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  • in reply to: expressing jewish pride in the workforce #1512739

    Wearing tzitziot outside for pride is like putting up a mezzuza as an amulet.

    Putting up a mezuza as an amulet is an ulterior motive for performing the
    mitzva (and that also sounds like it might fall into the debate of whether
    a mitzva requires specific intention to fulfill a mitzva).
    Wearing your tzitzis out to show that you are proud of doing the mitzva
    is not a reason that replaces the reason that it’s a mitzva (and you also
    intend to fulfill the mitzva by wearing tzitizis).

    in reply to: This Beer Predicament #1512734

    Shouldn’t someone be bringing up a safek din vs. a safek in metzius?

    in reply to: Project Improve #1512735

    The bet would probably have been up before it did, though. : )

    in reply to: Where to go on a date? #1512736

    And now there’s PegishaPlace. (I don’t think they list any board game cafes, though.)

    in reply to: Who will be Moshiach? #1512737

    Eli Y, what makes you think it is possible that Moshiach will not be a frum Jew?

    in reply to: Using Air Conditioners Is Assur #1512729

    That feeling when you’re not sure if the serious responses to an obvious
    troll comment are just trying to troll you into saying what I’ve just said.

    in reply to: going by your jewish name #1512728

    I think Neville is right about having people start calling you a different name.

    in reply to: Where is Har Sinai?? #1512727

    Someone’s written a book about this recently (I saw it advertised).
    Sorry, I can’t remember the title/author/publisher.

    in reply to: This Beer Predicament #1511552

    Is there a question as to whether this beer is actually this beer?
    Is there any possibility that this beer was “not owned” at some point in time?

    As for the relevance of typos, when they make it so I can’t figure out what was
    intended, I feel free to mention them. What do you think “lian” was meant to be?

    in reply to: What Message was Hashem Sending Us This Chol Hamoed? #1510751

    Manhigei Yisroel generally don’t respond on the CR. They’re usually accessible
    to the public, though, so feel free to ask them and report back.

    in reply to: Yeridas Hadoros #1509342

    No one responded with the appropriate Chazal quote? Shame on you. :p

    in reply to: Sudden Death #1509339

    If you are suggesting not seeing doctors due to bitachon, I understand, but not to
    do screening tests unless there is a risk factor doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

    I don’t think any legitimate authorities say that an ordinary sick person
    should not see a doctor. I also don’t understand why not screening unless
    there is a specific reason to doesn’t make sense to you.

    in reply to: Yeshiva Ohr Reuven #1509340

    Have you tried contacting them directly?

    in reply to: Who Said It? #1508443

    Correction: A speech by Bill Clinton.

    in reply to: How much of the traffic is just people looking for parking? #1508067

    (Is anyone else seeing an ad where the post’s text should be?)

    in reply to: Getting a ride with someone from the opposite gender #1508069

    [citation needed]

    in reply to: This Beer Predicament #1508066

    1. *this* beer was 2. *owned* by a 3. *Jew* 4. *on Pesach*.

    I’m probably “not a great mathematics lian” either –
    maybe that’s why I don’t understand question #2 at all,
    or why “this beer” is a question.

    in reply to: Sudden Death #1508064

    Slow-acting poison can prevent sudden death from a certain point onward.
    (Also, general safety precautions are known to lower the rate of sudden death.)

    in reply to: Yeridas Hadoros #1508081

    “Horace and Aristotle told us of the virtues of their fathers, and the vices of
    their own time, and authors down through the centuries have told us the same.
    If they were right, men would now be bears.” -Montesquieu

    in reply to: Holocaust survivor became atheist #1508061

    Why did you start this thread?

    in reply to: Evolution in Government #1508052

    The “evolution” in Pokemon is actually metamorphosis.

    in reply to: Will learning Mussar help a psychopath or Narcissist? Among others. #1508068

    We learn mussar seforim as a way to improve our character.

    Not necessarily – that is, simply learning from a sefer is generally not enough to
    improve a person’s character (although learning b’hispa’alus might be?).
    We might learn them to learn practical methods of improving ourselves,
    to lift our attention from worldly thoughts to the subjects of mussar, etc.
    (The bochur who asked a gadol, “How many times a zman should a
    bochur finish Mesilas Yeshorim?” was laboring under an illusion.)

    in reply to: Quotes #1508077

    Safety is a feeling that no bad things will happen. Security avoids things to happen
    that you don’t want to. The police keep public safety, which stops crimes happen.
    Safety hats protect the head from injury. Houses provide safety from the weather.
    -full text of the Simple English Wikipedia article on “safety”

    in reply to: Who is the new leader of Klal Yisrael? #1508078

    Why do you think “separation of powers is a Jewish concept?”
    If I’m not mistaken, our kings had all 3 powers.
    The Chashmona’im were punished for taking the throne despite not being
    of the royal family. You’ll have to find another source to support that idea.

    Can there be an executive without a state?

    (What did you mean by “legislative powers are from Sinai”
    and by “involved laypersons?”)

    in reply to: Who is the new leader of Klal Yisrael? #1508079

    (I found it amusing that Wikipedia’s article on “separation of powers”
    begins with “The separation of powers, often imprecisely and metonymically
    used interchangeably with the trias politica principle,” and yet “trias politica”
    on Wikipedia redirects to the article on separation of powers.”)

    in reply to: Who Said It? #1508080

    The attribution to Abraham Lincoln of the famous P.T. Barnum quote
    on the first page may have originated with a speech by Barack Obama.

    in reply to: “Lehovin” Jewish Newspaper #1505484

    If I had to guess, I’d say it was being published by Agudas Bnei Torah of America.
    If you’re curious enough, you can contact them and ask if that’s actually the case.

    in reply to: Strange Phenomenon #1502511

    Famous killers getting love letters has been a phenomenon for decades.

    in reply to: New Uncle Moishy??? #1501910

    Sonic Duo’s ads now have a line reading something
    along the lines of “the uncle you know and love.”

    in reply to: Funny (actual) brand names #1498341

    I think I’ll add products to the scope of this thread.

    Bacon soap

    One company sells bandages with the following on them:
    Abraham Lincoln (text on the box: “I will heal your wound as I healed a nation!”)
    The Scream [the Edvard Munch painting]
    Shakespearean insults

    in reply to: Torah Anytime Shiur Recommendations #1497302

    (Also known as Rav Gav, I assume?)

    Mods, #1091211 could use fixing.

    in reply to: People with felony records voting: Ken ou Lo? #1497321

    (I realized that I might have made it sound as though
    I’ve listened to the audio version, which I have not.)

    in reply to: People with felony records voting: Ken ou Lo? #1497320

    I haven’t read How Stupid Are We? Facing the Truth About the American Voter, but some
    of you may find it interesting. (The audio version is by a man with a nice voice.)

    in reply to: Did you know? #1497305

    Well, Eli?

    (The picture provided by that mod can serve as a gateway to the
    world of recreational mathematics, if anyone’s interested.)

    in reply to: Wedding dance instructor? #1495451

    Mishpacha magazine had a interview with one a few months ago.
    I don’t remember his name, but I’m sure they’d be happy to help
    you get in touch with him (I think he was in Lakewood).

    in reply to: The Incomplete Guide to Nice Little Card Games #1491702

    And here we go with the food.

    Sushi Go! / Sushi Go Party!
    2-5p (Party!: 2-8p ) / 7^ / 20-25m

    A simple drafting game. Players simultaneously choose one card
    from their hand to keep, reveal them, and pass their hand to the
    next player. This is repeated until all the cards have been taken.
    The players score points according to their cards and then discard
    them. After 3 rounds of this, the player with the highest score wins.
    That’s the whole game right there. But how do the cards score?
    (On each card is a reminder of how it scores, so players
    don’t have to constantly remember all of the following.)

    Nigiri (yellow): Scores its printed value from 1-3 points.
    Wasabi (yellow): Wasabi scores no points by itself. The next Nigiri you
    keep goes on top of your Wasabi – it scores 3 times its printed value.

    Tempura (purple): Each set of 2 Tempura cards scores 5 points.

    Sashimi (green): Each set of 3 Sashimi cards scores 10 points.

    Maki Rolls (red): Each Maki Roll card has a value from 1-3.
    The player with the highest total of Maki Rolls scores 6 points,
    and the second-highest total, 3 points.
    (If players tie for first, they split the points and no second place
    points are awarded; if players tie for second, they split the points.)

    Dumplings (blue): The more Dumplings you have, the more you score.
    One Dumpling=1 point, two=3, three=6, four=10, five (or more)=15.

    Puddings (pink): Unlike the other cards, Puddings are not discarded
    at the end of each round, and are scored only at the end of the game.
    The player with the most Puddings scores 6 points, and the player
    with the fewest Puddings loses 6 points (both are split if tied). Also,
    if 2 players tie for most points, the player with more Puddings wins.
    (In a 2-player game, the one with fewer Puddings doesn’t lose points.)

    Chopsticks: Chopsticks score no points at the end of the round.
    However, they are useful while you have them. If you already
    have a Chopsticks card, when choosing a card, you can shout
    “Sushi Go!” and choose 2 cards to keep instead of 1. If you do,
    you must put the Chopsticks into that hand of cards.

    Those are all of the cards in Sushi Go(!). Sushi Go Party! is played the
    same way, but includes more cards of each type, allowing for 3 more
    players, and more types of cards in each color – the players choose a
    type for each color during setup (recommended setups are included).
    Additionally (of particular interest to frum Jews), S.G. Party includes
    a scoreboard and pawns so that scores don’t have to be written down.

    in reply to: The Incomplete Guide to Nice Little Card Games #1491701

    This one’s not actually for everyone; it’s a
    bit too much on the advanced side for that.

    San Juan (2nd edition)
    2-4p / 10^ / 45m

    Each card in this game represents a building in your town,
    worth a number of points and usually having a useful effect
    during the game or a way to score more points at the end.
    To play a card from your hand into your town, you must pay
    its cost by discarding other cards from your hand – to make
    use of any opportunity, you will have to give up others.
    Once any player builds their 12th building, the game ends,
    and the player with the most points wins.

    In each round, 5 actions are available, and players will choose one
    on their turn. Each can only be chosen once, but in most cases, all
    of the players take the chosen action, with the player who chose it
    getting to do it in a better way. Once each player has taken a turn,
    the round ends and a new one begins. The 5 actions are as follows:

    1. Draw a card. (The other players do nothing.)
    2. Each player draws some cards and chooses one of them to keep.
    The player who chose this action draws 5 cards, the others, only 2.
    3. Each player can build 1 card from their hand by paying its cost.
    The player who chose this action pays one card less than the cost.
    4. Each player can produce a good on 1 of their production buildings
    (see below). The player who chose this action can produce 2 goods.
    5. Each player can sell a good from 1 of their production buildings.
    The player who chose this action can sell 2 goods.

    What’s this production and selling business? It’s a way of refilling
    your hand. Some buildings are production buildings. When you
    produce with one, you place a card from the deck on it to show
    that you have a good there (limit 1 per building). When you sell a
    good, that card is removed and you draw a number of cards from
    the deck. The number of cards drawn depends on the building;
    buildings that produce more valuable goods cost more to build.
    There’s actually just a little more to goods values than that, but
    that’s all you need to know unless you’re actually about to play.

    At the end of the round in which any player builds their 12th
    building, the game ends (players start with a building that
    produces a 1-card good). And that’s pretty much the game –
    or is it? What are all these buildings about? A few examples:

    Various production buildings – Produce goods (no additional effect).
    Office building – At the start of each round, you can discard up to 2
    of your cards, then draw that many cards.
    Tower – You can hold 12 cards at the end of a round (usually, it’s 6).
    Aqueduct – You can produce 1 more good each time action 4 is chosen.
    Trading post – You can sell 1 more good each time action 5 is chosen.
    Quarry – Non-production buildings cost you 1 card less to build.
    Harbor – 1 point at the end of the game for each time action 5 was
    chosen and you sold 1 or more goods (track this by placing a card
    underneath the Harbor card each time that happens).
    Guild hall – 1 point at the end of the game for each production building
    you have and for each type of production building you have.
    Monument – 5 points at the end of the game (no additional effect).
    Palace – 1 more point for every 4 points you have at the game’s end.

    in reply to: Funny (actual) brand names #1490632

    Thanks, Huju! I saw one in a video recently and was wondering what it was.

    in reply to: Top 🦎 five 🐍 reptile 🐊 species 🐢 #1484628

    Joseph, did you perhaps mean Wolfe­schlegel­stein­hausen­berger­dorff­welche­vor­altern­waren­gewissen­haft­schafers­wessen­schafe­waren­wohl­gepflege­und­sorg­faltig­keit­be­schutzen­vor­an­greifen­durch­ihr­raub­gierig­feinde­welche­vor­altern­zwolf­hundert­tausend­jah­res­voran­die­er­scheinen­von­der­erste­erde­mensch­der­raum­schiff­genacht­mit­tung­stein­und­sieben­iridium­elek­trisch­motors­ge­brauch­licht­als­sein­ur­sprung­von­kraft­ge­start­sein­lange­fahrt­hin­zwischen­stern­artig­raum­auf­der­suchen­nach­bar­schaft­der­stern­welche­ge­habt­be­wohn­bar­planeten­kreise­drehen­sich­und­wo­hin­der­neue­rasse­von­ver­stand­ig­mensch­lich­keit­konnte­fort­pflanzen­und­sicher­freuen­an­lebens­lang­lich­freude­und­ru­he­mit­nicht­ein­furcht­vor­an­greifen­vor­anderer­intelligent­ge­schopfs­von­hin­zwischen­stern­art­ig­raum, Senior?

    in reply to: #1484629

    I could’ve sworn this thread used to be different…
    Do threads with a blank title replace each other?

    in reply to: Do you enjoy being scared (by fictional media)? #1484630

    Was Marvin lying or not? (His argument isn’t proof of anything.)

    in reply to: Please Post Your Weight #1484626

    I’m a U.S. citizen; you should be able to find my constitution easily enough.

    “Hashem manages to get abusive, horrible people married.

    I’m not sure how to interpret that statement.

    in reply to: Haggadah of Pesach Interpreation #1484623

    You can also edit it in the Coffee Room word-box after pasting it.
    (You can use the length of the unbroken lines as a guide to line length.)

    in reply to: Did you know? #1484624

    Flamingos are naturally white. Their color is caused by
    a high level of pigments in their diet.

    in reply to: Let's talk about board games #1484620

    What was that you were just saying about “if people
    aim to enjoy the game, not just be the one to win?”

    in reply to: Funny (actual) brand names #1484621

    I would hope that was unintentional.

    in reply to: He’s Hot, She’s Cold; Windows Open or Closed? #1484622

    Linking multiple fully anonymous identities does not compromise anonymity.

    in reply to: Consulting the Igros #1484596

    There’s a chapter in “Inside Their Homes” on the Goral haGRA (which
    predates the GRA, and it is unclear how it came to be called that).
    The Goral is clearly acknowledged and used by gedolim (and is
    more involved than opening a Tanach at random, HaLeiVi).

    Reb Moshe in Igros Moshe O”CH 6:2 says something interesting. A woman according to the Rabbenu Taam can make a brocho on a time dependent mitzva, but not an eved because he does not have a
    קדושת ישראל. It looks like a woman does but not as great as a man that is why she is exempt from time dependent commandments.

    Are you quoting Reb Moshe as saying that women have a lesser degree of
    kedushas Yisroel, or are you saying that that is what appears to you
    to be the case from what Reb Moshe wrote?

    as long that you want to create nachas ruach to Hashem with your service.
    … The importance is not the means but the end

    Not when those means are contradictory to Hashem’s stated will.

    in reply to: Jokes #1480849

    This is not, on several levels, a joke, but
    it did make me laugh. I quote precisely:

    For Those Asking, Me And My Wife Are NOT
    Divorced. However We Are Not Talking To
    Each Other At This Point For Reasons I cannot
    Make Public
    Also, For The Person Who Keeps Calling My
    Accountants Number Shouting Bitconnect on
    Different numbers, Please Grow Up

Viewing 50 posts - 501 through 550 (of 2,752 total)