Forum Replies Created
By acting like an adult
commonsaychelParticipant@UJM how long were you employed as a Nuclear physicst?
commonsaychelParticipant@n0m, I doubt it, under recent CJ reform people with minor offenses and no criminal history dont do jail time
commonsaychelParticipant@ujm, your went to college ?
commonsaychelParticipantIf word got out from the kids who are doing time if you get caught you will do some serious time, this will stop, maybe it worth having a few sit as a deterrent
commonsaychelParticipantI was checking around there are 15 Village/ Towns / Cities with majority frum boards and about the same amount with at least 1 member.
Majority frum boards:
Spring Valley
New Hempstead
Wesly Hills
New Sqaure
South Blooming Grove
LakewoodcommonsaychelParticipantI would have thought that after Japan people would wake up and stop this insanity, I guess not
commonsaychelParticipant@yungernanS is there a frum person who was elected in Jackson?
commonsaychelParticipant@GH, there was a frum assemblyman in IL. serveral State elected official in NY and NJ I think in CA as well, I know at the local level we have quite a few
commonsaychelParticipantMy Brother told me there are qute a number of frum elected people in London
commonsaychelParticipantUJM: learn to seperate fact from opinion
for example:
Fact: Leafs fall from the tree during autumn
Opinion 1 Its a great time of year becuase get to see the fall foilage
Opinion 2 It an annoying time of year becaus to have to rake up all the leafscommonsaychelParticipantUJM I guess you dont know how to read, I didnt ask for the halacha/ haskafa angle of it, just the actual number of frum elected people
commonsaychelParticipantask your rebbeh/ mashpia
November 21, 2021 9:48 am at 9:48 am in reply to: The most unexpected place where you met yid. #2031324commonsaychelParticipant@besalel, I hiked the AT VT NH and ME sections and stayed at the AMC buildings
commonsaychelParticipantThere is going to be a major shift in power in Rockland, Orange, Sullivan and Nassau in NY and Ocean County NJ towards the frum ppl with the major population growth much to certain CR members chagrin
commonsaychelParticipantPlease define celelberties, UJM, CTlLawyer, Avira, Godalhatorah, Reb E, Amil most likely all have a different take on who is one.
November 18, 2021 8:13 pm at 8:13 pm in reply to: The most unexpected place where you met yid. #2030588commonsaychelParticipant@yserbius, last year I davened in pop up minyanim in Bryce Canyon, Horseshoe Bend [50 ppl here in that mincha / Mariv, a number of ppl were boating in lake powell] and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon
November 18, 2021 12:43 pm at 12:43 pm in reply to: The most unexpected place where you met yid. #2030366commonsaychelParticipant@besalel, he was doing the Blue Ridge from the Great Smokeys to VA
November 17, 2021 8:54 pm at 8:54 pm in reply to: The most unexpected place where you met yid. #2030057commonsaychelParticipant@ujm your sense of humor is amazing, stick to your day job
November 17, 2021 6:34 pm at 6:34 pm in reply to: Where Klal Yisroel will be in 100 years from now #2029972commonsaychelParticipantwho knows and who cares
commonsaychelParticipantReb E, the Chief Rabbi of the Coffee Room
commonsaychelParticipant> Divrei Chaim paskens ..Igros Moshe paskens so, to respect all opinions, keep your family minhag.
This one of the times I completely agree with AAQ, your nusach is no one else’s concern
commonsaychelParticipantI have very simple same that is the same in Hebrew and English, think Zev, Hersh, Leib, Wolf etc. the use of hebrew names is not that uncommon, think Ari Fleicher, Wolf Blitzer, Ari Goldman etc.
I rose thru the ranks of corporate america without a issue of my first name.commonsaychelParticipantTry the Troller yeshiva, you seem to be an expert in that derech halimud
commonsaychelParticipantI have a cousin who is a real estate big wig who said he had brain fog, I asked him if he remembers who owes him money and he laughed and said that part was not affected
commonsaychelParticipantAll trollish topics
commonsaychelParticipant1. Woodridge NY
2. Monticello NY
3. Linden NJ
4. Union NJ
5 East Meadow NY
6 Allentown PA
7 Scranton PA
8 NE Phila
9 Tampa Fl
10 Orlando Fl
11 Waterbury Ct
12 Bridgeport Ct
13 Baltimore Md
14 Milwalkee Wi
15 South Bend INcommonsaychelParticipantgo to Artscroll website and ask then directly instead posting here, you will get a quick answer
November 11, 2021 10:17 pm at 10:17 pm in reply to: Newspaper coverage of Rav Shaul Alter’s visit #2027381commonsaychelParticipantdoes the Yid cover R Aron? does the Blatt cover R Zalman Leib? Does the Algerminger cover Satmar?
get over itcommonsaychelParticipantwhy digifty this?
commonsaychelParticipantAnother Chief Rabbi has emerged from a country with no Jews, now we have a Chief Rabbi of Saudi Arabia.
PS we also found out that the Chief Rabbi of Moldava cant even write a letter in MoldavianNovember 11, 2021 12:18 pm at 12:18 pm in reply to: Isreili police treat chareidim with underserved brutality #2027149commonsaychelParticipant@romain, I noticed all six of the topic you started are of the same subject just with a slight twist, why keep on writing the same thing over and over?
November 9, 2021 11:53 am at 11:53 am in reply to: Klal Yisroel Needs an Official Central Yichus Registry #2026293commonsaychelParticipantIt already exist its run by the Mormons
commonsaychelParticipantFrankly I dont care who unclogges my toilet so long as the job is done right
commonsaychelParticipant@cl18 use spellcheck
hey, people in glass houses…
commonsaychelParticipant@apotisheryid, I have a friend who is a hatzola member and they had a call that someone striped and was running around yelling he is Moshiach, does that make him moshicach because he said so?
commonsaychelParticipant@jackk, I would take someone who ran a business anytime over a clueless barista.
BTW welcome back Charlie H I have not seen you in a whilecommonsaychelParticipant@Jackk the President of the NJ Senate lost his seat to a furiture delivery man who spent $153 on the campiagn,
commonsaychelParticipant@Reb E, Right now, on its website, the Virginia Department of Education recommends “Critical Race Theory in Education” as a “best practice” and derives its definitions of “racism,” “white supremacy,” and “education equity” explicitly from “critical race theory.”
November 3, 2021 8:12 am at 8:12 am in reply to: I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach,” #2023915commonsaychelParticipantyep it cost him
commonsaychelParticipant@Avira, there is a female BT writer who spent years in a ashram in fact headed one up who just write a book full of new age drivel.
PS I have nothing against BTs or MOs who flipped, I am close friends with quite a number of them.commonsaychelParticipantI never let a Polish cleaning lady clean my house after my Grandfather who spoke a fluent Polish walked into my parents house when i was a teen and heard the cleaning lady crusing Jews under her breath while washing out pots.
commonsaychelParticipantMost of the new age drivel such as energy healing etc. was imported to our community by BTs
November 2, 2021 10:16 am at 10:16 am in reply to: Life in Israel is hard for most isreilis #2023556commonsaychelParticipantnowadays, weak children and incompetent adults survive and sometimes even run the country….
Agreed Biggest proof, are mask and vacine mandates and tax and spend policiescommonsaychelParticipantin Mexico City, London, Panama and Zurich all have cleaning help, just a few of the none Nyc/NJ places that I have seen first hand
commonsaychelParticipantTROLL, TROLL TROLL and did i foget to add TROLL
November 1, 2021 11:25 am at 11:25 am in reply to: Life in Israel is hard for most isreilis #2023164commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, In generations past they didnt have the ability to sit in a ac/ heated house and post stupid comments annoymously on a blog, if they felt urge to make a stupid comment they went to bimah and made that statment and got pelted with rotten vegtables
October 31, 2021 10:10 am at 10:10 am in reply to: Life in Israel is hard for most isreilis #2022648commonsaychelParticipant@Aviria, I am not talking about the religious aspect of life and the OP is not either, lets stick to the subject matter, I wrote that for the vast majority of the frum people in the US life in not easy street either.
commonsaychelParticipant@akuperma, “whereas in America many if not most jobs are closed to anyone who is at all frum (defined as Shomer Shabbos, Shomer Kashrus) either because the job requires work on Saturday, or the job requires living in an area where there are no frum shuls or schools)”
Dont know where you live, but unless your in retail no job requires you to work on Saturday, I see charadi people in all lines of work in the US, from trade people such as plumbers and electricans to doctors and lawyers, PTs, Health care workers, ecommerce and IT, very few Charadi in Israel work in the wide spectrum like in the US.
PS the location issue is hardly a factoor these days because a huge amount of work is remotecommonsaychelParticipantThe fact is the KJ and New Sqaure and Tosh always welcome guest, they just do it in a unassuming way