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  • in reply to: Why Is It So Hard? #1802830

    Statistically, it’s actually pretty incredible that humans find the correct spouse in their lifetime.

    What is this “correct spouse” you speak of? 🙂

    in reply to: Why Is It So Hard? #1802831

    How often do you say no to the boys?

    That seems personal and uncalled for.

    in reply to: $5,000.000 donated to Trump by Orthodox Jews, can we afford it? #1802833

    Chazal tell us that the people blessed with unusual wealth are Gisborim, caretakers for the Ribono Shel Olom to help out his children. Rav Ahron Leib Shteinman would obligate Gevirim to give up to 50% of their earnings to Tzedaka. Rav Moshe mentions this several time in Dorash Moshe that really all the money in the world should be shared equally by society, Hashem decided to give it in an unequal way in order to be mezakeh the Ashirim in Tzedaka voChesed. He says they should look at themselves as mere trustees of the Klal.

    Higher taxes for the rich? Considering income equality ideal?
    Rich people’s wealth really belongs to society in general? This
    is all a bunch of leftist commie liberal socialist propaganda!
    No wonder you don’t approve of people donating to Trump.

    in reply to: PLEASE ADD A “LIKE” BUTTON!!!! #1802834

    Instructions, please.

    in reply to: Can a frum Jew go on birthright? #1798321

    died while protecting other Jews … Therefore they died al kiddush Hashem

    Source, please.

    in reply to: Is playing a musical instrument a negative??? #1798318

    I have no musical talent to speak of, but one of my children does,
    and we are trying to help her cultivate her talent as much as we can.

    Musical talent is not required for musical training.

    in reply to: pain #1798314

    (Don’t expect any response from the OP.)

    in reply to: Where were you? #1793499

    At home.

    in reply to: Fiction or Biography? #1793498

    Why not post the author’s name? This isn’t personal information.

    in reply to: NeutiquamErro's favorite thread with an obscure title #1793495

    Does America have a wizarding school?

    According to recent films, yes.

    If so, wouldn’t it be bigger than Hogwarts? America is a lot bigger than England.

    Does China have the largest yeshiva in the world?
    (That does raise the question of how common Muggle-borns are…)

    in reply to: Airline seating alerts #1793494

    He just told her he’s out on parole … she went flying…

    So he lied for the sake of something which isn’t actually an issur?

    in reply to: Which One is Outrageous?! 🖱️💰🖱️💰 #1793493

    When that law is applied legally but in a spirit of entrapment, for citizens who
    are otherwise law abiding, you now have “ivus hadin” perversion of the law.

    “The location is known to have traffic police monitoring the street
    for infractions on a consistent basis,” says YWN. And being
    “otherwise law-abiding” doesn’t mean an instance of law-breaking
    should be ignored.
    (Also, I don’t think that’s how the term ivus hadin is usually used in a Torah context.)

    in reply to: Help with iPhone not working #1793492

    Try asking a dedicated tech forum (or at least DansDeals).

    in reply to: Condemnation of Jerusalem Parade #1793491

    according to the latest research the whole g*y genetic deviant proclivities is a sum total of 1% difference

    Care to explain that?

    Actually, this may be genevas da’as.

    As in the example you mentioned, the prohibition generally involves
    making people think you are being more generous to them than you
    actually are.

    in reply to: Is the art of bonsai too cruel? #1793489

    The ASPCP is actually The Association of Supportive & Palliative Care Pharmacy.

    Plants actually do react to things.

    in reply to: Black suits for brothers of chasson and kallah? #1793488

    The duplicate-post prevention system appears to have failed here
    (unless it only works for consecutive identical posts, but I don’t think so).

    in reply to: Remembering the British Holocaust #1793487

    Do “Decline of culture X” museums exist?

    in reply to: Robots are invading the CR! #1793486

    There’s a bit of an interesting history behind the various Captchas, which
    you can look up yourself. They’ve now developed a more convenient one
    that looks at how you move the mouse to click the “I’m not a robot” box.

    in reply to: Can a husband bring down his wife (take her farther from Hashem)? #1793485

    Does anyone know the source for Motchah11? It does sound familiar.

    in reply to: News comments #1793483

    How long has “Trending” not been working?

    in reply to: 💰💰💰Premium Posters #1793482

    It seems the mods still haven’t figured out those effects…
    -Your friendly neighborhood Quadruple-Platinum poster

    in reply to: pain #1793470

    The gemora tractate Brochos 5,2 says that they were against accepting
    pain from love, if it contributes to not being able to learn Torah.

    This may be a misinterpretation. I haven’t learned it myself, but I’ve
    heard it quoted as saying that it can be determined that suffering is
    yissurei ahava if it does not disturb one’s learning.

    If you observed someone robbing your “brick and mortar” store, you would call the
    police immediately and not consult your rebbe to determine if the ganof perhaps has milah.
    (This strange phrasing seems designed to denigrate…)

    Is this true, though? Can someone tell us the actual halachah for when you
    see your property being stolen by someone who is noticeably a frum Jew?
    (He’s not a true Scotsman, of course, but what can you do.)

    I would deliver non kosher food to secular Jews. I asked a sheila and
    it’s mutar because they know that it’s not kosher and they’d get it anyway.

    They’d get it even without you, or they’re getting it despite knowing it’s not kosher?

    I think you can sell to anonymous customers because the majority of customers are non-Jews.

    in reply to: News comments #1793455

    While we’re talking site issues, adding a new topic still redirects you to the add-new-topic page.

    in reply to: Chabad hate on YWN? #1793453

    “ihr” – I assume he meant “ehm.”

    Why do you capitalize every non-English word? (Also, “onus” is English.)

    in reply to: News comments #1793451

    That is the case for me as well.

    in reply to: Looking for a Sefer about Jewish Names #1773102

    Is there no “Showing results for: … See results for … instead” button?

    in reply to: Looking for a Sefer about Jewish Names #1773101

    What’s in a Name by Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson comes to mind.

    in reply to: Did you know? #1773084

    Some non-Jews make a (non-Orthodox-type) bar/bat-mitzvah-style party for their children.
    Weird, eh? (If they’re black, they might refer to it as a “black mitzvah.” I’m not making this up.)

    All in all it is reminiscent of Germany in the mid 1930s. First they deported Jews who were not German citizens, then they stripped the remaining Jews of German Citizenship and started rounding them up.
    Herr Trump is following the Hitler playbook and must be stopped. The frum community has been fooled by him so far, but when he turns on the Jews, it won’t matter that you voted R in 2016, or that his formerly Protestant daughter ‘converted’ and married a Jew. He and his KKK type supporters will be gunning for all of us.

    When did CT go off the rails?

    in reply to: Is Harry Potter kosher #1758043

    (Let’s assume for this particular conversation we are not talking about explicit novels.)

    We are. Because if we weren’t talking about any novel that includes explicit material,
    we’d be talking about far, far fewer books. Material may not need to be “explicit” to
    be forbidden for the same reason, and there’s your undisputed explicit issur.
    (I did not mention bittul Torah, and in a discussion of the
    specific content of works, you shouldn’t have either.)

    in reply to: Getting over Android Game addiction #1758024


    I’m curious because it sounds similar to Codenames, but Codenames isn’t single-player.

    in reply to: A Study in Trolls: Updated #1756412

    Is “we should hope to die al kiddush Hashem” not correct?
    Please cite a source against it. (Maybe I’m just ignorant.)

    in reply to: See It For Yourself #1756476

    “…halachic sources to back up our claim, including the many sichos…”

    Sichos are not a halachic source.

    in reply to: Suicide #1756447

    I assume what he meant was that they’re not buried as suicides would be because
    we assume that they did teshuva and therefore should not suffer that penalty.

    in reply to: Returning To The Derech #1756445

    “it takes self control, motivation, etc. and dont kid urself that whoevers not otd has those any better.
    so its doomed 4 gehenim unless theres someway of committing suicide on the neshama. if there is let me know.”

    I’m not sure if he’s troubled or trolling.

    in reply to: Is Harry Potter kosher #1756442

    Will you acknowledge that the average non-Jewish work of fiction (marketed
    to adults) contains material universally acknowledged as forbidden?

    in reply to: Kosher shaver? Phillips One Blade #1756440

    What’s up with OP’s screen name?

    in reply to: Is Star Wars Kosher? #1756438

    Toys For Thought have had good business selling Star Wars Lego sets to Lakewood residents. 🙂

    in reply to: Getting over Android Game addiction #1756434

    What’s that word game, Lightbrite?

    in reply to: Yiddish at Siyum hashas #1752509

    Hartman’s Law of Prescriptivist Retaliation: “any article or statement about correct grammar, punctuation, or spelling is bound to contain at least one eror”.

    I wondered if the misspelling of “error” was in the original; it isn’t. (I really should have
    realized that it wasn’t an exact copy of the original from its not starting with a capital.
    Also, the statement isn’t itself about correct g/p/s, so that wouldn’t be a valid joke.)

    in reply to: Weird Coffee Room ads #1750305

    VIDEO: Everything and More (Ad by JCN)
    To infinity – and beyond!

    While trying to find this thread via Google, I found out that there is (or was?) a company called
    Randomex, Inc., which was once involved in a patent lawsuit about their portable apparatus for
    cleaning disk packs (packs of magnetic disks used by mainframe computers to store information).

    in reply to: Can't Find Thread #1750304

    The Jokes thread might be the longest (in terms of post count). (I’ve seen it claimed
    that some long threads were split up by the system after somewhat recent changes.)

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1750303

    (Seriously?) How is anyone supposed to know how connected someone else feels to Hashem?

    in reply to: How do you put the name at the bottom? #1750302

    Changes were made to the website. Subtitles will not be returning as far as we know.

    in reply to: Can't Find Thread #1750301

    The Jokes thread might be the longest (in temrs of post count). (I’ve seen it claimed
    that some long threads were split up by the system after somewhat recent changes.)

    in reply to: CAN YOU DO A RUBIK'S CUBE??? #1750300

    Yes (I learned it from a booklet), so long as I remember 4 patterns (switching 2 corner pieces,
    rotating 3 corners in place, cycling middle-edge pieces, and rotating opposing middle-edge
    pieces – that last one is as follows: Center up, top left, center up, top left, center up, top left
    twice, center down, top left, center down, top left, center down, top left – or are those last
    3 top moves right? It’s been a while).

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 2,752 total)