Forum Replies Created
October 28, 2022 9:29 am at 9:29 am in reply to: The State of Israel Formed on the Basis of Keeping the Torah #2133232commonsaychelParticipant
@lakewhut “And had more people moved to EY earlier more would have survived the Churban Europe.”
Instead they would have been shected on the street on the streetsin Chevron [1929], Jerusalem and HifacommonsaychelParticipantRemove all sharp objects from your house and stay away from high places
October 27, 2022 9:26 pm at 9:26 pm in reply to: The State of Israel Formed on the Basis of Keeping the Torah #2133195commonsaychelParticipantis it?
October 27, 2022 4:15 pm at 4:15 pm in reply to: The State of Israel Formed on the Basis of Keeping the Torah #2133098commonsaychelParticipantthis is the epitome of the road to hell is paved with good intentions
commonsaychelParticipantOne person junk is another person’s treasure
commonsaychelParticipantand what does that have to do with congressional elections being a toss up, stick to the topic at hand
October 27, 2022 8:10 am at 8:10 am in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2132904commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, so your point is? to nominate Rav Kolter to be Mayor of Lakewood? or Rav Edelstein to be Mayor of Jerusalem?
October 26, 2022 5:13 pm at 5:13 pm in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2132811commonsaychelParticipantI vote a person who would do a competent job not based on his health concerns, however if his health would affect his ablity, it would factor in and that is ajudgment call not a torah value
commonsaychelParticipant@sam klein, an interesting take from someone who wrote this:
“Does anyone know how much longer we have before the entire democracy and freedom of the United States government is completely destroyed”commonsaychelParticipant@OP,” even if I were a hypocrite ”
If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, its a duck.
Now my dear troll, go get a job and do something productive.October 25, 2022 11:01 pm at 11:01 pm in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2132535commonsaychelParticipant@participant, here is your quote “But the level of questions and skepticism aimed at candidate demanding they defend their physical health or stating they’re too old is very distasteful and extremely antithetical to Torah values.”
What does torah values have to with an electablitycommonsaychelParticipantBh we have Red as a CR member, all ihis posts are PSA’s
October 25, 2022 4:24 pm at 4:24 pm in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2132378commonsaychelParticipantSorry but being elected in a democracy is not a “torah value”, its a American value and its ok if it factors into who you want to vote for, my first vote was for Ronald Reagan, and it was a great choice
October 25, 2022 4:24 pm at 4:24 pm in reply to: Is YU officially a modern-Orthodox institution? #2132373commonsaychelParticipantis the OP officially a troll?
commonsaychelParticipantNY 17 just was rated toss up.
@ reb E, was is the thinking in the NY 13?commonsaychelParticipantOne of the big poskim once said, reden in lernen is bimchom bittul torah
October 21, 2022 8:14 am at 8:14 am in reply to: Ripping the letters on heimish candy on Shabbos #2131463commonsaychelParticipantThe real story behind this is that this is one massive plot by the Mfg. and the research community to see level of self control the kids have not open the candies on shabbos
October 20, 2022 4:55 pm at 4:55 pm in reply to: The Elul Medley from Naftali Kempeh’s New Album – Zman Elul #2131358commonsaychelParticipantShlomo Carlebach sang it
commonsaychelParticipantmy opinions expressed within the contents of the CR are solely the author’s and do not necesssarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of the website or other users.
Of course the OP suffers from mutiple personality disorder so he can only speak for himself one personality at a time.commonsaychelParticipantIn addition to the above, trolls should be banned from the internet
commonsaychelParticipantdemise from the CR, not mi yecheyah u mi yumus, but next time try to double the amount of tome on your hiatus, it would be greatly appricated.
speak for yourself
commonsaychelParticipantrumors of your early demise have been greatly exagerated, we can count on a few months of silence followed by some drivel.
commonsaychelParticipantCTL, your voice and opinion was that of a mature and season adult even when we looked at an issue from a different prospective I always respected you as a educated professional with real life experience.
Gmar TovcommonsaychelParticipantI repsect all, minus the trolls
commonsaychelParticipantfor a troll who writes snarking comments like this no one will take your seriously
“Reb e I’m just curious how old are you? Also why did you title your name “Reb””
“oh your so old”
‘if ur so shatk on BMG why are you here”commonsaychelParticipantI think we should have a massive bonfire and everyone should sing kumbaya followed by deep breathing
commonsaychelParticipant@gh, and take off perfect outfits for the kids
commonsaychelParticipant@takeh, people in glass houses should not throw stones.
commonsaychelParticipanthow did we morph from if a jew can go to a non jewish funeral to a debate over yakov and esav?
commonsaychelParticipant@5t, welcome to Brokklyn east
commonsaychelParticipantRetrospect is good this time of year, please spare the phyco babble.
commonsaychelParticipantInteresting in 4 out 5 posts that you posted here, you plug another website, I dont eben think thats alllowed
September 23, 2022 6:03 am at 6:03 am in reply to: Where is Moshe Kleinerman? Take on something!! #2127533commonsaychelParticipant@12345, so where is your Kabbalah?
commonsaychelParticipanthopefully one day you will grow to be a mature adult
commonsaychelParticipantHashem is mezaik zivikim. Period end of discussion
commonsaychelParticipant@ubiquitn, I was hoping you would shed some light on the question i posted on sept 19
commonsaychelParticipant@sgod412, welcome and congrats on your first post, your writing style very similar to some other posters, do you have more than one user name?
Try and make your post shorter and easier to understand
September 20, 2022 9:28 am at 9:28 am in reply to: Where is Moshe Kleinerman? Take on something!! #2126570commonsaychelParticipant@shopping, please tread carefuly, there is a family in a world of hurt here.
That being said this bucher and family are hardly mainstream and lets stop there.
PS, interesting after the OP posted his sactimonious posti he vanishes
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ the souce of those minhagim are the same souce of why pepople flush the public toilets twice.
commonsaychelParticipantNot annoying Esav is the original Yaakov’s tactic. Maybe we need to look at the context: volunteering without yarmolka to a after-office beer party is one thing; representing a client in front of a jury is different.
And a so called Rabbi walking around bareheaded is yet a thirdcommonsaychelParticipantSleeping on a hammock after cholent? can you yotzeh with zero gravity chaise lounge chair?
Kallah sending her mechetayister a cheese cake of shevos?
a tea party fundraiser without tea?
never using a car washing execpt for erev peasch?
commonsaychelParticipant@ubiquitin, TY TY, I was always looking for the mikor of those minhagim, BH now I know.
@RW, you see here the mikor of these minghagim.commonsaychelParticipant@RW, its called a courtesy flush
commonsaychelParticipant@26 so why are you here?
commonsaychelParticipantHow about yelling KOALELEH?
commonsaychelParticipantWhat is the minhag of Horseradish with Geflite fish?
What is the minhag of yelling out Kohaleh during laining?
What is the minhag of serving Kichelech along side of the herring at the kiddush?
What is the minhag of flushing twice using public toilets?commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, Avira was called MR. he did not go bareheaded.
I have had serveral occasions where I was the first frum person they ever met and I am mindfull of the way I conduct myself.
There was story where someone asked Reb Moshe for a heter to shave during the nine days for a meeting, Reb Moshe ZTL said there is no heter for such, at the meeting the man said you can trust me because im a Othodox Jew, the other person said, Orthodox people dont shave this time of year yet you shaved, If you dont hold true to your religion I cant trust you and the deal was off.
If a so called Rabbi walks four cubits bareheaded, the trust is gone and he is no longer a Orthodox Rabbi.As to my Career, I worked private sector for a number of years, then worked for the city and went back into the private sector.
I was elected to the local board, [ its a pt position and meets twice a month] and served for two terms before the demands of job required me to give it up.commonsaychelParticipant@RW, is that right? and most of the stuff on your list is not either.
However I will sink to your level and call you names but your matuity leave a lot to desiredcommonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, yes I undrestand the difference betwwen being elected and civil service because unlike you I did both, and I never took off my yalmuka on either one.
I also worked in the corperate world and I never took off my yalmulka, not even in Barbados, Cayman Islands or Montana, I also made it a point to tell my business associates that I am just a torah observant Jew and not a Rabbi. for someone who uses the title Rabbi even part of the time and goes bareheaded is a real shanda and chillul hashem.commonsaychelParticipant@RW, what is the minhag of eating pizza on Motza? or a half baked slice on Motza Peasch?
What is the minhag of having a sushi platter at a vort?
And you never answered the Kokosh cake minhag, -