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  • in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1965382

    @avi k, yes Millons and growing, even in israel, I had no issue using yiddish in Jerusalem, Bnai Brak, Elad, Beitar or Ashdod, in fact most meshulochim from Israel only communicate yiddish when they are in chutz. I have heard yiddish being used in London, Antwep, Melbourne and Sao Paulo.

    in reply to: Spirit Airlines #1965327

    @AAQ, nothing personal but I can’t figure out what you are trying to say in your rambling response, you asked if a Rav will pasken that there is no issue with maris ain if one utilizes right given that one is gicen under secular law and I was told there is no issue, unlike you I dont tailor a psak to fit my agenda if I was told there was I would have accepted it.

    What has came to light since then about this particular episode is that the flight crew was told at the gate and upon boarding the aircraft that the son suffers from ASD and attends a special ed school and wont be wearing a mask, the flight crew ignored them, violations of ADA results in a $75,000 fine for the first violation and $150,000 each additional violation, it does not look good for Spirit in spite of me being a shareholder, if I was a Spirit manager I would be contacting @CTLawyer and try to hustle a settlement

    in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1965297

    @Anonymous Jew, “the large majority of the descendants of those 12 million yiddish speakers who left the Pale no longer speak Yiddish ”
    for that matter sadly most are not Jewish the vast majority intermarried and are not longer Jews.
    Yiddish is alive and well and fourth most spoken language in Brooklyn and has about 3 million speakers worldwide.
    Almost all Yiddish speakers are bilingual quite a number a triligual, most yiddish speakers in Montreal, Buenos Aires and Antwerp speak four languages some even five

    in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1965123

    @avi k, at its peak the total of Ladino speaker numbered about 1 millon speakers, today there are less then 60 K speakers compeared to 12 million Yiddish speakers that crossed from the Pale in Russia to the East End of London to America to Israel until 1948, it was and is the lingua franca for the vast majority of frum Jewery, it is the fourth most spoken lanaguge in Brooklyn and have over 3 million speakers. It maybe dead as a secular culture but it is still spoken by secular Jews daily in Antwerp.
    I am a native yiddish speaker and rose to upper managment in corporate America, my children and grandchildren are fluent in both Yiddish and English

    in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1965058

    I was at a Aeroflot check in check a few years back and in those day Aeroflot allowed 2 checked luggages per passenger of 50 pound apiece.
    A litivisher yungerman was trying to check two suitcases one weigh in at 60 pounds the other at 35, the desk agent told him to take out some thing from one bag and put it in the other, the yungerman said lemayser geret why cant this one [pointing to suitcase] be koneh the zechus of that one, the russian airline employee looked at him with puzzled look and said vot u said

    in reply to: Making a Barocho on a Blossoming Tree in Nissan #1965052

    @huju, then he asks a Open Orthodox rabbi and he say responds, its a svek svaka one side its named after a animal, one the other hand Tata Motors did some enviormental damage and driving a car causes global warming therefore make a brocha without using the shem

    in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1964934

    In the Litvishe yeshivos I am familiar with, the English spoken by secular studies teachers, and even rebbeim, is adequate. most speak yeshivish raid not English. I once heard a yeshiva man tell a Asian- American bank manager Hay nach anamy

    in reply to: WHATS A TROLL?? #1964853

    @yt, lets see the topic you started,
    Why is the app so glitched
    Cutting my Payos off
    is it ok to buy lottery tickets
    Fralychin Purim
    how ppl use the coffee room
    Yup all signs point to a bored bucher

    in reply to: Describe yourself #1964846

    @ Reb E, I heard it being used as to discripe people who are something along the lines of a counrty bumkin

    in reply to: Describe yourself #1964793

    @Reb E, is being called a fifty sixer an insult? I know some who say it is others say its not

    in reply to: WHATS A TROLL?? #1964744

    @ Sam Klein, “The person needs to get a life and a job so he stops wasting his time doing nothing but trolling”, if you noticed this type of activity peaks during bain hazmanim mostly by bored bucherim who cant get a date

    in reply to: WHATS A TROLL?? #1964743

    I think troll is one of the ingredients used to make an overnight kugel

    in reply to: Bowling in Kiamesha #1964645

    @coffee addict, its just a temporary thing new zman starts next week and all the bucherim will be gone then

    in reply to: YWN COFFEE ROOM AGES #1964642

    why dignify this with a response

    in reply to: WHATS A TROLL?? #1964641

    No clue

    in reply to: Spirit Airlines #1964500

    @AAQ, I too reguarly discuss game plans with Lawyers and CPAs but do I disscus what case law the lawyer should cite? not at $300-500 an hour, I keep the conversations brief and to the topic.
    I did ask two Rabbonim about the isssue of maris ayin and I was told unequivocally that if two secular laws confict [ie ADA and CDC guidlines] the halacha of maris ayin does not apply, I didnt get into a whole give and take with them because I imagined they were charging me $500 an hour.

    “So, be considerate to other people on a plane, that’s all I am saying.” 100% agree be considerate and respectful to everyone not just on a plane, but in the parking lot, supermarket, shul, restaurant etc. including those who chose not to enforce the mask rules in shuls stores etc.

    in reply to: CHICKEN OR THE EGG? #1964368

    what came first the bored bucher or trool?

    in reply to: Spirit Airlines #1964154

    @AAQ, “I’ll be interested to learn about ranges of halakha here.” when I ask a halacha lmayisha issue to a Rav I dont get into a give and take with him nor do I ask my lawyer for case law back up when I retain him for a legal opinion or a CPA for the IRS rulings I have something called trust for a expert.
    Our history is littered with people who viewed torah as something to be use to fit the agenda they were pushing, from the Erev Rav and Korech to Shabbati Tzvi to Haskala to Kapos in WW II.

    ADA is a right afforded to all people in the US regardless of who they are, same as any other law, there were a few people who were horrified that frum people sued various villages for discrimination and they had no business exercising their rights.
    I would pay for a tee shirt that reads: NO I AM NOT WEARING A MASK AND ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHY NOT

    in reply to: How many ppl use the coffee room? #1964084

    Starbuck Grande ice coffee with almond milk and one sweet and low

    in reply to: Spirit Airlines #1964083

    @AAQ and lets say the answer does not fit into your agenda? then disregard it? Anyway its a moot point because we are talking about exercising one rights afforded under US law.

    in reply to: Making a Barocho on a Blossoming Tree in Nissan #1964016

    @not a Toyota but if its a Sussita or a Rom Carmel then you can

    in reply to: Spirit Airlines #1963986

    It is the height of Am Ratzius to say that we need to worry about maris arin when utilizing our right under US law, sorry pal but it is obvious that you have no clue about the rules in regards to ADA.

    Maris ain does not even apply to the use of an eruv, it is safely assumes that if a frum person is pushing a stroller on shabbos there is a eruv. In fact the eruv and US law is a good analogy there were several cases of municipalities that were sued under Rluipa [Westhampton, Tenafly, Mahwah etal] for not allowing a eruv to be built, were we worried about maris ain when the eruv was built or our rights under US law.
    Under normal circumstances I would have advised seeking out your LOR for guidance but I forgot you only advocate that if the answer would fit the agenda you are pushing otherwise you disregard it.

    in reply to: How many ppl use the coffee room? #1963708

    lite with no sugar, soy if cholov yisroel is not around

    in reply to: Spirit Airlines #1963665

    @AAQ, when it come to rules we follow the rules, for example if the speed limit is 55 you don’t need to drive at 45 or if your sitting in first class and they announce first class is boarding you don’t need to wait and board with coach.
    I have to deal on my job with ADA compliance and for example if the person had a certified service dog we were not allowed to ask the nature of the disablity because it is in vilolation of ADA.
    Maris ayin applies when for example one got to a traif restaurant, utilizing your rights under ADA is not Maris ayin

    in reply to: How can I get my sefer into the hands of yeshiva bochurim #1963563

    Welcome to the CR, hope to see your comments with some deeper thoughts

    in reply to: Out of town communities #1963472

    @TGI, a huge chunk of New Rochelle sends the kids to SAR located in the Bronx [one of the five boros], anyway we are talking about the brand new frum communities that sprang up in the past few years not in town vs out of town

    in reply to: REGULER KUGEL OR OVERNIGHT KUGEL?? #1963446

    What’s Choosid

    in reply to: Out of town communities #1963352

    @ujm, it was in the Peasch issue of Ami or Mishpocha, Klausenburg is in Union City thats in Hudson County near the Lincoln Tunnel, Union NJ is in the area of the Garden State Parkway exit 140, it was started by one of the Bobovs if I am not mistaken. Does Staten Island qualify as a new yishuv? not sure there has been a frum presence there for years but it grew by leaps and bounds in the past 5 years

    in reply to: CAN THERE BE ALIENS?? #1963349

    There are a bunch of aliens who are day laborers and just jumped into a pick up truck, my cleaning help are aliens who are paying off the smugglers who got them across the Rio Grande

    in reply to: How can I get my sefer into the hands of yeshiva bochurim #1963315

    serious posts gets serrious replies

    in reply to: CAN THERE BE ALIENS?? #1963036

    yup the amout of aliens swamping the the us increasing on a daily basis

    in reply to: Spirit Airlines #1963003

    So long as you are in compliance with the airlines policies its none of anyone business, show the documentation to the flight crew and if anyone makes a comment, be polite and tell them its none of your business, fly wherever and whenever your heart desires, its none of anyones business, if AAQ offer to pay for your upgrade to first class I would certainly take him up on his offer.
    PS Maris ayin is only appicable in conficts in halacha

    in reply to: REGULER KUGEL OR OVERNIGHT KUGEL?? #1962810

    Whats a overnight kugel?

    in reply to: Reality Check on Spirit Airlines #1962771

    @AAQ, “One striking example, he praises Hong Kong v. Israel, saying similar sized countries and see how better Hong Kong done w/ pure capitalism … With more time passed, we see that Hong Kong was gobbled by PRC and Israel produced some free enterprise …”
    Hong Kong was not gobbled up by the PRC, it reverted back to China after the lease by the UK was over and they had to give certain assurances to them. Israel was dragged kicking into the free market during Bibi’s first term and the socialist were fighting him every step of the way.
    Please dont reinvent history. BTW Friedman was 1000% right the GNP of Hong Kong was and is still greater then Israel.
    If you told the CEO of Spirit, Ryanair or Wizz air that they are doing tzodoka they would laugh in your face and tell you to get a check up from your neck up

    in reply to: Reality Check on Spirit Airlines #1962772

    @Catch Yourself, “We also paid for four checked bags ($41 each, which is higher than it used to be).
    Total cost: $286 one way, or $572 round trip, for 6 passengers.”
    Love it, that plus the lowest paid employees in the airline industry caused my Spirt stock to soar.

    in reply to: Reality Check on Spirit Airlines #1962601

    Another day another family kicked off of Sprirt, thanks for reminding not flying them

    in reply to: YWN censoring standards #1962600

    @YWfakeN, sock puppet

    in reply to: REGULER KUGEL OR OVERNIGHT KUGEL?? #1962443

    @choosid, dont know if a lot of oil makes it overnight, but i do know a lot stupid comments makes you a troll

    in reply to: Get Refusal- Family Involvement #1962424

    @hml, grandparents should smile for the pictures maybe offer to host a sheva bruchos other then that should mind the own business. If my parents / inlaws stuck the nose into my kids shidduchim I would very politly tell them to go fly a kite.

    in reply to: Hodu Lashem key tov #1962412

    @sam Klein, exactly my point, I am not the one who is the one who is moaning life stinks, it was the prior poster

    in reply to: Hodu Lashem key tov #1962326

    @ywnjudy, git vuch, at the risk of sounding crass, we have to deal with whatever Hashem gives us, I am not going to join your pity party, I have a son with special needs, a wife who had two bouts of cancer and a brain tumor and an older single, I am not loooking for pity
    I deal with the cards that Hashem gave me

    in reply to: Hodu Lashem key tov #1962113

    >> don’t leave your house just yet – some of us are still alive.
    I found it pretty funny

    in reply to: No more kids divrei Torah before Avodim Hayinu #1962111

    AAQ, you mention that story in three prior forums

    in reply to: Hodu Lashem key tov #1961946

    This is not really Hodu Lashem because it didnt happen to me its more yigadlicha l’bincha, this is what I told my grandchildren by the seder.
    My wife grandmother zol ze lebben biz 120 was in Auschwitz and was assigned latrine work till she collapsed, so I told them that everytime I say hallel and say miki may ufer dol may ashbos yorim evyon, I think of her and how she rebuilt her life.
    I also told them that when I say lomous key yechah vasapar masy kah, I told them about the two times she was saved during the death march.

    in reply to: No more kids divrei Torah before Avodim Hayinu #1961923

    @AAQ,Exactly my point a Rav understands how to read between the lines if it means not wearing a mask or understanding that there is no meat at the table, I get it but you dont because you feel no need to ask a rav

    in reply to: Hodu Lashem key tov #1961888

    @Reb E, ah a otvenhater, my mother in law is one as well

    in reply to: No more kids divrei Torah before Avodim Hayinu #1961813

    @ Reb E and the common demoninator with your story and my comment is?
    That am ratzim pasken the own saylios? if thats the case I am 1000% in agreement with you.

    in reply to: Hodu Lashem key tov #1961764

    @AAQ, there was someone who was a guest in Antwerp for shabbos and did not know back then there was a unwritten rule in the community not to wear a tallis when walking from home to shul on shabbos, As he walked to shul wearing his tallis unaware of the rule a car pulled up besides him and a bareheaded man rolled down the window and yelled, yingerman chillul hashem.
    Now who was making the chillul hashem the guy being mechallal shabbos or the guy wearing the tallis?

    in reply to: No more kids divrei Torah before Avodim Hayinu #1961696

    @AAQ “as with a guy who asked a shaila whether he can make arba kosot on milk. Rav gave him money for wine – and also for meat.”
    That guy could have paskened on his own and not asked a shaila and used milk after all he may have read it on Rabbi Google that you can

    in reply to: Hodu Lashem key tov #1961673

    @Coffee addict, some have a mask policy some dont, in the vast majority of the frum community life has returned to a normal pre covid peasch, retail was busy, communal chometz burning, erev peasch matza baking, Chol Hamoed venues in full swing, hodu lashem

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