Yechi Hamelech

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  • in reply to: YWN doesn’t hate Chabad. #1379389
    Yechi Hamelech

    Iv’e tried numerous times to post comments complaining about CR members
    who were attacking Chabad, but moderators never allowed my comments to be posted…

    in reply to: My condolences to Las Vegas victims #1378412
    Yechi Hamelech

    Chabad women was one of the victims…

    in reply to: Is hanging pictures of leaders considered to be Avoda Zora? #1369710
    Yechi Hamelech

    Of course, Rebbeim are gedolei yisroel but they are not referred to as such; that’s what I meant.
    And there is definitely a difference between Rebbeim/gedolim and other veltishe leaders

    in reply to: Is hanging pictures of leaders considered to be Avoda Zora? #1368609
    Yechi Hamelech

    Joseph, there is no such thing as Chassidishe Gedolim. Chassidim have Rebbeim; not Gedolim
    and hanging the picture of a Rebbe or Gadol is very different than hanging just any leader

    in reply to: Is hanging pictures of leaders considered to be Avoda Zora? #1368343
    Yechi Hamelech

    Dont think its avodah zara but it may be
    an issur on the lav “Lo Selech b’Derech Hagoyim”
    (not sure if that’s the terminology the Torah uses)

    in reply to: Why is hashem punishing the Caribbean islands? #1368340
    Yechi Hamelech

    how do you know Hes punishing them? maybe Hes testing them???

    in reply to: For Trump Voters #1367993
    Yechi Hamelech

    The last thing Obama did before leaving office was to wire $221,000,000 to the Palestinian Authority.

    The first thing Trump did when arriving in office was to freeze all that money….

    in reply to: Foods that rhyme with APE, ATE or ALE #1367540
    Yechi Hamelech


    in reply to: Why did Hashem give us two ears but only one mouth? #1364844
    Yechi Hamelech


    in reply to: Why did Hashem give us two ears but only one mouth? #1364437
    Yechi Hamelech

    so we can listen more than we can speak

    in reply to: Why did Hashem give us two ears but only one mouth? #1364438
    Yechi Hamelech

    speak less, listen more

    in reply to: Welcome daddy’s girl!!! #1360256
    Yechi Hamelech

    LOL i was going to say the same thing winniethepooh!

    in reply to: Girl Asking Guy to Marry Her #1359104
    Yechi Hamelech

    Iv’e seen lots of strange topics posted on this forum before…….

    in reply to: Irma πŸŒ€πŸŒ¬πŸŒ©πŸŒͺ🌊 #1359025
    Yechi Hamelech

    and an earthquake too. the biggest one of the century, reportedly

    in reply to: Irma πŸŒ€πŸŒ¬πŸŒ©πŸŒͺ🌊 #1359022
    Yechi Hamelech

    Yes it was a different year. At the time it was one of the most common names in Mexico so it was an automatic “in”. Adolph was also on the list but it was taken down because it might have been considered offensive to some.
    By the way, i heard that a tsunami is happening in mexico right now……

    in reply to: Irma πŸŒ€πŸŒ¬πŸŒ©πŸŒͺ🌊 #1358689
    Yechi Hamelech

    by the time im reading this topic, hurricane Irma has increased to category 5 with winds up to 175 MPH.
    By the way did you know that it was really meant to be called hurricane Israel but some senate people had it taken down from the name list?

    in reply to: Welcome daddy’s girl!!! #1354297
    Yechi Hamelech


    in reply to: Quotes #1353130
    Yechi Hamelech

    “To put yourself up, do not put others down”

    The Rebbe Rashab, 5th Lubavither Rebbe

    in reply to: Weekly Nominations for least understood sentence in YWN #1303295
    Yechi Hamelech

    oh come on…..

    it was still good though….

    in reply to: Weekly Nominations for least understood sentence in YWN #1303247
    Yechi Hamelech


    in reply to: Weekly Nominations for least understood sentence in YWN #1303160
    Yechi Hamelech

    NYC Mayor Lays Out Plan To Close Rikers Island Jail Complex

    “An independent commission also issued a report recommended closing it”

    in reply to: Why pickles are better than marshmallows #1302635
    Yechi Hamelech

    Rebbyid, you come up with the weirdest topics….

    in reply to: What did the mraglim do wrong? (non political) #1299593
    Yechi Hamelech

    Oh so that explains why your answer was a little different from what the Rebbe said. Who was the person that your friend quoted about the other answer?

    in reply to: What did the mraglim do wrong? (non political) #1298254
    Yechi Hamelech

    very good oyyoyyoy! that is almost the correct answer! did you think of that yourself or you heard that from someone?
    it is similar to the answer that the Lubavitcher Rebbe gave in one of his famous sichos.
    The reason the yidden didn’t want to enter e”y was not because they were scared about losing the war but a different reason entirely.
    yidden didn’t want to enter into a world of gashmius and business. in the midbar they were able to sit and learn without having to worry about financial matters.

    in reply to: What did the mraglim do wrong? (non political) #1298241
    Yechi Hamelech

    I have a question for you guys to answer that is semi-related to this topic: After all the clear nisim that were surely maalah min hatevah such as krias yam suf, the ten plagues, the rolling stone, the “man” that fell in the desert and tasted like anything they wanted, an dozens of others, how was it possible that the yidden believed that Hashem wouldnt help them to get Eretz Yisroel from the giants? how did they come to believe the meraglim that it was impossible to attain the land? they surely should have felt invincible by the!

    in reply to: The God Squad #1292574
    Yechi Hamelech

    When Rav Elazar Shach gave a speech in 1990, lambasting secular israelis, calling them breeders of pigs and rabbits, (which later became known as the famous “rabbits and pigs speech”) the Lubavitcher Rebbe came out, calling for rav shach to apologize and saying that its not the way to be mekarev yidden.
    the Rebbe’s approach to bringing yidden closer to yiddishkeit was very different to Rav shach’ s. it was not geared toward criticism as Rav shach’s approach (or reproach). telling them off and pointing out their wrongdoings did absolutely NOTHING to help the cause. So the point is basically to stop mocking Jared and Ivanka’s way of living a Jewish life. When they see the public’s opinion about them, one can expect them to drop their Jewish obsevance COMPLETELY. I, for one am sure that with time, they will gradually increase in their Jewish observance and all this talk about “open transgression” will drop dead.

    in reply to: People who call lady bugs “lady beetles” #1292479
    Yechi Hamelech

    cicada is another insect that people pronounce differently. sikayda, shikaudah….

    in reply to: I Hope Trump Gets Impeached πŸŽΊπŸ‘ #1292352
    Yechi Hamelech

    mw13, you believe that the president closing an FBI investigation is an impeachable offense? That is epic…….

    in reply to: Quotes #1292345
    Yechi Hamelech

    Politics in America is politics….
    Politics in Israel is life and death…

    -My father

    in reply to: Obscure Frum Music #1288969
    Yechi Hamelech

    listening to music that was adapted from a non-jewish song or tune greatly affects your neshamah!!!

    in reply to: Quotes #1288529
    Yechi Hamelech

    “The 2016 election was very good for our kids and we learned a lot from it”
    -No one ever

    in reply to: Quotes #1287324
    Yechi Hamelech

    No Torah = No Derech Eretz; no derech eretz no torah—–No chochmah= no Binah; no binah=no chochmah —–no Torah= no flour— no flour= no torah

    – Pirkei Avos

    in reply to: Quotes #1287321
    Yechi Hamelech

    Do a lot and say little

    _Pirkei Avos

    in reply to: URGENT: NEED ADVICE!!! #1286352
    Yechi Hamelech

    sorry for above post. i meant chai lifeline; not chai center.
    RCCS is another good one

    in reply to: URGENT: NEED ADVICE!!! #1286345
    Yechi Hamelech

    the chai center

    in reply to: I Hope Trump Gets Impeached πŸŽΊπŸ‘ #1286251
    Yechi Hamelech

    LOL Rebbyid, just a few days ago you yourself didn’t know that this country didn’t exist 600 years ago…

    and you know very well what Chabadgal meant….

    in reply to: ANYONE HAVE GOOD JOKES #1286260
    Yechi Hamelech

    if you made politicians predict the weather and the weather forecasters predict the elections their results would be the same accurate…

    in reply to: I Hope Trump Gets Impeached πŸŽΊπŸ‘ #1285220
    Yechi Hamelech


    I wrote 2 messages with the same words but one with a capitel G and one withought. The moderator posted the one without.

    My real name isn’t chochom by the way.

    in reply to: I Hope Trump Gets Impeached πŸŽΊπŸ‘ #1283965
    Yechi Hamelech


    I sincerely apologize for my egregious spelling mistake on Neil gorsuch’s name. Χ‘ΧœΧ™ Χ Χ“Χ¨ it will never happen again.
    Thanks for telling me the correct spelling😊

    in reply to: I Hope Trump Gets Impeached πŸŽΊπŸ‘ #1282914
    Yechi Hamelech

    What really bothers me about the democrats is that they are LOOKING to find fault in even the tiniest things. Rumors had spread that Trump took down a picture frame of churchill I think or maybe Martin Luther king and then when reporters where in the ovel room they blocked the picture frame with the camera equipment!

    Also, before Trump chose Neil gorsich as Supreme Court judge, the democrats promised that they would their hardest to block the Supreme Court pick from being approved by the senate


    This just proves that the democrats don’t care about the country’s success. They just care that trump fails

    in reply to: davening in public #1282915
    Yechi Hamelech

    Seriously!? Davening in public is a tremendous kiddish hashem! It says “וראו Χ›Χœ גם Χ”Χ’Χ¨Χͺ Χ›Χ™ שם Χ”Χ³ נקרא Χ’ΧœΧ™Χš וירא ΧžΧ™ΧžΧ™Χš”
    “And all the nations (goyim) will say that HaShem’s name is upon you (tefillin) and they will fear you.
    The previos Lubavitcher rebbe put on tefillin in jail behind the back of the Russian officers who clearly told him it was strictly forbidden. When the officer turned around and noticed this, he shoved the rebbe down the staircase and gave him a sharp kick. While he was on the floor at the bottom of the staircase, bleeding from head to toe, he continued davening shema!

    in reply to: I Hope Trump Gets Impeached πŸŽΊπŸ‘ #1281071
    Yechi Hamelech

    first explain why it’s not logical and then say its not logical. speak the way a chochom would speak.
    (i really hope your not a real moderator because otherwise you might lose your job…)

    in reply to: I Hope Trump Gets Impeached πŸŽΊπŸ‘ #1281055
    Yechi Hamelech

    First of all, thank you for your compliment. i actually called my self chochom because i saw someone else with the name Gadolhadorah, reb yid, etc. so i decided to do something similiar.

    now imagine if you were president and every single news outlet and famous politician constantly ridiculed you called you mentally unstable etc.. you would also probably say “i thought being president would be easier”
    “easier” does not necessarily mean “i thought my responsibilties would be easier”
    it could also mean “Wow, i so did not expect to be attacked so fiercely by a bunch of sore losers”

    Next, another thing that Trump is (unjustly) made fun of about is because of his “terrible” cabinet picks. “anti semite” might be the biggest accusation against many of his picks. a copilot besides flying when the pilot takes a break also helps the pilot when hes doing something wrong. so “have the copilot/vice principal/substitute teacher take over” wouldnt work well either according to the democrats because who want an “Anti semite” as their president?

    in reply to: I Hope Trump Gets Impeached πŸŽΊπŸ‘ #1281017
    Yechi Hamelech


    search my analogy in the exact same words i phrased it in the google search box and youll see that its not my line.

    in reply to: I Hope Trump Gets Impeached πŸŽΊπŸ‘ #1280971
    Yechi Hamelech

    you guys missed the entire point of the message. although you cant really compare the pilot of a plane to the president of the country, the message is still the same: once you get a president you work with him; you don’t try to undermine him, make fun of him, or G-D forbid compare him to Hitler ym”sh. and i’m sure all of you agree that a pilot of a plane is more like the president of a country than Hitler ym”s is to the president of the country like so many democrats say (or Demoncrats just to get rebbyid annoyed (: )

    in reply to: I still haven’t gotten my answer: How do you pronounce DemonCrat? #1280833
    Yechi Hamelech


    in reply to: I Hope Trump Gets Impeached πŸŽΊπŸ‘ #1280827
    Yechi Hamelech

    rooting for your president to fail is like rooting for your pilot to crash

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