Forum Replies Created
February 7, 2023 12:20 pm at 12:20 pm in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2163361commonsaychelParticipant
@Hadofi, all changes minus two were so far dismissed, the remaining two changes will be thrown out because they both require intent.
Change #1 He or she knowingly acts in a manner likely to be injurious to the physical, mental or moral welfare of a child less than seventeen years old.
Change #2 A person restricts another’s movements intentionally when his or her conscious objective or purpose is to restrict that person’s movements.
He will win a multi million dollar lawsuit.
February 7, 2023 1:25 am at 1:25 am in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2163156commonsaychelParticipant@hardofi, the real purim joke will be when he sues the hysterical mother, the lynch mob shomrim and the clueless NYPD for millions.
February 6, 2023 3:38 pm at 3:38 pm in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2162983commonsaychelParticipant@Jackk, bh a nice start, but the average guy walking down the street on Coney Island Ave was not involved in besmirching him, I would like to see a public apology from the mother and Shomrim who were the direct causes of all of this.
February 3, 2023 6:45 am at 6:45 am in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2162188commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ ” the divrei chesed and Torah ”
You slipped up and wrote a CH, please be consistent.commonsaychelParticipant@Rocky, buying an apt in Israel pretty much has gone out of style, perhaps 5-10 of the Israelis do that, for the remainder it’s for the wedding night and basic set up of the household.
Pretty much all Chasidisher Mosdos have a Keren Chasanim where the bucher gets 25K towards chasuna expenses.February 2, 2023 9:34 am at 9:34 am in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2161933commonsaychelParticipant@Hardofi, No thanks, I don’t join lynch mobs
commonsaychelParticipantMy heart goes out for the people who are reduced to running for shul to shul begging, these people make very simple weddings.
PS @AAQ please stick to one style half the time you use a ch and half the time you use hFebruary 1, 2023 8:20 am at 8:20 am in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2161450commonsaychelParticipant@Hadofi, I think Walder was a molester, I think Helbrans was a sick twisted perverted man AND I think that Shomrim jumped the gun on this and is 1000% wrong, if all they are is just a glorified lynch mob let them disband
commonsaychelParticipantMODs. this guy is plugging his own business, please remove it
commonsaychelParticipantLets go back to covid chasunas
January 31, 2023 11:40 am at 11:40 am in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2161175commonsaychelParticipant@besalel, yes I fault the Mother and Shomrim, had the mother taken two minutes to ask what happened this thing would not have blown up, had shomrim been professional and view the tape they would have seen its much ado about nothing, instead they acted like lynch mob.
January 30, 2023 10:11 pm at 10:11 pm in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2160913commonsaychelParticipantMy biggest issue is with Shomrim, why not take 5 minutes and realize that this was much ado about nothing, I will never give them a dime.
commonsaychelParticipant@AZ I stand corrected, the Brooklyn DA is still going after him on those two changes, those will be never impossible to prosecute because they require intent.
@Shlomo123, yes, I fault shomrim they are supposed to get the facts and not act like a lynch mob, people should stop funding them until all charges are dropped.@besalal, the mother is 100% at fault here, take 5 minutes to find out what’s happened before ruining someone’s life forever
commonsaychelParticipantInside a Brooklyn yeshiva, more than 100 people gathered last month to dance and celebrate a marriage — of a 15-year-old bride.
The groom was either 21 or 22, according to someone who was in attendance.
Now Joel Roth, the Hasidic rabbi who heads the Williamsburg yeshiva called Mosdos Heichel Hakodesh Breslev, is under investigation by the NYPD and city Administration for Children’s Services for his role in arranging and performing unofficial underage marriages
NY Post
commonsaychelParticipant@Amil, ALL charges were dropped, you live in the PNW, you have no clue of what happened,
@GH “Whatever his motivation, he exercised very poor judgement.” ditto the mother and shomrimcommonsaychelParticipantWe have to slow down and not jump to conclusions, the mother, Shomruim and NYPD should be sued for everything they own, what is wrong with these people.
commonsaychelParticipantA criminal defense attorney once told me that he never wants a frum person on a jury because they are too law and order, I never had to serve because 85% of the cases are civil and I work in the insurance arena.
commonsaychelParticipantBH I am glad he is alive it is said that if word goes out that one died and the person is alive it is a sekula for arechas yomim,
commonsaychelParticipantOne of the areas hadibros is lo sachmod, please dont be busy with yennim
commonsaychelParticipant@lostpark, Maatjes is the Swedish word for soused [cooked then marinated]
commonsaychelParticipantThis is a verbatim quote of the OP
“I see a lot of bashing in YWN CR of other communities and Jewish institutions without fully understanding the full picture of the demographics within said communities and institutions. What works for Lakewood or Brooklyn isn’t necessarily helpful or realistic for other communities. What are ways we can bridge the gap and have mutual respect as frum Jews?January 8, 2023 9:17 am at 9:17 am in reply to: If not for Mufti (w/ Shukeiri) murdering thousands & secularists on De Haan #2154726commonsaychelParticipantWhat if Napoleon would have won the battle of Waterloo?
What if Ho Chi Minh would have died when he had malaria in his 30s?
What is the Japanese would not have attacked Pearl Harbor?
What is Fidel Castro would have died in prison?
We can “what if” for the next 100 years and nothing will change
January 6, 2023 8:14 am at 8:14 am in reply to: Haredim denounce Ben Gvir Temple Mount provocation #2154467commonsaychelParticipantJust out of curiosity, what about the OO “rabbonim” who celebrate S/S marraige in the the shuls publication?
commonsaychelParticipantEach shul can / should do the own, $1000 -1500 is small potatoes if there is a will there is a way.
commonsaychelParticipantDisclaimer: I am not making fun of anyone.
I really miss Diskin who would do an awesome imitation of every Rebbe and Rosh Yeshiva.commonsaychelParticipanthave 20 people pony up 75 dollar and you are done
“is a little too judgmental”commonsaychelParticipant@ Bob
this is what you posted on 6/22/22
“As per the decision of my doctor I am taking a mental leave from YWNCR.”
I nothing about the issue per se, because I know its satire and troll, perhaps you may want to extend your leavecommonsaychelParticipantIt depends on if he drives a Tesla on Shabbos, watches torah on YouTube, is a safek mamzer.
commonsaychelParticipant@CTL, the Rosh Hakahal or the Rav would once in a while being a tub of herring and egg kichel if it was an important Yarhreit.
commonsaychelParticipant@Bob, wow that sabbatical was way too short
commonsaychelParticipantCTL, nice to see you back
commonsaychelParticipant14 or 46
commonsaychelParticipant@regular yid, First welcome to the YWN and congrats on your first post, Nothing I wrote disparaged either Yankel zl or special need people, I knew Yankel since the Bronx days, he came to my wedding and danced with me and my grandfather who he knew from the Bronx, He showed up and my sons bris and I bought the tape from him, there was no attempt to ridicule him, you really need to lighten up.
commonsaychelParticipantone of fond memories I have of Yankel was one day when he was out delivering and saw a commotion on 13 Ave, it was Moshe Ber Beck demonstrating on 5th Iyar, when they told him that they were demonstrating against Israel, he said what????!, he then opened the boxes found a carton of eggs and proceeding to pelt them with the eggs.
commonsaychelParticipant@ Amil, Like I said before it depends what IS is
commonsaychelParticipantYankel lived in Mt Eden in the Bronx and daven by Rav Bick and at Chenkowitz on Eastburn Ave. He moved to the BP in the late 70s and worked as a delivery person for Bochners. Sadly he was nifter a few years ago.
commonsaychelParticipantAll fire fighters vent, its away to get rid of the smoke Monsey, Spring Valley, Lawrence, Woodmere and Lakewood all have frum fire fighters who vent
commonsaychelParticipant@GH “but WJC made the mistake of doing so under oath.”
It depends what is iscommonsaychelParticipantState Senator Julie Salazer lies make Santos look like a walk in the park, yet this lying weasel got reelected 3 times
commonsaychelParticipantDr Mendy Ganchrow said
“No greater relief know to humankind than a hemorrhoid removed”
Source: heard firsthand
Dr Mendy Ganchrow graduated YU and was a practicing proctologist
commonsaychelParticipantGood question, Bill Clinton would the person be to ask, he is an expert liar
December 21, 2022 4:44 pm at 4:44 pm in reply to: Frum LinkedIn Users with He/Him or She/Her in their profile? #2150483commonsaychelParticipantYes very tragic, almost as tragic as not having Gibson guitars in frum bands
commonsaychelParticipant@Yechi, 95% of chabad bucherim never touch a chasidisher sefer that come from Poland/. Hungary
commonsaychelParticipant@Yechi, what seforim do they learn?
commonsaychelParticipant“I see a lot of bashing in YWN CR of other communities and Jewish institutions without fully understanding the full picture of the demographics within said communities and institutions. What works for Lakewood or Brooklyn isn’t necessarily helpful or realistic for other communities. What are ways we can bridge the gap and have mutual respect as frum Jews?”
written by the OP on 10/12/22commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, You are totally not interested in people thinking for themselves, in fact in the 5000 times you posted I never saw you admit you were wrong, you want the people think your way period end of discuss.
PS it typical AAQ fashion you cut and pasted only part of what I wrote, so let me tell you loud and clear I would rather be called a mazik or uneducated then being call a mosercommonsaychelParticipantHow about ignoring a knowledge troll tread with a response.
commonsaychelParticipant@AAQ, so now i have gone from being a mazik to being uneducated? nice to know, frankly I would prefer either of those to being called a moser.
PS a Democatic Senate committee just released a report on the Covid response, and it said there was a host of mistakes that were done.commonsaychelParticipantTry talking about A Stone vs Brook Brothers shirts, shiddichim vs real estate or the best idea of all taking on something for the zechus of Moshe Kleinerman.
like Avira said before HS friendship and skin deep as you will find out when you grow up -