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  • in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2210618

    Yeshiva Guy I was going to ask the same question, you beat me to it,
    PS the surgeon who did CC gastric bypass is used by a lot of frum olam, I don’t know if that is reason enough to vote for him.

    in reply to: Maharal’s Golem #2210507

    The Gingerbread Man (also known as The Gingerbread Boy) is a fairy tale about a gingerbread man’s escape from various pursuers until his eventual demise between the jaws of a fox.

    in reply to: Tort Reform #2210312

    @Baltimore Maven, for every one legitimate class action there are 99 frivolous suits, for example we are currently defending a suit that our firm discriminates against Central Americans in spite of the fact the 90% of our work force is Central Americans, the average payout of lawyers in a class action is 1.96 Million, and the class members getting between $20 to $50,000, its a system crying for change.
    BTW what do you do for a living?

    in reply to: Tort Reform #2210314

    @CTL, I have dealt with torts for 20 + years and have yet to see an Attorney sanctioned for bringing a frivolous suit in NY or NJ.

    in reply to: Tort Reform #2210246

    @akuperma, I needed to tone it down by the mods.
    “There are many Yidden working as lawyers, so we shouldn’t complain.” that comment ranks up there among the silliest that I have seen, should we encourage smoking, or poor eating habits because there are many Yidden working as doctors?
    should we encourage reckless driving because many yidden own body shops? should we fight Alzheimer’s research because many yidden work in long term care? Should we lower building codes because many yidden work as builders, the list goes on and on.

    in reply to: Tort Reform #2210139

    @Neville, insurance is a mere pass through, if the cost of claims are low premiums are low and vise versa.

    @ CTL “In this case the plaintiff’s attorney who brought the case is awaiting disciplinary action by the State Bar.”
    I have yet to see that happen.

    Edited! 🤨

    in reply to: Tort Reform #2210102

    @Baltimore maven, I have been on both sides of coin, I was hit by a car when I was a boy, spent six weeks in the hospital, I am employed as a risk manager and I can tell you the system is rife with fraud, especially in New York. The entire system needs to be revamped.

    in reply to: Tort Reform #2210046

    @Neville, you are obviously clueless on how insurance works, everything is driven by the probability of loss and loss cost, for example someone who lives on the San Andras fault pays more in earthquake insurance then someone in Iowa, if there will ever be tort reform premiums will drop because your loss cost will drop.
    The only ones against tort reform are the plaintiff lawyers, make to thank them about the high cost of insurance.

    in reply to: Tort Reform #2209980

    @CTL, sadly how very true, at least try to litigate is a costly venue.

    in reply to: Dreaming About Listening to Music During the Three Weeks #2209958

    @in Md, I sometimes notice the Ch and H in the same post, I guess he forgets sometimes.

    in reply to: Kosher food near Niagara #2209950

    @yechill, I hear the water in the falls have both a OU and the Nirbater hechsher

    in reply to: Outrageous auto insurance premiums #2209807

    The filed rates are based on actuarial data, fact one: torts are totally out of hand with billboards, radio, tv, print ads for accident lawyers, fact two: cost of auto repairs are thru the roof with on board computers, airbags etc, fact three: fraud is off the charts with fake medical treatment, sham clinics etc.
    Want to do something about the high cost of insurance push for tort reform.

    in reply to: Yom Tov Erlich #2209610

    @GH, google Yakov mishpocha and you can read about the back story

    in reply to: Outrageous auto insurance premiums #2209507

    Next time you see a plaintiffs attorney make sure to thank him because he is the proximate cause of all of this.

    in reply to: Forgotten Halachah MB 167 #2209234

    I always the Kohen being mechabed with benching at every pidon haben i have ever attended.
    Your being motziy shem rah

    in reply to: Yom Tov Erlich #2209230

    @GH, Yakob is based on a true story, the epilogue of the story was that Yakov ran away and eventually hooked up with yidden, He immgarded to the USA and opened a grocery store, Yom Tov Erlich composed and sang this at Yakovs wedding.

    in reply to: Dreaming About Listening to Music During the Three Weeks #2208752

    I worked with a not Jewish person who was tattooed on both arms, one day he asked me why orthodox jews don’t have tattoos, so I told him the body is a temple and to get a tattoo would be considered a desecration, He thought a minute and said I’m not desecrating I am just decorating the walls.
    Ah Lomdisher goy.

    in reply to: have you ever been to tosh? #2208634

    Ten Minutes away from Boisbraind is the Cosmodome an amazing space museum, 15 minutes North in St Jerome there is access to 900 miles of off-road trails if that is more your thing.

    in reply to: Dreaming About Listening to Music During the Three Weeks #2208592

    @wolfish, I dreamt that I was in the Lamar Valley of Yellowstone and watching a wolf pack chasing a elk and suddenly they turn and started to chase me, the alpha wolf suddenly stopped and howled out I have a dream speech.

    Thanks for listening to my mindless rant.

    in reply to: Maharal’s Golem #2208445

    I’v joined cr couple of months ago. In beginning it was exciting. But recently came to see everything is just rehashed again and again. The anti zionists, the pro Trumps, the pro establishment (not many) and the anti establishment. The more Yeshivesh than thou and the “I take pride in bashing the Yeshivesh/chasidesh/MO/Rabbanim/The ones who bash Rabbanim”.

    Nothing new and not much which is thought provoking.

    You forgot to mention the ‘CR posters are repetitive and boring’ bashing

    in reply to: have you ever been to tosh? #2208377

    And if they serve tuna at the tish, its called a tosh tish fish, because tuna is a fish.

    in reply to: Summer camps #2208213

    @Yser, i am talking about the 70s and 80s. calling card were not around then.

    in reply to: Summer camps #2208169

    One of my memories is the collect calling telephone call codes, I remember the day before visiting day a boy called collect and say his name was brang hoyzin, and the operator said in gotches dafts de nisht

    I stopped using postcards to send home after one of the boys in the bunk wrote home that the counselor is a behaymer and retard and the head cnlr. asked him why he wrote that.

    Most of the staff worked for tips and gave it all, much more devoted back then.

    in reply to: have you ever been to tosh? #2208064

    The Tosher shul in BP has a mikva with hot showers, great towels and a fully stocked kava steeble.

    in reply to: have you ever been to tosh? #2208006

    @ng there is a bridge spanning brkln and nyc for sale

    in reply to: have you ever been to tosh? #2207809

    @ng are you using both user names on this thread?

    in reply to: have you ever been to tosh? #2207675

    @tosher: “wow such bigotry” how so?

    in reply to: fatigue or laziness? #2207629

    Yes this topic is about attention. Two questions I have recently.
    1. What is it about attention that if someone “asks for it” no one wants to give it? If someone wants a loan no body minds lending. If someone wants a kind word or encouragement people give it. If someone wants a lift people give him. But if someone “just wants attention” then everyone has to ignore him?
    2. There are so many times people do weird or loud or different things and people run to say they’re just doing it for attention. and so many times that’s no true. Let’s say you have a tenth grader standing on his desk in middle of math class and screaming and one of the more mature kids say “You just want attention.” Which could be not true at all. Maybe he just finds it very funny. In fact, if someone els would do it he’d find it funny and enjoy it so obviously his actions have nothing to do with attention, it’s just he finds it funny and wants it done–doesn’t matter who does it.
    Or you have a guy who lights his menorah outside and someone walks by and mutters it’s not the minhag he just wants attention. Like how dumb is that? Maybe the guy’s a big machmir maybe he doesn’t know halacha maybe he does know halacha and the passer by is wrong–whatever, why are people always running to say oh its just for attention?

    in reply to: Ads in Jewish Publications II #2207522

    @annonyomus jew, an interesting comment from someone who posted over 560 times

    in reply to: have you ever been to tosh? #2207403

    @GH, Eating Kokosh cake and drinking hot cocoa in the lodge would most likely be the bare minimum to qualify as a ungarisher ski trip, cross country skiing in pishpikludan defiantly qualifies.

    in reply to: Ads in Jewish Publications II #2207399

    To try answering the first question, maybe people realize that sometimes giving attention to those who crave it may create a pattern of emotional dependency where they keep coming back to you for more in desperation. Like that friend that always makes the joke and immediately looks at you to see your reaction. Not everyone enjoys that.

    in reply to: have you ever been to tosh? #2207339

    a ski trip where your eat Letcho and kapusta in the ski lodge

    in reply to: have you ever been to tosh? #2207289

    @GH snowmobiling around that area is great too

    in reply to: have you ever been to tosh? #2207244

    Shabbos take out is pretty good there, great if you’re heading to Ste Agethe or Trout Lake, less then five minutes off the highway

    in reply to: Summer camps #2207074

    I spoke to quite a few people who went to camp from 1960s- 1990s and the focus was to enable to children to escape the city not to get rich on yinnem chesben, one person told me the camp charged 650 dollars for 5 kids payable over the year [his father was delivery truck driver].
    There were federation camps like Mogen Av and Sternberg that charged next to nothing, if you were borderline frum or dirt poor the Lubavitcher camps took you in at next to no cost. The administration consisted of survivors or children of survivors and hence totally different focus on the why they have the camp in the first place.

    in reply to: Ads in Jewish Publications II #2207002

    “It’s lashon hara to share anything negative about anyone else. There’s also a general mitzvah to be happy and to stay positive and to not be negative, and also to be in control of all other negative emotions. So, ideally, how is a Jew supposed to express their negative feelings in a healthy way? Are we supposed to just let all anger, sadness, depression, all pent up? Or must everyone hire their own therapist? Seems abnormal to me; like there’s no room to exist in Judaism, to be human. The world has its problems but at least out there, people can freely discuss issues without the shame and taboo that exists in frum circles.”

    in reply to: Could I Add Just One More Mashiach Thread? #2206657

    @haleivi. or perhaps he is being sarcastic because he is sick and tired of this subject being discussed over and over and over and over again.

    in reply to: Summer camps #2206656

    @bja, you did not answer the other comments.
    PS I think more damage was done by fellow campers then by the 19–21-year-old counselors.

    @CTL, the taste and smell of the fish franks from the camp kitchen still makes me cringe, almost all the food of gvmt. surplus, you were allowed off premises once a week for a hike, and color war brought out hidden talents that no one knew that person had.

    in reply to: Summer camps #2206282

    “I never understood how parents who keep a watchful chinuch eye on their children all year, hand them over to a 19 year old to be the mechanech for 2 months”
    You have 19 yr old soldiers in IDF and USA with guns, you have 19 yr old dropping bombs, you have 19 yr olds driving cars, I am lot less afraid of entrusting my kids with a screened 19 yr old in a supervised setting then I am with any of the prior mentioned cases.

    in reply to: Summer camps #2206067

    @Rocky, our minor trip was always to the Orange County fair, where we would meet all the other camps, the memories the car stunt shows, demo derby, farm equipment, country music and rides will stay with me forever, I doubt the vaad of the camps today will ever permit this, yet we all grew up and raised yiddisher doros.

    Another cost factor that is greater today in the chadishisher velt [with the exception of stoliner camp] is that until 20 years ago they hired bucherim as counselors, now they hire kollel yingerlate who they have to pay a decent salary and fringe, and frankly I think kollel ppl are much less devoted to the campers.

    in reply to: Summer camps #2206064

    @Rocky, The high end camps like Kol Ree Nah always took fancy major trips like Florida in 1977, if anything the style of the major trips went down, I remember going to Lake George, Hershy, Niagara Falls, Washington DC etc. for major trips and this was not a high end camp, just your typical mainstream chasidisher camp in the mid to late 70s

    in reply to: Summer camps #2205920

    you can always send the kid to the TROLL camp run by the TROLL Mosdos

    in reply to: Sinas chinam #2205634

    Your direct quote
    “Chanie315, you’re clearly not an educated person. Viruses are something that people can control, look at smallpox, measles and chickenpox. Smallpox has been eradicated, and the incidence of measles and chickenpox has been markedly curtailed. Small minded people, like you, who can’t see past the end of their own noses (“why can’t we go to Eretz Yisroel?”) never appreciate the seriousness of a public health emergency until it affects them directly.”

    in reply to: Sinas chinam #2205583

    @provaxx, this is rich, coming from someone who spewed venom to the people who did not take the covid shot

    in reply to: Does ‘giving land to Arabs’ not make things worse? #2205581

    Letting the hilltop youth run amuck in the west bank makes things worse.

    in reply to: Should Israel reduce its massive affirmative action for Arabs? #2205102

    I think we need to end the affirmative action for the settlement, wasting so much resources to protect a few crazies living in in a scattered bunch of caravans is insane.

    in reply to: Any pet owners here? #2204111

    I forgot. I have two racoons and countless squirrels.

    in reply to: Groff v Dejoy #2204115

    Court ruled in favor of Groff

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2204064

    @ AAQ “rejection of Chabad by other groups is not based on recent events, it was there when L Rebbe Z’L was alive”
    Totally not the case, when the rebbe sat shiva for his rebbetzin 100s of mainstream chasidisher rebbehs showed up to be menachem ovel.
    With the previous Rebbes there was always interaction with Chabad, the problem is 85% of chabad is tzugerkimminer, not chasidim like Reb Mendel Futufas. reb Yoel Kahn etc.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2203836

    Almost all Chabad threads are posted by Chabad pushing an agenda or in like 3/4 of the posts its by trolls looking for attention.

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