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  • in reply to: Name a Gadol That Endorsed Biden #1900573

    To all those who go ballistic when trump’s name is mentioned need to realized Hashem
    is in charge. He wanted trump in and you are wrong to have tainas on HKBH.

    When you find out who Hashem has chosen as our president, you shut up and accept this, and everything else He does with love. Try accepting that what you want is worth nothing against what Hashem has deemed to be best for you. Stop fighting Him. Let it go.

    You could say the same about anyone in any position of power. That Hashem
    put them there doesn’t mean they were a good choice by any standard or
    that they didn’t do terrible things that Hashem decided were necessary.

    in reply to: Social Mania #1900571

    trending stunts

    Like phonebooth stuffing, goldfish-swallowing, and flagpole sitting?

    in reply to: Leftest are reshoem? #1900570

    As one who has personally observed a few leftists in their
    natural habitat, I’ve documented two distinct types.

    Are there other types you haven’t documented,
    or are you saying all leftism is pathological?

    in reply to: Leftest are reshoem? #1900569

    We now know – why Hashem only wants the Death Penalty.
    The other punishments aren’t Sustainable!

    The article appears in the UMKC Law Review, Vol. 87:1.
    “In recent years, there has been a growing bipartisan consensus that the uniquely
    American policy of mass incarceration is both fiscally and morally unsustainable.”

    I didn’t know Hashem wanted the death penalty for everyone found in
    possession of a certain amount of an illegal substance, any perpetrator
    of non-fatal violence, etc.
    “While the United States represents about 4.4 percent of the world’s
    population, it houses around 22 percent of the world’s prisoners.”
    Does that sound reasonable? (Is this the most criminal country?)

    in reply to: Leftest are reshoem? #1900567

    We now know – why Hashem only wants the Death Penalty.
    The other punishments aren’t Sustainable!

    The article appears in the UMKC Law Review, Vol. 87:1.
    “In recent years, there has been a growing bipartisan consensus that the uniquely
    American policy of mass incarceration is both fiscally and morally unsustainable.”

    I wasn’t aware that Hashem wanted the death penalty for everyone
    found in possession of a certain amount of an illegal substance.
    (Also, Hashem’s standards for conviction are very demanding.)

    “While the United States represents about 4.4 percent of the world’s
    population, it houses around 22 percent of the world’s prisoners.”
    Does that sound sensible to you? (Is this the most criminal country?)

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #1895395

    Re: this post:
    If the post being responded to was accurate, the person GH
    is expressing themself about is the rosh yeshiva of Brisk.

    in reply to: Nebulizers on Shabbos #1895396

    Hmmm. A guide to halachos about hospitals on Shabbos that I saw this past
    week didn’t seem to go that way at all, so I guess we don’t pasken that way?

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #1894329

    How did topic/jewish-music-3 end up being an earlier thread than topic/jewish-music-2?

    in reply to: Jewish music #1893575

    Who says “Jewish music” is a real concept, anyway?

    in reply to: Jewish music #1893574

    A set of notes at given time intervals has inherent positive/negative qualities.
    If true, there is no way to change the quality.


    A set of notes at given time intervals has positive/negative qualities
    based on who wrote it, regardless of the actual notes and intervals.
    If true, someone can later rewrite it the same way and take over.

    (I left lyrics out of it.)

    Also, can we please uncouple the idea of morally/spiritually
    good and bad music with whether the music is “Jewish?”

    in reply to: QAnon #1893225

    (And of course, vague enough statements could refer
    to anything and are hard to demonstrate as false.)

    in reply to: Nebulizers on Shabbos #1893224

    (Isn’t there an opinion that there’s no such thing as a shinui if there
    will be no effect in the result (such as handwriting of lesser quality from
    being written with the non-dominant hand)?

    in reply to: QAnon #1893222

    “Q clearance or Q access authorization is the Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance required to access Top Secret Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information, as well as Secret Restricted Data.” -Wikipedia.

    “Lots of nonsense that could mean literally anything” is how DEEP STATE actors
    with ties to SOROS and the CLINTON FOUNDATION describe… Yeah, it’s baloney.
    The style is actually ingenious in the way it lets people get invested in it, though.

    in reply to: Jewish Guitar Chords #1891605

    jewishguitarchords .com also seems to be a thing.

    in reply to: Switching sides #1891733

    As I understand them, content warnings are intended more to help
    people avoid things if they so wish than to prepare for them.

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #1891615

    The main forums page displays the “Family Matters” forum as having no posts.

    in reply to: Second Generation BT #1891600

    Some of the theories on the origin of the virus, if true, is straight out of Torah.


    in reply to: TAG #1891599

    Does anyone know of a company/organization similar to Hatzalah in Lakewood?

    in reply to: Switching sides #1891597

    accusations that [Trump] is a racist are simply not supported by any evidence

    Oh, come on. Argue a conclusion one way or another, but no supporting evidence?
    Google (language warning)

    we don’t prepare for bad language, we avoid it

    in reply to: If you’re curious about the board game “Bavli,” here you go #1877681

    So basically the comments sections of online Judaica stores…
    Are those usually active (for any product)? I wouldn’t expect them to be.

    in reply to: If you’re curious about the board game “Bavli,” here you go #1877354

    Where do you usually go for reviews of Jewish games?

    Are you sure it’s being published by ArtScroll and not just distributed by them?

    in reply to: Hey, RebYidd23 #1876965

    RebYidd is back, but the YWN sidebar is gone.

    in reply to: A strange temptation? #1876914

    Looks like I also forgot to post in proper chronological order;
    it’s a common effect of time travel jet lag.

    in reply to: A strange temptation? #1876863

    Which brings me to how very sad and scary the rising heat related death toll in
    By now, I’ve sent some things to a very limited group. I wasn’t able
    to see the reactions, if any, to the point when I stepped it up a bit.
    (I also recently acquired a batch of close to 100 e-mail addresses…)

    in reply to: A strange temptation? #1876864

    (I forgot to delete my line length reference before posting. Again. Yay.)

    in reply to: Jokes #1876866

    If you’ve probably forgotten jokes you read 3 years ago,
    I recommend going back a page (to 40).

    in reply to: Jewish sheet music #1876810

    Probably for songs in Hebrew.

    Randomex has been promoted to Major Obvious!

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #1876809

    What’s up with thread URLs ending in “__trashed-##” ?

    in reply to: Why are the rioters overwhelmingly white? #1876808

    The white protesters are, almost universally, young people. They’re the product of an
    overly indulgent society, where personal responsibility is not the ideal, self-gratification is.

    Yep, just look at them self-gratifying out there on the street.

    But never told anyone to stop looting.

    As we all know, the way to stop looting is to say “Looter no looting!” 3 times in quick succession.

    Does the data support systemic police racism?

    To some extent. If an AI can tell the race of a driver from the transcript of a traffic stop
    (with all non-racial factors for disparity ruled out), then you’ve got to wonder, eh?

    in reply to: Is EMP Strike Imminent? #1876806

    I don’t think it’s plausible that we could be mistaken for non-sentient.

    in reply to: Bob Grant #1876805

    However: If someone was, in fact, a washroom attendant, is it so terrible to refer to him as such?

    Where’s R’ Yisrael Salanter when we need him?

    in reply to: Why does the frum world have no clout? #1876804

    frum people are terrible voters and if Thomas Jefferson or any of the other founding fathers saw us, they would exclude us from voting

    Explanation, please.

    in reply to: Song Lyrics #1876803


    in reply to: Chazzan Shepsil Kanarek, Who is he? #1876802

    That “Yoshe Kalb” has nothing to do with the story of about a Yoshe Kalb in
    Rabbi Dr. Twerski’s The Zeide Reb Motele, if anyone else is curious.

    in reply to: Being a Ger and BT #1861337

    1. As some have already pointed out, the story is somewhat strange.
    2. There’s been no response from the OP after starting the thread.
    3. The OP’s name is the username of a well-known person on another platform.
    4. On the other hand, the OP’s account was not created very recently.

    in reply to: Ice cream called “big gay” certified kosher-what’s your take? #1861344

    I burst out laughing at DaasYochid’s “big gay tzalmaves.” Thanks, DY. 🙂

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #1861336

    (And now that’s been reversed.)

    Do you approve of this thread’s tag? –

    Sheet music

    in reply to: Jokes #1861334

    Courtesy of Dan of DansDeals:
    Q: What is the difference between a English actuary and a Sicilian actuary?
    A: An English actuary can tell you how many people are going to die next year. A Sicilian actuary can give you their names.

    in reply to: Sheet music #1861335

    Maybe search Amazon or Judaica sites for Velvel Pasternak?

    in reply to: Coronavirus: Why would Hashem…? #1841493

    He selects a rasha nation as a shaliach to inflict a plague

    Conspiracy theorist detected?

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1841333

    Led by bill gates who has been talking for many years about spreading a virus for depopulation or just depopulation in general. He had a hand in creating one of these viruses on 2015 as well.

    Bill Gates was involved in creating a virus? News to me.
    Bill Gates is a popular target for conspiracy theorists? News to me, but no surprise.

    in reply to: Song Lyrics #1838448

    The third post in the thread “Favorite lines from any song” is as follows:
    tho storms and winds may come, i will bend but never break.
    Does anyone here know what song it’s from? (Google doesn’t.)

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #1838442

    I just realized that posterity isn’t much of an issue, seeing as you have to go exploring to see this thread.

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #1838440

    (For posterity, #1836731 referred to a specific post in that thread.)

    in reply to: Lousy choices #1838439

    He wasn’t saying to use “you’re” instead of “you are,” but that you should use “you’re” instead of “your” when you mean “you are.”

    in reply to: Kosher games for computer #1838184

    Offworld Trading Company is currently free on the EGS. I haven’t played it, but I highly
    doubt it has any questionable content. How accessible it is might be a different story.

    (Yserbius – It’s been described as an economic RTS and was designed by the lead designer for Civ IV.)

    in reply to: Purim music…? #1837500

    It’s likely that no use was made of either song’s vocal melodies.

    in reply to: Dare to be great #1837497

    Having Googled “vulnerability”, perhaps you meant the idea that one
    should not allow their desire to avoid negative emotional input to limit
    their engagement with others.

    in reply to: Hashkafah on watching the Super Bowl #1837491

    Actually, maybe I shouldn’t be held responsible for not thinking of that,
    given the description “while [the tablet] was facing away from me.”

    in reply to: Hashkafah on watching the Super Bowl #1837490

    Good point. I should’ve thought of that.

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