Forum Replies Created
The mods are very open in allowing a wide ranges of topic and opinions, if you write something that attacks the commenter on a personal level, they will edit it.
If you write an obvious trollish topic they will not publish it, even so they let quite a number to be postedMarch 29, 2021 10:19 pm at 10:19 pm in reply to: No more kids divrei Torah before Avodim Hayinu #1961083commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, the chocom and rasha ask the exact same question just the motivation is different, the rasha asks questions and is a kofer b’ikar [ maybe omited in your hagada] torah values silence so the shinah yodah is valued more
March 29, 2021 10:19 pm at 10:19 pm in reply to: How are you cleaning your face mask for Pesach?😷 #1961085commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, opinions are like store everyone has at least 2 and they stink for the most part, you just admitted that you use daas torah if and when it is in line with your particular agenda otherwise you disregard it, you feel that mask wearing is the mitzvah of the year, someone else calls it the avodah zorah of the year, other people feel its like red lights, midtown gridlock or constipation a necessary burden of daily living.
Is it the mitzva of the year or the avodah zorah of the year or none of the above, for that guidance I consult with my LOR not some self proclaimed expert of social mediacommonsaychelParticipant@huju, how do you spell lightwights?
Gerry Nadler, Hakeem Jeffries, or Sean Maloney.
The good news is the Cuomo has a new scandal each week showing the world what a hypocrite he isMarch 25, 2021 12:34 pm at 12:34 pm in reply to: How are you cleaning your face mask for Pesach?😷 #1960641commonsaychelParticipantin other words NO
March 24, 2021 10:46 pm at 10:46 pm in reply to: How are you cleaning your face mask for Pesach?😷 #1960453commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, actualy my Rav paskened on quite a few times to do something that I felt otherwise and I defered to him.
My qustion requires a simple Yes or No
if bais din or the local rabbis who have came out with a letter totally dismissing the use of masks and saying one should not use it would you have listened to “daas torah” do you only do it when it matches your agenda? I want you to be 100% honest, Yes or No?March 24, 2021 11:10 am at 11:10 am in reply to: How are you cleaning your face mask for Pesach?😷 #1960336commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, 1. in my case the Rav who I asked knows me since I was born and my family even before that, he told us very explict instuctions and made it clear that is for his shul and his shul only over the past year, outdoor social distance minyan for exactly 10 people then indoors same rules, then no limit on size, then each to his/her own, anyone who didnt feel comfortable didnt have to daven in his shul.
2. Dont know as I dont have school age children, I assume the school that my grandchild attend got guidance from the rabbical board of the schools [in my case 4 differnt schools in 3 seperate locals]
3. I have not idea what your question to me is.Now let me ask you one question, if bais din or the local rabbis who have came out with a letter totally dismissing the use of masks and saying one should not use it would you have listened to “daas torah” do you only do it when it matches your agenda? I want you to be 100% honest, Yes or No?
commonsaychelParticipant@huju, this is the first time you that you were negitive on Cuomo
March 24, 2021 7:47 am at 7:47 am in reply to: How are you cleaning your face mask for Pesach?😷 #1960266commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ
“why are you repeatedly accusing me of some non-kosher connections? I am following guidelines by the local beit din ” this is the first time that you said you follow daas torah, you constantly dismiss the idea that a Rav knows better, now that you took this first step to follow it when your daas torah fits your agenda let make it your business to follow it even its contrary to agenda.March 24, 2021 12:03 am at 12:03 am in reply to: No more kids divrei Torah before Avodim Hayinu #1960185commonsaychelParticipantinteresting most of your topic are trollish
commonsaychelParticipant“Any thoughts?” yes you shold be cleaning for peasch instead of trolling
March 23, 2021 11:29 am at 11:29 am in reply to: How are you cleaning your face mask for Pesach?😷 #1959908commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, the torah says pri eaitz hadar and we have misorah as to the denim of arbah meanim.
“mask is a “mitzva of the year”. thats you opinion and no one else besides some OO rabbi who make up halacha as they see fit.
I can use my mask on peasch because I hardly ever used itMarch 23, 2021 11:29 am at 11:29 am in reply to: No more kids divrei Torah before Avodim Hayinu #1959903commonsaychelParticipanteveryone run the sder according to the minhag and misorah, our family for example does not talk out during the entire magid from halachma anya till goal yisroel even to say divray torah, so each to his/her own
commonsaychelParticipant@jackk, this is from someone who mocked the conspect of daas torah, wow I am impressed by your teshuva
commonsaychelParticipant@charlie hall, according to the website its not a active shul just a place where you can daven if you put a minyan together, I am looking for active minyanim
March 22, 2021 1:15 pm at 1:15 pm in reply to: How are you cleaning your face mask for Pesach?😷 #1959573commonsaychelParticipantI plan to take all the masks that I accumilated over the past year and burn it together with the chometz and never wear one again
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, nothing personal but edited Milton Friedman said it best. “A Friedman Doctrine: The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase Its Profits”. In it, he argued that a company has no social responsibility to the public or society; its only responsibility is to its shareholders.
Spirit said it in as many words, the CEO said it our job to get you from point A to point B no different then the subway, anything extra you are going to pay for it, and if the plane does not fly thats too bad.
If @ Catchyourself can beat them at their own game more power to him, fact of the matter is 60% of Spirits revenue come from ancilary fees and the airlines as a whole take in about 8 B in baggage fees.
You really need to do some serious soul searching if your idea of tzedoka is low airfares and idea of terchah dtzibur is having them answer amaincommonsaychelParticipantCatch, Our family flew on Frontier this summer, [$60 Rt NYC to LAS] same business model as Spirit, but at least the employees are not hostile to you.
Ct Lawyer 🙂commonsaychelParticipantReb E, all the Trump accusations of womanizing happened before he got elected, with Cuomo it happened while in office and this after all the holier then thou comments about Me Too, Dr. Ford Etc.
AAQ, the replacement will be the Lt. Govenor a right of center Dem from Western NYcommonsaychelParticipantNow we have eight accusers, where are all the people who call for Impeachment of Trump?
commonsaychelParticipantOhel is 17 Minutes to JFK, the issues is there is no regular minyan there for shachris, UJM, i looking for regualr minyanim as oppose to being somech on finding 9 other random people
commonsaychelParticipantBy all means keep flying Spirt, Spirt stock went up 165% since I bought it, I still wont fly then even if I own shares becuase of the horrible customer service, that is one of the few things CT Lawyer and I agree on
commonsaychelParticipantCatch Yourself, Fyi I check a random date in the end of April NYC to Fla and guess what these were the RT prices
Frontier 57
United 81
Jetblue 81
American 99
Delta 107
Spirt 115March 19, 2021 10:36 am at 10:36 am in reply to: Clean sweep by frum candidates in Village elections in NY #1958911commonsaychelParticipantIn Far Rockaway next door neighbor of Lawrence and Cedarhurst, you have frum majority on both
commonsaychelParticipantDo whatever your family minhag is, same old true for the egg at the seder
commonsaychelParticipant@Jackk, In your own definition, you have joined the white supremacist’s racism club.
It is a bad definition if I don’t believe in white supremacy.
Call me whatever you want, I heard enough self hate from you to last a lifetimecommonsaychelParticipantEric Adams is a empty suit
commonsaychelParticipantI never fly Spirit because they nickle and dime you to death, they have lousy customer service and the CEO openly said they have nothing bu contempt for the passangers, however I do encourage everyone to fly them, I own stock it
commonsaychelParticipantShelly AH was quite a character, I miss him and his please help me an buy a raffle
commonsaychelParticipantIts a fairly easy investment, live life a yid, daven with a minyan answer amin, do 100 mitzvos each day and you get prime real estate after 120
commonsaychelParticipantthe ACAS is where I have the acturial cert, not CPCU
commonsaychelParticipant“until Israel completely disconnects itself from the USA , she has a voice and and opinion in how the USA deals with Israel.” BH there are 430 other normal congresspeople and 5 haters.
“Therefore, Blacks are the judges of who are racists and white supremacists. (By the way – you are included.)
Is that fair and reasonable?” please pose that question to BLM and NAACP because ipso facto that is the casecommonsaychelParticipantI once was apporached in Midtown by a Hispanic street preacher who asked me if I love cheesaws so I answered it depends on the cheese and depends on the sauce so he asked me again so I told it depends mozzarella goes very well with marainara, he gave up and walked away
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, FYI I hold a ACAS and a CPCU certifcation so its my job too, and I still defer to a Rabbi or Doctor.
History littered with malcontents who from the Doson and Averum to Korach to the Tzedukim to the Maskilm who said all you need to do is interpret according to your understanding and to heck with the RabbiscommonsaychelParticipant“Ilhan can always find other Jews and Israeli’s who agree with her when she criticizes Israel.”
Yup that is nothing new, they were called Kapos in the recent pastcommonsaychelParticipantIs yankel Feferkorn still alive?
“Where does legitimate criticism of the Israel government end and Antisemitism begin ?”
legitimate criticism of the Israel government is the same mantra was someone saying I cant be an anti semite some of my friends are JewishcommonsaychelParticipant@AAQ,” I do have capacity and a degree (this is for Common, he only cares about certified opinions) to be able to process scientific literature and understand that there are a lot of unsafe things that can happen. ”
How is this for a shocker, so do I, in fact I worked for the goverment in managing crises of this nature but I am not a MD nor am I a Rabbi and I defer to both, and I know the latter is a foreign concept to you.commonsaychelParticipantTo paraphase Judge Potter Stewart in Jacobellis V Ohio,
I know it when I see itcommonsaychelParticipant@bored guy, bucherel, Hopefuly you will find your zivik soon, find a great Chassan teacher who will give you all the shalom bayis tips you need
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, No I think one must be a mumcher [an expert] in his line, Rabbi Dr Twerski ztl refered his shailos to poskim inspite of having simicha, try to be everything for everyone you end up being a master of none
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, A MASTER OF NONE.
stick to one area and excell in that area, I look for a competent doctor and a Rav who is a talmud chochom and dont mix the two.
I stick to my area of expertise I dont pasken or do root canalcommonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, “Long ago, one person was invited by the Satmar Rebbe to be a doctor during a yom tov. When they had a minute to talk, he volunteered that he is not just a doctor, that he is getting a semicha soon … The response was – besser rofeh cholim mimatir asurim”
Ever heard of the expression jack of all trades master of none.
FYI I happen to a Chasidsher guy who graduated college with a 3.75 GPA, I don’t need Moster and company and the Yaffed ilk telling me how to educate my kids and Satmar Rebbe and Rosh Yeshiva of BME don’t eithercommonsaychelParticipantNew York’s “vaccine czar” — a longtime adviser to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo — phoned county officials in the past two weeks in attempts to gauge their loyalty to the embattled governor amid an ongoing sexual harassment investigation, according to multiple officials.
One Democratic county executive was so unsettled by the outreach from Larry Schwartz, head of the state’s vaccine rollout, that the executive on Friday filed notice of an impending ethics complaint with the public integrity unit of the state attorney general’s office, the official told The Washington Post. The executive feared the county’s vaccine supply could suffer if Schwartz was not pleased with the executive’s response to his questions about support of the governor.
The executive said the conversation with Schwartz came in close proximity to a separate conversation with another Cuomo administration official about vaccine distribution.Imagine if Trump did that what ENS, AAQ, Charlie Hall and the rest would be saying
commonsaychelParticipant@Charlie Hall “That acutally isn’t true al pi halachah.”
For a guy who’s so called Rabbi ordains women I would hardly take anything you say at face value when you say its not al pi halachah.
Anyway what happened to dina demalchosa that you always quotecommonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, I dont live in Lakewood I was there on Thursday at a party hosted by my uncle and stayed till Friday morning, my uncle asked his daas torah exact wording I dont know or care. What I do know is what i saw not from Rabbi Google.
“And you are continue confusing me – so public pronouncements by Roshei Yeshivot are not of interest to anyone? Nobody follows Roshei Yeshivot but instead ask their own Rav? Do Roshei Yeshivot not have students? I am very confused by your claims.”
This is exactly what I am trying to get across to you, the greater Lakewood area has changed drasticly over the past 20 years to the point that the majority of Greater Lakewood is no longer affilated with BME, proof and point is well over half the 300 minyanim in greater Lakewood do not daven nusach ashkanaz, that not a point of disrepect its just they get the hadracha from a different source, [and not Rabbi Google either] all of Lakewood unites when it comes to where they have common ground for example the goverment trying to ram parameters of secular education down the throats of the yeshivas etc. Reb Malkiel Kotler Shilta and Satmar Rebbe Shilta sat side by side.commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, “Syag, Common, I am trying to learn from people here how they use daas Torah, and so far, I am coming empty-handed. I may have missed some posts, but I did not see anyone confirming that they personally asked a shaila and what kind of an answer they got.”
The concept of asking daas torah is deferring to someone who has a better grasp of halacha and you following the ruling even if it goes your strong held feelings, something that is very much an foreign concept for you, [for example if the Rabbi would have told same a statement to have a huge party you would have been all over them] you only believe in daas torah when it fits your agenda.
Btw the normal purim was celebrated by the broad spectrum of Lakewood not just a few Brooklyn transplants. As to your question of how people in Lakewood knew how celebrate purim, unlike you they dont consult Rabbi Google, they either have a person converation with the Rav, follow signs in shuls, or get instuctions from the local mosdos.
FYI Satmar has been in Lakwood for over 50 years, not recent transplantscommonsaychelParticipant@Ens, interesting not a word from you when a Democrat is exposed as a hypocrite
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, first of all what are “youngeles” never heard of the word.
Second I doubt you ever stepped foot in Lakewood and for sure not in the past 20 years, Lakewood has grown from a small community centered around the yeshiva to a sprawling and growing community covering Dover, Brick, Tom River, Manchester, Jackson, Howell, There are over 300 shuls in the greater Lakewood area ranging from Satmar to Edut Mitzrach and the Rabbis of each have differnce of opinions on a wide variety of matters. FYI one of the busiest shuls in Lakewood happen to be Satmar where the mask enforement is pretty lax.
PS I find it ironic that you, who always knocks daas torah and moreh derech and doing your own thing when it come to halacha is all of a sudden so concerned about daas torah -