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  • in reply to: Going local for Mesivta versus out of town #1854222

    @n0mesorah, “entitled”??? no one is entitled to anything, state law mandates education until age 17, lets have your opinion in lets say 15 years from now after your married and have kids of your own, not a bored teen’s opinion

    in reply to: A Possible Explanation #1853891

    @yichdick “I’m sure there are many more lessons to learn that have nothing to do with sheitels, or mamzeirim, or anything else. You want an explanation? HKBH is the beginning and the end, and all he does is for a reason. He doesn’t share that with bosor ve’dom, not anymore. Learn what you can from the experience, but don’t have the arrogance to think you know the reason. ”
    WOW WOW!!! how wonderfully you put it down, thank you thank you thank you

    in reply to: Inspiring safe & legal Porch minyanim all over Lakewood #1853644

    MR. Unhealthy, The Lakewood minyanim have both the Government and Rabbonim approval, someone from outside that area opinions are irrelevant,
    PS there are bunkers in a island off the coast of New Zeeland where there is no chance of catching covid 19 if you are interested

    in reply to: Things we managed to live without #1853631

    nOmesorah, you thought that these were things that you could not manage without or just things that changed?

    in reply to: A Possible Explanation #1853598

    Lets see,
    I got to robo calls today one saying the long shaytils caused it, the other say it was technology that caused it, the leader in my wife shmirah haloshon group said it was caused by loshon horah, my neighbor whos son was not accepted in the yeshiva of his choice said it because the boys are not accepted that caused it, my SIL who is a social worker said its because we not embracing at risk kids, my other neighbor says its because we don’t do enough kiruv, parent’s neighbor says is from over development, 3 prior poster had other reasons and the OP has his,
    Why don’t we be humble and admit that not everything is in the realm of human understanding or will it ever be, how about if there is something that we can be misakin on let do it for ourselves and not tell others reasons that we think caused it,

    in reply to: A Possible Explanation #1853425


    in reply to: A Possible Explanation #1853335

    OMG!!! please enough already, everyone has his own explanation as to why we have covid 19, the last time I check the last of the nivim was about 2000 years ago, At the height of the epidemic I got 17 robo calls in one day with everyone’s agenda as to why this happened ranging from long shaytils, to fancy weddings, to speaking loshen horah, to technology, to the gay parade to building of multi family housing,
    PLEASE STOP, no one knows and anybody who claim they know der aybisters chesbons is a kofer.

    in reply to: Things we managed to live without #1853309

    @Avrom Moshe, I never said this is the reason why we have the mahagyfa, I merely wrote that thing that we said we could never manage without and we ended up managing without, take for example lack of cleaning help because the cleaning ladies didn’t show or we didn’t want to get exposed, what did we do? we all pitched in a little extra and deferred the spring cleaning. Not going to Peasch programs, Lisensk or Keristur, we rolled back the clock 25 years and managed.
    I happen to be 100% in agreement with you about person who claim they know hashems reasons I would take it to the next level and say it borders on being a kofer, the last novi we had was 2000 years back.
    PS read Millhouse’s comment if you need clarification of the intent

    in reply to: Things we managed to live without #1853239

    @ Avraham Moshe, boy that virus must be getting to you that you resorted to this.
    In reference to #6 I think is a wonderful mesorah and I missed my kids and grandkids, but I MANAGED, It was something I LOVED having not something I NEEED, people said they NEED to go to MOMMY and they found out that they are capable of making Y.T for themselves.
    #9. Mir and Chachmay Lublin learned in Japan and Shanghai during the war, people can learn anywhere including NY NJ, the going to EY to learn started big time about 20 or so years ago and it became a rite of passage, now we see people can manage without that rite of passage and the 1000s that go with it

    in reply to: Inspiring safe & legal Porch minyanim all over Lakewood #1853051

    Reb Eliezar, Exactly he said everyone show ask the own Rov from his area, So Lakewood said Yes, 5 towns said no, and shalom is achieved everyone should agree to disagree, Flatbush stick to Flatbush, Monsey stick to Monsey etc tec.

    in reply to: Things we managed to live without #1852744

    Read what I wrote
    “I am not diminishing the pain of loss of parnosah by those whos life’s are affected, “

    in reply to: Things we managed to live without #1852603

    Lower T, yes I spoke to quite a few friends and neighbors who normaly go away to a program for pesach and yes they all managed,
    Godal: I was heartbroken without my married kids and grandkids but it was something I wanted not needed, I don’t want to ever have that again but I managed

    in reply to: Things we managed to live without #1852488

    Lowertution: it was not applicable to all including myself on all of the above items, it was just somethings that I happen be thinking about that people got use to having and thought they cant manage without and they managed. This list was not all encompassing, feel free to add things that you think of,
    PS I missed my eniclech tremendously over yom tov, but life went on.

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1852424

    כי אתא רב דימי אמר אמרי במערבא מלה בסלע משתוקא בתרין:

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1852421

    Reb Elliezer I was quoting Mesechtas Migilah Daf 18 umud alpeh

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1852321

    n0misorah ” People say things and don’t really mean them.” if that’s the case now I understand the chazal “milsa beselah sticka btray”
    Better he should be silent then “say something that he really didn’t mean”
    PS the clip show the extent of contempt he has to the Rabbonim

    in reply to: Inspiring safe & legal Porch minyanim all over Lakewood #1852319

    nOmesorah, I take the rulings of US Supreme Court seriously, I never discriminated when I am in the workplace regardless of that persons orientation,
    In reference to your question, no you should not advice of online comments, its opinion for the most part.

    in reply to: Inspiring safe & legal Porch minyanim all over Lakewood #1852239

    Unhealthy, here is the main difference that I as a frum happily married hetrosexal man am not affected in any way by gay marriage, frankly I don’t care who my plumber, banker, clerk spends his off hours with.
    on the other hand the NIOSH and CDC are codified in CFR, therefore if you have a disagreement with CDC the opinions are irrelevant unless you move to a new country and follow that country rules.

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1851996

    Yseridus This son in law is NOT a md, he has a PhD in biology.

    in reply to: Inspiring safe & legal Porch minyanim all over Lakewood #1851974

    Unhealthy To cut and paste what someone said does not make it factual, the CDC and NIOSH rules are the guidelines used the USA and have been since 1946, you don’t like that then move to another country

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1851969

    NoMisorah, Well I am taking about a specific person and a specific chutzpah where he was mivazah rabbonim who gave a psak halacha that he disagreed with, if you have no idea what this is about then its best not to offer a opinion, “milsa beselah shteka btray”

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1851744

    Luna, closer example is one that in a doctor offers unsolicited opinion for example if something is doceh Shabbos and the rov rules otherwise, the doctor then goes to the bima and goes on a rant insulting the rov and threatens anyone who listens to him, That doctor would most likely be thrown out of the shul and told never to return.
    That is the closest example I could think of, not your analogy of a child with high fever

    in reply to: Inspiring safe & legal Porch minyanim all over Lakewood #1851658

    No Health, I know you know better when anyone who works for the CDC, what are your credentials?

    in reply to: Inspiring safe & legal Porch minyanim all over Lakewood #1851587

    Health, the CDC guidelines , are 6 feet, standing at the same distance as they do at Walmart, Target Etc.
    Perkay avos says ahsay lecho rav, therefore people in Passaic should listen to the Passaic psak and people kin Lakewood should listen to Lakewood, and the 5 people who listen to Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz should listen to him.

    in reply to: Shame on You for Voting Dem #1851292

    Stupid blanket statement to make, I was the village chairman of the GOP committee for a number of years until the local anti frum hijacked the party and turned it into the anti frum party, now on a local level I vote minor party and on the top of the ballot vote GOP

    in reply to: shidduchim during corona? #1851171

    Just spoke to a shadchan and she told me its DEAD DEAD DEAD, that being said I know of two engagements that occurred from when the in the past 4 weeks in what is normally the busiest time of year

    in reply to: KN95 Masks #1851018

    Its n95 made in europe

    in reply to: KN95 Masks #1851017

    sorry I rechecked its N95

    in reply to: KN95 Masks #1850961

    I just got a case of KN95 masks made in Europe and certified NIOSH for $2.50 apiece, not some china knockoff

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1850946

    He was very vocal about ANY porch minyan even if they are separate and was mivazah the rabbonim.

    in reply to: Liability of persons who infect others with coronavirus #1849037

    I guess you are really bored with shelter in place and your trying to occupy yourself

    in reply to: Being a Ger and BT #1848614

    religion should not be changed like a pair of socks, find out where you heart lies and stick to it, Jewish or otherwise.

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1848288

    Really? what med school did you attend? residency?


    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE !!! take only advice from a qualified medical person, don’t self medicate or take something that some quack said, scary the amount of quacks out there

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1847902

    How many of you have any medical background, I mean a real verifiable background, ie Dr. Nurse, a degree in biology, safety etc. This all helps pass the time of day but for 95% you are clueless besides what you read on the internet.

    in reply to: Co Covid19, Stop Loshon Horah and Rechilus #1846896

    No its the most civil response

    in reply to: Co Covid19, Stop Loshon Horah and Rechilus #1846698

    by posting this your guilty of being motzy shem rah on yiddin,

    in reply to: Cancel Yeshiva Summer Vacation This Year. #1846433

    You try go adjust to normal as quickly as possible, sadly for yesomim and others life would never be the same but for the rest, they would try to get back to normal, doubt if it fly

    in reply to: We need a Pinchas to take action to stop the magefah!! #1846317

    Actually I work private sector now, but I worked on the inside for a number of years, If you work in medical science [ and I doubt you do, you never stated your credentials ] you would know that downloaded internet information has zero credibility.

    in reply to: We need a Pinchas to take action to stop the magefah!! #1845787

    Actually I am a Safety Engineer with a minor in health sciences who worked for FDA at one point before going to work private sector, working for home theses days, I just love people who have no clue about pharmacology and think if you download public access information from a website you have the answer to all the problems. Anyway I wish you best of luck and you and your family to stay healthy

    in reply to: We need a Pinchas to take action to stop the magefah!! #1845663

    “BTW, I’m trying to work with pharmaceutical companies to initiate treatments, that I’m sure will work.”
    Your sure? you did double blind studies? you have data to back it up?

    in reply to: We need a Pinchas to take action to stop the magefah!! #1845211

    Sadly the person who is ranting on LinkedIn is a mentality unstable person who has a grudge against the Town, to take anything he says as fact or nevois is absurd.

    in reply to: Backyard minyanim #1844307

    This is after he hold the yeshiva to stay open even if they were told not to, gabbaim manipulate him

    in reply to: Backyard minyanim #1844254

    this is the NYS law:
    Houses of worship are not ordered closed however it is strongly recommended no congregate services be held and social distance maintained.

    in reply to: Long term dangers for children #1843798

    Its a great teaching moment, I grew up hearing from survivors who were forced to be mechall Shabbos to escape, who gave babies to goyim to live, who fast for two days straight on tsha bav, all of this was done in consultation with a Rav, its says in perkay avos asay lecha rav, if he says daven beyichdos do so, if he says daven with a bare minyan outdoors with proper distance then do so. I don’t understand this dor acting so helpless and stupid when the prior dor dealt with a lot tougher issues.

    in reply to: Adding a 2nd Adar #1843383

    Goldilock, Let him just come we need the geulah

    in reply to: Adding a 2nd Adar #1843352

    I suggest the farmer sticks to milking his cows and not show off what a am harartz he is. BTW moot point anyway ah frelichen rosh chodesh to all

    in reply to: Adding a 2nd Adar #1842187

    why waste time talking about something that is never going happen anyway,

    in reply to: How Corona Taught Klal Yisroel to Make Small Simchas #1842012

    My wife grandmother got married in 1947 together with 3 other couples they shared the same dress and suit, the shared sudah was Friday night and had little over a minyan, she had a very happy marriage and build a bais nemon even without all the bells, 8 piece band and prime rib

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