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@Milhouse, Modern was the one who listed Dr Burg as a example of a Rav who was in goverment service, If Dr. Burg had no issue with being bareheaded in EY regardless of where he was raised, then you can not put in the same class of Rav Meir Shapiro ZTL, Rav Nosson Levine ZTL, Rave Koppel Reich ZTL, who all served in a SECULAR goverement and would never dream of going bareheaded.
commonsaychelParticipantI heard Pizza on motza is a American minhag, is any source to that?
I heard that a Brisker size slice of kokosh caken is eaten both chasidim and MO, any soucre to that?commonsaychelParticipant@ymobat, thanks, so are you, we have gone up one or two notches from discussing bird feeders.
commonsaychelParticipantTroll or not troll?
Kokosh with hot coffee or cold milk?
Woodburne or Fallsburg?
Tums or Exlax on Motza?commonsaychelParticipant@ymirbat, you asked to stick to the OP topic, I did, I wrote you need to learn how to write to sue the airlines read to see the espimated hospital wait time and civics to dealwith neighbors bird feeder.
commonsaychelParticipant@ Millhouse, sorry I dont buy that, I see frum Lawyers, Doctors, Judges even cops who wear a yalmulka, if he felt that insecure about his yiras shomayim that in EY he felt the need to be bareheaded, this man should not used as a example of a yiray chet in goverment service.
commonsaychelParticipantWell, its important that they learn limuday chol, this way they know how to fill out the paperwork to sue an airline, they need to know how to read so they can see how long the hospital wait is, and they need to know civics so they are able to deal with neighbors bird feeder.
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, very simply put, if you kehillah has takkonos, then you follow it, if the killialah you belong you does not have them then its none of your concern.
Wish you to be making a simcha sooncommonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, we are going off topic of the OP who was griping about shidduch prospects for those not in a top tier yeshiva but being that you asked I will answer.
All major frum areas have three type of wedding halls, none takanos where one pays full price, for example The Palace in Brooklyn, Lake Terrace in Lakewood , Atrium in Monsey, hybrid halls where there are certain days where they have takonos weddings other days none takonos for example Yeled vYaldah in Brooklyn, Neemas Hachaim in Lakewood, then there staight takonos halls such as Torah Vyiera in Brooklyn, Bais Faiga in Lakewood and Visnitz in Monsey.
All halls in all 3 tiers are booked solid for months.
Hoping you can use this info to make a simcha shortly.commonsaychelParticipantwhen someone post the topics u posted it begs not to be taken at face value.
PS congtats at your new job, hatzlochacommonsaychelParticipantMIDOS ALERT !
last postcommonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, when you married off a child feel free to join the conversation
commonsaychelParticipant@CA, I stand corrected
commonsaychelParticipantIf you work is a Hospital why do you need a white shirt?
commonsaychelParticipant@ AAQ, Perosnal Q, did you marry off any kids yet?
commonsaychelParticipantno i am taking about halls in all price ranges are booked solid in every major frum area, meaning bucherim are getting married without attending a top yier yeshiva.
commonsaychelParticipantto dr doomstein
commonsaychelParticipantMIDOS ALERT!
commonsaychelParticipantSo can we follow in the ways of Dr. Doomstein and do Teshuva
Only after the Mod give aMIDOS ALERT!
commonsaychelParticipantOn every post you write something that is not nice the mod will post.
commonsaychelParticipantThe vast majority of people dont attend a top tier yeshiva and yet wedding halls are booked solid for months, the top yeshiva is more a myth then fact.
commonsaychelParticipantI will take this post at face value and assume you mean it.
Take half the amount of time that you spend online and take a ESL class, most are low cost or free.commonsaychelParticipant@Modern,
In 1939, he immigrated to Mandate Palestine. When World War II begun, Burg was stuck in Geneva. He returned thanks to the help of Polish diplomat of Ładoś Group who provided him with a Polish passport.[4] He worked as teacher at the Herzliya Hebrew Gymnasium – where he taught religion wearing a kippa, which he would remove when teaching history,
yup a true sign of big talmud chochom a yiras shomayim. lolcommonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, other than Israel and the UK, the CR are not appointed by the goverment, Rabbi Goldshmidt is not a govermental appointee and hold no offical position
September 12, 2022 5:39 pm at 5:39 pm in reply to: Can we have an adult conversation about education? #2123720commonsaychelParticipantThis is what you posted and we are suppose to take you seriously?
I am a Roman Catholic. No, no, I do not believe that Jesus was our savior nor do I believe him to be the son of God. I certainly do not believe in the Holy Ghost and, to be honest, I am not really sure what that even is. But believe me (as our President is want to say) I am a Catholic.
Don’t get me wrong, I have never stepped into a church, I did not attend Sunday school, I know very, very little about the New Testament and if you asked me what mass was, I’d probably tell you it is the property of matter that measures its resistance to acceleration. But I call myself a Roman catholic so a Roman Catholic I am.
My father was not a Roman Catholic and neither was my mother but I was converted by a Roman Catholic who shares my views of our religion. Truth is, to me being Roman Catholic means being a good person and having Catholic values (because, after all, we all know that Muslims, Jews and them awful Baptists do not believe in being a good person or changing the world for the better).
As I do not know or care for the Catholic rights, I don’t have rosemary beads and think they’re silly, Hail Mary is what I like to see at the end of a football game and again, I don’t believe in Jesus, I have developed a new form of Catholic prayer. It entails, wearing a pasta strainer on my head (I borrowed that one from the Pastafarians) and wearing speedos and chanting the lyrics to any song by Abba. This is how I, as a Catholic, like to perform the prayer service. Now, truth be told, I conduct my services maybe once a year but as a Catholic, I demand that the Holy See set aside a space for me at the Vatican to conduct my mass every 15th of the month and on Christmas and Easter, too. The refusal by the Church to cede to my requests shows great intolerance on the part of the Church and I will stop donating money to the Archdioceses and instead of telling people I meet how nice Catholics are, I will encourage them to spread lies about the Catholic people all over the world.
And that is the Reform argument to pray at the Kotel.
September 12, 2022 9:20 am at 9:20 am in reply to: Classics and Beyond Shoftim – Hybrid Power: #2123555commonsaychelParticipantmy car is a hybrid model, not that i am a tree hugger
commonsaychelParticipant@GH this is one of the times we see eye to eye on the issue.
commonsaychelParticipant” A government appointed official is no more of an authority on Halacha than any yungerman who went through the sugyos. If even that. Unless of course he is independently a Talmid Chochom”
the fact of the matter is that a CR is appointed because political considerations not because he knows how to learn, in fact there has been some major am haritzim in those posts.
To the best of knowlege the last major talmud chocom in goverment service was Rav Meir Shapiro and he was in the Semp, not CRSeptember 11, 2022 12:45 pm at 12:45 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2123335commonsaychelParticipant@ujm, if the persons only post are trollish in nature that person is a troll
September 11, 2022 8:53 am at 8:53 am in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2123193commonsaychelParticipant@26, A TROLL IS A TROLL IS A TROLL, NOW GET LOST
commonsaychelParticipant@chief, I am going put it as nicely as I can, I highly doubt any frum person would ask a halacha seilah to either of these two men the way they looked for guidance from Reb Moshe, Rav Wosner, Rav Chaim, Rav Shlomo Zalman ZTL etc. etc.
commonsaychelParticipant@ chief who is the greater talmid chachem you are refering to?
commonsaychelParticipantget a unfilered net and show all, then say dont do it
commonsaychelParticipantThere has not been any dignity in the Oval Office since 1992 and that includes office holders of parties.
commonsaychelParticipantZalman Margules AH was sitting shiva and he had a appointment with the Queen, he got a pasak that he was allowed to shower, shave and wear cleaning clothing and go to the meeting alts Kavod Hamalcus
commonsaychelParticipantwhat is intrenet?
commonsaychelParticipantIt maybe part of his job
commonsaychelParticipantCan the Chief Rabbi attend the service at Westminister Abby?
commonsaychelParticipantyou send it a erlicher yiddish speaking klay kodesh for maintenance and cleaning
commonsaychelParticipant@get ur device tagged, I am impressed, you joined just to say this statement
commonsaychelParticipantwhat list is that?
commonsaychelParticipantHas long as it is only in Hebrew it should not be an issue, not make sure its not in Arabic or English
September 6, 2022 12:05 pm at 12:05 pm in reply to: Where is Moshe Kleinerman? Take on something!! #2121698commonsaychelParticipantAny updates on your Kabbolah?
commonsaychelParticipantLife is full of petty annoyances, slow drivers in the passing lane, city traffic, internet trolls, irrtating people, neighbors with bird feeders, face masks etc.
Bottom line act like an adult and deal with it.
commonsaychelParticipant@12345, if your degree is in shirts then its ok.
PS what did you take on in the zechus of Moshe Kleinerman?commonsaychelParticipantStep one, act like an adult.
Step two, act like an adultcommonsaychelParticipantSend you wife to see a frum therapist or on a trip on Spirit Airlines don’t send her to the hospital where the wait times are long
commonsaychelParticipant@rocky, “Obviously, this paragraph was written for PR purposes to demonstrate that they are not religious fanatics from the dark ages.”
That pretty much sizes up the MO mentality in general and YU in particular, they are always buzy trying to show that they are modern and left first and Jewish second.
And that is why it is withering on the vine.commonsaychelParticipant@Gvmt money was never the issue in YU, it was what the consverdox public though of them.
commonsaychelParticipant@RW its called offense not defense, and you a hypocrite