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  • in reply to: Let's talk conspiracy theories #1505870

    Hurricane Harvey never happened, it just was a screen prop to film a movie about climate change.

    in reply to: Can a “Kosher” Restaurant Advertise it also is “Halal” #1505479

    People seem to have misunderstood what I wrote earlier. If a kosher restaurant is willing to pay for Muslim supervision, I don’t see any reason that they shouldn’t advertise that they are halal, as well as kosher. I’m not so familiar with the laws of halal, but assuming no part of halal contradicts kosher, they can very well serve both Jewish and Muslim clients.

    in reply to: climate change #1503883

    Did anyone read what I wrote before ( What was written after it doesn’t stand if you consider it.

    in reply to: climate change #1503768

    Joseph, let me give you an analogy.
    Suppose you go to a doctor, and he tells you that you need to fix your diet. You decide to seek a second opinion, so you go to another doctor. He tells you the same thing. You go to doctor after doctor, until the 98th doctor tells you, “These doctors are in the pockets of the health food companies, no need to change your diet, just eat what you want!”
    Who will you trust?

    in reply to: Credit Card “Shtick/Fraud” – is it stealing? #1503763

    It’s not stealing. But it’s not the most honest thing to do.

    in reply to: Sick and tired of spoiled cholov yisroel milk #1503762

    How did this thread get reawakened from 2010?

    in reply to: climate change #1503761

    When Hashem took Adam through the world, he showed him everything, and then told him to take good care of it, not to destroy it. This shows that humans have the capability to destroy something, and should do their best to preserve the environment. (As heard from R’ Mordechai Becher)
    Hence, the natural selection should be B.


    There’s nothing wrong with suggesting it. There’s something wrong with telling him to date her.

    in reply to: Left-Wing Extremist Shooting Up YouTube Headquarters #1503534

    Necause it wasn’t a left-wing shooting. This woman was a left-wing person. But she did not have a political motive.
    She shot up the place because they removed some of her videos, and put age restrictions on them. This had nothing to do with politics.

    in reply to: Sick and tired of spoiled cholov yisroel milk #1503351

    So drink chalav stam.


    If it’s to big to fail, it’s too big to exist. Amazon is too big to fail. If it fails, the economy comes down with it. It needs to be downsized.

    in reply to: Can a “Kosher” Restaurant Advertise it also is “Halal” #1502958

    What I meant is that if a kosher restaurant meets the laws of halal, there is no reason they shouldn’t advertise for it and make more money through Muslim customers.

    in reply to: Can a “Kosher” Restaurant Advertise it also is “Halal” #1502863

    OK, so a Muslim won’t trust them. But as long as teh restaurant keeps the halal rules, there is no reason it shouldn’t advertise as halal and have Muslim clientele.


    Amazon has gotten too big. If it went under, 566,000 employees would lose their job. It would very likely lead to an economic recession.

    in reply to: Neo-Nazis Running For Congress #1497483

    @yehudayona, my mistake. I was thinking about Jones as I read it, and he came to mind first.

    And by the way, there’s a difference between Democratic Socialism and democratic socialism. I’m a democratic socialist, although I am a registered Democrat.

    in reply to: Neo-Nazis Running For Congress #1496904

    @samklein30, It’s a very liberal district. Jones has pretty much no chance of winning the general election.

    in reply to: Self driving uber crash!!!!! #1496770

    Why not?

    in reply to: Neo-Nazis Running For Congress #1496547

    @Milhouse, That’s right, no one bothered running. What’s sickening is that 20,339 people voted for Jones. They could have not voted. They could have written someone in. But they voted for a neo-Nazi, white supremacist, Holocaust denier. That is shameful.

    @AviK, he is not a member of Democratic Socialists of America. I am. There is no anti-Semitism, racism, or white supremacy in the organization.
    What he is a member of is the National Socialist Movement. He ran for mayor of Milwaukee on the National Socialist White People’s Party (which has been outlawed since, along with the American Nazi Party) in 1976.
    But Jones is not a Socialist. He’s a far-right extremist. The Nazi Party, which in full is the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, was not Socialist either. They were far-right extremists. They called themselves Socialist, although they were not. (North Korea calls itself the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It is none of those things. If everything was the way it was called, North Korea would be a free country. The same applies with the Islamic Republic of Iran.)

    in reply to: I Hope Trump Gets Impeached 🎺🍑 #1493680

    I agree with Midwest2. Had I been living in the 1950s, I would probably be mixed between the two parties.

    As Eisenhower once said, “Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment, insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Their number is negligible, and they are stupid.”

    Seeing what’s going on in Washington these days, it seems his prediction is coming true.

    in reply to: I Hope Trump Gets Impeached 🎺🍑 #1493653

    Health, do you realize how little sense you make?

    in reply to: I Hope Trump Gets Impeached 🎺🍑 #1492042


    First of all, the House Intelligence committee is run by Repugs.
    Second of all, there are new bombshells coming weekly.
    And third of all, if they didn’t interview 100+ witnesses that they were supposed to, how can you say it’s a fair investigation?!

    in reply to: The Dinkins Bridge #1492020

    They generally don’t name things after people who are still alive.

    in reply to: Tillerson Is Fired Via Tweet #1490317

    Joseph, in English, that’s a majority. She got more votes than any other candidate.
    RebYidd23, many people voted for a third party candidate. I remember Election Night, when Evan McMullin had a chance of winning Illinois. Stein got 1.2 million votes, and Johnson got about 3 million. So no, she won the popular vote.

    in reply to: Tillerson Is Fired Via Tweet #1489604

    @RebYidd23, they did. There’s a reason that she won the popular vote by 3 million.

    in reply to: Should Donald Trump be Crowned King of the United States? #1489597

    @AviK, I know. But you also wrote that Lincoln died. That gives the implication that their popularity had something to do with their death. The uninformed would assume that FDR was killed.

    in reply to: MAILBAG: Reader Upset With YWN Story About Hillary Clinton Falling #1489596

    I’m not a fan of Clinton. But she doesn’t fall so often, and if it happened two times on one staircase, either she was tired, ill, or the problem was the staircase.

    in reply to: Should Donald Trump be Crowned King of the United States? #1489590

    @Milhouse, just because Faux News doesn’t report it doesn’t mean it’s false. And it’s not like it’s even being done undercover. I will gladly explain each one in detail, if you’re interested.

    in reply to: Tillerson Is Fired Via Tweet #1488974

    Tillerson calls Trump a moron, and is not fired. Tillerson says something against Russia, and is fired. Putin is clearly pulling the strings.

    in reply to: Should Donald Trump be Crowned King of the United States? #1488973

    Joseph, why are you so anxious to live in a dictatorship? I’ll gladly pay for your one way ticket to Russia.
    AviK, FDR died naturally, not killed.
    And there’s no shortage of what to impeach over. The Constitution says “high crimes and misdeameanors”. Congress can decide what a misdemeanor is, which means that they can be impeached for blowing their nose on the wrong side of the street.
    Anyway, there’s no shortage. From refusing to implement Russian sanctions, to signing executive orders against religious liberty, to accepting money from foreign governments by making foreign dignitaries stay in Trump Hotel rather than Blair House, to “very fine people”, to the comments against Haiti, to obstruction of justice, to Flynn’s violation of the Logan Act, to firing Comey once he was about to potentially be exposed,to refusing to divest from his businesses, to undermining freedom of the press, and much more which is too much to list right now.

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1486595

    @Health, the neo-Nazis came first. The entire rally was organized by Richard Spencer (if you don’t know who that is, there’s nothing to talk about).
    And you misunderstood what me and my fellow commenters were saying. Not everyone at that rally were neo-Nazis. But someone who demonstrates with them, while s/he might not be a neo-Nazi, is not a fine person at all.
    And @MTAB is absolutely right. It’s increasingly common to have anti-Semites supporting the state of Israel. Richard Spencer, for example, openly supports Israel. There are two reasons that that can happen:
    1. Many of these white supremacists believe that Jews should be in their own land, quarantined away from the world.
    2. It says in the Bible that the redeemer will come once all the Jews live in the land of Israel.

    So no, it’s actually not so uncommon to find an anti-Semitic supporter of Israel.

    in reply to: LEAVE TRUMP! #1486588

    1. They don’t keep changing their name. They’ve been identifying as African-Americans since the late 1860s.

    2. I don’t either know how information is classified. But please explain how it’s possible to know in advance that something will become classified.

    in reply to: Please list obama’s Accomplishments #1486587

    Where do I even start?

    He was the first President since Eisenhower without any major scandals, a path to healthcare, bringing the economy back up from the Great Recession of 2008, creating DACA, bringing respect to this country, adding consumer protection regulations, making a deal with Iran, brought an end to al-Qaeda, killing bin-Laden & Qadaffi, joined the Paris agreement, removed what was qualified as prison torture by the Geneva conventions, normalized relations with Cuba, created the Clean Power Plan, established net neutrality, passed the Fair Sentencing Act, passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, passed the Every Child Succeeds Act, gave healthy school lunches, expanded wilderness & watershed protection, cut veteran homelessness in half, reduced the threat from nuclear weapons, expanded overtime pay, crake down on many for-profit colleges, raised the GDP, cut the deficit, expanded the definition of hate crimes, reduced discrimation of former prisoners from potential employers, won major victories against housing & mortgage discrimination, expanded CHIP, improved food safety, & rebuilt the Gulf Coast after Katrina.

    That’s what you call a failure?!

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1485806

    @Health, I finally got around to reading the article. The author, in most of it, was merely stating his own opinion. The problem is that if you look at most public polls, the majority do want the statues removed.

    And you didn’t answer my question. As many of my fellow commenters wrote, not neccesarily was everyone there a neo-Nazi. If someone sees what’s happening by a neo-Nazi rally, and stays to protest with them, they’re not a fine person.

    And I’m not saying that the local and state governments bear no responsibilty. He is right that it didn’t have to be the way it was.

    I can tell that you’re merely grasping for straws by going off topic. Just answer the question:


    in reply to: LEAVE TRUMP! #1485804

    1. If you call someone a name they don’t like, you don’t have manners.
    2. How was HRC to know that it would be classified who know’s how long later?

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1484517

    @Healthh, just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it a defamatory conspiracy. It’s all clearly on video.

    in reply to: LEAVE TRUMP! #1484516

    @Health, political correctness does not exist. It’s a term used by low-lives to put down something basic called manners. And for some reason, they don’t seem so happy being on the receiving end of “political incorrectness”. Jeff Sessions is not afraid of anything but ruining his career. It happened with Trey Gowdy, he doesn’t want it happening to him.
    Regarding yoru second comment, I read about the emails she sent Chelsea. They were unclassified information about climate talks. No crime here.

    Read the WikiLeaks. The emails WERE released.

    in reply to: LEAVE TRUMP! #1483214

    @coffeeaddict, either primary means 2008 and 2012.

    in reply to: Donald Trump Is Bad And Has Popular Support #1483174

    @iacisrmma, @Health, I’m not a Communist. I’m a democratic (not Democratic) socialist.

    And by the way, “illegal” is not a noun. People use it to dehumanize, because once you dehumanize, you can do whatever you want to them.

    in reply to: LEAVE TRUMP! #1483175

    @Midwest2, is the “fearless leader” remark sarcastic? Remember, Cadet Bone Spurs is not fearless.
    And this was not at the Gridiron dinner. It was at a private event with donors, earlier that night.

    , Why aren’t they indicted now, after decade/s of investigation? Because there are no charges.

    in reply to: LEAVE TRUMP! #1480809

    @coffeeaddict, yes, plenty of times. I have my disagreements with him. I did not vote for him in either primary.



    in reply to: LEAVE TRUMP! #1480767

    @coffeeaddict So why are you saying that Dems get worked up over anything Trump says? You need to be able to criticize someone who you support!

    in reply to: LEAVE TRUMP! #1480739

    @Joseph, Why don’t you move to China where you can have Xi Jinping for life?

    Silly Republicans, you get worked up over everything Hillary or Obama says, to this day. And since when does anyone get worked up?

    You claim they did illegal things? Name it! For some reason, she’s been under a microscope for 20 years, he’s been under one for 10, and these Republican Congresses couldn’t find something to indict either of them on. Doesn’t that say something?!

    in reply to: Donald Trump Is Bad And Has Popular Support #1480740

    If you used your brains, you would vote for Sanders.

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1479977

    Your claim is inaccurate. The statue was not put up when Lee was a hero. It was commisioned in 1917, and put up in 1924.

    I fully support Sen. Cory Booker(D-NJ)’s bill to remove all Confederate statues from the US Capitol, and place them in the Smithsonian museum.
    I’m aware that these are historical relics. That’s the point. Historical relics belong in a museum.

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1479351

    @Health, that is not an accurate transcript. The following is a transcript, directly from the video.
    Reporter: You’re putting what you call the “alt-left” and white supremacists on the same moral plane.
    Trump: I’m not putting anybody on a moral plane. What I’m saying is this; you had a group on one side and you had a group on the other, and they came at each other with clubs, and it was vicious, and it was horrible, and it was a horrible thing to watch. But there is another side. There was a group on this side, you can call them the left, you’ve just called them the left, that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that’s the way it is.
    Reporter: You said there was hatred and violence on both sides-
    Trump: Well, I do think there’s blame on both sides. You look at both sides, I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And, if you reported it accurately, you would say.
    Reporter: ____________________(unclear)
    Trump: And you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of a statue of to them, a very important statue, and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.

    There you go.
    There may have been people who didn’t want the statue taken down that were not neo-Nazis. But the rally was filled with Nazi flags. And they were screaming Nazi slogans. And it was organized by Richard Spencer. Yes, that Richard Spencer. And there were people, if you can call them that, like David Duke and Chris Barker in attendance.

    If someone is at a rally, for whatever reason, and neo-Nazis are chanting their slogans, and they stay, they are not a fine person, let alone a very fine person. Period.

    in reply to: Interesting article on Fox News about yeshaya hanavi #1479358

    @coffeeaddict, If you mean CNN, that stands for Cable News Network. And is Faux News talking about the Malaysian plane?

    in reply to: Interesting article on Fox News about yeshaya hanavi #1479111

    @coffeeaddict, I didn’t say nothing is true. I just said that the majority is touched up. And BTW, what’s the Clinton News Network?

    in reply to: Interesting article on Fox News about yeshaya hanavi #1479047

    Faux News is state media.

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1479033


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