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  • in reply to: Shorts #2006699

    oyver on bal thikshasu

    in reply to: Time to start davening Rosh HaShsnah morning #2006505

    @Reb E, I know exactly what I mean, the first perek in Perkay avos, during theses days lets not worry about what the other guy is wearing or when he starts to daven lets work ourself.
    unrelated I want to wish the CR of the CR ah yit gerbentched yur

    in reply to: The Lace Sheitel thread #2006506

    @ujm, dont look at women so you wont be nichel

    in reply to: Whats this song called #2006507

    Its the main niggun sung at the Troller Rebbeh tish

    in reply to: Time to start davening Rosh HaShsnah morning #2006106

    vamach lulom tzadikim………….. no matter what they wear and when they start to daven

    in reply to: Time to start davening Rosh HaShsnah morning #2005981

    A nice start of the new year is to work on yourself and not worry about yinnem, and I am talking about myself as well.

    in reply to: Car Repair courses needed in Lakewood #2005888

    There is youtube videos on how to do your own dental work, how to dig a grave and trench a pipe

    in reply to: wearing a yamulka in a professional setting #2005641

    @avrira, Other then you and Nachum everyone seems to get that we are not talking about the halacha/ hashkafa aspects of this, like one of the poster wrote earlier you dont have to post on every thead, if this thread is something your not interested in, so skip it

    in reply to: wearing a yamulka in a professional setting #2005418

    @nachum, I guess you have an issue with reading comprehension, I wrote this is NOT about the halachic aspect, just the use or lack thereof in a professional setting and other headcoverings such a caps, toupee etc, and is it more a generational thing or a a lifestyle thing

    in reply to: Please explain Ivermectin #2005226

    “But in the end, it’s still horse paste that has some limited applications in far lower doses for human parasitic conditions. I’ll say “neigh.””
    Why didnt you write this at the begining instead of pretending that you were really seeking into.
    Besides you live in Israel why do you care what the CDC does

    in reply to: wearing a yamulka in a professional setting #2005143

    @ujm, “your modernized hashkafos” I have no clue what are talking about, please explain

    in reply to: wearing a yamulka in a professional setting #2005041

    @avira, talk about the pot calling the kettle black, attacking people on a personal level is very much your MO [ modus operandi not modern oth. no pun intended], read back some of you war stories that you posted and some of the put down that you used [ such as sin-agogue] and tell me its not coming from bottled up anger, and this is obsession should be addressed.
    All of us here [with one execption and he is very vocal about it] when confronted with a halachic/ haskafic issue will turn a his/her morah deasra and get guidance on it. Therefore I specificly wanted to avoid this whole angle of it and focus on what is / was out there, you dont like the topic dont comment on it.

    in reply to: wearing a yamulka in a professional setting #2004832

    @Avira, Two things are very obvious, you never got over that fact that you were raised MO and you have a deep hate for MO, I think you need to do something about it its an unhealthy obsession.
    I am a Chasidisher Yingerman and I have friends that run the gamit from Vasser Zokin to Kippa Segruga and I respect all of them.
    Second you never interacted in the world at large and never knew people are professional and do/ dont wear yarmulkes, so your take on this not relevant.

    in reply to: wearing a yamulka in a professional setting #2004803

    @Aviria, I was asking for personal prospectives, if I needed a halacha take on it I would ask my LOR, just as I ask my personal doctor a medical question.
    FYI I am a chasidisher yingerman from rebbisher stock not a MO, but you need to do something about your deep hate of MO

    in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2004388

    @gh, Actualy I grilled it myself in my backyard, I have a sear grill, nothing like a seared steak to make a vegetarian fall off the wagon

    in reply to: Mysterious Gemstones? #2004203

    I too have been inspired by this thead, I am starting a website selling stones with the haskama of Pinchas Taylor Barnum

    in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003791

    Have we yet had a discussion advocating Ahavas Yisroel by those in YU/the MO community for those in the Chareidi community?

    That would be a nice start, frankly this thread serves no purpose other then allowing a former MO gripe about the way he was raised in a similar manner to the footstep people gripping about being raised frum.

    in reply to: Frolicking Selichos Concert #2003792

    @ujm, what was the reason of shelpping out a 4 year old tread? to start machloles erev rh? you and avriah need to look at yourself first and when your perfect worry about others

    in reply to: My father has covid, please say tehilim #2003664

    @huju: “You seem to believe that Hashem expects nothing of us regarding our health and the health of others. That is colossally wrong”
    Au contraire my dear Huju, by not being hyper focused on covid I am maintaining mental health and placing less stress on the heart, I recommend you try doing the same, and the biggest chesed you can do is stop buzzing like an annoying fly.

    in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003589

    @chiamshulem, “some drive to shul on shabbos” yup and I am sure some eat shellfish and bacon and eggs too, those are not torah observant Jew by anyones standards.


    I have davened in the past in MO shuls from Halifax NS to Palo Alto, from the UK to Venice with no issue, so long as the have a Mechitza according to Reb Moshe its not an issue, I happen to be a Chasidsher Yingerman related to most of the Rebbisher families.

    My main beef with MO places recently is that they took dranconian steps in Covid, and now to their chagrin they found out they lost between 1/3 and 1/2 of the members

    in reply to: What kind of people do you like? #2003550

    I like everyone from the Rav who makes a long pilpul to people who question everything to people who are left of center and I have little in common with.

    in reply to: My father has covid, please say tehilim #2003487

    The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic recession have negatively affected many people’s mental health and substance use disorders. During the pandemic, about 4 in 10 adults in the U.S. have reported symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder, studies found that many adults are reporting specific negative impacts on their mental health and well-being, such as difficulty sleeping (36%) or eating (32%), increases in alcohol consumption or substance use (12%), and worsening chronic conditions (12%), due to worry and stress over the coronavirus. As the pandemic wears on, ongoing and necessary public health measures expose many people to experiencing situations linked to poor mental health outcomes, such as isolation and job loss.

    So my dear Huju, relax and give it a rest.
    PS try davening more, it can relax you

    in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003295

    Sorry it looks like i fell into the troll trap, let me wish all my MO friend ah git yur

    in reply to: My father has covid, please say tehilim #2003183

    @huju, One person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease. About 655,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—that’s 1 in every 4 deaths, a major factor of that is stress. How about stop being worried about what other people are doing or if the frum lifestyle can continue to exist, you just may save yourself some heart issues

    in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003170

    First of all Reb Dovid, being that this is your first post, Welcome and I hope you becime and active member of the CR.

    Unlike @aviria I didnt grow up MO and dont carry the anger or baggage when one does a lifestyle change and am able took at this dispassionatly, I do have to give him credit, my topics of debate at 14/15 was who makes the best pizza, the best ways to break into the yeshiva kitchen, how to sneak into bais medresh late without being noticed.

    The MO movement is slowly heading to the history books, its either stagnant or diminishing, MO schools are closing or tacking right, YI shuls are merging or closing, and YU has had declining enrollment for years.

    My two big gripes about the MO community are ,
    [1] changing of mesorah and halacha to fit the agenda at hand such as ordination of “Rabba”s, Bittul Kiddushin, Womens Hakofos, mixing dancing at weddings,mazel tov greeting on a gay marriage in the shul bulletin, elevating tikkun haolam drivel to be equal with halacha.
    2. I found the most intolerant people to be MO, they would not credence to an opposing view, this manifested itself in the big way during covid when the MO opinion mattered and everyone elses opionion was irrelevant.

    in reply to: Loving your spouse #2002745

    Wow, I am so glad I started this thread, all the lamdim here pontificating on the subject explains the the high rate of older singles and the high rate of divorce in our coomunity

    in reply to: Mysterious Gemstones? #2002965

    PT Barnum said it best, there is a gullible fool born every minute

    in reply to: Arrogance and Hyoocrisy on the left #2002756

    @orechdin, The left is 1/2 of the Democart party in NYS not enough power to do anything by it self and even less power in the US Senate, the pressure from the left alone was not enough to do diddly, Franken was always a far left nutjob and Cuomo was taking hard left in recent years those are the left wing hypocrites.

    Being that you live in Israel English may not be your first lanaguge, so for your reference I am providing the definition of Arrogance and Hyprocisy.

    “The act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner; that species of pride which consists in exorbitant claims of rank, dignity, estimation, or power, or which exalts the worth or importance of the person to an undue degree; proud contempt of others; lordliness; haughtiness; self-assumption; presumption.”

    “The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform”

    in reply to: Loving your spouse #2002400

    Shmuly Boteach wrote books on this subject and his books are as irrelvant as the opinions on this thread

    in reply to: Downfall of Cuomo #2002061

    BH the Chief Hypocrite on NYS is history at midnight tonight, the calls for a major kiddiush with a dvar tprah from the CR of the CR

    in reply to: My father has covid, please say tehilim #2001732

    @Huju ” My post took license to make an important point: Tehillim are important, but so is real-world medical precaution.”

    Try davening more and worry less, it will reduce your stress level and may prevent a heart attack

    in reply to: My father has covid, please say tehilim #2001570

    @huju what your fathers name?

    in reply to: Dvar Torah Ki Seitzei – “Learning War Tactics From The Yetzer Hora #2001569

    “A Musmach of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, Rabbi Avraham Bukspan has been a high-school and special education rebbe for over 30 years in South Florida. He is the author of Classics and Beyond – Parsha Pearls. Written in an innovative and modern style, it combines anthology and analysis, perfect for anyone who wants a substantive and creative thought on the Parsha.”
    He is also the Maggid of the CR

    in reply to: Is the frum “business/economic model” sustainable? #2001072

    Reb E for CR of the CR!!, its has zero to do with Huju question / statement

    in reply to: Is the frum “business/economic model” sustainable? #2001042

    To all the poster who are fixated with love please start a new thread this has zero to do with the topic at hand

    in reply to: Is the frum “business/economic model” sustainable? #2000992

    Reb E, with all this focus on love you are starting to sound like Dr, Ruth

    in reply to: Trump vs. Biden #2000773

    @jackk, “Biden is doing a great job” are you out of your mind????????????? let me know what you are drinking and I will put it away for purim

    in reply to: Is the frum “business/economic model” sustainable? #2000681

    Reb E only the CR of the CR can write something like that, sorry but your drafted for the job no one else is capable

    in reply to: The secret to finding your beshert? #2000671

    Just wondering why you seem fixated with finding a shidduch and working boys, just about all your topics seem to be along thoses lines

    in reply to: Is the frum “business/economic model” sustainable? #2000517

    You covered this topic before

    Working Bochurim Shidduchim Corona

    in reply to: The Significance of Chodash Elul #2000445

    the gabbi [mod 29] sets the rules, you were draftedfor the position

    in reply to: The Significance of Chodash Elul #2000369

    Thank you CR of The CR

    in reply to: Democrats have Egg on their Faces #2000319

    Saigon # 2, need we say more?

    in reply to: Is the frum “business/economic model” sustainable? #2000318

    @ Huju,”I have every confidence that the Torah will survive as long as Hashem wants it too.”
    Great, now you can close out this thead.

    PS, you never responded to second part of my comments

    in reply to: Is the frum “business/economic model” sustainable? #2000229

    I was going to respond with my GPA in college, on second thought I am not going to even dignify with a reponse.

    The Bllack Hat / Chasidish lifestyle started with a handfull of people who survived churbon europe and is the growing by leaps and bounds and expanding in Rockland, Orange counties in NY, Ocean County NJ, Brooklyn, Florida and overseas in London Anwerp and Israel.
    New communities are starting in Staten Island, Linden, Union, Bloomingberg etc, while the MO communties are either stagnant or shrinking.

    My advice to you, you stated that your belief is minimal, we managed and thrived for over 80 years we will manage just fine in spite of your pessimistic musings, its Elul now you really need to do some serious introspection and worry about your own house instead.

    in reply to: Approach to Covid-19 #1999893

    On the flip side of things, my friend just came back from a safari in Kenya, as soon as the plane hit 10,000 feet 3/4 of the passangers took of the masks never to be put on again during the flight, when a few mask zealots complained the flight crew laughed and said get use to it.

    in reply to: Dvar Torah Shoftim — Learning From the Ant #1999736

    @AAQ, I prefer Meir Kahane layered approach, every Jew a .22

    in reply to: Census 2020 #1999722

    According to the 2020 census The frum communities of Lakewood, KJ and Monsey grew from 25% to 45% with a huge power shift

    in reply to: Is the frum “business/economic model” sustainable? #1999672

    @Huju, “Real optimists don’t daven.” Your wrong on that, I daven, do my histadlus and leave it in Hashems hands, You on the other hand are a pessimist always worried about things not effecting you.

    in reply to: Is the frum “business/economic model” sustainable? #1999568

    @Huju ” I am, among other things, an optimist”
    So am I, therefore I daven 3x daily Boruch alaynu and on Rosh Hasona and Yom Kippur I daven Unifah Tokef, not sure about your level of belief.

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