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  • in reply to: Anti semitism poem #1994383

    @eval, I see the comfort level in places like RBS, Jersualem Estates, Mamilla, Rechiva, Efrat and they put the level of gashmeus in chutz to shame.
    Golus is a state of being not where you at that moment, if I am a tourist for 7 days do I suddenly change my status? Gedolim like Rav YC Sonnenfeld and Rav Dushinsky internalized they were in golus even while living within site of har habis.

    in reply to: Politicizing kashrus #1994199

    @AAQ, “what about a hashgaha accountant certifying store and school business practices?”
    Avi Weiss started one that did that and it was a resounding flop

    in reply to: Are you allowed to give Tzeddakah/charity to Non-Jews #1994152

    @AAQ, My Degree is in Safety Engineering with my minor being in industrial hygiene, i have done many years of air sampling etc, however when it came to actual plans we brought in a CIH and ME. I also ask my Rov shailos and dont pasken for myself, go to a dentist for fillings and surgeon it get operated on.
    “I read up specifically on airflows [some of the work published last year was fascinating – such as measuring air flows in simulated airplanes] and did some experiments myself in several offices and shuls to measure CO2, particle levels – that are proxies for how much air re-circulates and particle level indicates how much air is filtered and and how much comes from outside ”
    To say that becuase you read up on something makes you a boke in the subject is so absurd like having a crossing guard head the traffic depatment because he/she helped children cross the street

    in reply to: Shabbos Nachmu #1994071

    @yabia, I really envy you, that this is the only thing that in your mind, BH that we have reached this point

    in reply to: Are you allowed to give Tzeddakah/charity to Non-Jews #1993965

    @AAQ, “I am boke on airflows” Really, you have MS in mechanical engineering? your a IH? I never knew that.

    in reply to: Dvar Torah Classics and Beyond Va’eschanan — Reasons for Rest #1993800

    did you my counter offer from last week?

    in reply to: Politicizing kashrus #1993746

    @ rational “Rav can declare meat treif if it comes from out-of-town and endangers the financial stability of the local kosher butcher” thats a new one for me. as long has the rav feel ok with the butcher it does not matter where the meat supplier is.
    I know of case where the Rav pulled a hecksher on a boat cruise after they included mixed dancing

    in reply to: Politicizing kashrus #1993618

    sorry on the contrary, kashrus is kolo politics, for example catering halls under Badatz wont serve Coke product because it has Rav Lando Hechsher, and vice versa with catering halls under Rav Lando with Pepsi.
    Young Isreals had a major falling out with OU and hooked up with Star K

    in reply to: Anti semitism poem #1993561

    Ben and Jerrys maybe pulled from NYS cafeterias or park concessions because the anti BDS laws wont allow it to be sold in state owned places

    in reply to: Lakewood asifa #1993323

    @GH, sorry that stuff was yesterdays news, or to be exact 5 years ago news

    in reply to: Going to the left #1993292

    @AAQ, I am not going to dignify this meaningless drivel with a response

    in reply to: Lakewood asifa #1993255

    @Syag, why bother AAQ with to use Al Gore’s term “the inconvinent truth”. such as he claimed people died in the three shuls that I belonged to that reopend in May of 2020, when in fact no one died.
    Who needs facts when you can just make up stuff as you go along

    in reply to: Going to the left #1993148

    Sophomoric humor is that which is juvenile and puerile. It is a type of comedy that often includes toilet humor and gags that are based on an appeal to a silly sense of immaturity, I tend not to dignify them with a response.

    in reply to: Going to the left #1993146

    @AAQ, I am not in the running for CR of the CR, that nomination went to Reb E with GH being nominated as Associate Rabbi, my nomination is for Candyman of the CR

    in reply to: Going to the left #1993137

    @AAQ there is a old poem about “suggesting general ideas for consideration”

    There was six men of Indostan to learning much inclined,Who went to see the Elephant
    (Though all of them were blind), That each by observation might satisfy his mind.

    The First approached the Elephant, and happening to fall against his broad and sturdy side,
    At once began to bawl the Elephant is very like a wall

    The Second, feeling of the tusk cried: “Ho!—what have we here so very round and smooth and sharp? To me ‘t is mighty clear this wonder of an Elephant is very like a spear!”

    The Third approached the animaland happening to take the squirming trunk within his hands,
    Thus boldly up and spoke:”I see,” he said “the Elephant is very like a snake!”

    The Fourth reached out his eager hand, and felt about the knee.what most this wondrous beast is like is mighty plain, said he;” its is clear enough the Elephant is very like a tree!”

    The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear, he said: “Even the blindest man can tell what this resembles most, no one can deny the fact this marvel of an Elephant is very like a fan!”

    The Sixth no sooner had begun bbout the beast to grope, then, seizing on the swinging tail
    that fell within his scope, “I see,” he said, “the Elephant is very like a rope!”

    So there you have it, my dear AAQ, you can ask question and do your research and act like people above and come up with the wrong answer.

    PS do us all a favor, on sensitive topics like ASD where you have no first hand knowlege please refrain from commenting.

    in reply to: Going to the left #1992956

    HCS, Rayim and Hamapik all have social groups, call Relief Resourse in BP for other leads

    in reply to: Shabbos Chazon: A Love/Hate Relationship -The Dubna Maggid #1992828

    Let make a trade, next time I am in S Florida you give me your safer and I will give you a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black

    in reply to: Going to the left #1992825

    FYI, they are serviced by Hamaspik, HCS and Rayim, other service providers include Yeled vYalad, SHI and Shema Kolanu, all of these are servicing people with ASD and charedi, so I really dont know where your coming from on this angle

    in reply to: Going to the left #1992824

    one is a young adult, one is a teen and one is child

    in reply to: Going to the left #1992763

    @AAQ ” autism of which I know nothing.”
    How about this for a novel conspect, if you have no clue about the subject refain from commenting about it, I have a son, niece and a cousin all with ASD so i have first hand knowlege

    in reply to: Shabbos Chazon: A Love/Hate Relationship -The Dubna Maggid #1992514

    Neh I prefer a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black if your giving away stuff

    in reply to: Are you allowed to give Tzeddakah/charity to Non-Jews #1992489

    “because it is off-topic and he mentioned his position before. Combining multiple threads, I have an impression of Avira’s deah (ad presumably his teachers) is being rich on detail, whether halachik or factual, but somehow veering away from important central issues. ”


    in reply to: Going to the left #1992409

    There are several support groups for families with ASD, ask around in the local MH community or call Relief and they will get you in touch

    in reply to: Shabbos Chazon: A Love/Hate Relationship -The Dubna Maggid #1992410

    Reb E for CR of the CR, Abuksan for Maggid of the CR

    in reply to: Are you allowed to give Tzeddakah/charity to Non-Jews #1992389

    @huju, they are in front of the grocery in my area as well, they are Roma [gypsies], ask about basic stuff like shema or anything a Jew who covers her head knows and you get a blank stare, If you want to give anyway its your call

    in reply to: Jimmy Carter’s 75th Anniversary #1992366

    the man is a idiot and cut the same cloth as his brother Billy, just one brother managed to get elected and the other did not.

    in reply to: Democrats Quiet on Cuba #1992363

    @AAQ, frankly he could not care less if all the Jews were killed so who cares

    in reply to: Going to the left #1992311

    There are quite a number of chadari organizations serving people suffering from ASD, including Hamaspik, Rayim, HCS, Ohel, Yeday Chesed, Share 24/7, Womens Leage, just to name a few.
    To say that the charadiy community ignores ASD is just false

    in reply to: Democrats Quiet on Cuba #1992312

    @1 “FDR was a light communist as well.”
    FDR yemach shemo. was one of the worse anti semites ever to walk the face of the earth, my grandfather was in the Rabbi’s March and heard first hand from him what a piece of garbage that man was. In fact I am sure Stephen Wise, Cordell Hull and FDR get a fresh log daily thown into the fire in the purgatory where they are roasting in for the behavior during the shoah

    in reply to: Are you allowed to give Tzeddakah/charity to Non-Jews #1991973

    @IYK, I was merely pointing out what a troll is, if it just so happens that every post that that person posted was trollish in nature so be it…. I was not pointing fingers.
    Ever heard of the saying if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its a duck.
    There is very few things I agree with GH on, calling out a troll is one of them

    in reply to: Are you allowed to give Tzeddakah/charity to Non-Jews #1991800

    In internet slang, a troll is a person who posts inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.), a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog), with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others’ perception. This is typically for the troll’s amusement, or to achieve a specific result such as disrupting a rival’s online activities or manipulating a political process. Even so, Internet trolling can also be defined as purposefully causing confusion or harm to other users online, for no reason at all.

    in reply to: Chief Rabbis of France and South Africa #1991273

    Not just a Hungarian but from Uberland too

    in reply to: Chief Rabbis of France and South Africa #1991212

    because the CR needs to be self assured

    in reply to: Chief Rabbis of France and South Africa #1991115

    So does everyone else, but that why I nominate you for the CR of the CR

    in reply to: Chief Rabbis of France and South Africa #1991050

    I limit the Chief Rabbi talk to this thread, unless Reb E gives a long pilpul instead of a simple statement they I give the CR for CR plug. AAQ has already been nominated to the shuls grumpy man who complains its too hot, too cold, too early, too late, too dark, too light, too much food at the kiddush, too little food etc etc etc

    in reply to: Democrats Quiet on Cuba #1991064

    Outspoken socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez remained silent as of early Tuesday about violent protests erupting in Cuba, while Sen. Bernie Sanders finally spoke out — to blame US sanctions rather than decades of Communist dictatorship.

    “All people have the right to protest and to live in a democratic society,” Sanders tweeted just before midnight Monday of the protests that started Sunday demanding “freedom” and the removal of President Miguel Díaz-Canel.

    in reply to: Anti semitism poem #1991001

    but there is a HUGE difference between the golus of Boro Park, Monsey and London and non- golus of Eretz Yisroel.
    Oh Really? was it a non golus prior to 1948? by all mean please explain the difference, People like Rabbi YC Sonnenfeld knew they were living in Yerusalam but were in Golus regardless of where you are.

    in reply to: Funny stories while traveling #1991003

    I have a funny story from my bucherish years, we drove to my friends chasuanah in St. Louis and stopped to get gas and daven mincha in this tiny town in Indiana, the gas station attendant saw six guys standing still and swaying and promptly called the sheriff.

    in reply to: Judgemental people #1990858

    Reb E for CR of tthe CR!

    in reply to: Funny stories while traveling #1990740

    I guess at 8 your are still too young to go and I guess he never saw his father use it.
    Either current or prior as long as they are funny or out of the box

    in reply to: Anti semitism poem #1990707

    @UJM,” And not have a fancy mansion or ostentatious displays of wealth.”
    Prof. Aaron Twerski wrote in this week Hamodia about Anti Semitism, he wrote that alot second and third generation post war have no feel for golus, someone had built a mega mansion and when the father came to visit he was mortified, he said this is not the way we live in golus and never came back to that house and this was a very very wealthy man.
    Yes we are in golus be it in Boro Park, Monsey, London and even in Efrat or the Old City we are in golus,

    in reply to: cost of living #1990501

    Reb E for CR of the CR

    in reply to: cost of living #1990483

    @Syag “And even more likely, as in the case of others who join the forum to post a topic and then disappear, it might just be a bored teenager.”
    If it walks like duck and quacks like a duck, its a duck

    in reply to: Chief Rabbis of France and South Africa #1989890

    REB E for CR of the CR!

    in reply to: Universal Health care, Obamacare, Managed Care #1989658

    @yserbius, do you know anyone who lives in Canada and deals the Social Medicine?

    in reply to: Anyone know anything about SOUTH AFRICA #1989657

    Kruger National park is amazing

    in reply to: Chief Rabbis of France and South Africa #1989662

    “And also, in between obtaining advanced degree in mathematics, still managed to accumulate more daas torah than a large percentage of p/t shteigers could ever imagine and which he routinely shares with us in elegant, understandable and non-judgemental posts.”
    Was that the nomination speech for Reb E for CR of the CR?

    in reply to: Universal Health care, Obamacare, Managed Care #1989606

    @Quay, “I’ve yet to come across someone from a first world country with socialized medicine that would prefer the US system.
    Care is never worse in these countries. There is always the option of private medical insurance(and seemingly for far cheaper than it would cost in the US). But with socialized medicine, it ensures everyone has at least basic medical coverage.”
    I dont know who you have been talking to but I have a brother in the Uk and a son and nephew in Canada and they all say the system there really really really stinks, like waiting for 10 days to see someone for a broken bone, things are so bad in Canada they have a a tip bucket for the RNs

    in reply to: Chief Rabbis of France and South Africa #1989467

    To really score points with Reb E serve káposzta instead of holipitz at the Simchas Torah Kiddush

    in reply to: Grey or Blue Kapotas #1989465

    @ Dr E Your post 3/18.’
    I know it’s a bit late for Purim this year. But for the future, does anyone know where they might have sold inexpensive knock-off Kapotas for Purim? I suspect a place in Boro Park or Flatbush might have carried them.

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