing and I don’t know what. Or, if he’s a girl, she was just waving her emerald sword, and I said “Hi” and s/he said something pretty undecipherable”

    See Randomex it’s not only me!!! Thanks duke V you made me feel smarter 😀

    in reply to: Behind the scenes…MODS #1154498

    “It should have been obvious that I had tried to answer, but my

    post had not been approved. I’ll try again now – Those are two

    separate accounts, though as far as I know they belonged to the

    same person.”

    I totally had no clue what you were on about, I didn’t chup you were referring to the question I asked lil froggie!! 😀

    Btw Randomex, what was my prev username??

    in reply to: Sleeping tablets #1037860

    “Someone’s got to start a thread getting everyone’s gender right.”

    For me, DEFINITELY!!!!! (Just ask Randomex, eftachbchinor, and a bunch of other posters who fortunately don’t know about it 😉 )

    in reply to: Can't escape who you are….:) #1036780

    Randomex, only that much? 😉

    in reply to: Good usernames #1065380

    Thanx Randomex! eftach, Randomex says somewhere about her username, cant memba what thread, but I’m sure she’ll post the link for you!

    in reply to: Good usernames #1065379

    “As a human, I’m a total failure. Minus zero”

    Please dont say that, Little Froggie! You’re an amazing person! Don’t put yourself down! I think everybody would agree with me, you are really special, and the CR wouldn’t be the same without you! I really hope that was a joke and you didn’t mean that seriously! Bec btw, you are my favorite poster!! Go Little Froggie!!

    in reply to: Mistaken Lyrics #1087807

    I really dk!!!!!!!! I also thought other posters were dif so nothing personal! No idea 😉

    in reply to: Good usernames #1065365

    What does “the-art-of-moi” mean? (btw that’s my fave UN; it has such a cool ring to it 🙂 )

    I also love “SayIDidIt” those two names are really cute and original!

    in reply to: NeutiquamErro's favorite thread with an obscure title #1147486

    Sorry sirvoddmort, I know that was sarcastic. It was mean of me to say it that way, so I apologize. I meant to say that I dont agree that that is a satisfactory explanation.

    in reply to: Old Time Fun… #1110580

    LG oh thanx now i know who she was!

    in reply to: NeutiquamErro's favorite thread with an obscure title #1147485

    “The most likely answer is that they used trial and error”

    Oh, yeah. If I saw a blank piece of parchment, I’d think immediately, “Now, what would open this? Oh yeah, how about “I solemnly swear I am up to no good”! How obvious!”

    in reply to: Good usernames #1065362

    I’ve been through my username already

    I would love to know what Sheep without a Spleen was thinking

    in reply to: Behind the scenes…MODS #1154473

    “Maybe they’ll let you answer cozimjewish’s question here (tell her I sent you)”

    What’s the matter, Randomex? Aren’t we on speaking terms anymore?

    in reply to: Behind the scenes…MODS #1154472

    SDD – Idk, I guess theyre just good souls 🙂

    in reply to: Can't escape who you are….:) #1036772

    randomex – lol 🙂

    in reply to: PAA's not-always-in-context Coffee Room Report Card Comments #1156579

    “For future reference, I don’t bite, so you can ask me to clarify what I have said/asked/answered.”

    Translating hebrew/ lashon hakodesh (and certainly Aramaic, for that matter) is reeeeeaaaallly reeeeaaally reeeeeeeeaaaalllly NOT my thing. Didnt wanna sound stupid, so I waited to see if anybody else would ask……which they didnt, which made me think it must be something really obvious that I am supposed to know 😉

    in reply to: Can't escape who you are….:) #1036768

    I wish I knew all of you IRL!!! Youre all so sweet!! Little Froggie, Randomex, SayIDidIt, eftachbchinor, letakein girl, oomis and everybody else!! I cant poss write out everyone and also I have not been here all that long so dont know everybody too well, but you’re all amazing! I’m sure that while you might be different IRL, you all possess the qualities that come through so clearly in the CR (eg. eftach is a really deep, spiritual person, randomex is really really helpful etc. etc. dont mean to leave anybody out but feel bad for the mods 🙂 ) so yes eftach I agree, even though I most probably dont know any of you outside the CR, I still think youre probably the same :)!

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194315

    Kay since Randomex obviously doesnt know (or is purposely ignoring me;P), the songs I mentioned (in order of appearance) are:

    Prayers of Peace – Mendy Wald (forgot the album, could be lchaim but not sure)

    One Day at a Time – Shloime Dachs (One Day at a Time)

    Dreaming – Shalsheles (I think 3)

    Watch Over Me – Lev Tahor (Lev Tahor 2 – Watch Over Me)

    in reply to: PAA's not-always-in-context Coffee Room Report Card Comments #1156576

    The reason I didnt answer the question was because I had no clue what on earth it was asking;)

    in reply to: Old Time Fun… #1110571

    “LF, I sympathize with you. It seems that there’s been yeridas hadoros, and the caliber and quality of the fun in the CR has lost some ta’am- it’s not as geshmak and juicy as it used to be.:(“

    Good thing too! Imagine how addicted I would be then ;P

    in reply to: Behind the scenes…MODS #1154463

    “Or do they not care one way or the other, so long as they get their paycheck?”

    There appears to be a machlokes of poskim but I believe the mods are volunteers

    in reply to: SEMINARY PICKS #1054272

    Also, there is Sharfman’s and Tomer Devora, but I honestly know nothing about either since they aren’t really for me. I believe they are similar to meor with regards to the “type” of girls who go there (to use a cliche) but I could be totally off 🙂 Are you looking for a sem more like meor or more like nachlas (i.e. more left- or more right-wing)?

    in reply to: NeutiquamErro's favorite thread with an obscure title #1147482

    Also I always wondered how the twins knew how to work the map. Even Snape couldn’t work it out, how did they know what to say to get it to work?

    in reply to: Old Time Fun… #1110570

    why when I go onto encounters profile does it say that he/she never replied to anything? Also other users?

    in reply to: Behind the scenes…MODS #1154462

    OUCH. A little froggie getting zapped?? That’s gotta hurt…..

    in reply to: Can't escape who you are….:) #1036761

    why is my post before the OP now????

    in reply to: Behind the scenes…MODS #1154459

    “cozimjewish: how to you know all this? ur up till 3 every morning?!”

    yes I am often up til 3 am (not EVERY morning though) as I mentioned on a different thread, I think Childhood traumas not sure. Also, keep in mind I may or may not be living in America

    in reply to: Mistaken Lyrics #1087804

    btw now you mention stars I remember when I was little I really thought the words to the American anthem were: “What so proud we need hair” and “And the rockets ran away” (no idea how I heard that one)

    in reply to: SEMINARY PICKS #1054271

    “academic wise, mehor and nachlas is about the same”

    Interesting, I have never heard that! Meor is supposed to have a lighter work load, as far as I know. Between Meor and Nachlas hashkafically is Keser Chaya, more right-wing. Levavi is also between meor and nachlas, but that is supposed to be on the modern side.

    in reply to: Behind the scenes…MODS #1154457

    “You noticed that at all times of day, posts get posted?”

    Maybe day, not night. I noticed that posts only get approved till a certain point, usually about 11:00. Then at one am, more posts are approved. Then at like 3 am, more are approved. And then not til the “real” morning 🙂

    in reply to: Behind the scenes…MODS #1154456

    scared driver delight that was hysterical! Mods come on, he didnt even get a reply for all that???

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194314

    good on you 🙂

    in reply to: Subtitle log #1197731

    sdd what was your old one before PhD

    in reply to: Old Time Fun… #1110566

    Little Froggie what are you going on about

    in reply to: Things Kids Said/Did #1185351


    in reply to: Things Kids Said/Did #1185349

    oomis – thanks! me too 😀

    showjoe – “gr8 story” what did you mean (as in, what was that in reference to)?

    in reply to: Mistaken Lyrics #1087801

    “our stars and our moons will disappear.” LOLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The words are “OUR SCARS AND WOUNDS WILL DISAPPEAR”!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194312

    “Is that from the Chevra- Jerusalem or something?”

    However the chorus is: “So in hope we lift our eyes to you, Jerusalem, G-d’s grace will surely rise from you, Jerusalem” maybe that’s what you meant?

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194311

    hey eftach!!! My long-lost sis! Long time no see ;)! No sorry….the song is called “Dreaming” by Shalsheles (I think 3)

    Randomex – I am surprised you don’t know the other two!!

    in reply to: NeutiquamErro's favorite thread with an obscure title #1147481

    okay I accept the corrections 🙂 thanks ibump and duke voldemort 🙂

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