Forum Replies Created
@CTL, I have been a Republican long before the Donald hijacked my party, and I have zero problem with a work requirement, being a tutor running a gemach etc for 20 hours a week should not be an issue.
September 6, 2023 5:15 pm at 5:15 pm in reply to: Is there a Drug Problem in the “Frum World”? #2223426commonsaychelParticipant@SCATS
“Fyi – I am not frum, I went to public school K-12, and I’ve never used marijuana. So much for your stereotypes….”
Yet your write “G-d” something that only a frum person does.
Nice trySeptember 4, 2023 9:42 am at 9:42 am in reply to: Will hitting racist Arabs’ pockets reduce vicious hate crimes #2222658commonsaychelParticipantI think it should work both ways, sue the parents of the Hilltop Youth
commonsaychelParticipant@damoshe, not my words its the OPs words
September 1, 2023 1:11 pm at 1:11 pm in reply to: Could influencers be Mashpiim for Chasidish? #2222017commonsaychelParticipantdiscussed, on to next topic
commonsaychelParticipantDiscussion over???
commonsaychelParticipanti have an idea, since the women need to work in lakewood, the men should make groups of 10-20 in a shul or room, all bring their babies to a corner or side room, and if the baby cries the father can give him a bottle and or hold him, you can even have a rotation that one of the men should check on the babies every hour or more often.
commonsaychelParticipant@lostpark, Pollock is the main ingredient for Kani
commonsaychelParticipantThe cost of filling up a car in Lakewood went up by $50 a month, this is a great conspiracy between BMG an OPEC
commonsaychelParticipantBMG kollel people make up 10% of the population of the greater Lakewood area [if even that much], I doubt that factors into anything, you have more high end restaurants per capita in the Lakewood area than in any other area. Do you have any proof of this theory that the prices went up recently or is it purely speculation?
August 30, 2023 9:22 am at 9:22 am in reply to: Silicon Valley bank and the economy crashing #2221192commonsaychelParticipant@sam, why this compelling need to dig up old posts?
commonsaychelParticipantThe nicest part about the Rosh Yeshiva Ztl is that there are no Maasish.
August 28, 2023 11:03 am at 11:03 am in reply to: Who’s job is it to get the Shul involved in lecha dodi #2220429commonsaychelParticipant“I was wondering I’m curious”
Why the sky is blue
Why the ocean foams
Why people gas after cholent
Why there is a Candyman in ShulcommonsaychelParticipantOld McDonald had a farm, and on his farm he had some chickens and some ducks and cows
SOURCE: Thomas D’ufrey composer of old mcdonald
commonsaychelParticipant@wolf, what was the nicest landscape you ever photographed?
commonsaychelParticipant@GH lets take it to next level, let sing all we need is to give peace a change by the Beatles in yiddish lyrics, maybe have Lipa or MBD sing it. second choice would be War by Edwin Starr
commonsaychelParticipantMake your own juices
commonsaychelParticipant@GH it is bain hazanim, the trolls come out in the big way
commonsaychelParticipant@of a dude, your ziede is not this it was a Catholic cemetary with a small Jewish section, there is only one chelka and that is the troller kehilla
August 23, 2023 3:26 pm at 3:26 pm in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2218888commonsaychelParticipantGive it a rest
commonsaychelParticipantHow much does a kosher burger cost?
commonsaychelParticipant@GH my point is it was a great movie
commonsaychelParticipantThe going rate in Orlando or the going rate in St Louis?
commonsaychelParticipantArabs are noble giving people.
Sorce: AladdincommonsaychelParticipantSock Putteets are very nice in a modern art setting,
commonsaychelParticipantyou are really a sock puppet not a troll
commonsaychelParticipantthe real meaning, Elal decided to change the frequent flyer club name from matmid to lomdus in order to attract more Yeshivaliet, the higher level of club would be called super lomdus.
August 18, 2023 9:27 am at 9:27 am in reply to: Jewish books on the paranormal/mysterious/ufos/conspiracy theories #2217322commonsaychelParticipant@rebbeyid, you woke up froma two nap for this? now you can go back to sleep for two more years.
commonsaychelParticipant@habucher, a/k/a sockpuppet Bain hazamin is over, go back to real life.
@get it straight, yes there is such a thing as super lomdos, any building super in lakewood is a super and the building is full lamdin so the super is a super lamdin
commonsaychelParticipantI think you should focus on different yeshiva learning styles or keyboard styles, those questions are general rather the specific to you.
commonsaychelParticipant1. a building superintendent in a Lakewood apartment Building is a Super Lamdan.
2. Two overweight kollel guys arguing in learning as supersized lamdonim.commonsaychelParticipantit is reden in lernin while munching on a supersized portion of fries.
commonsaychelParticipantyou seem to have a fixation on yeshivish rayd
commonsaychelParticipantIts kosher just dont eat it with milk
commonsaychelParticipantit has something to do with orange soap in mikvas
commonsaychelParticipant@midwestener, absolutely ridicules, according to godaven about half the shuls in the greater Lakewood area are nusach sefard, add to that the nusach ashkinaz shuls who have zero to do with the Yeshiva in Brick, Jackson and Toms River, that will give you about 1/3 of the Olam nominally affiliated with BMG and this have been this way for the past ten years growing more and more on a daily basis.
August 14, 2023 11:21 am at 11:21 am in reply to: Shidduchim Between Litvish Girls and Chasidish Boys #2215885commonsaychelParticipantAnother valiant attempt to hijack the tread by posting a trollish comment, please don’t give him what he wants.
commonsaychelParticipantWhat is the difference between Lakewood and any other frum area, BP, Flatbush, Monsey, London etc. etc. all have a wide range of income brackets, why the big deal?
[1] Actually when it comes to significant decisions such as a career move I consult with a Rav, something you derided on a regular basis.
[2] Being motzi shem rah mean the one puts out negative information about someone, in all your posting you were very proud of the fact that you are not subservient to a Rav on ANY issue and you made fun of anyone who did, for example during Covid you ridiculed anyone who ask a Rav if they should take the shot and was told not to.commonsaychelParticipantforget the AED, is there a grant to get decent coffee in the Kava Steeble?
commonsaychelParticipantI will donate the plaque with the Hatzloahs number on it
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ: “show of hands: anyone asked a Rav about investments and what were the returns?”
I know where you stand on this matter, you have been very vocal about not following advice of a Rav on ANY matter.commonsaychelParticipantIs the Sullivan County NY coroner position on the ballot this year?
August 2, 2023 7:52 am at 7:52 am in reply to: Shocking anti-Jewish hate, leftists at hospital ask if patients are religious #2212899commonsaychelParticipantThats is what you worried? BH you have no bigger issues in life.
commonsaychelParticipant@Amil, you would not know sarcasm if it hit you in the face.
commonsaychelParticipantThe shiyla with the Gingerbread man is did the fox knowing commit gezalah? and why were those chasing the gingerbread man not osik with hashavs avaidah?
commonsaychelParticipant@ just: It filters out just about all of the stuff that live in the water pipes.
commonsaychelParticipantTry Glattwater or Waterpik, Brita would do according to most poskim
July 26, 2023 7:21 am at 7:21 am in reply to: Another brutal racist-Arab attack on Haredi youth #2211026commonsaychelParticipantwith one exception all your topics posted are about this one issue, try to diversify your postings.
July 25, 2023 1:03 pm at 1:03 pm in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2210858commonsaychelParticipantThey tried to rally around him, the girth was way too big and they had to give up