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Troll du jour?
commonsaychelParticipantLusksen [noodle] will be just fine, a Kokosh cake will win you some points with Reb E being that he is a fifty sixer
commonsaychelParticipantOh I forgot to add two other nominations, Syag as the Rebitzen and Amil Zola as the lady who cant stand her
commonsaychelParticipantIt helped narrow down the pool of eligable bucherim
commonsaychelParticipantBesides nominating Reb E as CR of CR, I would like to nominate GH as the Associate Rabbi, Mod 29 as the Gabbi, Health as the shuls Hatzolah Memeber, CTLawyer as the Rosh Hakal, AAQ as the person who always aruges with the Rabbi after he give the Drasha and aruges with the gabbi about the davening times and kibbudim, UJM as the mikva yid.
commonsaychelParticipant@johnklets, the OP wrote that we should share our unpleasant childhood memories, so I listed two, and thoses had nothing to do with punishments,
@IYK I could not follow your long rant other then you were in and out of pyc hospitals, the little I was able to understand I will answer, I worked FT and went to school at night, got my degree and worked in corperate America, I had my own bank account since I was 16 and my down payment for my house came from my savings plus a 5000 loan from my sister and a 10,000 gift from my wifes grandmother.
I dont like to talk about my personal life but after your rant I need to show you there is a thing call self sufficiency, my wife’s grandmother lost both parents in the camps, and she came out a 19 yr old orpha, she got married and set up a life of her own.commonsaychelParticipant@GH, Dont forget we also need to fill the Rosh Hakhal,Gabbi, Shammos, Mikva Yid [for the Chasidim], Sar Hamskim of the Kiddush Club, the ssssssshher and the candyman, I think I will appoint myself candyman and will ask Reb E to officate at my hachtara.
commonsaychelParticipant@IYK “In my days, no one would listen, so everyone was complicit. Judaism failed me. Humanity failed me. To this day, I see every human as a potential danger to me. All I can do is adapt to live among a society that does not want to change”
Guess what, I got petch from my parents, the Rebbe, the Principal, I got an injection in my rear, I had rectal temps taken and I didnt grow up blaming everyone, I hold down a demanding job, got married and own my own homecommonsaychelParticipant@GH,
On May 18, 1804, Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor, and made Josephine Empress. His coronation ceremony took place on December 2, 1804, in the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris, with incredible splendor and at considerable expense.
Napoleon surprised everyone by not allowing the Pope to crown him. Instead, he placed the crown on his own head, and then crowned Josephine Empress.
Hey if it works for Napoleon it could work for Rabbi CB Gluckedited
commonsaychelParticipantAri-Free for assistant chief rabbi of the coffee room
commonsaychelParticipantany other nominations for CR of the CR?
commonsaychelParticipant@IYK “If we appoint a CR for the CR, will we be able to make minyan here and get aliyos here? ”
You are mixing up a shul rabbi with a Chief Rabbi, a chief rabbi never get bogged down with such mundane stuff like who is a cheyuv for the amud or who get an aliya,
in fact quite a few chief rabbis never step foot in the place where they are chief rabbi in, for example the chief rabbi of Amsterdam has a shteller in Flatbush, the chief rabbi of Ukraine lives in BP as does the chief rabbi of Galizyah a postition that only exists in his imagination.commonsaychelParticipant“I don’t know if you are trolling or sincere ”
There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth.
Cynthia Heimel
commonsaychelParticipantI nominate Reb Elizer as Chief Rabbi of the CR
commonsaychelParticipantLets see, he is tall, thin, cute smile learns in Israel, wears glasses, has siblings in BP Lakewood and Monsey, I hope it narrowed it down,
commonsaychelParticipantYou joined to post this?
commonsaychelParticipant@ eishis chayil, she sound perfect for my nephew, he has yichis, looks, money, speaks a fluent yidddish. lets do it
commonsaychelParticipantThe title of Chief Rabbi is absurd, even in Israel its a toothles tiger for example in Jerusalem majority of the frum people there follow the Eida or Baba Boruch over the Chief Rabbinate.
There are 3 people claiming to be the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine including one who lives full time in Brooklyn, 2 people claiming to be the Chief Rabbi of Russia, the Chief Rabbis of Albaina and Bulgira are not recogized by the handfull of Jews still remaining there.
Someone who lives in Brooklyn calls himself the Chief Rabbi of Galizia an entity that has not existed for over 100 years.
Any nominations for Chief Rabbi of the CR?commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ
Here is my full quote
“Its a waste of time telling you why because you follow no one and answer to no one.”
The day you start asking and following a moreh dasra is the day your going to get a detailed explanationcommonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, “Please post your research or comment on mine. The thing I do not care about is expressing opinions”
I express my opinion with actions not word, therefore I never missed a minyan since covid, the first month in a outdoor minyan and since May 2020 daven in my regular shul indoors, Its a waste of time telling you why because you follow no one and answer to no one.
As to commenting on your opinion frankly I dont care what you think or do, there are people who never left the house since covid and other who never change routines, each to his/her owncommonsaychelParticipant@AQ, You say you follow no one and answer to no one, you do you your own research and come up with your own conclusions, why is that ok for you but not ok for someone else to do the same?
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, Ok let me make it simple that even you can understand, I mind my own business and you mind your own business and quit telling people how to live their lifes
commonsaychelParticipantare the bookies taking bets on the winner?
PS I dont know any female who gives a hoot about rebbisher politicscommonsaychelParticipantWhy do you keep changing your username?
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, “I did not say a word about myself. I did not wear a mask until last February.”
Thats the main difference betwwen you and I, I could not care less if you bunkered down in a desert island in middle of the South Pacific with MRE’s for 2 years or if all the YI’s decided to close, that is their issue not mine, my three shuls made a decision to reopen in May and June of last year how dear you disparge them.
PS my mask went on in March and came off in May of 2000commonsaychelParticipantBH, Covid is over, this election is over and now this is what people are worried about.
commonsaychelParticipant@stephencurry, welcome and congats at posting ur first post here
commonsaychelParticipantLoads of newbies here, welcome
Try masbiacommonsaychelParticipantI just booked a summer getaway and wow everything is just about sold out!
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, I also never heard from any Rabbis who had a permissive opinion, how about actions speak louder then words? One shul opened right after Peasch 2020, second two week later, 3rd prior to shevous, obviously those rabbanim did their analizing and came to a conclusion that you or your idol Dr Fauci liked.
PS in this week parsha Bilam’s donkey gave his opinion you can be a donkey and have opinion too.
PSS where is your retractioncommonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, “I also think that current period allows for a range of opinions and it is not worth arguing about it.” How about from the get go of Covid there allows for a range of opinions and it is not worth arguing about it?
” most my information usually comes from research articles or raw data that I analyze. And it usually takes several sources to recognize a trend”
I get it, so it ok for you to come to your own conculsion yet a Rav who does the same and comes up a tottaly different idea is not allowed, got it.PS I am waiting for your retraction
commonsaychelParticipant“Ha-Shem creates viruses and germs, and it is not for us to argue or question Ha-Shem. However Ha-Shem is not responsible for creating power-grabbing politicians, political correct scientists, or mass media drumming up circulation with fake news.”
How well said!commonsaychelParticipantOTD= No shabbos or Kashrus not a change of haskafah
commonsaychelParticipant@shimon nodel, the only persons that I “malicious slander” are trolls, as to my backup of what I wrote there are several articles written about this issue and about 2/3s of the BTs that I know are dealing with it, I don’t get it, it’s not slander to talk about the OTD kids in the MO community but its slander to say that about BTs?
commonsaychelParticipantBT’s by far have the most OTD kids, dont know why
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, Still waiting for your retraction, I guess facts don’t matter by you
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, still waiting for retraction and for you to apologize, oh wait I forgot, facts dont matter for you if it does not fit your agenda
commonsaychelParticipant@Avi K, There were certain gedolim and Rebbes who kept fresh clothing at the ready to greet Moshsiach, they were living in EY even if they were in Poland, Litak, Belarus or Hungary.
We must remember we can be Yerusalem, Chevron or anyplace else but until that great day comes WE ARE GOLUS!Once Sir Herbert Samuel met with Rav Y C Sonnenfeld in the 1920s, The Rav’s home, a poor hovel of a dwelling, was ten steps underground with only one small window and no proper furniture. Concerned about the very destitute state of his home, askanim wanted to move the meeting place to a neighbor’s house. Reb Yosef Chaim adamantly refused: “This officer can see exactly how I live.” The only thing he did allow was for the askanim to place a simple tablecloth on his one table.
Arriving with his entourage, the High Commissioner was led, step by step, down into Reb Yosef Chaim’s home. The High Commissioner was aghast that a leading Rabbinical authority was living this way!
Sir Herbert asked Reb Yosef Chaim how he could abide in such conditions. In answer, Rav Yosef Chaim showed him the ‘view’ from his one little window that overlooked the devastation of Har Habayis. “You see that?” the Rav asked. “That was once our Temple, G-d’s house. It is in total ruins. If G-d still has no Home and no Temple, then I don’t need a nice home, either.”BOTTOM LINE, WE ARE IN GULUS EVERYWHERE!
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ “most my information usually comes from research articles or raw data that I analyze”
A learned fool is more a fool than an ignorant fool. – Author: Moliere
PS I am still waiting for you retaction
commonsaychelParticipantI mess with the credit card guys by responding after they ask, do you want to lower your interest rate? I say, I want to know if there will be peace with India and Pakistan.
commonsaychelParticipant1. Troll Yeshiva
2. Catfishing Yeshiva
3. Laydikgaing Yshiva
4. Yeshiva of the Sock Puppets
5 fill in the blankcommonsaychelParticipantI was buzy with that stuff for 14 to 16 then I gave up trying to figure stuff out
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, if you didnt cite Fauci you used one of parrots, the message was the same. If your going to use Moshe Rabbanu and Mattan Torah as an example of outdoor davening then I can use Chet Haigel as your worship of covid regs.
PS I amd still waiting for you to apologize to three morah dasaras for defaming them.commonsaychelParticipant@nussan
I would take my change with a mugger and my wallet over a missle and my body.
FYI we are still in golus even in Gush Ezion and NatanyacommonsaychelParticipant@AAQ “Gadol +1. hashem even asked an elderly man to climba (small) mountain for a long Torah lecture. This week, Moshe was trying to give a dvar Torah in between some stones!”
You want to use the dor hamidar as an example, how about this? chet haaygil, execpt the golden calf the MO crowd worshiped was Dr. Fauci and his minions both frum and not frum [no pun intended].commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, actualy I belong to three shuls, [Neighborhood, shabbos and weekdays] and BH none of the shuls lost members and we have reopened just after peasch of 2020.
In fact the total Covid deaths in the frum community of NY metro area in 2020 were equal to the cancer deaths.commonsaychelParticipant@rational, Interesting you were yelling and screaming that shuls were open and what a chutzpa, maybe the people who kept the shuls open had a longer term vision then you did.
Why should the outdoor minyanim close? its work out fine till now and its easier for a lot of people.commonsaychelParticipantAverage Israeli Wage is $11,990 NIS that converts to $3698 USD, not a living wage for your average large family. Don’t compare this to the Miraglim for one I am not complainingjust stating a fact, two no one is forced to live there. Yes Israel is renown for Chesed and the USA is known for Tzedoka
commonsaychelParticipantWhen people do things over a extended period of time people get use it, like biking during the transit stike, working remote etc. The MO rabbis were so gung ho about closing everything over a very long period of time they should have thought about the long term picture, the yeshivish and chasidish shuls have had almost 100% full minyanim since last shevous
commonsaychelParticipantits near impossible to make it on Israeli wages, not to mention everything in Israel including getting a job a raise etc. is done with protectisia and everything in Israel is politics, you hardly ever see a Dati leumi working alongside of a Charedi, whereas its the norm in the USA