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  • in reply to: Is the frum “business/economic model” sustainable? #1999516

    @huju No, Yess, No and Yes
    I am not hyper focused on other peoples finances, its you who is busy with that.

    in reply to: Is the frum “business/economic model” sustainable? #1999315

    @Huju, Being that you losing sleep worried that the Chasidim and the Black Hat yshivish wont make ends meet, here is a partial list of charidy Multi Multi Millonaire or Billionaires:

    Ruby Shroen -Yeshivish – Real Estate
    David Lichenstein -Yeshivish – Real estate
    Benzion Freshwater- Chasidish, Nephew of a Rebbeh -Real Estate
    Ellish Englander – Satmar Chasidish- Real Estate
    Shlomo Rechnitz- Yeshivish- Health Care
    Ralph Hertzka -Yeshivish- Finance
    Yosell Tabak- Chasdish- Real Estate
    Shlomo Werdiger- Gur Chosid – Clothing
    Harry Klein -Chasidish- Retail and Real Estate
    Hershal Schreiber _Chasidish- Retail
    Leizer Kestenbaum -Chasidish -Real Estate
    Barry Ziskind and Karfunkel brothers- Yeshivish_ Insurance
    Shimmy Glick- Yeshivish- Retail and Real Estate
    Ruven Dressler- Yeshivish- Clothing and Real Estate
    Hershy Freidman- Yeshivish – Plastics and Real Estate
    Chaim Shia Babad- Chasidish- Real Estate
    Ben Philipson- Chasidish- Health Care

    Just some names the came to the top of my mind, Can You match a similar list of MO people in that net worth?

    in reply to: Boycotting Companies #1999000

    “Similarly, there is nothing wrong with thinking past emotion and not boycotting because it isn’t logical. I dont think CS is saying everybody SHOULD boycott.”

    Actualy you are wrong this is what I wrote in my first post

    “Frankly I get sick when I see someone with a Yamuluka wearing Hugo Boss clothing, a company the used slave labor to produce Nazi uniforms, Chasidisher Yingerlate whos grandparents survived the camps proudly driving BMW, Audi, Benzs and VWs, aboslutly disgusting.”

    I think people should be more sensitive like my Rosh Hayeshiva ZTL

    in reply to: Boycotting Companies #1998918

    @Akuperma, I don’t boycott based on where the company is based, I do so based on thier relationship with the 3rd reich, for exmple Hugo Boss was a Nazi member and his factory used forced Jewish slave labor to make Nazi uniforms, VW/ Audi/ BWM used forced Jewish labor to build trucks the brought Jews to the camps, Bayer and Audi Manufactued Zykoln B, Braun produced the electrical parts that ran the the SS Tanks,
    I explained this in such simple terms that even an intellectually challenged person can figure that out

    in reply to: Is the frum “business/economic model” sustainable? #1998911

    @Huju, I envy you, you have no other worries in life other than this

    in reply to: Boycotting Companies #1998902

    @Reb E I heard countless stories of Polisher Yidden who risk the lives to help Hungrian Yiddien in the camps, for example I heard from a Hungrian yid that when the train came to the camps the Kapos were not allowed to talk to the new arrivals, one whispered to him, “zug az de bist echtzin in ah scheinder” so he answered “uber ich bin zechtinz in a yeshiva bucher” and the guys told him ” de ingerisher nar, haltdich dan hol farmacht in te vos ich zug”
    He listened to him and survived the war

    in reply to: Boycotting Companies #1998706

    @Abba S, it took me years to get to go to the blood soaked soil of Poland and at that I either slept in my car or slept in Romaina or Slovakia who were less friendly to the Nazis

    in reply to: Downfall of Cuomo #1998661

    Crickets from the left wing of the CR

    in reply to: Is the frum “business/economic model” sustainable? #1998585

    @huju, “I don’t think this model is sustainable”
    Opinions are like shoes, everyone has at least two and they usualy stink

    in reply to: Spirit Airlines #1998543

    @AAQ, I dont have a flight pattern,i fly all over the US and Europe, I just happen to bring this up as a example of great customer service, Spirit would have allowed the flight to leave with a empty seat and make me wait 4 hours for my flight.

    in reply to: Downfall of Cuomo #1998523

    Yitlu Haman al haetz

    in reply to: Boycotting Companies #1998518

    @UJM, please provide the proof.
    @akuperman, I am not going to even dignify this with a response

    in reply to: Spirit Airlines #1998471

    @AAQ, I was in FLL and flying to LGA on Jetblue, the incoming flight had a weather delay of over 3 hours, there was a flight the was leaving to Westchester County Airport around the same time, I asked if I can switch to HPN No problem they said and gave me a boarding pass, no extra fees, no hassle and with a smile, I found a frum man on the flight who did the same thing and we split the $60 cost of a taxi from HPN to LGA.
    Thats why I never fly Sprirt because something like that would never happen with sprirt

    in reply to: Boycotting Companies #1998472

    @ujm thats an opinion not a proven fact

    in reply to: Boycotting Companies #1998395

    @ujm, boycotts were used to the Nazis against the Jews way before Stephen Wise was in power.
    @a1b2C3, that was not your statement before and I stand by on what I wrote before

    in reply to: Boycotting Companies #1998358

    @akuperma, as usual you are way off base on this, this is not what happened 1000 years ago, 500 or even 200 years ago, it was VW, BMW MB and Audi that trasported my Grandmother to the camps and my father to the Ghetto, Its was Bayer and Audi who manuafactered Zylon B that gassed their parents and siblings, it was Hugo Boss that forced Jews to sew uniforms, these were my family who were survivors, my neighbors and people who I davened with growing up.
    I am really glad that your family came North Africa and the Arab country and didnt have deal with this.

    , I felt that way when I was your age, I grew up and IYH someday you will too

    in reply to: Boycotting Companies #1998080

    @Reb E, Did either of your parents knowing buy products from a company that was know to have an active part in the Holocaust such as VW or Boss?

    in reply to: Boycotting Companies #1998065

    @coffee addict and lakwhut, read up on history and see where Mir yeshiva spent two years unmolested during the war? want the answer Kobe Japan
    Lakewhut, sorry but your comment ranks pretty high up in the dumb comments catergory, these companies were not “one type of goyim that is worse for Jews” rather these firms took an active part in killing Jews, from mfg of Zyklon B by Bayer and Audi to VW trucks being used to transport yidden to the camps to Hugo Boss making the uniforms in the camps each one of these has Jewish blood on its hand.
    Let me take a wild guess you are one of these young snooks who made a few Dollars and feel compelled to drive around with a high end German car to show off

    in reply to: Boycotting Companies #1998038

    @AAQ, who was in the Nazi concentration camps that was related to you?

    @Made Aliya, I don’t have direct finanical control of the AP wire, wereas I have direct control on buying a Audi, Bayer asprin or Hugo Boss clothing

    in reply to: Boycotting Companies #1998028

    @AAQ, just one question, do you have any close family memebers who were in the camps or lost family members during the war?

    in reply to: Spirit Airlines #1997730

    @AAQ, I have no clue, I am not busy “vous yinnim tit”, I also dont take responsbilty for the guy driving at 85 MPH down a county road and flips.
    PS if the airline cancels the majority of its flights for 5 consective days you know its garbage

    in reply to: Women Shouldn’t Be Expected To Work #1997700

    “Putting on vayser zucken sounds like a wardrobe stylistic choice in this case rather than any heartfelt commitment to the ideals.”
    My kids send the kids to mainstream chasidisher schools such a Bobov, Pupa, SKver, Vitsnitz.
    They are not chilled in the least and live the life of a echter chasidisher shteeb.

    PS the number two person in the East Ramapo CSD special ed department is a Halberstam whos huband and father both have big shuls

    in reply to: Spirit Airlines #1997699

    @AAQ, I never fly close to shabbos or fly garbage airlines like Spirit where the employees have a don’t give a hoot about the customer because the are grossly underpaid and as a policy won’t rebook you on another airline, btw for the same price that you on spirit plus fees you can fly a normal airline line Southwest or Jetblue.

    Keep flying them and pay those silly fees, I own shares in them I just wont fly them

    in reply to: Spirit Airlines #1997619

    This is why I never flew them and will not even if I got free tickets:

    Roughly half of Spirit Airlines flights were canceled on Thursday — and will be again on Friday for a fifth straight day — as the airline continues to cancel hundreds of flights throughout the week due to “operational challenges” and staffing issues that have thrown the budget airline out of sync.

    The airline canceled 446 flights, or 56 percent of its flights on Thursday, according to FlightAware.

    Spirit Airlines President and CEO Ted Christie said the cancelations come as the airline tries to reset itself after widespread “disruption,” he said in an interview with ABC News.

    “When we reach this level of disruption, being able to recover does require a lot of resources, we’re not built to deal with this level of disruption and I think there’s some learning in there about how we might create variability in staffing so that we can deal with it,” he told ABC News.
    “When we started canceling our crews got dislocated throughout the system. They were in the wrong places at the wrong time. And we needed to start to build that puzzle back together again. And unfortunately that takes our group a lot of time to do. So we started canceling deeper and deeper into the operation to give them that time,” Christie continued.

    “The good news is that’s now finally starting to bear some fruit. We are starting to turn the tide here and get our operation moving again, there will still be cancellations over the next few days, but we can start to build back to the full operation, and then build from the takeaways that we get from this last week.”
    Airlines have struggled to maintain staffing levels after COVID-19 decimated profits —even though airlines received federal funding contingent on them avoiding layoffs.

    American Airlines appeared to be back on track after also struggling with staffing and other delay issues earlier this week, only canceling 1 percent of its flights on Thursday, according to FlightAware.

    in reply to: Women Shouldn’t Be Expected To Work #1997591

    @UJM. how about this, my grandmothers both went to public school both here and in poland, without giving away too much info, she was related to both Sara Schniner and the Kolishitzer Rav. My mother has a secular teachers license, my wife by choice did not purse a degree because she is not a bookworm.
    FYI tottaly not relevant to this discuss but I use a flip phone by choice, not because the Rabbunim assured it. so ur 4 for 4 on making wrong assumptions almost as good as your buddy AAQ

    in reply to: Women Shouldn’t Be Expected To Work #1997409

    @ujm, I see you taking the habit of your buddy AAQ of saying things with no basis of fact, just so happens that all 3 of my children run a far more chasidisher sheeb then I do

    in reply to: Women Shouldn’t Be Expected To Work #1997297

    @ujm, speak for yourself, Im from Rebbisj stock, my daughter is a CSW, DILs one has a double masters and other is a RN, Son in wear a stramil, Sons wear vaser zukin, in all 3 Yiddish is the langauge at home

    in reply to: Popcorn in Far Rockaway #1997299

    There is a brand called Troll, I think your addicted to it

    in reply to: The irrational response to Covid is part of the Decree from Above #1997256

    You joined just to say this??????????????????????????

    in reply to: Ted Cruz – Hyporcite par excellence #1996784

    Now how is this for hypocracy?

    The New York attorney general’s investigation into sexual harassment allegations against Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo found that Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women, Attorney General Letitia James announced Tuesday.

    The office found that Cuomo harassed current and former state employees, as well as a number of women outside of state government, James said, as the office released a lengthy report on the investigation.

    James said Tuesday that her investigation found that Cuomo engaged in “unwelcome and nonconsensual touching,” and made comments of a “suggestive” sexual nature. James said that the conduct created a “hostile work environment for women.”

    in reply to: Women Shouldn’t Be Expected To Work #1996720

    how about here are 5 names that I can rattle off without even thinking.
    Novaminska Rebitzen [CSW]
    Lubabivicher Rebitzen [ librarian Brooklyn Public Library]
    Rebitzen Feinstein [wife of Reb Dovid} [public school principal]
    Rebitzen David [daughter of Rav Hutner] [ Professor in College]
    Rebitzen Twerski [psychologist]

    in reply to: Funny stories while traveling #1996605

    I was in a city called Oaxaca Mexico some 300 miles south of Mexico City that is 2/3 Aztec, we are walking down the street and this guy knocks on the window and motions us to come in we kept on walking, he runs out and yells “rak shenya bo henayna”, he was an Israeli who opened an electronic store there and we were the first yidden he saw in 2 years

    in reply to: Spirit Airlines #1996491

    Thousands of Spirit Airlines customers were left stranded on Sunday and Monday after the budget air carrier canceled hundreds of flights, according to reports.

    The Florida-based airline nixed 165 flights on Sunday and delayed another 341, according to Another 277 flights had been canceled as of 5:30 p.m. on Monday — 36 percent of scheduled Spirit trips, the site said.

    Hundreds more flights have been delayed, according to reports. Photos on social media from across the country showed would-be flyers waiting in long lines to retrieve their luggage.

    “It looked like a hurricane shelter,” passenger Rebecca Osborn, who was at Orlando International Airport, told USA Today
    An airline rep blamed the chaos on “a series of weather and operational challenges.”

    “We needed to make proactive cancellations to some flights across the network, but the majority of flights are still scheduled as planned,” said airline spokesman, Erik Hofmeyer.

    “There were people everywhere: little kids, old people,” Osborn’s boyfriend Eddie Gordon said. “They never came out and gave any type of explanation or offered anything… First, they said it was weather, then they said we don’t have enough staff.”

    This is why no never fly Spirit

    in reply to: Eikev – The Tactics of the Yetzer Hara: #1996383

    Being CR one does not make rulings just cuts ribbons and makes nice droshos, the chief rabbis of Ukraine, Moldova, Galitzya, Albania, Bulgiria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia and Honduras for example never made a ruling

    in reply to: PSA for Hikers #1996382

    if your going to be busy with PSAs how about one about driving outside the city? roads are narrow, you have poor sight distance and wildlife out there. every year we hear about some accidents with cars, this year being no execption, BH none fatal

    in reply to: Are you allowed to give Tzeddakah/charity to Non-Jews #1996376

    How the heck did we morph from a simple question to a long drawn out discussion about Greece philosophy?

    in reply to: Eikev – The Tactics of the Yetzer Hara: #1996224

    Reb E for CR

    in reply to: PSA for Hikers #1996174

    PSA for driving this summer,
    Dont drink and drive, you may hit a bump and spill your drink

    in reply to: Pushback on Ben and Jerrys #1996111

    New York City’s likely new comptroller has made his first big flip flop, courtesy of Ben and Jerry’s.

    Brad Lander, a City Councilman poised to become comptroller after winning last month’s Democratic primary, was once a staunch supporter of Israel who has now declared his approval for the ice cream company’s controversial decision to stop selling in the West Bank.

    In response to Ben and Jerry’s announcement, Lander tweeted this week that “ending Israel’s military occupation is a moral imperative,” adding he disagreed with moves by the state comptroller’s office to restrict investments in Ben and Jerry’s parent company Unilever over the issue.

    The Brooklyn Democrat said he was “a Jewish New Yorker who cares about the wellbeing of both Israelis and Palestinians,” but the leftward pivot is a significant departure from Lander’s days in the City Council, when he co-sponsored a May 2016 resolution “condemning all efforts to delegitimize the State of Israel and the global movement to boycott, divest from, and sanction the people of Israel.” That same year he attended the annual Celebrate Israel Parade.

    in reply to: Leave of Absence #1995930

    With wishes for a speedy recovery, I always admired your level of knowlege, a true expert unlike some of the commenters who think they are experts and have zero credenitals. I didnt agree with you on your political stands but that made it interesting.

    in reply to: House January 6th Commission #1995672

    @jackk, thank g-d the is a Jan 6 commission, you posted more stuff about this silly toothless tiger of a commission then you did in the prior 6 months

    in reply to: Eikev – The Tactics of the Yetzer Hara: #1995666

    A maggid (Hebrew: מַגִּיד‎), also spelled as magid, is a traditional Jewish religious itinerant preacher, skilled as a narrator of Torah and religious stories. A chaplain of the more scholarly sort is called a darshan (דרשן‎), and usually occupies the ordained position of para-rabbi. The title of maggid mesharim (‘a preacher of uprightness’; abbreviated מ”מ‎) probably dates from the sixteenth century.

    There have long been two distinct classes of leaders in Israel—the scholar and rabbi, and the preacher or maggid.

    Based on the above, you defintely in line to be the Maggid of the Coffee Room, you come, post your torah and leave, whereas Reb E give the pilpul on everything making him more in line to be the CR of the CR

    in reply to: Pushback on Ben and Jerrys #1995594

    Bennett Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, the founders of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, stated that they are “supporters of the State of Israel,” but still support the company’s decision to boycott Israeli settlements in the West Bank, in an opinion piece in The New York Times on Wednesday.
    The two stressed that they are “proud Jews” and that Israel was one of the company’s first overseas markets.

    “But it’s possible to support Israel and oppose some of its policies, just as we’ve opposed policies of the US government,” wrote the founders. “As such, we unequivocally support the decision of the company to end business in the occupied territories, which the international community, including the United Nations, has deemed an illegal occupation.”
    Cohen and Greenfield added that they no longer have any operational control of the company, but are “proud of its action and believe it is on the right side of history,” calling it “especially brave” and “one of the most important decisions the company has made in its 43-year history.”

    They stressed that the company drew a contrast between the State of Israel and the settlements in the West Bank, saying that the decision to halt sales is not a boycott of Israel and did not endorse the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

    Despite the fact that the company’s statement made a distinction between the State of Israel and West Bank settlements, members of the company’s board of directors stated after the announcement that they had wanted to boycott Israel in its entirety, but were stopped from doing so by the ice-cream maker’s CEO and the British-based parent company Unilever.

    Wow with Jews like this who needs goyim

    in reply to: Charaidim #1995481

    “Should I become Charaidy?”
    No become a troll instead its much more fun

    in reply to: Pushback on Ben and Jerrys #1995206

    @yserbius “Ben and Jerry’s is a private company. They are free to do or say whatever they want and the customers are free to buy or not buy their products.”
    Actualy its a division of a multinational public company who’s stock is held by many state pension funds who may dump the stock because of anti BDS llaws and that can and has depress the stock price.

    in reply to: Pushback on Ben and Jerrys #1994976

    Because Unilever has veto power over B and J

    in reply to: yaamod for a chasan or bar mitzvah #1994895

    I really envy you that these are your big concerns in your life

    in reply to: Anti semitism poem #1994792

    @Eval “Why is Hashem sending anti – semitism? I don’t know but maybe it’s time to pack your bags and come”
    Or maybe its a message that moshicah is not here yet and stay put

    in reply to: Are you allowed to give Tzeddakah/charity to Non-Jews #1994556

    @Reb E, “I would tthank Hashem for the ability given to me to say a good pilpul.”
    Reb E for the CR of the CR!
    AAQ for the shul’s kvetch
    MOD 29 for Gabbi
    The winning Team!

    in reply to: Politicizing kashrus #1994405

    @AAQ, “what there were no takers? Sad. ” I guess that is in the eyes of the beholder.
    On the ice cream issue “The issue is whether other american businesses will follow in the political environment that supports it.” Doubt it, Unilever stock lost 10% of its value since the Ben and Jerrys annoucement because they stand a good chance that the stock will get dumped by the 32 States in response to anti BDS laws.

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