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@AAQ “As long as you doing out of the right reasons – prudence re:Covid (*), I don’t see a problem at all”. Who are we to judge what is a good reason or a bad reason, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. So therefore the drop in memeber is a self created problem by the MO shuls its a non issue at the shuls the never closed or closed briefly,
commonsaychelParticipantIn a article in this weeks Ami Rabbi Moshe Taub of Young Israel of Holliswood bemoaned the fact that 30-40% of the shul members have not returned to the shul choosing instead to stay the breakway minyanim and davening byichidus.
I guess they didnt realize that by doing a long term closure people would voted with the feet.commonsaychelParticipantMy grandparents all came here to excape anti semitism in Poland, Fathers parents came post WWII after surviving the holocaust, Mothers Mothers parents came in the 1920s after surviving a progrom, Mother Fathers family came in the 1930s after Poland banned shechita
commonsaychelParticipant@lostpark, what countries did your grandparents come from?
commonsaychelParticipant@mdd1, the same chazal says asay seyug ltorah and yhay mechenecha kodosh, when someone manages to breech the seyug of our commmunity and is a mohel, an aiyd, a sofer some serious look inward is the order of the day. Would you feel the same way if a molester snuck into a school?
commonsaychelParticipantsite is called http://www.imatroll. com
commonsaychelParticipant@CTLawyer, I am 100 % galitzanyah my internal body clock causes me to have great joy when I see Petcha in the deli or the coin counter in the bank
commonsaychelParticipant@lostspark, who did they force into the ghetto?
June 6, 2021 1:59 pm at 1:59 pm in reply to: The future of the democracy of the U.S. government #1980558commonsaychelParticipantVoting should be viewed as a sacred trust, and should be made harder not easier
commonsaychelParticipantBraid cells?
commonsaychelParticipant@coffee addict, thats awesome, now what are places like yeshiva chonnen daas that gave this missonary Simicha going to do differently? not a word from this people of saying we messed up.
commonsaychelParticipant@N0mesorah “Those communities that put a bigger emphasis on keeping the same ritualistic customs throughout the generations, will appear to be in steeper decline than those communities that value it less.”
Actualy the opposite is true, the communities who emphisize minhagim are the strongest, for example upsherin, chasidisher livish etc. are alive and well, whereas YI and others with no mesorah are slowly fading awaycommonsaychelParticipant@yserbius Minhag Chasam Sofer is Oberland, Minhag haGra is Lita
commonsaychelParticipant@ Reb E exactly my point, you are relegated to the ladies section and say the payit under your breath, not a sign of a very thriving khilla.
@ Laymasheh 3/4 of Vien and 3/4 of Nitra davens nusach sefard and the rav wears a stramil in bothcommonsaychelParticipant@Reb E, the only difference in the current Debrictener mihagim and mainsteam chasidus is the yotzros [ they dont bruk, they wear chasidisher livish etc.] the typical chasam sofer with his crack hit short jacket and gartel and small beard is history and I for one think its a shame
commonsaychelParticipant@UJM, “Whereas the Oberlanders have more or less become Chasidish.”
Actual they stopped existing under the old crowd, please name one Oberlandisher Khilla that has not gone chasidish.commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, IDK, the whole gist of this thread is the yikkish way of life are slowing disappearing.
Reb E, interesting most of the Oberlander khillos changed since WWII, Vien now davens sefard and rebbeh feers tish unheard of in the days of Rav Y Steif, Sopron had a yikkisher rav and tzelem as well.
Mattesdorf [chasan sofer] was one of the shivah khillos and now is a chasidus complete with a Rebbah, same is true Erloh and DrogercommonsaychelParticipant@UJM. a socialy distant mask wearing kiddush with a salad is at a MO shul
commonsaychelParticipantReb E, Most oberlandisher khillos have vanished in the past years
commonsaychelParticipantSen. Ted Cruz also visited Israel Sunday and posted images of a bombed-out home following Israel’s 11-day war with Hamas.
‘Heartbreaking,’ Cruz wrote, in a comment he attached to a picture of the bombed out vestiges of a home where he said the caregiver to an elderly woman was killed by a Hamas rocket attack.
‘Countless times, I’ve seen a Mezuzah hanging on a door frame. This is the first time I’ve seen one on a home bombed by terrorists. A Hamas rocket killed the caretaker of the elderly lady who lived here in Ashkelon, in southern Israel. This is all that remains,’ Cruz wrote.
‘Here’s her walker,’ Cruz wrote in a subsequent post, which showed a walker and a fan atop a pile of rubble.
Give me friends like Cruz any day of the week.
May 31, 2021 2:31 pm at 2:31 pm in reply to: Aaron Keyak, Water Carrier for Biden says Jews, Take off your Kippahur #1979148commonsaychelParticipant@ Reb, E I want the truth, If Jared Kushner would have said that last year what would have your reaction be?
commonsaychelParticipantThe fact is that quite a number of misorahs have either dwindled or morph [ and in my opinion its sad]
Beside the yekkish minhagim such as wimple etc that are slowing stopping, the majority of MO shuls are turning right or slowing petering out.
Adas Yerim Vien has morph from Rav Yonoson Steif to Huthouser Rav to the present Rav, a huge gulfcommonsaychelParticipant@yesrbius123, we took chockas hagoy from whatever land we lived in, the pinklishkiet and officialdom from the German, the elaborate cooking from Hungary, the stingness from the Poles, the hard drinking from the Russians, the emounas peshuta in the North African and the Middle East.
For example at KAJ they circle the bemah once during each hakafa on simchas torah while hakafos in Karlin or Bobov can take hours, and at a kiddiush in a yekkisher place they will drink a revish of wine and a Chabad kiddush mashkeh flows freelycommonsaychelParticipantIntersting this topic got two newbies, welcome to CR
commonsaychelParticipantIts more then just wearing of a tallis, I asked a Yikkish guy in his mid 20 when he is going to make a wimple so he said he is not, there are no yekkish shuls near him and he wont make one, this is in Monsey were there is 2 yekkish shuls and one is basicly changing to yeshivish because no one want to keep up with minhagim and the old members are dwindling, even in the other one there are hardly any young memebers
May 28, 2021 5:37 pm at 5:37 pm in reply to: Aaron Keyak, Water Carrier for Biden says Jews, Take off your Kippahur #1978556commonsaychelParticipantReb E, spoken like a true ingerisher, its bheimishkite like that caused the nazis to kill so many to be 1944.
commonsaychelParticipanttzedek, tzedek tirdof and tikkun haolam are the most overuse words by the PC crowd, how about the rest of the torah
commonsaychelParticipantThe missionaries are already after the unaffilated Jews, the level of Michael Elk and company brings the chutzpah to a whole new level.
PS the word is prey not pray, but I got a good laugh because of the subject mattercommonsaychelParticipant@n0mesorah
“I think 1980 was a much closer election then people remember”Reagan won the election by a landslide, taking 489 electoral votes and Carter getting 49. Reagan received the highest number of electoral votes ever won by a non-incumbent presidential candidate.
In fact Carter conceded at 10PM EST with the results being so obvious, looks like you were not born yet in 1980 otherwise you would have rememberedcommonsaychelParticipant” And that would make it even easier for the missionaries…..” how so?
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, because she was a Aushwitz survivor and does not have much in the way of sin
commonsaychelParticipantInterestingly enough Ronald Reagan Secy. of Tresuary was Donald Regan
commonsaychelParticipantMy daughter when she was eight asked me if my wife Grandmother is a Ballest Teshuva, I laughed and said no, why do you think so? she said that she calls my son der hesky and who elses besides a BT cant say a ches.
commonsaychelParticipantAnother missonary exposed dressing up as a frum yid:
An individual known as Timothy Buckles, Tim Layne, and Ami Ron Buckles, living in Jerusalem and posing as an Orthodox Jew, has been accused of being a covert Messianic Christian missionary.
Maybe we should start being less welcomingcommonsaychelParticipantAnother lame attempt of an uneducated bucher to troll
I’ll assume you aren’t referring to spelling mistakes
commonsaychelParticipant“Say ‘Free, Free Palestine’ and nothing else,” says “comedian” who blasts those fighting anti-Semitism and terrorism.
Amer Zahr, a former campaign surrogate for pro-Palestinian Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders and an ally to anti-Semitic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, told people on social media to “stop condemning anti-Semitism.”
“Say ‘Free, Free Palestine’ and nothing else,” says Zahr, a “comedian” who blasts those fighting anti-Semitism and terrorism, telling them, “Just stop it!”
May 26, 2021 12:49 pm at 12:49 pm in reply to: Why Are We Complicit In Violence Against Jews? #1977627commonsaychelParticipant@madeadliyah, will you 100% and lets start calling out the Jewish elected offiicals who gave a tepid defense of Israel or np defense at all
commonsaychelParticipantAs reported by YWN, Michael Elk is moving to Bet Shemesh I guess he missed being with English speakers
commonsaychelParticipant@Ben, your level of education is obvious from your comments, please invest in some ESL classes, other then that I am not going dignify your comments with a response.
*going to
*(run-on sentence; should be split into two)
commonsaychelParticipantFrankly talk radio died with Imus, Rush and Bob Grant,
commonsaychelParticipant@amil, Frankly who cares what is said in CR, its just a blog, I am talking real world banning people from shul, not giving people aliyas etc. etc.
commonsaychelParticipantAre you sure this thread is being written by a father of a bucher? the writing seems very bucherish
commonsaychelParticipant@nOmesor, were you are around when Carter and Reagan were president?
commonsaychelParticipant@Amil, the left wing wackos in the PNW such as antifa scare me more the proud boys ever did.
BTW the ADL Seattle office had not record of harresment for zoning like you claimed happened in your town.commonsaychelParticipant@ubquitin, By pushing Biden they embolden both Hamas and Iran so they either usefull idiots of the left or aiding of the enemy, and yes I was being nice, all I said is those people should not post divrai torah while Israel is under attack because a lot people here find the hypocracy disgusting.
commonsaychelParticipant@ubiquitin, this has zero to do with covid and everyything to so with Hamas, and anyone who even indirectly helped Hamas should just shut up now.
commonsaychelParticipantI think all the torah zogers who pushed Biden have a share in the cause of the tzoros the yidden in EY are going thru now.
I think all the left wingers who push Biden should restrain from posting dvar torah because it a bezoyon and if they do post lets just type the words shame on youcommonsaychelParticipant@lakewhut, I agree 100%, someone who caused Hamas to be embolden even indirectly should keep a low profile while yidden in EY are in bomb shelters.
Reb E: szégyellnie kellene magátcommonsaychelParticipant@Reb E, I am a 100 % galintzanya I had zero issue in talking yiddish to a recent Russian emigre back in the 90s, talking to my shver who is from Debrecen, wife grandmother who is from Oberland or to a Chalmer from Yerusalem, 90% of the words are the same
commonsaychelParticipantI guess you must have missed these threads:
MAY ONE REPORT A YESHIVA OR SHUL DEFYING THE BAN: The Prohibition of Mesirah vs. Pikuach Nefesh