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@rebyid613 I know plenty of Jewish celebrities and even more none celebrities who love to eat Koko-osh cake
commonsaychelParticipantinquisitive girl, are you mestivta bachur alter ago? your style of writing seems very similar
commonsaychelParticipantRemember its F as in Forkosh
commonsaychelParticipant@CharlieHall. thoses hitches that your list are just the parameters of the Maine program, this case is about the big picture not about the Maine requirements.
PS the VA ban is a ban of ALL private schools getting state monies, religous or not, anyway its a moot point because the Blaine amendments were ruled on this summer in Espinoza V MontanacommonsaychelParticipant@Jackk, its already happening in 90% of colllege campuses so to anwer your question NO it wont bother me
commonsaychelParticipantMy mother in law who is Hungarian born and bred was telling me to fill out a form for my FIL, she told me his name is Joesph but he spells in JOSEF, F like Forkosh
commonsaychelParticipant@Jackk, I could not care less if the money went to muslim , buddhists and scientology schools, in fact I find those far less offensive then some of the drivel being rammed in public schools.
FYI Hogwart is in the UK where the money can be used for any schoolcommonsaychelParticipantMy wife Grandmother best friend name was Gyongy and I could never pronouce it
commonsaychelParticipantI just rechecked with her and and she said the real way to pronounce it is KoKo-Osh cake
commonsaychelParticipant@Avira what is the brisker shir of kokosh cake?
commonsaychelParticipantI asked my grandmother who grew up in Uhiel and lived in kishkerish unitl 57 minus the years in the camps and she said its KOKASH cake. We need the OP chime in
commonsaychelParticipantwhy all this going around and around, that was already done 40 say before the vlad
commonsaychelParticipantReb E, you never answered me if you know the words of szol a kakas?
commonsaychelParticipantwhy beat a dead horse or a live zivik, it is alreafy determined
December 8, 2021 11:39 am at 11:39 am in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2039514commonsaychelParticipant, it’s the involvement of politicians in the Chanukah “motorcades” that makes me cringe.
So we agree on somethingcommonsaychelParticipantReb E, do you know the words of Szól a kakas már? wife grandmother still sings it and cried everytime
commonsaychelParticipant@UJM, is kokosh better with hot coffee or cold milk?
commonsaychelParticipantForget plastic survey, Kokoshcake taste best!!! lets talk about the merits of Kokosh
December 8, 2021 8:29 am at 8:29 am in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2039357commonsaychelParticipant@lostpark
1. That is one persons take on it, I am sure the ACLU has a differnt take on it, I am not even going to respond on the context of the statement.2. Light in front of the Chabad house, I have no issue with that, my issue is that they insist on having it next to the xmas tree in Cheyenne Wy., Oskosh Wi. or Bayou Laforce La., Frum yidden were on the American shores for over 100 years prior to 1981, including some giants such has Satmar Rav, Bobover Rav, Reb Moshe Feinstein, Reb Shrage Fievel Mendlowitz, if this would have been a high priority of yiddishkiet any of these giants would have done it long before 1981.
3. We started with the public lighing of the menorah in the town square by your local goy with a party and morphed in rooftop menorahs, chanuaka parades, then to giant blow-up bears with kippas and dreydels in their front yards, and laser light magen davids dancing on their houses under twinkly snowflake decorations.
I am content with my yiddishkiet and dont need to be in your face about it. As @TS Baum summed it up, its all about competing with old st nick and the end justify the means.commonsaychelParticipant40 days prior to formation of the vlad a bas kol goes out and says plony to bas plony. Everthing else is irrelevant, it is already determined. now close out the thread
December 7, 2021 5:36 pm at 5:36 pm in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2039131commonsaychelParticipantAvram in MD, I have nothing against Chabad, I have no issue with them building a sukka. having a lag bomer BBQ, or a large seders none of those are trying to compete with old st nick, I started this tread because I find those actions cringworthy, I dont care if it was Satmar, Brisk or Breslov its way too in you face. FYI I find party aspect of certain sub groups on Rosh Hasonah in Uman repusive as well.
“Giant blow-up bears with kippas and dreydels in their front yards, or those who do the laser light magen davids dancing on their houses under twinkly snowflake decorations” I find those beyond repulsive but this is a natural next step in the progression downward, so thank you minivans.
Now as to the trump connections even if they are tottaly unrelated, here is one of my comments at least I consistant.
“I am a lifelong GOPer and was a member of the Executive committee at one point, I have a Trump yard sign of my front lawn, I have participated in demonstrations against Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson so I cant be call a lefty.
I still cant understand the purpose of the motorcade driving in Manhattan, was it to be in your face? I am serious I am trying to understand the thought process.”commonsaychelParticipantI spent my college years working for a US airline, and never encountered any anti semitism. Passengers as whole have gotten ruder and so has airline staff.
December 7, 2021 11:30 am at 11:30 am in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2038968commonsaychelParticipantI hope this thead does not morph into a anti Chabad forum, my issue is with people competing with santa and xmas tree lighting that was never done since we established chanuka, not Chabad per se.
FYI I wrote quite a number of post negitive of the need to have frum people make a motorcade for trump and frankly that is a few people gping overboard in voicing an opinon for a political candidate.
@Zahvahasdad, I lit according to halacha, ner ish oo bayso, I have zero interest in having 100s of people watching me light the menorahDecember 6, 2021 5:21 pm at 5:21 pm in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2038648commonsaychelParticipant@avrahm in md, I was puzzzled by the level of support and I said so in the post, I also wrote in a other post I found the frum trump motorcades cringe worthy.
December 6, 2021 11:25 am at 11:25 am in reply to: WILL HASC CONCERT TICKETS GET CHEAPER THAN FIVE HUNDRED MEYOS??? #2038464commonsaychelParticipantI like traveling in first class but I can’t afford it so I dont
commonsaychelParticipant” You paint with a broad brush and shmear an entire segment of society, many of whom are Jewish and many of whom are frum. Sickening.”
What is sickening is the many Jewish and many frum lawyers who would take frivolous lawsuits in hope of getting some low hanging fruit, such as the frum lawyer who sued McDonalds for making the people who were eating burgers and fries fat. Thats the true shandaDecember 6, 2021 5:57 am at 5:57 am in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2038385commonsaychelParticipantThere is a HUGE difference, one being the court of law and second being the court of public opinion.
In a court of law I would support Chabad 100% if they were denied the permit even sending a check to legal fund, simply reason, Menorah today, shul closure tomorrow, Metzitza ban the next day, Bris ban after that, very simple we have to stop the anti religious bias in its tracks.
In the court of public opinion I find it absurd the need to have a public meorah lighting in every little dorf, and to drive around town with menorahs on the roof of the cars all under the guise of “persumi nisa” If either one was the case Reb Moshe Feinstein, Rabbi JB Soloveitchik or the Bobover Rebbe for example would have done it here in the US, all were makpid on hidur mitzva.
And frankly I don’t think a ragtag line of Harleys with mounted menorahs followed by a school bus of kids hollering out the windows, followed by a bunch of minvans is persumi nisa.
Eidelkiet is the hallmark of the Jewish nationsDecember 5, 2021 8:29 pm at 8:29 pm in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2038234commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, there is a HUGE differnce between standing up for our rights given to us by the US goverment and yes it made for an interesting parnership [btw they won the lawsuit] and a bunch of people riding around town in a ragtag parade of menorahs
commonsaychelParticipantNo that means WE ALL DONT KNOW, and when in doubt about something ASK A ROV
December 5, 2021 10:47 am at 10:47 am in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2038109commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, “I can’t find an example of a society where Jews had a status to light in public, so this seems to be a novel question for today’s society.”
Just because we have rights that we never enjoyed before does not mean we have to be in your face about it, for example we have the right to perform mezitzah beh peh, do we have to have a demostation of that in middle of Time Square?
Eidlekite was always a yiddish middah, you can spot a Bais Yakov girl / yeshiva bucher by the way they talk and walk, not being in your face is a yiddisher middah.commonsaychelParticipantAsk your LOR
December 4, 2021 10:04 pm at 10:04 pm in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2037909commonsaychelParticipant@TS Baum
“In the alte heim they were not able to go and have a public menorah lighting in the town hall, especially in russia. There would be pogroms following, along with other bad stuff, if it was even allowed in the first place.”
1. Places like the Austro- Hungrian Empire, the German Kaisers, Morocco and the New World allowed yidden full practice of the faith, yet no one felt the compelling need to light the menorah in the Town Square or have a silly chanucka parade.
2. If it was even a havaminah of a hiddah mitzva any of the above mentioned Gedolim would have risked life and limb to do it.
3. My challage remains, show m one odam golod who did this in the prior to 40 years agoDecember 3, 2021 7:51 am at 7:51 am in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2037639commonsaychelParticipant@TSBaum “It’s two words:Pirsumei Nisa.”
Sorry it does not quite cut the mustard, if this was a mitzvah or even a hidur mitzva, then you have have seen the Chofetz Chaim in Radin, the Sanzer Rebbeh in Sanz, Babba Salli in Morocco or the Tzemach Tedeck in Russia lighting the menorah in the town square or mounting it in the back of the horse and wagon, this has nothing to do with Prsuma Nisa and everything to do with competing for attention with a certain goyisher symbol.
I challange you to show proof of similar actions prior to 50 years agoDecember 1, 2021 4:07 pm at 4:07 pm in reply to: How to end a first date when there’s no shadchan #2036854commonsaychelParticipantYou take her to the TROLLER restaurant and then take her to the TROLLLER park
commonsaychelParticipantI dont see the compelling reason to a menorah in Oshkosh Wi. or Helena Mt. or some other insignificant place by the local rabbi and elected offical. While we are at it what is this lunacy of driving around with a menorah on a roof? trying to compete with a certain saint?
commonsaychelParticipant@1a2b3c, those are the topics he started, need I say more?
commonsaychelParticipant@lostpark, you seem to have a lot issues in finding your haskafa, such as should I convert, should I wear a black hat, should I shave etc. etc, why dont you find a LOR and ask him all your haskafa question.
commonsaychelParticipanti noticed a trend with certain people that they make act like they had quite a lot mashke before the post on the CR
commonsaychelParticipant“We daven for the return to Zion”
And that day has yet to comeNovember 29, 2021 10:08 am at 10:08 am in reply to: chanukah = donuts (is that a bad thing???) #2035566commonsaychelParticipantBuy the donuts from the Troll Bakery
commonsaychelParticipantI know or care if your Sephadic, I could say beased on your posts your an immature attention seeking troll
commonsaychelParticipantthey can always move to a cheaper place
commonsaychelParticipantReb E something called tough love, and if that was the end result for his punishment I would help him in anyway possible during that year.
PS Just like I taught my kids the dangers of stranger daanger, riding a bike with helmet etc., I warned them not to take packages when they went to learn in Israel.
Sorry if you play with fire you burnedcommonsaychelParticipant@Reb E, if someone drives 85 mph on a ice slick road because he is a rush and totals his car do i have much sympathy for him? no because he did something stupid inspite of his motivation.
Same here, maybe the punishment should be 1 year in jail in France with the lowest of the low and the 3 years travling around Israel telling people in high school not to do such stupid stuff.commonsaychelParticipant@Reb E, there is a thing called FEXEX and DHL it get there fast and its insured, if it was legit they would have used that, people dont pay $1000s to get used clothing or books to a different country.
Mayve if enough people would do time this insanity will stop, wasnt Japan lesson enough?commonsaychelParticipantMajority are adult, teens come and go in waves
commonsaychelParticipant@ Reb E, “fooled into his predicament” please explain
commonsaychelParticipant@ Bas that pays the bills?
commonsaychelParticipant@Reb E, I wrote EAT, not drink or use the bathroom
commonsaychelParticipant@Reb E, and he thought he was being paid to carry lemons? I will bet you that is I paid him 100,000 shekel to eat in a non Kosher McDonalds he would not take it, he should know that if he takes money it more likely then not illeagal.