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  • in reply to: Pandemic amnesty #2139055

    @AAQ, I am not about to have this thread hijacked with my rav is bigger then your rav etc.
    But lets be frank Aguda of Balitmore has how many members? hardly a powerhouse, his opinion outside of Balitmore has minimal impact and for the record some shuls in balitmore open every early in the pandemic in spite of a huge political cost.
    My big issue is the hubris of people telling others on how to run their lives, shuls, yeshivas.

    in reply to: Congressional elections 2022 #2139048

    @Reb E, and the yiddisher vote played a large part in flipping the house.

    in reply to: Moving to EY #2139045

    my suggestion to you is that you take the plunge and do it, you posted 3 times the same subject just in various forms, and you posted no other topics.

    in reply to: Pandemic amnesty #2138671

    @AAQ, my guess is the Rav Heineman has a following of 800 people, Rabbi Billet has a following of 500 people that leaves you about about 1 M who have other daas torah, and who gives these two rabbonim the right to dictate the way for other rabbonim to run the kehillas?

    We are still paying the price for being overprotective both internaly and the world at large, the state that reopened the quickest had the quickest economic recovery, and yeshivas who had a quick reopening in spite of the despot Cuomo had almost no gap in the childrens learning.

    in reply to: Pandemic amnesty #2138490

    Interesting, that Godal Huju, Reb E and the left of centers are MIA on this, guilt feelings maybe???

    in reply to: Pandemic amnesty #2138409

    @yserbius, I don’t recall that thread, but stupid comments are the norm here, compared to the people who were snitching of the neighbors, a Rabbi who threatened another Rav who reopened his shul, or a shul in Florida who threatened members after they daven in a porch minyan, your pretty mild.
    Question is should we forgive and forget?

    in reply to: Pandemic amnesty #2138258

    @yseribius “I do not believe I require mechila.” wow hubris personified

    in reply to: BJX Shabbos Project #2138257

    did they give the Regents there? and what was the favorite pasga sheet there?

    in reply to: Pandemic amnesty #2138151

    “This shul was maligned intensely within the community for daring to reopen, and for being “careless” once other places started reopening. Some mosrim took it upon themselves to harass the shul with repeated calls to the health department, including one made on Shabbos intended to disrupt the davening.” so what you’re saying is that these lowlifes who harassed the shul should not be held accountable?

    in reply to: Pandemic amnesty #2137878

    let focus on our community, there was a rabbi from the 5 towns who said that if anyone said kaddish during covid it was worthless and viilified any who dared to daven with a minyan and threatened a Rav who kept his shul open, there were people in the community who were active in misira, some school were closed for the duration. Do we forgive and forget?

    PS the one person who learned the hard way that actions means something is Billl Deblasio who could not get support from the frum rank and file for any elected office after the way he acted to the frum people duriing covid.

    in reply to: Pandemic amnesty #2137754

    What is interesting to me is that Randi Weingarten of the UFI is now screaming the loudest about amnesty after fighting every attempt to open schools and the test scores show a huge drop, BH the yeshiva had enough sense to continue so the damage was minimal, this in spite of CR members calling them rotzchim.

    in reply to: Pandemic amnesty #2137699

    Here are five for starters.
    1. Test scores in the celler because schools were closed for an extended period of time, in spite of the fact there was not a idota of evidence that children have a high rate of transmission.
    2. Commerce came to a halt because of lock down causing a slew of businesses to close.
    3. Shuls lost members and others closed because of lockdown.
    4. People lost jobs for refusal to vacinate.
    5. Office building were empty and still are because of remote work

    in reply to: Congressional elections 2022 #2137623

    where is the common denominator between the congressional races and Trump behavior? other then the fact Max Rose has goyim for children and Trump has yidden for grandchildren.

    in reply to: Congressional elections 2022 #2137416

    @reb e, and what does this have with the local congressional races, I get it that you despise Trump and the Zeldin married a shiksa, but most of Jewish elected officials are intermarried, I am voting for them not being meshadich with them

    in reply to: Congressional elections 2022 #2137388

    from Lohud:

    One unique factor had no relation to larger political tides: the large number of Orthodox voters in Orange and Rockland and the galvanizing issue that led many to vote Republican, even if that meant disregarding the endorsements of their leaders. That issue was the state push to require more secular education in Hasidic schools, a move that infuriated those voters and drew them to Zeldin, who forcefully supported their cause.
    The net result went both ways, with Orthodox votes helping a Democrat in one congressional district and a Republican in another. Ryan, a Democrat, won the 18th District race by 2,173 votes and had a net gain of 1,510 votes in Orange County’s Kiryas Joel, a Satmar Hasidic community where Ryan was endorsed by leaders but many voters cast ballots for Schmitt instead. (The vote split was 4,039-2,529 for Ryan and Schmitt. In the 17th District, heavy support from Rockland’s Orthodox voters helped carry Lawler past Maloney, despite endorsements for Maloney by leaders of the Hasidic villages of New Square and Kaser. No precise breakdown was available on Wednesday, but Yossi Gestetner, co-founder of the Orthodox Jewish Public Affairs Council, estimated a massive turnout of 20,000 Orthodox voters and said they voted overwhelmingly for Lawler.
    Aside from his support on the yeshiva issue, Lawler had earned Orthodox backing through his responsiveness to their interests as a state assemblyman for the last two years.

    in reply to: Congressional elections 2022 #2137262

    @Reb E, big deal your ex-congressman Max Rose who you voted for 3 times married a shiksa as well.
    Sadly, intermarriage is off the charts, about of elected Jews married out of the faith including 2 whose “husbands” are non jews

    in reply to: Congressional elections 2022 #2136776

    NY CD 17 [rockland], flipped, CD 4 [5 towns] flipped CD 19 {sullivan] flipped. NJ 7 [linden] flipped

    in reply to: Waiting for Yishtabach #2136563

    you didn’t insult me at all, the same thought process that applied to ankle socks also applied to the topic at hand, and for any topic that if you think for two minutes you will have your answer

    in reply to: Waiting for Yishtabach #2136371

    there was a certain person who wrote this.
    “I really hope that this is a joke post. I hope you have the sechel and wisdom to come to the correct decision regarding your children’s’ socks. I hope the Talmidei Chachomim of the CR can help you exercise good judgement over this.”
    sounds familar? use this for this as welll

    in reply to: Should Yeshiva Bochurim go out and vote on Tuesday’s election? #2136268

    They should go to the grocery instead, being that is your favorite thread topic

    in reply to: Congressional elections 2022 #2136205

    I was in the 5 towns today and that race is neck and neck

    in reply to: History of the Shas Party #2136193

    “I see a lot of bashing in YWN CR of other communities and Jewish institutions without fully understanding the full picture of the demographics within said communities and institutions. What works for Lakewood or Brooklyn isn’t necessarily helpful or realistic for other communities. What are ways we can bridge the gap and have mutual respect as frum Jews?”
    does this quote sound familiar?

    in reply to: Which country had the most Tzadikim? #2135752

    I think Fiji and Marshall Island have the most

    in reply to: Football Match #2135703

    this is what you posted on the ankle stock:
    “I really hope that this is a joke post. I hope you have the sechel and wisdom to come to the correct decision regarding your children’s’ socks. I hope the Talmidei Chachomim of the CR can help you exercise good judgement over this.”
    Hold true on this troll post too

    in reply to: hechsher? #2135091

    @Gabe, the best hashgocha out there is from Rav Gabe M Troller.

    in reply to: world Safety #2134327

    @sam klein:
    The answer to your question all depends on how soon klal yisroel stops living in Denial and starts FACING REALITY. do you think Hashem wants to C”V destroy and take away from klal yisroel this beautiful Medina shel chessed Hashem gave us of the USA that was actually discovered by a Jewish messenger? Yes actually discovered by accident but nothing just happens by mistake or coincidence.

    Let’s hope we all wake ourselves up from living in Denial and FACE REALITY IMMEDIATELY and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.

    in reply to: Which country had the most Tzadikim? #2134320

    prewar Hungary, Poland, Lithuania

    in reply to: Game Room In Yeshiva #2134203

    I just bought a pair of Ugg ascot slippers, and I’m wondering- does anybody know if i need to check them for shatnez?

    in reply to: Game Room In Yeshiva #2134202

    Then why don’t we all accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP when such large tragedies strike klal yisroel tragically C”V?

    Why do we just keep living in denial and instead wake up and FACE REALITY IMMEDIATELY? when a serious issue like this arises it calls for immediate wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP like we did in the story of Purim etc ….

    Hashem loves his loving children klal yisroel and is waiting to send Mashiach already bkarov but first we need to do our hishtadlus and beg our loving father Hashem forgiveness and return with serious Teshuva ASAP TOGETHER.

    no parents would ever let their children suffer or punish them but sometimes they have no choice the child won’t listen to do his homework or go to sleep etc….. What de we all call this? A potch of LOVE that we know is for the child’s benefit and ultimate good and in years from now when he grows up he might even thank his parents for the punishment and waking him up for the mistake he made

    Let’s all wake ourselves up from living in denial and FACE REALITY IMMEDIATELY and beg Hashem to bring Mashiach already with our serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASA

    in reply to: Free ??? ?? ???? Sign #2134008


    in reply to: Congressional elections 2022 #2133603

    @Sam Klein Hakol beday shomayim chutz me yiras shomayim, at that incluses topics like you posted about you going to a local mesivta vs a out of town mesivta, so please stay on topic.

    in reply to: Have you ever received a traffic ticket that you did not deserve? #2133535

    Did you ever get a ticket that you deserved?

    in reply to: anklesocks #2133533

    @AAQ, beacause a troll needs to post teice

    in reply to: The State of Israel Formed on the Basis of Keeping the Torah #2133232

    @lakewhut “And had more people moved to EY earlier more would have survived the Churban Europe.”
    Instead they would have been shected on the street on the streetsin Chevron [1929], Jerusalem and Hifa

    in reply to: Sense of Humor #2133196

    Remove all sharp objects from your house and stay away from high places

    in reply to: The State of Israel Formed on the Basis of Keeping the Torah #2133195

    is it?

    in reply to: The State of Israel Formed on the Basis of Keeping the Torah #2133098

    this is the epitome of the road to hell is paved with good intentions

    in reply to: Junkyard World #2133007

    One person junk is another person’s treasure

    in reply to: Congressional elections 2022 #2132948

    and what does that have to do with congressional elections being a toss up, stick to the topic at hand

    in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2132904

    @AAQ, so your point is? to nominate Rav Kolter to be Mayor of Lakewood? or Rav Edelstein to be Mayor of Jerusalem?

    in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2132811

    I vote a person who would do a competent job not based on his health concerns, however if his health would affect his ablity, it would factor in and that is ajudgment call not a torah value

    in reply to: Congressional elections 2022 #2132600

    @sam klein, an interesting take from someone who wrote this:
    “Does anyone know how much longer we have before the entire democracy and freedom of the United States government is completely destroyed”

    in reply to: ‏תשובה #2132569

    @OP,” even if I were a hypocrite ”
    If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, its a duck.
    Now my dear troll, go get a job and do something productive.

    in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2132535

    @participant, here is your quote “But the level of questions and skepticism aimed at candidate demanding they defend their physical health or stating they’re too old is very distasteful and extremely antithetical to Torah values.”
    What does torah values have to with an electablity

    in reply to: Traffic Ticket “Gotcha” #2132499

    Bh we have Red as a CR member, all ihis posts are PSA’s

    in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2132378

    Sorry but being elected in a democracy is not a “torah value”, its a American value and its ok if it factors into who you want to vote for, my first vote was for Ronald Reagan, and it was a great choice

    in reply to: Is YU officially a modern-Orthodox institution? #2132373

    is the OP officially a troll?

    in reply to: Congressional elections 2022 #2132269

    NY 17 just was rated toss up.
    @ reb E, was is the thinking in the NY 13?

    in reply to: Does למודי חול constitute ביטל תורה? #2131953

    One of the big poskim once said, reden in lernen is bimchom bittul torah

    in reply to: Ripping the letters on heimish candy on Shabbos #2131463

    The real story behind this is that this is one massive plot by the Mfg. and the research community to see level of self control the kids have not open the candies on shabbos

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