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@AAQ, delayed response???????????
commonsaychelParticipantlet me quote the great GH who summed it up best:
SK is the CR’s resident “sky is falling” trollster who is incredibly able to hijack just about any post or topic and turn it into a clarion call for us to do Tshuvah because we are no better than dor h’mabul and we are about to get another wake up call from the Ebeshter CV
This going to be my response when every time you post the same post just in other words.
commonsaychelParticipant@83, so next time instead of hijacking a thread start your own thread about what you learned.
commonsaychelParticipantSadly Black antisemitism has a very rich history, first of all Reggie was just an overpaid athlete so who cares what he said, you want to talk 80s? how about Sharpton, Maddox and company and Crown Heights riots?, how about Freddys? how about Jesse J? and things got worse from there, I am hard pressed to remember last time a black public figure said something positive about the Jews
commonsaychelParticipantHow did we morph from the original topic to the value of a goy?
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, I happened to have some pretty heavy yichus, I never made any kiss certain body parts because i had heilger zeides
commonsaychelParticipant@avira, Never in history has a goy defiantly converted, Jews on the other hand did.
commonsaychelParticipantTwo things never impressed me, 1 Yichus 2, Money, one was decided by hashem before that person was born and the money was allocated on Rosh Hashanah
commonsaychelParticipant@OP, Any reason you are raising this subject? you seem pretty bitter about it.
commonsaychelParticipant@83, I never heard of a goy defiantly becoming a Jew, I heard of at risk defiantly going OTD.
commonsaychelParticipant@83: but if it be possible) would defiantly become a jew., you gotta love AI,
commonsaychelParticipant@CA, then refurbish the hat, no one can tell
December 21, 2023 6:58 am at 6:58 am in reply to: Chofetz Chaim says bless those you don’t love, pray they see moshioch #2248407commonsaychelParticipantThere are some openings in the Troller Kollel
December 20, 2023 6:36 am at 6:36 am in reply to: Anyone else long for when restaurants were simpler #2248156commonsaychelParticipant@ Sam klein, are you seriously out of your mind?? Never in the history of the Jews has there been more chesed, starting with free meals for women postpartum and heavily subsidized kimperturim heims, to volunteer homework help, to keren chasinim and hacnosas kallahs to gemachs, hatzaolah, chavarim, shomrim, bikur cholim, chesed shel emes, this list goes on and on,
I don’t know what planet your living on but it sure is not mine.commonsaychelParticipant“The point that I am trying to make is that G*D does not allow the Gentiles to make false accusations against Jews, until AFTER Jews make false accusations against each other.”
This is so incredibly rich, try looking in the mirror.PS no one ever accused you of being an apikurus, they accused you of being a Xenophobe, a self hater, a bitter alter bucher, spouting stupidity like haman.
PSS No one on my block calls the non-Jew on my block the Shabbos Goy we call him Bill and we invited him to the weddings when we make them.
commonsaychelParticipant@Da moshe, the local paper is a mouthpiece for Preserve Rockland so I would not take anything they say at face value, fact is before the frum takeover it was run by a bunch of illiterates who could not balance a budget if you paid them.
PS same holds true in your home territory of Lawrence Public and H/W Public.
PSS they hate you just as much even with the Kippa SerugaDecember 19, 2023 4:27 pm at 4:27 pm in reply to: 10 teves daven screaming oovinay yerushalayim #2248050commonsaychelParticipantVery much the case in the Troller BM, come join in
1. the non-Jews are not squeezed out, they sell the house for top dollar and move elsewhere, show me one area that went frum and the prices dropped as a result.
2. No one tells anyone how to dress except for Kiryas Joel and New Square and they are 100 % Jewish.
3. Live in a block in Chestnut Ridge that is half frum and half not and the BBQ happen all the time.
4. Ramapo was a huge kiddish hashem, highly capable frum elected officials.
editedcommonsaychelParticipantIf you were a non-Jew would you know who Chanyana Weissman is?
If you were a non-Jew would you know who Hersh Kestin is?
If you were a non-Jew would you care what some Young Israel Rabbi said?
If you were a frum Jew would you care less about any of the above?commonsaychelParticipant83, its obvious that both you and Menachem were both born post Gimmel Tamuz, there is no leadership in chabad now and no one knows what the Rebbe’s thought were, he never spoke about the idioticy of car menorahs, he did speak about of mitzvah tanks, and I can tell you the rebbeh when he was alive put a stop to a lot of stupid ideas that came from the chasidim.
commonsaychelParticipantI use it to upset the environmentalist wack jobs.
commonsaychelParticipant@menachem, I grew up in the 70s next door to a chabasker, so you don’t need to tell me what chabad was like in the 70s, I have no issue with Mitzvah Tank and public menorah lighting in front of a shul, when this become a direct compete with Santa that is where I have an issue.
The rebbeh never encouraged people to drive around in Harley with a menorah in the back, this craze started about 20 years ago long after the Rebbe was in Gan Eden, this thread is not a chabad good/bad thread there are more the enough of those here, it is simply an issue of something run amok, this may stem from the fact that this is no leadership calling something when it went into excess like you had prior to the rebbe’s stroke.commonsaychelParticipant@cs or whatever sn name your using today and 83
This has zero nada zilch to do with chabad shitos and I am not teasing anyone, some of my closest people are Chabadsker and my next door neighbor is a chabadsker for doros, running amok with menorahs on rooftop of minivan or in the back of a Harley has ABSOLUTLY NOTHING to do Chabad, it a bunch of idiots who took it upon themself, and yes in your face never was a yiddisher middah, WE ARE IN GOLUS AND LETS BEHAVE THAT WAY, and if it’s a choice of making some kid feel good about the lack of santa or someone getting punched in the gut, i prefer not to compete with santa, try and emulate the chabadsker who were around in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, you have a lot to learn from them.
@83, now to answer your question I have a chavursa who I learn chasidisher seforim since I’m a bucher and we cover all seform from Lekuati Maran to Tanya to Noam Elimelech, it gives me a much broader prospective unlike you and 90% of the chabadsker who have no clue of the 100’s of classic chasidisher seforim outside of chabad, oh and PS I learn the Or Chaim Hakodosh every shabbos who happen to be sefardi.commonsaychelParticipant@83. still waiting for the answer to my question
commonsaychelParticipantAnd what does the Troller Rebbe say?
Use spell check and find something better to do with your time.
commonsaychelParticipantIf you double 333 then you get 666
commonsaychelParticipantI tried eating enough latkes to be gematria Weissman, huge mistake I should have square rooted the number.
commonsaychelParticipant@mechamem, Actual I wear a Yalumka Beard and Payos [in corperate amercica I may add] vil ich bin a yid, not to impress yenim, in fact I tried to avoid the discussion of religion in the business world as much as I can by personal choice. That being said I know of people who were told to wear caps, hid payos etc.etc. while traveling in France Austria and other parts of Europe and Morocco.
That being said how I conduct myself outside the daled amos of my house is a far cry from people running amuck driving Harleys with Menorahs on the back and lighting menorahs in Tulsa, Cheyenne and Boise.
PS Bring me something from along those line from someone other than the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZL and I will yield.
@83 I will fill in the details as soon as you answer my questions.commonsaychelParticipantHere is the very simple discussion:
We are still in golus and until Moshiach comes whether its the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Barry Gurary or Rav Shach or someone else we are in golus.
Pros: Someone sees a Menorah in the back of a Harley and gets nostalgic of Grama Latkes and light the menorah or some kid sees the menorah next to the Xmas display and feel happy that the Jews have something to celebrate.
Cons: A non-Jew sees the menorah in public and gets enraged and punches the first Jew he sees or smashes a shul window.
The con wins hands down, we are still in golus lets behave that way.commonsaychelParticipant@83, I don’t want this morphing into the pros and cons of Chabad thread, I was focusing on competing with santa aspect, but being that you asked, Yes I learned the Alter Rebbeh seforim and the mittler rebbeh sichous, now let me ask you, have you ever learned the imray noam, yetev lev, yismach yisroel, chadishay harim, divray chaim just to name a few.
I knew chabadskers of the old and they were all temimisdik erlicher people and not busy riding Harleys with menorahs in the back.commonsaychelParticipantif you take the Gematria of Weissman and Kestin it equals Latkes and if does not then eat enough latkes it does.
commonsaychelParticipant@Yechi, The discussion was free of vitriolic discourse till your post, I will respond to you and then hopefully we can go back to a normal discussion, I am not a misnagid in fact I am a an einikel of the Alter and Mittler Rebbeh.
I frankly don’t care who you think is mosichach be it der Rebbeh, Barry Gurary or Rav Shach nor I care if you drive down Ventura Blvd or 5th Ave in convertible dressed in a monkey or birthday suit holding a menorah, if you do absurd stuff [the idea of rooftop menorahs came from some chabadsker not the rebbeh] we have the right to call a spade a spade.@Mechachem I worked in corporate America most of my adult life and the office always had a menorah next to the tree, did the menorah effect any of the Jews in the office? no nada zilch
December 10, 2023 10:45 am at 10:45 am in reply to: Seeking Guidance and Connection: Embracing Traditional Torah Judaism as a Young #2245582commonsaychelParticipantSpeak to the Troller Rav, the Troll shul is in your area, he may set you up with bchavrusah with Rav Sockpuppet if your lucky.
commonsaychelParticipant@MDD1, I am not UJM, if you read our posts we differ considerably of a host of issues.
In answer to your question, no but they did not wear Borsellino’s and suits and ties either, what they always wore was a special beged lkovid shabbos, it’s a far cry from my religion down your throat, and trying to compete with Santa.commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, “So, yes in Manhattan, no in Alabama and ask your local rav in between”
All I say is LOL ROFLcommonsaychelParticipant@Menachem, in the 2161 years since the chachamim established Chanukah we had some pretty rough years including rampant abandoning of yiddishkeit, including Cantonist, Neologes, haskalah, etc.
Abandoning of Yiddishkeit in America was rampant from 1880 to the 1960, yet no one saw the need to compete with Santa, and yes as much as you try to deny it, it’s to make an alternative feel-good winter holiday. Comparing the in-your-face Menorah Displays to a half dozen lame parades is so absurd I won’t even dignify it with a response.
My answer to your question is that we survived 2130 years without it is proof enough that we dont need it.commonsaychelParticipant@Damoshe, Teaneck has a household income average of $73,903 not 125K according to the 2020 census, if you factor in the average household income in Jackson township and Toms River Township where the bala battim live those numbers jump to average household income of upper 60K almost compatible to Teaneck.
commonsaychelParticipant@DaMoshe, Household is total income divided by the number of people, Lakewood has larger families so the number is smaller.
“1) The challenges of today aren’t the same as those of yesteryear”, your right, it was much worse I spoke to people who lived in der heim, organized religion was shoved down your throat, my grandmothers public school class picture in Poland has the priest in the picture, and lets go back a few centuries forced shmad etc. don’t kid yourself it was much worse, yet the Gra, the Maggid, the Rambam just to name a few never felt compelled to parade around town with a menorah on the horse and wagon.2) you are being up a whole different topic and yes they there organized demonstrations in der heim of yid vs yid.
Sorry pal but we are not in the business to compete with Santa. [unless Santa is a frum guy like the one in Atlanta]December 6, 2023 12:45 am at 12:45 am in reply to: Chanukah: A Reminder of the Dystopia that Exists in the Frum Community #2244723commonsaychelParticipantMost of the big cities have needles exchange programs
commonsaychelParticipant@Square Root, I went yeshiva HS with no secular studies, I transferred my yeshiva credits to a Catholic College who accepted them and waive everything minus the core requirements, I graduated with a 3.5 GPA with a Safety Engineering degree with emphasis in Occupational Safety and worked as a Safety Engineer and a Risk Manager.
I am assuming you never heard on Dr. Abraham J Twerski Ztl, Prof Aaron Twerski, Mottel Twerski CPA ZL, I know at least two dozen medical professionals who skipped HS and an equal number of lawyers.December 4, 2023 6:34 pm at 6:34 pm in reply to: ShopRites are disappearing from predominantly orthodox communities #2244331commonsaychelParticipant@lakewhut there are 70 municipalities in Bergen County, frum are significant in 3 community and a very small number in 3, hardly enough to be called ” predominate”
December 4, 2023 8:50 am at 8:50 am in reply to: ShopRites are disappearing from predominantly orthodox communities #2244156commonsaychelParticipant@Ashi, My son in Airmont lives equal distance from Shoprite Ramsey and Hive, My Daughter in Chestnut Ridge has Wegmans within a mile, You have shop and stop in the Nanuet, you have Shoprite in Pearl River West Nyack and Stony Point, Btw the Frum store tend to be cheaper then the national chains on paper products and produce, name me what products tend to be cheaper in the national stores.
December 3, 2023 10:37 pm at 10:37 pm in reply to: ShopRites are disappearing from predominantly orthodox communities #2244083commonsaychelParticipantLifelong Rocklander here, I still remember Grand Union at the corner of 59 & 306, 1 Grocery, 1 butcher and 1 bakery, i go to Wegmans and its full of frum people, Stop and shop in Nanuet and Shop rite in Garnverville as well, BTW paper goods and tissues are much cheaper in the frum stores
December 3, 2023 7:33 am at 7:33 am in reply to: More Torah being Learned than ever, yet more Troubles #2243960commonsaychelParticipant“yet there are more troubles facing Jews. Why is this so?”
Anyone who claim to know hashem chesbonos is either a apikorius or a pyc job or some combo of both.
You really want to know? find a quick way to the olam haemes and all your questions will be answered, I prefer not to question der aybister and live a peaceful life.November 30, 2023 12:47 pm at 12:47 pm in reply to: The Amelia Bedelia interpretation of “antisemitism” #2243553commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, I never asked for an apology from you, you may have been guilty of going off topic and discussing MO vs Chasidish /Charedi, you were not the one who took a cheap shot at these communities.
@ Amil, it’s a shame you were not in the East Coast this week, I would have gotten you tickets to the Orthodox Consruction trade show, in where there was 100’s of booths of various companies involved in construction with the average company booking 50M in annual sales. [ps the owner may or may not know who Amilia B is, but he has a net worth 100X of yours]commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, no I caught you many times quoting what a living person had recently said and used it in your post, in this case what Rav Feldman, Rav Sortoskin, R Hauer, R Schechter said. You can quote Meir Kahane and Sholomo Carlebach all day long if you want and I could not care less.
Almost all apikosrim had huge seforim libraries, the fact that you have one does not impress me in the least.commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, interesting how you keeping quoting what this Rabbi said and what that Rabbi said from someone who has utter contempt for people who follow what a Rabbi said.
November 28, 2023 11:29 pm at 11:29 pm in reply to: The Amelia Bedelia interpretation of “antisemitism” #2243140commonsaychelParticipant@ Amil its beyond me how anyone could even remotely construe this as a question, “Reb, I doubt most here have not read Amelia Bedelia. You may have to explain it to them.” in reality it’s a cheap shot edited
PS Not only have my kids read Amilia Bedelia and all the classics, they also know who Van Gogh, Rembrandt and Monet are, and who Beethoven, Bach and Chopin are, they all wear chasidisher Levush, speak a flawless English and send the kids to chasidisher yeshivas.
To quote @white car “I know you like to think of us as uneducated brainwashed fools who won’t eat breakfast unless we ask a shailah to our Rav.
You need to open your eyes and mind and stop believing the fantasies that you read and project about us.”
I think an apology from you would be a nice start.November 28, 2023 11:25 am at 11:25 am in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2242961commonsaychelParticipant@C A he is running nationwide