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  • in reply to: A Little Bird is Calling- wriiten by Malka Saks. #2277573

    song is factually incorrect, Vultures only attack carrion not live prey.

    in reply to: Going to the zoo on pesach #2277173

    You post this same thing every year, there are meds and therapy for OCD

    in reply to: OJ died #2277030

    @AAQ I am not going to even dignify this with a response.

    in reply to: OJ died #2276784

    @AAQ, thanks for reminding me that there are people amongst us who would have no issue with the laws of Sodom

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2276437

    each yeshiva has its own rules, no one is stopping anyone from learning

    in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2276095

    I once heard two mesholuchim talking one said, vos derteilster epps guts, the other said ich hub besser leeb to tzelin nist dertzil, miner nisht yinnims


    To equate stupid arguments with the tannoyim and Adoraim is the height of azus and chutzpah


    @avira, you did not saying anything about the health hazards of a shviger


    I forgot to mention Shvigers cause people to drink and that causes liver cirrhosis.


    @keith, how do I get my shviger in moderation?

    in reply to: Superiority #2275260

    @Square Root Hakohen,

    My issue was never with you, just the people you expect us to be impressed with when you quote them,
    for example, when you quote some New Ager who became a breslover telling me how to run my shabbos sudah, or a 20 something who’s total real-life experience is running a sports league.


    @Sqaure Root,
    ” THE TORAH commands every Jew to carefully avoid ALL
    unnecessary dangers, and commands every Jew to be very careful with his or her health.”

    One of the leading causes of death is heart attacks, heart attacks are brought on by stress
    one of the biggest causes of stress is a mother in law.

    So instead of railing against the shidduch system you should be very happy that you are single and don’t have to deal with a shviger and you’re avoiding a risk factor for a fatal heart attack RL


    @AAQ, do they?? show me one example of that when the person posted 50 comments on the same thread.


    @83, 100 + posts on the same subject? glad you enjoy it

    in reply to: Eclipse ??? #2274401

    @CA, the shammos in shul sells them

    in reply to: How did the Marvelous Middos Machine know in advance #2273033

    @CA, your mixing up two shuls, Big Moish had the shul rebuilt in his memory only, nothing to do with Max

    in reply to: How did the Marvelous Middos Machine know in advance #2273024

    While we are on the subject of music, I am trying to find the plaque in the shul for Big Bad Moish

    in reply to: Kids Birthday Party Kosher Lunch Ideas #2272765

    @op for someone who claims to be not frum, you spend a awful lot of time with kashrus questions

    in reply to: Mordechai & Esther’s Graves #2272097

    The Lita had something along the lines of 60% OTD, the Chazon Ish once told Rav Shalom Shvardon the reason was because there was torah but no joy,

    in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2271346

    Frankly WHO CARES!!!!

    in reply to: Yeshiva Guys Fashion #2270591

    i Friends

    What do you think about this?

    I don’t want to give too much details to protect the innocent and the guilty, but suffice to say, I’m in Yeshiva (different shmuz) and I’m trying to study on the side and I need money so I found this remote job working for this guy.

    B”H he is a really nice guy (cannot be said at all about some other people I have had the displeasure of working for) and very easy and flexible.

    While the work is not that stimulating, I don’t dislike the work.

    Problem is payment; we wrote up an agreement and he promised me extremely generous commision for the projects we are working on and I thought that I’d be rolling. The only thing is that nothing at all went through and a few months later I’d still not made a penny.

    I sent him a nice email asking him if he’d pay me and he was very nice about it and he paid me a super basic salary for the hours I’d worked, but it seemed from him that it was more like a one-off and he still believes that we’ll make money and all that.

    So, while I’m writing this all out, it is becoming more and more obvious to me as it probably is to you that I should probably wish him a lechitigeh tumid and a freilichen peerim, problem is, I’m quite a nice guy and something just fell through and I don’t want him to think that I’m leaving him because of that but the truth is, without giving details, it seemed to me that if any of all the projects we were working on would work out, it would be that one and when that fell through I realised that he does not seem to have much mazal.

    I don’t know him personally but he seems to be older and he’s definitely tzefloigen and not very savvy so I’m not very optimistic about anything working out that amazingly going forward.

    Also, these things are long term projects and it’ll take a long time for money to come through and either way, I don’t plan on hanging around.

    I don’t want to ask him for a regular salary because that’ll make it harder for me to leave and he may not want to, I’d rather work another two months and then ask him for another payment.

    I’ve also lost all cheishek for the job.

    I really want to leave yeshiva and go back and work and get married, but at the moment I’m stuck in yeshiva, I also feel that had I not been working up for him I would have been able to go veiter with my studying…though I also need money for my studying…

    Problem also is that in my situation it is close to impossible to find a job at all, I worked for another business, dishonest people…not nice people to work for…at least this guy is not unpleasant to work for but I mamish feel that I’m wasting my time.

    The reason I’m feeling resistant is because my other options are non-existent and I’m desperate for money. Even though I’m not really making any money and I’m wasting time working for him when I could be studying or even learning maybe a bit ( 🫨what??? nisht tzugloiben)

    Also, I lack backbone and I find it hard to go ahead even though I know it’s the right thing, and I also feel bad.

    Thank you for listening. This has really been therapeutic and writing it out has really clarified things for me.

    I would appreciate thoughts, empathy and job offers 😀

    in reply to: The End of the Ashkenaz Community in Flatbush #2269106

    @Judy, Nice story about R SF Mendowitz and Reb Shayale, except it never happened, Reb SF left eastern europe in the early 1900’s and Reb Shayala was nifter in 1925.

    PS the frum olam keeps changing, Florida is booming, Union County NJ is booming, the outer limits of Lakewood and Monsey are booming and Sullivan County has a booming year round community.

    in reply to: Bli Neder no music until all hostages are free #2268375

    Dear Square Root,

    I never said any lies about you or for that matter anything about you.

    My issue is that you post rambling post from unknown people as if its torahs moshe, I have no issue if the person is a known expert in that particular field [ such as Rabbi Dr Twerski and addiction] but when you post a stupid comment from someone unknown I will not take it seriously, nothing against you.



    in reply to: Bli Neder no music until all hostages are free #2268225

    No one said you have to follow what he says

    Actually Sqaure Root did, your free to follow any blogger or drunk but holding them up as an expert of some sort that’s a whole separate matter.

    in reply to: Bli Neder no music until all hostages are free #2268190

    “What does it matter what his expertise is?”
    If you expect people to be impressed because someone says something then that person has expertise in the subject matter not some ramblings of a blogger.
    The rant of a blogger carries the same authority of some drunk on the subway.

    in reply to: Is there a Drug Problem in the “Frum World”? #2268181

    I am, and the 12 step comment is among the stupidest I am seen

    in reply to: Bli Neder no music until all hostages are free #2268129

    @Coffee, who is Mr. Gordon and what is area of expertise?

    in reply to: Is there a Drug Problem in the “Frum World”? #2267996

    “the founders were very non-Jewish and they had some vague religious beliefs. They were not heimish or even MO, for sure.”

    Very stupid comment, Sigmund Freud and Jonah Salk were not frum, Alexander Fleming and Louis Pasteur were not Jewish, so your stopping to take penicillin and Polio vaccines and drink only raw milk?

    in reply to: Bli Neder no music until all hostages are free #2268007

    You never answered my question who is Nachi and why should we listen to him?


    Dear Zushy,

    I suggest you wait until Purim before you start the heavy drinking.


    Rabbi Yitzchak Tzachi Brim שליט”א,

    PS I don’t read English websites.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2266956

    Soda (both regular and diet), Snapple (both regular and diet), and iced tea are high in acid and damage teeth.
    If you must drink these liquids, then use a straw.

    in reply to: Dead end job #2266226

    Mishnichnas adar marbin bsimcha

    in reply to: Children are not here to “bring Nachas to their parents” #2266067

    @OP, I know purim is around the corner but it a little early to start with purim torah

    in reply to: Ethics and Entenmann’s #2266068

    The best way to start a day is plate of smaltz herring and kichel washed down with 7 oz. of Vodka.
    SOURCE: one of the regulars in the basement of Shomer Shaboss shul last Tuesday

    in reply to: R Soloveichik on girls education #2265153

    ” on this issue and on nearly every other issue in which he was a daas yaachid”
    You said it best, he was a daas yochid, hardly a godol.

    in reply to: Gedolei Torah and Municipal Elections #2265079

    Ever been to a livestock auction? now you will see horse trading and bidding for the shas votes in bet shemesh that will make the wild west look tame by comparison.

    in reply to: Trump throws Kurds and Ukrainians under the bus, will Israel be next? #2264804

    Trump has ZERO, nada, zilch efes, nem Power to do anything so who cares

    in reply to: What 50 Shadchanim Told Me #2263853

    @SQUARE ROOT, want to get married? stop focusing how bad the system is and maybe you will find your prospects to be better, no one likes a whiner..

    in reply to: Gedolei Torah and Municipal Elections #2263851

    @GH, I know the candidates are sleazily on both sides of the aisle, Trump, Bill Clinton, Coumo Spitzer just to name a few.

    in reply to: Gedolei Torah and Municipal Elections #2263759

    Everything is Israel is kulo politics, from the hechsher you eat to the color of your tissues in your bathroom, you never see a chuloni do business with a charidy because of politics, if you vote a certain way it defines your identity in Israel.
    Don’t like it? move away or dont pay attention to it, its been that way for 100s of years and it not changing,

    in reply to: Who gains by flooding the US with millions of Illegals?? #2262977

    @Snitzel, dont forget they rent by bed and the kids need ESL

    in reply to: Who gains by flooding the US with millions of Illegals?? #2262927

    The Heimishe Olam does, by having a fresh supply of day laborers and cleaning ladies

    in reply to: Pesach Vacation 2024 #2262232

    Over 20 years, that adds-up to $5 BILLION DOLLARS!!!! Think about that for just half-a-minute…

    Wow that is enough to buy a box of Entermann’s for every frum person who is not makpid on Cholov Yisroel or Bishul Yishroel and still have enough leftover cash to put 50 Shadchunim on payroll for life.

    in reply to: What 50 Shadchanim Told Me #2261742

    @OP, this is what 50 shadchunim told me, there is nothing worse than being a bitter alter bucher and knocking the system, no one want to hear from them because all the negativity, maybe chuck the bitterness and people would take you more seriously.

    in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2261743

    @AAQ, negotiations in politics have been around long before T ancestors even stepped foot in this land, read up on history, Missouri Compromise, Louisiana Purchase and end of Russian Japanese war just to name a few, like Tip O’Neil said all politics are local.

    in reply to: Pesach Vacation 2024 #2261477

    People should not even be doing that even in peacetime, a colossal waste of money.

    in reply to: Time for Frum Magazines to Change their Standards #2261476

    @kuvult, You see the strategy worked, the reason the Susan B Anthony coin did not take off was because the rosh yeshivas came out against it, there was a lot of opposition to the Loonie in Canada because people were worried about have bad thoughts about birds.

    in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2260849

    @AAQ, meshinas adar marbeh bsimcha, but it is a little early in the morning to get inebriated

    in reply to: Bli Neder no music until all hostages are free #2259902

    @SR, who is Nachi? never heard of him, does he daven in YIM

    in reply to: Which herring? #2259598

    I watched a dolphin show and they prefer raw herring

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