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  • in reply to: so funny!!! #1740033

    Fun fact: In different parts of the world, laughter is written with different sounds.

    in reply to: Percentage of men members vs. women on YW Coffeeroom? #1735633

    What is a “healed-world?”

    in reply to: The War Against White Men #1733611

    Judaism has a concept of nations, some of which are to be dealt with in ways that others are not.

    in reply to: Is Harry Potter kosher #1733628

    As much as any secular non-educational book is.

    Surely you’d agree that some such books are less suitable than others?

    While the idea of a suffering hero is Christian
    Not all literature with a heroic protagonist who suffers is intended Christian symbolism.

    in reply to: Who is RGP ? #1733602

    Found on the Internet (and slightly edited):
    For a time the word “belly” was considered vulgar. The word was sometimes slyly hinted at.
    For example, in the 1933 film “42nd Street,” there is a lyric “with a shotgun in his b…tummy”
    (tummy is a childish word for belly). Nowadays this supposed vulgarity of “belly” is completely
    forgotten, and the joke has to be explained.

    in reply to: What’s with this trend???? #1733582

    What about the trend of topics with vague titles? I see several on the front page right now…

    in reply to: Did Hillary really win the popular vote #1733586

    You’ve decided to remove some guaranteed Democrat votes, but not guaranteed Republican votes.

    in reply to: What is Chasidus? #1733589

    The litvishe say that we must accomodate and show leniency when people disrupt the Torah

    Source, please.

    in reply to: Anti-Semitism – Caused By Ourselves? #1719452

    This was submitted to a Lakewood newspaper as well. It chose not to print the part about creating stores with the spirit of Judaism in mind…

    Many people are saying that our anti-Semitic problem today is reminiscent of the 30s.

    As in ’30s Germany under Hitler? Who’s saying this?

    introduction of non-Jewish templates into our magazines

    I honestly don’t know what this means. Advertisements for luxuries?

    If I open a magazine and can’t tell whether it’s a Jewish magazine or a non -Jewish one
    we are LOSING OUR WAY.

    Maybe so, but unless he’s referring to single ads taken out of context, this probably isn’t the case.
    If shown all of the ads in a particular magazine at once, I think we could easily tell whether it was
    Jewish. Or is it general-interest articles with no relation to Judaism that he objects to?

    in reply to: Did YWN cave to pressure and remove a news item? #1719435

    True. Let us say instead that it was to prevent people from antagonizing non-Jews.

    in reply to: Find an old Hamodia article #1719423

    Have you tried contacting Hamodia directly and asking them for the article?

    in reply to: WHISTLEBLOWER: Non-Kosher Pesach Program?! #1719405

    It’s almost astounding how many people failed to read “omg!!!! i just read this on reddit! this is insane! anyone know where this is? omg omg omg omg!!!!” and understand that OP was not the source of the rest of their post.

    in reply to: Worst life hacks #1688771

    For less destructive microwave abuse, use a raw egg in its shell.
    (For more destruction, use steel wool.)

    in reply to: What music do you listen to while exercising? #1688773

    What was Wedding Crush supposed to be?

    in reply to: What music do you listen to while exercising? #1688775

    “What songs are good but only for exercising?”

    Anything with a strong rhythm as its main positive quality.

    in reply to: Wars every 28 years #1688803



    in reply to: Question for Working Men #1688806

    Mishpacha‘s last issue had a lot to say about this topic (and other aspects of leaving full-time learning, which most of the issue was devoted to).

    in reply to: Don’t Label Me #1688805

    אַל־תּ֣וֹכַח “לֵ֖ץ” פֶּן־יִשְׂנָאֶ֑ךָּ

    in reply to: Anyone Else Worried About Today’s Frum Music? #1653824

    I love good rock, rap, and EDM music, and there is no reason why Jewish music shouldn’t include those genres.

    They tend not to copy what’s actually good about a particular genre…
    For example, some guy going “Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.” in the background.
    Who thought that was a great idea to import?!

    in reply to: Ruach hakodesh poll #1652000

    I learned in chumash class in eighth grade that this is something every Jew can aspire to have.

    It’s a level we can aspire to reach, not an experience we can
    hope to have without having to reach a certain spiritual level.

    in reply to: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests #1651999

    We don’t make a specific misheberach for Israeli soldiers
    because we need to be clear that it’s existence is a terrible bedieved,
    only for boys that would otherwise go otd.

    The existence of the army is a b’dieved?
    Most soldiers weren’t religious to begin with.
    Would praying for the welfare of Israeli soldiers really convey
    the message that the army is a good place for our bochurim?

    in reply to: Trump will not be re-elected. Sorry #1651998

    “Women’s Gestapo orgs”

    ??? Was that an auto-correct from something, or is this just a
    case of me not being up-to-date on America’s culture wars?

    in reply to: Scones are bad for birds. #1651997

    According to PETA, animal treatment is a social justice issue. Let that one sink in.

    Perhaps we should poll the animal population on whether they find these idioms offensive?

    in reply to: Bad poetry #1649379

    Here’s A. A. Milne.

    “Don’t Bustle me,” said Eeyore, getting up slowly. “Don’t now-then me.” He took a piece of paper from behind his ear, and unfolded it. “Nobody knows anything about this,” he went on. “This is a Surprise.” He coughed in an important way, and began again: “What-nots and Etceteras, before I begin, or perhaps I should say, before I end, I have a piece of Poetry to read to you. Hitherto—hitherto—a long word meaning—well, you’ll see what it means directly—hitherto, as I was saying, all the Poetry in the forest has been written by Pooh, a Bear with a Pleasing manner but a Positively Startling Lack of Brain. The Poem which I am now about to read to you was written by Eeyore, or Myself, in a Quiet Moment. If somebody will take Roo’s bull’s-eye away from him, and wake up Owl, we shall all be able to enjoy it. I call it—POEM.”

    This was it.

    Christopher Robin is going.
    At least I think he is.
    Nobody knows.
    But he is going—
    I mean he goes
    (To rhyme with “knows”)
    Do we care?
    (To rhyme with “where”)
    We do
    Very much.
    (I haven’t got a rhyme for that
    “is” in the second line yet.
    (Now I haven’t got a rhyme for
    bother. Bother.)
    Those two bothers will have to
    rhyme with each other Buther.
    The fact is this is more difficult
    than I thought,
    I ought—
    (Very good indeed)
    I ought
    To begin again,
    But it is easier
    To stop.
    Christopher Robin, good-bye,
    And all your friends
    I mean all your friend
    (Very awkward this, it keeps
    going wrong)
    Well, anyhow, we send
    Our love

    in reply to: Bad Poetry #1646380

    Bump in the night.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1646376

    “Viewing 10 posts – 1,551 through 1,560 (of 1,560 total)”

    Poor mods.

    in reply to: YMN MODERATOR #1646055

    Where’s the post that set off this “fruit basket” business?

    in reply to: Bad poetry #1646054

    I hadn’t noticed the acrostic. : ) Nice!

    in reply to: Bad poetry #1646057

    Is there a thread for posting good poetry (by other people)?

    in reply to: Bad poetry #1646020

    RebYidd, your profile now says: “Our name is RebYidd23, not R Yidel Shwartz.
    That’s not an easy mistake to make, but the Vues made it.”
    I’m trying to work out what this means. The Vues credited R’ Yidel Schwartz with the poem,
    and so did you, so I assume this R’ Yidel, who isn’t you, did write it. Did the Vues think it was
    you who had written it, writing under another name (and if so, how did you know this)?

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1645247

    Hey, Yserbius and Milhouse. 3 words: Machi Koro Legacy. :):):)

    in reply to: Bad poetry #1645244

    Also, if anyone has Turning Point by Devora Reich, feel free to add the Shulamis poem submitted for the sem’s journal.

    in reply to: Bad poetry #1645236

    The Maven (Amy Oseroff and Miriam Wildeman)

    Once inside a Succah dreary,
    While I pondered Jewish theory,
    Seeking answers to my query,
    Responsa tomes strewn ’round the flooring,
    While I studied, deeply poring,
    Oy gevalt! in came my mother,
    Seeking this and nothing more,
    “Darling, I need halvah from the store.”
    Sighed my mother from the door,
    “Only this, and nothing more.”

    Nothing more? “Oh mother never,
    Never was your list so brief.
    Are you well? Have you a fever?
    You don’t need schmaltz? Or corned beef either?”
    Sighed my mother from the door,
    ”Only this, and nothing more.”

    So I schlepped off to the store, buying halvah, nothing more,
    But when I came back through the gate, see,
    My mother stood there, to await me.
    “Nu, darling, I forgot. I also need some mandelbrot.”
    “Mother, please think this fully through,
    since I have other things to do.
    One more thing you need, or four?”
    Sighed my mother from the door,
    ”Only this, and nothing more.”

    Mutely moaning, “It’s a mitzvah,”
    Aloud I asked her, “Need some kishke?”
    How about some lukshen kugel
    Or apples for your famous strudel?”
    But, “No,” said she, “mandelbrot is all I wish for.”
    Sighed my mother from the door,
    “Only this, and nothing more.”

    So off I went straight to the deli,
    Marching past the herring smelly,
    Ignoring matzos, and the soup stock,
    Passing by the liver chop block,
    Home I came, with one thing only,
    Only mandelbrot, lost and lonely.
    Sighed my mother from the door,
    “Only this, and nothing more.”

    “We have the food now for the party,
    But we need to clean up, smarty.
    I don’t mind stacks of books around the Succah,
    But should my friends know you use a hookah?
    We have the food we need, but wait! That recipe from the rebbetzin – ”
    I gasped, “Which cabinet’s the Manischewitz in?
    Mom, I won’t go back to the store. I have had it –

    in reply to: I had a topic I wanted to post here but I forgot what #1641924

    This happened to me as well the other day.

    in reply to: Robots are invading the CR! #1641916


    I know that place. : )

    in reply to: A question about the Modern Orthodox #1633427

    ZionGate, what does the song have to do with this?

    in reply to: a few points #1633423

    Is it me or 1 who’s uninformed about the use of the term “bot?”

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1631901

    Target has some things on sale:
    Klask – 38.5 (21.5 off)
    It’s like air hockey, except you control your striker from underneath the board with a magnet, you mustn’t fall into your own goal, and you mustn’t get 2 of the 3 non-puck magnet-bits stuck to your piece. (I hear ordering a spare parts pack and playing with 4 can be even more fun.)
    (By the way, if you live in Lakewood, Toys for Thought also has this on sale for 40 through Chanukah. I think that’s in-store only.)

    Imhotep – 22 (18 off)
    Egyptian-themed light strategy game for 2-4. You mostly load blocks of your color onto public ships or send a full-enough public ship to one of several places to unload its cubes in the order they were loaded, with each of those places scoring differently. There are 2 playable versions of each place for variety.

    Kingdomino – 12.8 (10.2 off)
    Lighter strategy game for 2-4. Take turns picking an available tile to add to your grid, always having to match a nearby tile – the better the tile you take, the later your turn will be in the next round. Scoring is based on the size of each area of a single type and the number of crowns on the area’s tiles. (The Target-exclusive version comes with a tile-dispensing tower.)

    Santorini – 23 (7 off)
    (Note: This game has a cutesy Greek myth theme and includes the names of Greek avodah zara.)
    Position-based strategy game for 2-4 (but don’t play with 4). Players each have 2 pieces on the same 5×5 grid. On a turn, move one of them like a chess-King and then build nearby. Buildings (which don’t belong to the players) can go up to 4 floors, and players can only move upward by 1 floor in a move. The object is to get a piece onto the 3rd floor of a building (4th floors can’t be moved to) or prevent your opponent from having a legal move. That’s the basic game, anyway – players can also each have a different special rule. The buildings are plastic and pretty nice.

    MegaLand – 20 (5 off)
    Light push-your-luck game with some strategy. In the first part of each round, players must choose when to back out from a public card-draw, somewhat blackjack-style – staying in is always rewarded but runs the risk of losing all the round’s gains. In the second part, they use their rewards to buy cards that progress them toward winning (and may help them in future rounds). Nice art.

    in reply to: Politics VS Religion #1631759

    Honk if you like nerdy jokes.

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1629987

    We’ve been playing Azul using 100 Ticket to Ride trains and paper boards
    I made myself with pen/pencil and markers. I’ve just taken a good look at
    the new Stained Glass of Sintra version; making its double-sided
    columns out of paper doesn’t seem like a great idea.

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1629655

    It seems the first 3 editions of the base game each had a different set of rules for farmers.

    in reply to: Hasidic Secular Education #1629343

    It appears that even the mods couldn’t be bothered to read
    through that C&P’d document, or they’d have seen the link in it.

    in reply to: Hasidic Secular Education #1629344

    I never thought that what Chazal tell us in Pirkei Avos has become inapplicable in our times.

    I never thought that applying a concept to our time
    meant “the literal meaning of the exact words.”

    in reply to: Golus America becoming less comfortable #1629341

    Given American’s origins as a refuge for escaped (and deported/exiled) criminals

    That knowledge had previously escaped me. As it turns out, it’s not precise –
    the colonies weren’t started for that reason, but criminals were</am> shipped here.

    From a 2015 article on the subject:
    ‘Some female convicts were transported to the American colonies as well,
    for crimes such as …’walk[ing] the streets after ten at night.’ ”

    From comments on that article:
    “The one thing I would point out is that quite a large portion of these “criminals”
    did nothing worse than being poor. Sending people to “debtors’ prison” was a
    pretty common practice at the time. In fact, I think most crimes that would
    justify the “criminal” label these days would have just got you hanged back
    then. I don’t think they were sending boatloads of convicted murderers over.”

    “An ancestor of mine turned their maid in for stealing the silverware in 1728.
    She was sentenced to death. The sentence was commuted to transportation
    to the colonies, which was standard for female death sentences.”

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1629271

    (Get the MacGuffin, to be precise.)

    in reply to: Is it Mutar to celebrate Thanksgiving?!?!?!?!?!?! #1629263

    My mother tells me that non-Jewish Americans serve basically the same food,
    including turkey, at all holiday meals (she used to have non-Jewish coworkers).

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1629249

    (Ignore the asterisk. Also, if you want to play it “seriously,” you should get a reference sheet showing the amount of each unique tile in the game so that you can know whether it will be possible to fill in a particular space in the map – I think the app version gives you that information automatically.)

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1628818

    (Please review the following on the basis of informative/useful you found it:)

    2-5 players / 8-10 and up / 45 minutes(?)

    Players build an old French town together, trying to control different
    kinds of areas so that only they score when those areas are completed.
    On their turns, players must draw and add a single tile to the board so
    that it matches any nearby tiles, and may put one of their pieces on it
    to take control of an area no one controls yet. When an area is finished,
    the controlling player gets some points and all pieces there go back to
    their owners. “But how could more than one person have pieces in an
    area according to what I just read,” you ask. The answer is that while
    you can’t get into a controlled area, you can place a tile in such a way
    that multiple areas become one.
    There’s also permanent piece placement for end-of-game scoring
    that you should start playing with after a couple of games.

    Some notes:
    The fewer players, the better, according to the gaming community.

    A widespread house-rule that makes the game faster without really
    changing it: Players draw their tile at the end of their turns instead
    of the start of their turn, letting them think on other players’ turns.

    An expansion is a separately sold box that adds elements to a game;
    Carcassonne has a ton of them. “Traders & Builders” is probably the
    first one you should get should you choose to go down that road.
    (There are also numerous alternate versions* of the game, each with
    its own little twist. However, they are not generally compatible with
    the expansions – even if they were, the visuals wouldn’t match.)
    There’s even a much-simplified kids’ version, My First Carcassonne.

    As a variant, you can have players draw 3 or 4 tiles and only draw
    another 3/4 after playing their last tile (make sure the number of
    tiles in the game is divisible by [player count]x[hand size]).

    in reply to: Randomex's junk thread thread (Ride the troller coaster!) #1627834

    (I miss the old editing system.)

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1627832

    Maybe you could get away with 7 Wonders as a gateway game… I’d probably
    start with a simpler drafting game, like Sushi Go Party! (or maybe
    Treasure Hunter, which I still have yet to take a close look at).

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