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  • in reply to: dating someone your height #1073567

    Im taller than my husband. But he knows when he stands on his ego he is much taller then me.

    in reply to: It appears YWN server has broken index table #1062687

    Aahh! I can finally say what I please without thinking which of my usernames’ characters to best use!

    in reply to: Taivah for movies #1147948


    Once again you have thrown a topic off track.

    This has nothing to do with a BT jumping in too fast, overwhelming ones-self with chumras and “trying to fit in”.

    THIS is a person striving to grow one step at a time towards a hight goal of fulfilling our life here on earth.

    No need to bring in maises of some random exception where sustaining from entertainment-media led to a negative outcome.


    in reply to: Kollel Life – Reality? #1065763

    Mamish this weeks parsha. Many things can be derived from Parshas Ha’maan.

    1) The tzadikim didn’t have to go far, the maan was deposited close to their doors. (less hishtadlus)

    2) Those who needed more got more whether they took more or less.

    There is many many more things to learn in regards to Hashem providing parnosa. One can start a separate thread on this topic.

    in reply to: what are the job options for a bais yaakov type girl? #1055328

    Whats wrong with cooking and cleaning and caring for the kids? Just make sure that supper is ready when your husband walks through that door!!

    in reply to: Am I Allowed to Knock Out My Neighbor's Teeth? #1054665

    If he says “why did Hashem take YOU out of mitzraim?”

    Knock his teeth out. Go for it.

    in reply to: Is it cruel to decorate animals? #1064008

    Its cruel NOT to decorate certain people.

    in reply to: new jewish music videos #1051695

    Thats a great Oxymoron! “Jewish music videos”

    in reply to: Teaching kid shomer negiah? #1049967

    Find stories of Gedolim that will impress upon him the severity of the issue at hand. Inadvertently and subconsciously have him realise that we are of the higher “club” with proper moral standards together with these Gedolim.

    On SEED I was put in the common awkward situation of having a woman’s hand outstretched to welcome me with a normal social handshake. Politely and cautiously I told her that the only woman’s hand I shake is my wife’s. A bit taken aback she asked why. I bluntly told her that many poor-taste relationships have started by a public casual handshake, with a little extra squeeze or smile or wink that led to other future contact. An undeniable truth in today’s society. She immediately turned to her husband and said that is the most beautiful thing I’ve heard, why don’t you do that too?

    Obviously each situation must be judged with saichel. Sometimes one must turn to the maikilim in such matters. However the point here is that as far fetch and extreme as shomer negia might sound NO ONE will argue that that is how immoral relationships begin.

    in reply to: Is Addiction a self inflicted disease? #1050142

    What does diabetes have to do with addiction??

    in reply to: washer dryer combo #1049417

    I had one of those ridiculous washer/dryer combos. I don’t remember which company produced it but I do know that it took from Channuka to Purim to one one load.

    in reply to: Interrupting Shmoneh Esrei #1050425


    in reply to: Yeshiva #1048209


    “The American part and the Hesder part seem pretty separate hashkaficly from what I hear.”

    The Hesder section obviously has their hashkofos but the Chutznik part has absolutely no hashkafa at all. The hashkafa is – you can listen to the Hesder rant and choose if you want to hear, basically you’re on your own, if you call that a hashkafa.

    in reply to: #Because you were born?! #1048030

    “Its not the years in ones life that count, rather the life in ones years”. – AL

    in reply to: Googling Your Date #1075034

    Unfortunately it is a necessity these day.

    in reply to: Hasn't gotten a date #1070280

    No dates out-of-town? I have plenty out-of-town friends dating and many married. Does she live in Antarctica?

    in reply to: Is Being Right More Important than getting along? #1053058

    Have a separate garbage bag for when you come. Leave his to build up and continue disposing of yours. After a couple days of pile up, either:

    A) He’ll get the msg that you are not his garbage collector and you do not agree to be stepped on. (if he is purposely doing this)

    B) The manager will confront you and you will respectfully let him know that you do remove your garbage and are too annoyed with the lack of cleanliness due to Dan.

    Or you can just take the high road though not recommendable if it will cause you a frustration build up.

    in reply to: Calling uncles and aunts without using their title #1136743

    On a more serious note;

    I was passing a public school a few years back when I overheard a little girl refer the the older woman holding her hand as “Mommy”. What caught my attention was the “Adult’s” response – “UGHH, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!! IT MAKES ME SOUND SO OLD! Call me Lauren!”

    There are many many issues with that story.

    in reply to: Calling uncles and aunts without using their title #1136742

    I’d like to be called Sir, Lord or The Honourable.

    in reply to: Chosson Shas? #1046419

    @Patur Aval Assur


    I am referring to the physical Shas bound and ready to use be it for chazara or new learning. Not the one in my head nor the one on your computer. But thank you.


    Thats very nice.


    That’s correct however, if a girl did not receive an engagement ring and was offered no explanation it may perhaps be petty to break an engagement over that but to ponder the reasons behind it and to take action to make sure that her future in-laws are caring giving and mentchlecha people is an obligation she owes her future self.

    In a shidduch world of standards one must question the differences. Does that apply to a Chosson Shas??

    in reply to: What's with left wingers and geirus #1045671

    The more they’re megiaer the more people they can influence about their (non)religious beliefs. They obviously don’t have a chance with us so 2nd best; bring in a new crop. They’ll have more people following their shittas, turning to their Rabbis thereby validating themselves. It helps them sleep at night.

    in reply to: The Environment and Our World- I Care About it #1204800

    No raya at all. Just dont be oiver baal tashchis and we’ll all be fine. Plenty other things to worry about.

    in reply to: what is the origin of chanukah gifts? #1112572

    Don’t give presents to be like the the goyim. Give presents so the children will anticipate the beautiful holiday of Channuka. And yes, the mekor is only for actual money.

    in reply to: #modern Yeshivish #1050218

    #ModernYeshivish is a fine labe for what it represents. It is contemporary Yeshivish after-all; virgin white thick tzitzis down to the ankles, perfectly domed rimmed yarlmuka that would fall if not for the chupp, he probably wears very colourful bright clown socks, Ferragamo logos everywhere. Just a bunch of narishkite. They grow out of it eventually.

    Id say your looking for a good working boy. One who’s goals are in both worlds. #CollegeButYeshivaGuy

    in reply to: Deleting Simcha Announcement #1044201

    Post a new one as a disengagement. See what they do with that. I heard one of the simchah sites charges $150 to remove an announcement or picture. Real chutzpa and so wrong on many levels. I had a friend who got posted as engaged after the 4th date. They did end up married but dated 9 times before proposing. You have any idea what kind of pressure that can put on the boy & girl??

    Anyways, much hatzlocha.

    in reply to: Chanukah Menorahs #1044208

    If my menorah was built by an am ha’oretz and the branches end in different heights can I still use it if I cut the bottom of the wax candles so that the actual flames are all of equal hight?

    Will there be a marris eyin problem once the shorter ones burn out?

    in reply to: BJJ class of 2033 #1043443

    No need for worries. Moshiach will be here and all will be accepted to BJJ. a nes will occur and BJJ will be able to accommodate all of Klal Yisroel.

    in reply to: What is the stupidest thing invented? #1042805

    Shabbos app

    in reply to: Kick Him Out! #1041845



    @Syag Lchochma

    No one is saying to kick a child out to die and fully fend for himself. There is still monetary and emotional suport from a distance. Just as @Randomex stated, Yishmael was sent out with his mother (I guess another mehalech is to kick the mother out as well). He was sent out with supervision. A child that is sent away must still be looked after but from a safe distance away from the other children. No one is arguing on that. After all, we misbehaved and Hashem has thrown us out of his Home and Land. He still watches & protects us.

    in reply to: The Shabbos App Controversy #1061274

    Oy Shabbbos, Shabbos.

    So many holy Jews have been lost to you. Their fathers had only taken the train to work after Shachris. They had a goishe co-worker punch them in. They weren’t oiver dioraisos rather tircha etc etc etc. Yet their generations are (dis)integrating.

    When will we realise how precious and defining you are to us?

    in reply to: Rejection from yeshivos/school for no tuition #1031553


    Let them give as much as they want from a donation!! Not from tuition by raising it on everybody! I hope your not taking a tax deduction on your children’s tuition, cause its the cost of education not a chesed.


    I am saying that the Yeshivos (even non-communal) should take responsibility IF THEY accept the parents who don’t pay. That responsibility must be filled via fund raising not by transferring the costs to other parents struggling (or even not struggling) to put together the full tuition. I think we’re playing on the same team in that regard.

    However regarding your exaggerated Maserati scenario, I stand strong, a person should not sell a present. Definitely not without consulting the presentee.


    There is no place outside NY.


    Good argument. You are %100 right.

    I’m sure though that it is just a scare and PR hoax so The Jewish Community at large will cough up more money. The issue will not be solved. They will get back on their feet with the help of our generous hearts, for a while they might even get a little more strict whilst collecting tuition, they will eventually fallback into the same non-sufficient situation they were in years ago.

    in reply to: Rejection from yeshivos/school for no tuition #1031538


    Yes, you drew the line way too far. Silver candlesticks and diamond rings are presents given to a couple. You don’t sell presents you just refrain from purchasing them.


    Thats not the issue. I will give as much mattan b’seser as I want but should not be forced. I’m sure any Yeshiva will accept an anonymous check.


    True. Now having said what you said why make it even harder on those who are actually able to just make it, who sacrifice to reach their healthy goal of paying responsibly? Why should their tuition be placed at 10k costing 50k before taxes??

    @The little I know


    Its not clear who first mentioned the ridiculous view of having a separate school. A) No reason to stigmatize B) Face reality Gavra, no Belzer is going to an MO school. Will never happen.

    All children can attend the schools that their parents choose as long as the Yeshivos are willing to accept the financial burden and not lazily pass it on by spreading it throughout the paying parent body.

    in reply to: Rashi on Kibud Av V'aim Regarding the Reward of Long Life #1030774

    Yes, umdana. Its been a while. My apologies.

    I’m not either sure why the Torah doubles it in other places but not here. I do know that in regards to the sugia of tnai kofel there are exceptions when an umdina is present. I am merely sugesting a route which might lead you to an answer.

    Another path to take would be perhaps that the Torah is referring to ??????? ?????????? ??????? as a metzios outcome. Not a scharr.

    Bichkosai is clearly a blessing not a direct outcome.

    The m’ever hayardain is clearly a promise not a direct outcome.

    Any of the cases the gemara brings in regard to the halocha of having tnai kaful between one person and another; chovos, shtaros not direct metzios obviously.

    I haven’t looked around and I would not be able to say this on my own but maybe long life is in metzios attributed to kibud av v’em. Respecting ones parents, honouring them, lowering your ego to them can definitely lead to great menuchas hanefesh. Getting a bit too machshavadik now but if there is something there then Rashi is merely stating that the reverse effect is true as well not that it is a promise that the Torah needs to double. Maybe.

    in reply to: Rashi on Kibud Av V'aim Regarding the Reward of Long Life #1030772

    Perhaps Rashi holds its an U’kimta.

    Similar to the case of one who sells land to relocate and the move does not materialize.

    in reply to: Rejection from yeshivos/school for no tuition #1031520

    A child most definitely should NOT be accepted to a Yeshiva if his/her parents do not pay tuition!!

    This holds true only if…

    …the Yeshiva is not a community Yeshiva. Out-of-Town Yeshivos and Yeshivos or seminaries in EY have no obligation to accept students that will add an extra financial burden on the school thereby requiring the comunity to extend extra donations on behalf of that student.

    …the parents do not prioritize within their financial capabilities the importance of taking responsibility (paying) for their children’s education. As someone who has served on tuition committees I can recall countless stories of parents who drove luxury cars, took 5 star vacations, excessive home renovations etc. and then had the chutzpa to file for a tuition break. NO BOOSHA. This applies to a community school as well.

    Schools on the other hand aught to have the courtesy of dividing their total budget by the amount of students they have. To cover those who simply cannot pay full tuition, the gap should be fund-raised rather than included in the actual costs of fulfilling ones obligation of educating THEIR child.

    in reply to: Einstein Was Smarter Than You Thought #1027827

    L’havdil but you find similar claims when it comes to the real greats; The Rabbonim.

    People claim that Reb Elchonan Wasserman was learning disabled. It gives hope and a role model to all children who have extra difficulty learning. The well known story of the Netziv overhearing his parents discussing an apprenticeship for him, “Reb Chaim shlita doesn’t specifically have a great head rather great determination”, etc.

    There are people that shunned The Making of a Gadol for this reason, chas v’shalom to show the normal side of our leaders. Our leaders were Malochim not people.

    Then you have people who claim that we are depressing our children when we relay ‘Gedolim Maisas’. They claim that children feel overwhelmed by hearing about the Chazon Ish’s 36 hour sprints. They claim that it is just detrimental.

    I claim and the Emmes is, Get Your Facts Straight. The Truth Prevails.

    Zusha Zusha, why arent you Zusha?

    in reply to: Learning Boy? #1027501

    Everyone wants a Learning Type Boy. Hopefully. The world cannot turn without them. Every boy should be as successful as he potentially can while in the confined walls of his Yeshiva or office. His goals should be aimed towards the great minds in Torah. It is the only way.

    By acquiring (Torah’s vocabulary) a wife one must realize the burden of earning a parnosa. Whether one fills those responsibilities through Torah Umnoso, 7 yrs in medical school or even soliciting he must realize that it is his achrai’is.

    In most cases a new couple is able to financially survive the 1st few yrs without a formal breadwinner. B”H to the current respectable generation that financially aids Torah. Why a person would run run run to make more more more money is fuelled by lack of success in the Yeshiva World. Take it slow, learn as much as you can while you can. There is no reason to rush into building your goyishe mindset of a family.

    in reply to: Famous Personalities who are Jewish #1027178

    The entire CR! We ARE the worlds Jewish Personalities!

    in reply to: Ending it after 10 dates over text #1027207

    @oomis in all seriousness:

    There was no longer any potential tachlis. It takes two for a relationship to form and he clearly did not see a future together. The boy found the most proper indiscreet manner to courteously end their association. She aught to respect his decision and appreciate his way of communicating it. The girl should not expect a romantic, goyish ‘breakup’. This is the Yeshiva World NOT Hollywood.

    in reply to: Ending it after 10 dates over text #1027203

    The boy came to the conclusion that the shidduch is not a proper fit, that they aren’t for each other. Both he for her and her for him.

    So WHAT IS THE HETTER for him to continue a line of communication??! He no longer has a viable reason to be in contact with her, it is now pritzus. Communication ended. OVER.

    in reply to: "Official List" of CR Users #1220768

    uh hem

    in reply to: Friday night sueda shlepping #1145589

    Its not tznius to eat out, mixing families. Total pritzus. You should see what the gemara in brochos says about what happens.

    in reply to: Shachris w/o minyiin??? #1070454


    Many a mornings I have attempted to wake early to prepare my husband his coffee and cigarette. He says that he would prefer I stay in bed and get the amount of sleep I need. He says although he appreciates the concern and effort he doesn’t want me to break my sleep for something he is perfectly capable of doing on his own.

    in reply to: Shachris w/o minyiin??? #1070453



    And be late to Seder?? Chas V’shalom

    in reply to: Shachris w/o minyiin??? #1070452


    “After all we are living a life of ONLY avodas Hashem (for now at least)”.

    in reply to: Shachris w/o minyiin??? #1070438


    I know I’m not wrong regarding the importance of a minyin. There is kaddish, krias hatora, chazaras hashatz and more shchina.

    I do however, feel wrong for getting a bit frustrated and making him feel unaccomplished. I don’t know why I feel I must be disappointed with him. I know where he is coming from. I know he takes his learning seriously and wants a clear head for it. I know he really wants to get up its just sometimes we don’t get to bed early enough for his 7 hour min. I KNOW it all BUT STILL its a minyin!!

    I come from a home where my father (who works) almost always davens in the house. I just expected more from a learning guy. I always wanted my husband to daven early with a minyin. After all we are living a life of only avodas Hashem (for now at least)

    @Harotzehbilumshmo We just recently had our 1st year anniversary.

    in reply to: HELP Petition for our 3 Boys #1021737

    It is embarrassing and disrespectful for a petition expected to be signed by 100k people and presented to the US President to contain spelling mistakes and uneducated references.

    “No boy will be left behind” has got nothing to do with this topic.

    If it is possible to edit a petition then the one who started it should go back and look it over carefully.

    in reply to: Abridged/Censored Classic Works for Jewish Schools…? #1019131

    I think they should change the goyishe (feh) names to Yiddishe ones or at least Biblical names. I would hate for my kids to know that a John, Chris or Harry exist.

    Heard in Lakewood:

    “Have you read Asher Twist?”

    “Whhhat? Whhho? Aaah you meanfrom Chaim Dickenstein”.

    in reply to: Why should I be proud to be Jewish? #971281

    From a non-affiliated point of view Id say: Think of it as an exclusive close knit family/club. We have gone through tons, we have sacrificed for each other. For thousands of years our ancestors sacrificed for us, and we continue in their ways. As communities go you wont find a more helping one. Agudah Achas, Ahavas Yisroel. Without getting into The Chosen People shmooze.

    in reply to: Anti-social behavior in the summer #971484

    Its part of your vacation. Its your way of relaxing. I hear that.

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