Forum Replies Created
@Yserbius, if you believe every rumor /conspiracy theory you heard then the UFOs landed in New Mexico, Covid was made up with the Chinese and Mossad and UN is a grand plan to rule the world.
If the only proof that you can offer up is that a newspaper in Lakewood use to print obituaries and then stopped is very very very lame, I dont live in Lakewood so I dont even read it, I can tell you that the Yated and Hamodia that is the main source of print media in the Charadi community prints obituaries in every edition.
I have always said if your going to make a statement you should back it up with facts, as to my personal opnion in regards to Covid, there were multiple expert opinions out there, I follow my doctors advice when it can to medical iisues and my Ravs advice when it came to halacha.commonsaychelParticipantAnd the saga continues:
The New York state Assembly is opening an investigation with full subpoena power, the first step in pursuing a potential impeachment of Gov. Andrew Cuomo amid sexual misconduct allegations.
“The Democratic Conference is taking the first step toward impeachment by opening an investigation with full subpoena power to obtain facts and testimonies under oath,” Democratic Assemblyman Ron Kim said in a statement obtained by Fox News on Thursday.
“Some members, including myself, argued that we had enough admission to proceed with impeachment today but the conference is leaning toward setting up the process and structure toward impeachment.”
commonsaychelParticipant@Bored Guy, the best solution for you is to get a job or a life and stop trolling.
This is your old post.
“every time I go out I feel like the girl is not for me. I feel its unfair that I have to have a shadchon decide who I should go out with, when they are so off the mark so often. they obliviously have no idea what I want. and I feel like its an endless circle. is there a new system that could work , where I don’t need someone else to decide who I should marry?”commonsaychelParticipant@ari the teretz is that its bain hazanim and the bucherim are bored
commonsaychelParticipant@Yserbius, do you have any proof of your insane statement? it has to be factual because a MD signs a death certificate and no one is going to risk signing a false cause of death, same with hospitals they report all Covid cases.
I am going to be dan lekav sechus and assume since its Adar you are still ad de lo yodahcommonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, how about I was in Lakewood and saw it first hand the purim went on as normal and it had zero to do with the ederly getting vacinated Lakewod is a very young town I dont need Google to tell me facts because I was there, oh wait a minute you said you don’t suscripe to the consept of daas torah, why the change all of a sudden?
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, because it was a NORMAL purim, ie groups, parties large migilla reading etc.etc., the only masks I saw were kids costume masks, I was there so I know, sorry chicken little the sky is not falling
commonsaychelParticipant@Reb E how do you reconcile the facts listed above of a very pro Jewish Pro Frum DOJ with your perception that Trump encouraged anti-Semitism other then the lame statement that nationalist stormed that Capitol?
PS there were a few Yidden in the crowd in the Capitol as wellcommonsaychelParticipantReb E, please deal with reality, for frum people the DOJ under Trump was the most frum friendly ever.
For religious assemblies, both small and large, having a place to gather for worship and carry out other religious activities is fundamental.
The land use provisions of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA), enacted in 2000, are designed to protect the basic right to buy, rent, and use land for worship and religious exercise.
On June 13, 2018, the Attorney General announced the Place to Worship Initiative. The goal of the Initiative is to increase enforcement and public awareness of the land use provisions of RLUIPA. These provisions protect places of worship and other religious uses of property (including religious schools and religious social service providers) in the zoning and landmarking process from actions by local governments that:
Place unjustifiable burdens on religious exercise;
Treat religious assemblies and institutions worse than nonreligious assemblies and institutions;
Discriminate against religious assemblies or institutions based on religion or religious denomination; or
Totally or unreasonably exclude religious assemblies and institutions from a particular municipality or county.
The Initiative seeks to increase the Department’s enforcement of RLUIPA, and educate religious leaders, county and municipal officials, and the general public about RLUIPA.Edited
commonsaychelParticipant@ Reb E the DOJ under Trump fought anti religion discrimination that affected frum people, we dont need lip service saying don’t hate Jews we need action to help us do not expect any help from DOJ for the next four years. here is the list of the fight against the anti religions under Trump:
(October 2020)Vermont’s Barring Parochial Student from College Course Program Violates Constitution, Department of Justice Argues
Federal Court Orders District of Columbia to Permit Church’s Outdoor Worship Service
San Francisco Changes “One Congregant” Rule for Places of Worship After DOJ Calls it Unconstitutional
Justice Department Settles Suit Over Borough’s Denial of Permit to Orthodox Worship Center
Justice Department Files Brief in Indiana Supreme Court Supporting Catholic Archdiocese’s First Amendment Rights in Former High School Teacher’s Lawsuit
Focus on Religious Hate CrimesVolume 87 (July 2020)
Justice Department Continues Efforts to Protect Worship From Unequal Treatment in COVID-19 Restrictions
Supreme Court Hands Downs Three Victories for Free Exercise of Religion at End of Term
RLUIPA Suit Filed Against Stafford County, Virginia, Over Blocking of Islamic Cemetery
Suit by Muslim Prisoners Seeking Religious Accommodation Should Proceed, Brief ArguesVolume 86 (May 2020)
Justice Department Sends Letter to California Governor Calling for Equal Treatment of Religious Gatherings
Justice Department Files Suit Against Jackson, New Jersey Alleging Zoning Code Used to Keep Out Orthodox Jewish Schools and Residents
North Lauderdale, Florida Changes Zoning Code to Equalize Treatment of Places of Worship
Missouri Man Indicted for Hate Crime and Arson Charges
Rastafarian Prisoner Released From Solitary Confinement After Justice Department Files Brief Supporting Religious Liberty ClaimVolume 85 (March 2020)
United States Files Brief Supporting Muslim Prisoner’s Religious Liberty Claim
Department of Justice Files Statement of Interest Supporting Photographer’s Free Speech Claim
United States Suit Alleges Nebraska Village Improperly Blocked Church
Louisiana Man Pleads Guilty to Burning Three Baptist Churches
DOJ Closes Investigation After Virginia Retirement Community Permits Religious Speech in Common AreasVolume 84 (January 2020)
United States Urges U.S. Supreme Court to Overturn “Blaine Amendments”
Department of Education Issues Updated Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer in the Public Schools
United States Files Statement of Interest in Georgia Hindu Temple Case
United States Intervenes in Maryland Church Zoning Dispute to Defend Constitutionality of RLUIPA
New York Man Charged With Federal Hate Crimes for Machete Attack at Rabbi’s Home
United States Urges Supreme Court to Revisit Standard for Accommodating Employees’ Religious PracticesVolume 83 (November 2019)
United States Files Brief Explaining That Maryland Improperly Excluded Christian School from Scholarship Program
Colorado Man Charged with Federal Hate Crime for Plotting to Blow Up Synagogue
DOJ Closes Investigation After Wisconsin City Equalizes Treatment of Places of Worship
United States Files Brief in Buddhist Meditation Center Appeal
Justice Department Files Brief in Maine School Choice Appeal
DOJ Reaches Agreement With Virginia Department of Corrections Over Religious Practice PoliciesVolume 82 (September 2019)
Justice Department Asks Indiana Court to Dismiss Former Teacher’s Suit Against Archdiocese
White House Symposium Addresses Security Issues for Places of Worship
DOJ Files Supreme Court Brief in Montana Scholarship Case
Justice Department Files Suit Alleging RLUIPA Violation in Denial of Islamic Center
Ohio Man Sentenced to 30 Months in Anti-Jewish AssaultVolume 81 (June 2019)
Louisiana Man Charged with Federal Hate Crimes for Setting Fire to Three Churches
Place to Worship Initiative Looks Back at First Year
Department of Justice Files Statement of Interest in Maine School Choice Case
Chelan County, Washington Amends Zoning Code to Treat Places of Worship and Secular Assemblies Equally
Oregon Man Sentenced to 15 Months in Federal Prison for Threats to Eugene Church
Court Allows Church’s RLUIPA Equal Terms Case To Move ForwardVolume 80 (May 2019)
California Man Charged With Federal Hate Crimes for Poway Synagogue Shooting, Mosque Arson
Vermont Improperly Barred Parochial Students From College Course Program, United States Brief Argues
Pryor Creek, Oklahoma Amends Zoning Code to Equalize Treatment of Places of Worship
Office of Personnel Management Finalizes Religious Comp Time Rule
Settlement Reached in Islamic Cemetery DisputeVolume 79 (April 2019)
Court Orders Village to Allow Church to Meet in Commercial District
Justice Department Files Statement of Interest Supporting Native American Land Use Case
Justice Department Files Statement of Interest in Michigan Church Zoning Case
Court Dismisses Claim After Town Civic Center Guarantees Churches Equal Access
Wisconsin Man Sentenced for Threatening Jewish Community CenterVolume 78 (February 2019)
Federal Court Agrees That University’s De-registering of Christian Student Group Violated the First Amendment
Court of Appeals Rules That Baltimore Church’s RLUIPA Claim May Proceed
Long Beach Changes Zoning Code to Equalize Treatment of Places of Worship
Update on Religious Hate Crimes
Court Agrees With United States that Mosque’s RLUIPA Claim Should ProceedVolume 77 (December 2018)
Florida City Amends Zoning Code to Treat Places of Worship Equally With Nonreligious Assemblies
DOJ Files Brief Supporting Church’s Right to Rent Space at Community Center
Focus on Religious Hate Crimes
25th Anniversary of RFRA Commemorated
Department Closes Investigation After New Jersey Township Approves Church Expansion
DOJ Closes RLUIPA Investigation After Chicago Reaches Parking Agreement With Church
Department Provides Technical Assistance on Religious Accommodation at County Detention Facility, Concludes InvestigationVolume 76 (September 2018)
Federal Court Adopts DOJ’s Analysis, Allows Church’s RLUIPA Claim to Proceed to Trial
Attorney General Announces Creation of Religious Liberty Task Force at DOJ Summit
Department Closes Investigation in Response to Florida City Equalizing Treatment of Religious and Nonreligious Land Uses
DOJ Files Statement of Interest Supporting Hindu Association’s RLUIPA Suit
Town Allows Land Sale to Church, Amends Ordinance, After DOJ Investigation
Update on Religious Hate CrimesVolume 75 (June 2018)
Department of Justice Announces Place to Worship Initiative
Department Files Suit Over Zoning Denial of New Jersey Synagogue Construction
Supreme Court Rules that Colorado Civil Rights Commission Violated Free Exercise Rights of Christian Baker Who Refused to Bake Cake for Same-Sex Wedding
Department Files Brief Supporting Church’s Expansion Efforts
Three Men Convicted for Plotting to Bomb Somali Muslim Apartment and Mosque in Kansas
RLUIPA Investigation Closed after Corrections Department Modifies Policy Regarding Native American Religious CeremoniesVolume 74 (March 2018)
Acting Assistant Attorney General John Gore Addresses Hate Crimes at Capitol Hill Event
Requiring Clergy Letter for Religious Accommodation Violated Title VII, Suit Alleges
Indictment in Jewish Community Center Threats
Tampa, Florida Man Pleads Guilty to Threatening to Burn Down Home Being Purchased by Muslim Family
Justice Department Releases Religious Liberty Section For U.S. Attorneys’ ManualVolume 73 (January 2018)
President, Attorney General, Recognize Religious Freedom Day
Department of Justice Files Amicus Brief in Montana School Choice Case
Florida Man Sentenced in Islamic Center Threat Case
Justice Department Defends Archdiocese of Washington’s Religious LibertyVolume 72 (October 2017)
City Amends Code to Treat Houses of Worship Equally With Other Places of Assembly
Florida Man Pleads Guilty to Obstructing Free Exercise of Religion
Attorney General Issues Guidance On Federal Law Protections for Religious Liberty
Department of Justice Files Brief in Defense of Campus Free Speech
Tennessee Men Charged in Mosque VandalismVolume 71 (September 2017)
Acting Assistant Attorney General Highlights Prosecution of Hate Crimes in Address at Virginia Mosque
Civil Rights Division Marks 60th Anniversary
Department of Justice Tells Supreme Court that First Amendment Forbids Compelling Baker to Violate Conscience
United States Resolves Suit Against Pennsylvania Township Over Denial of Approval for Mosque
Sewage Regulation is Land Use Regulation Under RLUIPA
Florida Man Pleads Guilty to Federal Hate Crime and WMD Charge for Attempted Attack on SynagogueVolume 70 (May 2017)
Arson Awareness Week Focuses on House of Worship Arson
Senate Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing on Religious Hate Crimes
Man Charged for Threatening Jewish Community Centers
RLUIPA Applies to Sewage Permit Denial that Prevented Use of Property as House of WorshipVolume 69 (March 2017)
Justice Department and City Resolve RLUIPA Suit Over Mosque Denial
Justice Department Closes Investigation After Zoning Change Allows Church to Move Into New Facility
Indictment in Catholic Church Arson
Focus on Anti-Muslim Hate CrimesVolume 68 (December 2016)
DOJ Sends Letter to U.S. Mayors Highlighting RLUIPA
Focus on Religion-Based Violence and Attacks on Places of Worship
Consent Order Resolves Suit Over New York Church’s Efforts to Locate in Commercial District
Department of Justice Files Three RLUIPA Land-Use Cases Involving Mosques
Consent Order Resolves Michigan Religious School LawsuitVolume 67 (August 2016)
Justice Department Issues Report on Religion Roundtable Series
Justice Department Issues Report on RLUIPA
Justice Department Files RLUIPA Suit Against Pennsylvania Township that Denied Zoning Approval for Mosque
Appeals Court Rules Florida Prisons Must Provide Kosher Meals
Florida Man Charged with Civil Rights Violations for Synagogue Bombing AttemptVolume 66 (May 2016)
Jury Finds Twin Towns on Arizona Utah Border Discriminated Based on Religion in Housing and Policing Practices
Man Pleads Guilty to Forcibly Removing Muslim Woman’s Headscarf on Plane
Guilty Plea in Case Related to Mother Emanuel AME Church shooting
Trial Court Properly Required Prison to Accommodate Religious Beard and Prayer Cap, Appeals Court Rules
Kosher Meal Should be Available to Muslim Inmate, United States Argues
U.S. Attorneys Hold Events Around Country on Countering Backlash Against Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian CommunitiesVolume 65 (February 2016)
Florida Man Pleads Guilty to Threat to Firebomb Mosques
Civil Rights Division Closes Investigation After City Allows Churches in Commercial Zones
Florida City Removes Special Development Standards for Places of Worship; Department of Justice Closes Investigation
Department of Justice to Sponsor Roundtables on Religious Discrimination and Religious Hate Crimes
Civil Rights Division Participates in Workshop in Spain on Religious DiscriminationcommonsaychelParticipantNo spike in chutz either, numbers are dropping inspite of Chicken Little saying the sky is falling, very normal purim in Monsey, BP, Flatbush, Lakewood, Monroe
commonsaychelParticipant@lakewut, yes he will, he will close the new division of civil right against religion leaving frum people high and dry
commonsaychelParticipantHow many user names do u have?
commonsaychelParticipantNo he wants real responses not someone who just calls he a troll and nothing more
commonsaychelParticipantList of Democratic elected officals who called for Cuomo to resign now:
Rep. Kathleen RiceState Senate
Sen. Alessandra Biaggi
Sen. John Liu
Sen. Gustavo Rivera
Sen. Jessica Ramos
Sen. Julia Salazar
Sen. James Skoufis
Sen. Rachel May
Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins
Sen. Samra Brouk
Sen. Liz Krueger
Sen. Michael Gianaris
Sen. Brad Hoylman
Sen. Robert Jackson
Sen. Elijah Reichlin-Melnick
Sen. Jabari Brisport
Sen. James Sanders Jr.State Assembly
Asm. Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas
Asm. Ron Kim
Asm. Yuh-Line Niou
Asm. Harvey Epstein
Asm. Nathalia Fernandez
Asm. Angelo Santabarbara
Asm. Tom Abinanti
Asm. Aileen Gunther
Asm. Billy Jones
Asm. Carrie Woerner
Asm. Pat Burke
Asm. Sarah Clark
Asm. Jonathan Jacobson
Asm. Catalina Cruz
Asm. Dan Quart
Asm. Richard GottfriedNY City Council
CM Ben Kallos (also running for Manhattan borough president)
CM Brad Lander (also running for NYC comptroller)
CM Carlos Menchaca (also running for NYC mayor)
CM Antonio Reynoso (also running for Brooklyn borough president)
CM Diana Ayala
CM James Gennaro
CM Fernando Cabrera
CM Jimmy Van Bramer (also running for Queens borough president)commonsaychelParticipant@Jackk, “He has had many more public activities dealing with domestic issues such as International Women’s Day, anniversary of Bloody Sunday, Passing the American Rescue Plan , Supporting workers in Alabama voting to unionize”
Yup a list of very earth shattering item the world almost came to an end without those items on that listcommonsaychelParticipantCoffee, it lake a lot more then a bored bucher trolling on his parents computer to get me annoyed, i am just calling the shots the way the are, it is very rare that I agree with the left of center CR commenters such as Charlie Hall, Huju, Reb E, AAQ, Amil Etc. But at least they are adult making a well thought out points that I disagree with, not some bored teen trolling for attention
commonsaychelParticipanta TROLL is a TROLL is a TROLLL
commonsaychelParticipantand there are six
commonsaychelParticipantHow about using 1 user names instead of 4, and stop posting immature content
commonsaychelParticipant“weiered,” please spend your bein hazanim learning basic English instead of posting stupid comments under various user names
commonsaychelParticipant@meir g, the shrinkage is mostly in the smaller and nominally affiliated mosdos such as Krasna, Spinka, Boyan, Stolin, Muncatch etc. those are the yeshivas with the big losses because most who send there are not really affiliated with the mosdos.
Even in Staten Island Gur, Belz and Bobov have opened botay medroshim.
I am talking fact from the insidecommonsaychelParticipantI know its bein hazamin by the number of trollish comments
commonsaychelParticipantIn Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internet. This is typically done by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog), with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion.[3] This is typically for the troll’s amusement, or to achieve a specific result such as disrupting a rival’s online activities or manipulating a political process.
Both the noun and the verb forms of “troll” are associated with Internet discourse. However, the word has also been used more widely. Media attention in recent years has equated trolling with online harassment. For example, the mass media have used “troll” to mean “a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families”.[4][5] In addition, depictions of trolling have been included in popular fictional works, such as the HBO television program The Newsroom, in which a main character encounters harassing persons online and tries to infiltrate their circles by posting negative sexual comments.
commonsaychelParticipantRepublican state lawmakers announced an impeachment resolution against Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday afternoon.
The resolution was announced by Assembly Republican Leader Will Barclay and other members of the Assembly Republican Conference.
Barclay said the Republican conference feels it’s time to move forward on impeachment in the face of multiple accusations of harassment against the governor and a federal investigation into the state’s undercounting of nursing home deaths.
The resolution would have to be supported by the Democratic Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie to come to a vote. If passed by the Assembly, it would then go to the State Senate.
Speaker Heastie and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins have not announced support for impeaching the governor, however, issued statements on Sunday evening pressuring him to resign.
commonsaychelParticipantWho replaced Rav Shlomo Friefeld? no one, the shoes were too big in more ways then one.
commonsaychelParticipant@ujm, its just replacing the yeshivisher crowd in flatbush, no net growth of frum families like Monsey, Lakewood or Staten Island
commonsaychelParticipant@UJM, “Interestingly, over the last few years it is also starting to occur with Boro Park, but to a lesser degree. The Yeshivos there are still growing but at a smaller pace.”
My Brother in law is a menhal in on of the Boro Park mosdos and he told me they are losing 10-20% of the families a year for the past 10 years resulting in consolidation of the classes. Main motivation of the move is affordability, for what they are paying to buy a two bedroom condo in Boro park they can buy a house on a half acre lot in Monsey or Lakewood.
The main reason it is not even a greater exodus from Boro Park is the lack of capacity in schools, there are 5 applicats for every seat in the first grade in most Monsey school.
Greater Monsey starts in Pearl River and end in West Haverstraw 15 miles N to S and runs from Nanuet to Suffern W to E a distance of 10 miles.
Greater Lakewood Starts in Dover Twp and ends in Jackson E to West and starts in Manchester and ends in Howell N to S.
And that does not even mention all the new places sprang up in the past 10 years, Linden, Staten Island, Union NJ, Hollywood Fl. Etc.commonsaychelParticipant@lakewhut “Lakewood a yeshiva community to get away from the gashmiyus of the big city and Mobsey a suburb.,”
Monsey started around Bais Medresh Elyon, it was a small hamlet with 5 stores as Monsey grew the balla batim came drawn by the proximity to NYC, in the late 60s the Scver Rebbe established New Sqaure followed by Visnits a few years later and the rest is history, but Monsey was started by BME.commonsaychelParticipantAAQ, I cant give an opinion on how pork or shellfish tastes because I never eat it, same here I flew pre covid and during covid and I can tell you they are on power trips
commonsaychelParticipantAAQ, at least we have common ground, 🙂
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, after you have flown I will answer your question
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, you obviously have no clue of the rules of hostile workplaces, as a risk manager I deal with this on a daily basis, the issue with Andy is that he was very vocal about supporting ME TOO, until it came back to bite him, same as the other big supporter of ME TOO Senator Al Franken.
PS read the the male employee are saying about working for himcommonsaychelParticipantGov. Andrew Cuomo had someone else take his mandatory workplace sex harassment training course for him — then signed off on it as if he’d taken it himself, accuser Charlotte Bennett says in a bombshell new interview aired Friday night.
Bennett also claims that one of the governor’s own top aides conceded to her last summer that Cuomo had been “grooming” her — but that the matter didn’t need further investigation because the behavior hadn’t gone any further.
The explosive revelations were made by the 25-year-old former Cuomo aide in an interview on “CBS Evening News with Norah O’Donnell.”
commonsaychelParticipant@CT Lawyer, the 10 Senators who Biden met with offered a middle of the road more moderate option without the insane add ons that the Democrat bill had and they were promptly shown the door.
commonsaychelParticipant@ujm, this is closer to having a discussion is a kava steeble or a haiser mikva, a fair exchange of opinion and no one is shame nor has his mind changed by what someone has to say.
commonsaychelParticipant@Jackk, the reason no GOP voted for it is because in the great tradition of is former boss Obama he refused to negotiate with the GOP, so much for the bipartisan drivel we heard so much from el presidente
commonsaychelParticipant@CT lawyer, Great minds think alike, because I too invested in March 2020 in the travel sector [mostly airlines] [including some like spirt that I never fly on] my best move was buying Avis instead of Hertz.
In the early days of Jetblue they had a culture of customer service and I enjoyed flying them, the former CEO of Jetblue is opening a new airline with a focus of customer servicecommonsaychelParticipant@huju, even a broken clock is right twice a day I use that standard for the NYT but by them its more like twice a year
commonsaychelParticipantAnd now there is four,
Karen HintoncommonsaychelParticipant@CTLawyer, You still have options out of HPN to Florida, Jet blue has service there and that is still my prefered option, the only issue I have with HPN is the lack of long term parking
commonsaychelParticipantAccording to the NY Times Coumo aides ordered the NYS DOH to alter the nursing home covid fatality count
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, ein domeh smeah lereah, I experienced it first hand , they ARE on a power trip, you admitted you have not been in a airport in 13 months so your opinion does not matter
commonsaychelParticipant@CharlieHall, actually we have Sir Freddy Laker, Frank Lorenzo, Kenny Friedkin of PSA, David Neeleman in addition to Herb who paved the way for the lost cost airlines.
Most of them used the playbook of Don Burr of People Express and Nickle and Dime you for everything.
At least in on those airlines it was fun to fly.
PS I paid my way thru college working for People Express in EWRcommonsaychelParticipantExhibit # 3 of Andy Cuomo hypocrisy:
From Governors Press office:The latest reports of sexual harassment in the Assembly should be the last straw.
This pattern of behavior is repugnant by every standard and directly contradicts the policies the Assembly has advanced for the last 20 years.
Assemblymember Micah Kellner’s conduct, confirmed by the Assembly Ethics and Guidance Committee’s investigation, has no place in New York State government. It is time for him to immediately deny these allegations or resign. Likewise, Assemblymember Dennis Gabryszak must immediately deny the allegations against him or resign. If they do not resign, the Assembly must send a clear message that they do not tolerate this abuse of women and should seriously consider moving to expel them if they seek to return this coming session.
Enough is enough. Its a new year; lets start with a clean slate
@emesnishtsheker who is the bigger hypocrite?
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, try flying that way I did and then you can give your opinion if they are on power trip after seeing first hand, unless like your opinion about saying kaddish, you dont want to hear a differing opinion
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, I am fully compliant in airports and aircraft so it was not directed to me, you want details? my son told me a fight attendant was roaming the plane with a pen and paper and taking notes of everyone whos mask slipped, when you get on the plane they welcome you with a “if you don’t wear your mask we will throw you off the plane. sorry that’s called a power trip, when a fully compliant mask wearer from Ohio who is not Jewish complains about the same thing you know its not a frum issue.
PS have you flow in the past 12 months?commonsaychelParticipantExample # 2 of Andy Cuomo hypocrisy:
From Governors press office:
As I said yesterday, there should be a zero tolerance policy when it comes to sexual harassment and we must now send a clear message that this behavior is not tolerated. Vito Lopez should not spend another day in office, let alone a whole month. He should resign effective immediately and if he does not, he must be expelled.commonsaychelParticipant@CT Lawyer, the employees of the ultra low cost airlines tend to be paid at a much lower pay scale then the legacy carrier hence a lower caliber employee, [ you get what you pay for], that being said I have flown Frontier Pre and during Covid with no issues other then the usual snarling about mask use.
I refuse to fly Spirit where the CEO wrote in a email about someone who asked for a refund after his flight was canceled ““We owe him nothing as far as I’m concerned,” Mr. Baldanza wrote “Let him tell the world how bad we are. He’s never flown us before anyway and will be back when we save him a penny.”
@Godal I flew Frontier, Jetblue, United and American, common denominator flight crew was rude for the most part from boarding of the plane to deplaning regardless is the plane was full or empty, most of them seem to be on a power trip.
PS my son just flew back from this zman in Israel and told me that the flight crew was roaming the aisles looking for reasons to complaincommonsaychelParticipantCuomo just gave a half backed apology